Abdullah Hakim Quick – From Morocco, Spain, to the Americas Class #6 Muslims in the Early Americas (After Columbus)

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The transcript describes the history and use of Islam in Europe, including the rise of Islam in the Americas and the need for acceptance in the United States. The "monarch" in Latin America is used to resist resistance to Islam, and the "monarch" in the Atlantic Ocean is used to avoid violence. The "monica " behind "monica " in Latin America is used to avoid violence, and the "monica " behind "monica " in Latin America is used to avoid violence. The "monica " behind "monica " in Latin America is used to avoid violence. The "monica " in Latin America is used to avoid violence, and the "monica " in Latin America is used to avoid violence. The "monica " in Latin America is used to avoid violence, and the "monica " in Latin America is used to avoid violence. The "monica " in Latin America is used to avoid violence, and the "monica " in Latin
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu wa salam ala sailed over li wa ocarina b&m Muhammadan ala alihi wa sahbihi wa barik Assembla.
Our prayers are due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be constantly showered upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, the master of the first and the last, and upon his family, his companions and all those who call to his way, and establish his sunnah to the Day of Judgment. As to what follows my beloved brothers and sisters, to our friends to our viewers. A Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
We thank Allah subhanaw taala for the privilege in being able to reflect upon the history of Islam, and especially to be able to focus on a current event, the event that took place in Qatar the World Cup, and the significance of the great victories of the Moroccan team, very relevant issues that are coming out of that. And this has been a series that studied the history that went back deeply into the history of this Mediterranean region, and also brought out some of the important facts and important events that took place over the centuries.
Many people were shocked at the level of enthusiasm that the Moroccan people had, that Muslims had throughout the Muslim world, when these victories took place, first the victory over Spain, and then the victory over Portugal.
this was a great triumph.
But those who understand history, those who understand the relationship between North Africa and Spain and Portugal realize the level of intensity was based upon a historic historical reality that people have lived for centuries. And so we have been going behind the vault, so to speak, to an earth information, to bring it forward, to put it together, so that we can have a logical understanding which is factually based, authenticated, based understanding of what happened in that region. And then also learn something else about ourselves.
And so this is the last session. And this session actually contains some information that 90% of the people who have brought this to over the years, did not have any clue about and so this is a real treasure chest at the end
of our course. And hopefully it will open up the doors for future resource. Now in looking at Muslims in the Mediterranean and Spain, Portugal, North Africa, and then the extension into the early Americas, we need to reflect upon the issue of Islamic civilization in Europe. Again, this is a deconstruction of terminologies. Because normally when we speak of Europe and Islam, especially in Spain, it appears to be a type of invasion of people of color,
from the south, who invaded into Europe and plundered and exploited and then were driven out.
What we understood was something totally different, that the movement of Muslims into this part of the world, and the international nature of the Muslim ummah,
and what Allah had wilt, in terms of our being sort of a bridge between the ancient world of the Greeks and the Romans, and the Egyptians, and the Syrians and ancient India and China,
and the rest of the world, that position that we were in to take the knowledge of the Ancient Ones, and to put it into usable form,
to make it relevant to the changes that people were going through, what this actually did was bring a new phase into Europe.
And it could be said, that we actually introduced tolerance and
civil involvement. And, you know, we increased the understanding of science and the arts,
we were able to revive the knowledge of the ancient Greeks,
the mathematics, the philosophy, and to literally take Europe, from its dark ages, into a type of Renaissance are a type of rebirth that we are still living in today. And so to deconstruct this and put it back, we could say, Islamic civilization in Europe.
And this should be studied as part of European history as part of world history, and not just an aside, that is studied by students in universities, who take Islamic Studies courses. Now, this Renaissance was of critical importance to the history of Europe. And now we can see, we are still living
with the fruits of this renaissance, whether they be positive fruits or rotten fruits, but we're living in it. And so this is the first understanding that we need in order to fully recognize what happened with Islam or Muslims in the Americas.
We also recognize that with the height of civilization that Muslims had gone to,
that we were guilty in a sense of bringing ourself down. And it's not right for us to continue to blame people on the outside for what happened to us, no doubt they had an influence. But the real issue is in ourself. And we had learned that Allah subhanaw taala has told us in His glorious book conservator, rather than in other places, in Allahu Allah, you have a Roma be Conan, had tell you how you do mobian foresee him, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themself. So you can look at this in two ways.
That if people are in a lowly condition, that Allah will not change their condition until they begin to change their bad qualities in their hearts and in their practices.
But the other way, is that if people were or if Muslims are in high position, or people are in high positions, they they're very strong. And they change themselves, they become greedy. They become tribalistic.
They love the life of this world, that Allah will change the conditions. So they will go from a lofty position to a lowly position. And we studied this and we saw what happened in and the loose over and over again. Of course, it's a long period of time, we're talking about
781 years plus really 800 years of active Muslim participation starting from 711 with Tarik urban Ziad as great victory over the Trinitarians and then ending in a sense at 14
But Muslims were still there. And we want to look after 1492. So this is the area we're opening up, which very few have actually ventured into. And it's very interesting. So an overabundance of wealth squabbling about power tribalism
leaving the Sunnah,
fighting against each other, splitting hairs and your arguments. This opened up the door for the Trinitarian attack from the north, and it continued and continued until we were knocked down and out of power.
Now again, just for terminology sake, and for our understanding of what happened afterwards, we need to review the fact that some scholars even estimated over 2 million Jews and 3 million Muslims were killed or exiled, during the period of the Trinitarian conquest have Al Andalus. And the Muslims, when the Trinitarian Catholics conquered a certain area, and Muslims had the great civilization, they were the artisans. They were the people who were organizing society, the the Jewish people were also very powerful in education, very powerful in wealth management. And so they needed to do something with us, control us, but not get rid of us, because they didn't have the civilization. And
so in this case, the Muslims in general, were labeled as Moors. So that's why you see Othello and Shakespeare, the more and you'll still, you'll still see some people using this terminology, but we have to recognize that it comes from models, which means dark skinned people in Latin. So it's like saying colored people, it's like saying * people in America, that's the same term that was being used Negril in Spanish means black.
And so
in the Concord areas, the Muslims who submitted were called muda Harris, and that comes from that gel
on that Jen
and the Spanish, they say muda Hadees. They don't pronounce the JE. And so would that gel is somebody who is like living in a lie that Zhao Okay, so these are Muslims who submitted
and thought that they were still practicing their Islam, but they submitted to the Trinitarian authority. And they lived within those conquered areas.
And later on, when the next stage of colonization and oppression happened, the Muslims were then forced to baptize. And this is the Inquisition.
This is where you are put in front of an inquisitor. And if you don't accept Trinity, you could be burned alive. So this would include Muslims, Jews, even people are amongst the Christians who believed in one God, who refused to accept the Council of Nicaea.
So in this case, those who did not die at the stake or fight to their death, or migrate,
they were baptized, became Christians, went to church did everything they had to do, but inside they were still Muslims. So these people are known as Moriscos.
And you could say a Christian more, in a sense, baptized more.
The Jews were known as Moreno's or Converse us. So these are the terminologies that are being used. And when you go through Spanish history,
after 1492, Portuguese history, and you start to look at the colonies and the expansions, then you'll see these terminologies coming up most people do not understand the significance of the term Moriscos or Moreno's, very significant term. And You mark my word. You will see heads of state individuals in Latin America, in Central America, you're going to see this name Moreno's. It's going to come up in front of your eyes. And now you know, where that came from.
The Islamic response to this oppression was resistance. And that is the word jihad. There's no holy war in Islam. War is not holy. But this is a resistance. So you try to resist as much as you possibly can.
And if you can't do that, then you make hijra, and that is migration. So you will leave the Concord areas if you can't resist. And you will go to a Dar Al Islam or a place where Islam is freely practiced. Okay. And we also learned that scholars were encouraging those Muslims who were forced to stay in the area, you can resist as well.
But they resisted silently.
They resisted inside of themselves. And we learned that Paul Juma, you know, in the early 16th century, the the Mufti from Wuhan, and what is now Algeria, gave them a system to resist.
And that is that you have to be Catholic on the outside. You can't show any inkling of Islam.
If you took a bath on Thursday night, you could die.
You have to eat pork publicly,
they had to drink wine.
But resist on the inside. If you want to make Tahara wudu, then you can tap the wall that stay humble. So you're walking down the street, you want to pray, pray with your eyes,
you want to take a full vessel or bath, then say Bismillah to yourself, swim in the water, your whole body is touched.
Your weddings have to be done in the church funerals in the Catholic form in the middle of the night, do a janazah do any QA. So there was actually a system set up that Muslims could resist
and continue to struggle.
But that wasn't enough. Because after a period of time, how much can you resist? Your children are growing up in this background, very difficult to live under these conditions. And so people were leaving out of Portugal and Spain in large numbers. And these are refugees to a certain extent, we would say Mahajan. They are people who are migrants who are leaving. And these migrants spread all over the Muslim world.
All over North Africa, especially Morocco, and Libya and Egypt, Tunisia, but actually in in Turkey, Turkey, Istanbul,
all over the Muslim world. And even, we're now going to find out other parts of the world that they actually spread as well.
Many of them
who could not actually run away, and were trying to leave, they might have been captured and made slaves.
And they will put on the boats. And this is why when you talk about Christopher Columbus, and remember, in 1492, when Abu Abdullah signed the treaty to to give away Grenada, Columbus was there.
And he offered a means of getting riches to the Spanish in the new world.
And so there's documented proof, not saying 100% But it's very strong proof that Columbus himself was Jewish.
And he was providing also a way for the conversos the Jewish people to be able to go into the new world, and to and to be able to, you know, live their lives, somehow in that part of the world. And I was surprised to find out when I lived in Jamaica for four years, that
if you really trace the heritage of Portuguese people,
now people in Guyana,
Trinidad, but especially Guyana, and Jamaica,
there's a lot of people of Portuguese descent, who are living there. And I was introduced to some information through a Christian minister in the archives, because we were discussing the prime minister at the time. Mr. Edward C. Agha was known to be Lebanese because there's a lot of Lebanese and Syrians. They're all called Syrians, you know, in in the Caribbean area, and he was known as Lebanese, but his mother was d'acosta. The Costa was his mother. That's his Portuguese name.
And when they trace the lineage the Costa was Jewish.
So when the Jewish people came over, as refugees on the boats, they had Portuguese names. They hid within that converso identity and
later on, when the British came in they and they offered freedom of religion, then they came out. And they announced that they were Jewish. So, some say the oldest synagogue in the western world is in Jamaica.
Others say it's in Barbados, it's the same type of issue that happened, that when the British gave our freedom of religion, then they actually were able to establish a synagogue.
Muslims were not so fortunate because we were at odds as civilization was in struggle. So therefore,
the colonial powers could not allow Muslims really to come to the surface. So what we're having here, now, visualize Portugal, Spain, and then waves of people coming out. And especially you will see the Portuguese in the beginning, they are really the masters of the sea. And that is because that the ports of Islamic the Islamic Navy, was actually in Portugal, because that's the one that's facing the Atlantic Lisbon, Lisbon was, was the main base for Islamic naval operation. So it was the Portuguese, really, who were the first from Al Andalus. To come out, you know, as a group, and then of course, the Spanish were following along, you know, after that, and the Spanish are stronger than
the Portuguese because of the size of the country. So you have people escaping, and slaved, you have some people resisting in any possible way that they could. So that was the scene. And we want to look at the history after Columbus. From our perspective, not from the perspective that is coming to you in the history books. Sometimes in the movies, we want to look at it from our perspective. And one of the groups that became popular in terms of resistance. It was called the Barbary pirates.
And of course, pirates have come into our literature, even into our movies and as stars pirates with skull and crossbones, which is really a Masonic sign. But anyhow, it's all mixed up and confused. But remember, when you say Barbary pirates, Barbary is Berber. Remember the Berber is Emma z. So the mSZ are the North African people. And so these were literally
people on the sea.
We use the term sometimes causes,
which is like the Turkish Navy, and others. So literally, the Berber Muslim cause the US and the other people, Muslims who are struggling in the Mediterranean region. This is really what the original Barbary pirates were. Okay, they were literally Mujahideen in many cases, of course, some of them got into the plunder, and whatnot. But primarily, they were Mujahideen, who was struggling against the Portuguese and the Spanish.
this is a artist's conception of
what the Barbary pirates might look like, as you can see, and that's something much different than the pirates that you see in the movies. However, if you look closely, if the people who are making the movies about pirates are honest, you're gonna see a lot of Islamic culture actually, in their clothes, and in some of the things that they're doing. Okay, so these are the Barbary pirates. And
probably the most famous of the Barbary pirates. For the Muslims. I mean, even really, you know, for the the Spanish, you know, in the Portuguese was a set of brothers named Barbarossa
And the brothers
orage and Phaedra Dean,
they became our most famous of this set of brothers, who were actually first independent
courses on the ocean.
And then later on,
they became
involved with the Ottoman Empire.
Okay, so
these are Barbarossa brothers, and the name actually Barbarossa it comes from the Italian meaning read beats.
Okay, there's something coming from downstairs, and hopefully, you know, we're going to see
We're going to straighten that out with the people downstairs
so, nice background for our last class, but shallow who ends soon. So, the Barbarossa brothers, okay, and the most famous became credo de Kala, Dean Barbarossa.
And Barbarossa actually means red beard.
And if you looked up the word Barbarossa, you see some mention of them, but most of them is famous red bearded Europeans were kings or leaders or whatever. But this is how they became known because the older brother, he actually had a reddish beard. And then his younger brother faded a dean, he dyed his beard red when he got older, you know, because this was sort of like their reputation. What is interesting about that,
is that
one of the courses English course here, you know, and this is a person who was a naval fighter for the British. His name was Jack Ward, or John Ward. Okay, and
it was said about him. And this was said, you go back to the 17th century.
It was said that he was beyond the doubt the greatest scoundrel that ever sailed from England. Look at this, they call them a scoundrel, right? This is the British ambassador, English ambassador to Venice. He said this to the Venetians because Jack Ward was was, you know, a privateer first for Queen Elizabeth. Right? Remember the British of fighting the Spanish? Remember the Spanish English war, the Armada, and all of that struggle that's going on.
And so he was first fighting against the Spanish, and then because of disappointments that he had, you know, with the English, you know, leadership, he went on his own. And he wants some great victories. He eventually
captured a major vessel around 1603. And he sailed to Tunis, Tunisia.
And it's a long story, but basically, he and his crew eventually converted to Islam.
Okay, so this is now Jack would Captain Jacquard.
Okay, and his name became use of race. So that was his Muslim name.
And he was very successful, he became very rich. And he lived in Tunisia there until he died from the plague at around 70 years old. Now, where's the confusion? The trick Knology the wrong information that comes to us. That is that one of the popular movies, you know, of the 21st 20/21 century.
One of the popular movies is called Pirates of the Caribbean.
Okay, and Johnny Depp. You know, you can see him in the middle. And this is a very famous series, you know, of movies, but actually, his name is Jack Sparrow. So if you follow into the movie, his name is Jack as well, right? He actually took the role of Captain Jack wood.
And the dress of course, they they have this fantastic dressing is a supernatural story that they develop with zombies and all types of strange things. Okay, but the original story, okay, was Captain Jack would not Captain Jack Sparrow. And if you look at the pictures here, you'll see some depictions that were made by Muslims of Jack wood, in his height, also, you know,
drawings that were done of him in his fight, you know, against
the British against Spanish. He became a great hero in the Muslim world, especially in North Africa. So again, this is
history through history, or his story. Right, so his story is Jack Sparrow.
Right? That's the confusion but the real history is Captain Jack Ward, and he was actually part of the resistance movement. So this is the resistance. Now again, we have to recognize why is there such a reaction amongst the Moroccans the North Africans to defeating the Spanish
In a little soccer game,
because constant confusion that was going on fighting that was happening over centuries, between North Africa and Portugal, but especially Spain,
and the Spanish, when they left from Spain and went into the Atlantic and Columbus then bumped into America, on his way to India.
They recognize that there were lands across the sea. They recognize that there was potentially coal there, there was power there. There are so many products that actually came from the Americas, into Europe and its other parts of the world, you'd be shocked to know that corn that everybody eats corn all over the world, it comes from Mexico. That's where it originated. That tomatoes originated in this part of the world.
Potatoes, and you think of potatoes with the Irish people in the famine. Potatoes actually originated in the Americas. And during the Great Famine, it was one of the Sultan's, you know, of the Ottomans, who sent boatloads of potatoes, to the Irish people that they could survive.
So potatoes is not Irish. It comes from the Americas. So there was a lot there in the Americas 73 million people.
You know, 2000 separate languages.
great civilizations, like Aztecs, and Incas and Mayans and North America, you know, amazing groups of the indigenous people that the basis of the Constitution of the United States actually came from the Iroquois Confederacy. Because Benjamin Franklin, remember, when the United States is putting their themselves together as a country, they needed a constitution.
So how could you have separate states that were 13 colonies in early America? How could these separate states Confederate to be one union,
they didn't have a good example of this coming out of Europe. Benjamin Franklin went amongst the Iroquois.
And he found that there was a confederacy amongst the Iroquois and other First Nations people that they had put themselves together in a six nation, federal Confederacy. And so many of their concepts were put into the constitution of the United States. You look at the early dress of Americans, moccasins that we're still wearing our moccasins. And we're still wearing, you know, our leather, you know, coats our raccoon caps. None of this came from Europe. This is the dress of the indigenous people. So really, the Portuguese and the Spanish, they looked at the conquest of the Americas, as part of their they call
Reconquista or their so called reconquest of an Andalus. And it was to raise the Catholic banner throughout the world. That's how they looked at it. And they were given permission by their leaders to do whatever they wanted. The area in the Americas was called empty land. So you can do whatever you want, in terms of the people themselves. And of course, because these conquistadores Spanish were coming out of hot was with the Muslims, they were paranoid. Every place they went, they were afraid Muslims are going to come back out and again, this is the reason why when the Spanish eventually made it around, and they went to the Philippines.
They saw Muslims there Mindanao and they say morals. So they call them Maus
because they are Muslims, they will Malay Muslims, Filipinos, and up until now the moral Liberation Front is a name that they use. You know, they're in the Philippines. And when
Cortez Hernan Cortes
who conquered Mexico through treachery and disease when he arrived in the Yucatan area, and then he called this area, El Cairo, el Kira, Cairo.
This is what they were all seeing when Columbus
went around in Cuba.
And he looked up and he said Mesquita, there is a masjid on the top of this hill. That's in the memoirs of Christopher Columbus. So it was colonization, for the Spanish as they went out.
And what you have to recognize, which most people are not aware of, is that on the boat of Christopher Columbus,
And Vasco de Gama and Bell boa, and all the different Portuguese and Spanish conquistadores.
Most of the people who were doing the work, were Muslims Mariscos because they were the ones who had the naval skills. Financing was being done by Moreno's, right? The Jewish people hid their identity.
Okay? And they were even lost, they needed labor to go into the ocean because for the average Portuguese Spanish person, it's a frightening thing. To go into the Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean is not a friendly ocean. It's cold and it's windy. So therefore, what they did was any Moresco who was found guilty, right of any lesser acts of heresy. Right, which did not warrant death, they were not going to kill you. Then they put you on the boats.
So they would condemn you to perpetual service as a galley slave. So these are the ones rolling the boats. These are the ones you know who are there.
And, you know, it's strange, but if you were circumcised, if the male spirit was circumcised, that's a form of heresy.
That's like disbelief, you know with them. And instead of killing you, they just make you a galley slave for the rest of your life. King Philip the Second ordered the Inquisition to sentence to the galleys without question, anyone found guilty of performing circumcisions. So if you performed the circumcision, you could also be made a galley slave. And so this is the reason why you there's so many
Muslims Moriscos, who are Muslims hiding their identity, and Marino's who are on the boats that are coming across
in the 16th century, Cardinal Jimenez Santos, he was the Grand Inquisitor of Spain. Right. And, you know, he was called the missionary to the Moors. He complained that Islam was openly being practiced in the Americas. This is a complaint that he made. He said that people coming back and saying this Islam on other side.
And he's accusing Moriscos of practicing Islam on the other side.
And some of the proofs of this, we even have a written proof that is coming. In 1560, there was an inquisition made by the Spanish in Peru
because they wanted to weed out people who would not be Catholics. And they executed lopi de la Pena, and his co host Luis Solano for practicing and spreading Islam in Peru.
Think about this, that South America.
Okay, now now, the Spanish one of the things that they used to do is they would burn all records, that that people had any writing that you had, when they conquer you, they burn it, and they would hide their own records. But there are things coming to the surface.
On July 31 1502,
Columbus reported, and in his memoirs that he came across this boat, it crossed them. It was 40 feet in length. And they just he described it as a Moorish ship. This is off the coast of Jamaica.
And there was 40 men and women and some of them were dressed, they were dressed in Moorish cloth, because they knew the pattern. They said the men wore this top they had short sleeves. And some of the women cover their face, and they crossed them
on the ocean, and Columbus put it in his memoirs. But this is not revealed to the average people. But there are reports like this.
We also recognize within open written records, again, it's truth hidden in plain sight that a man by the name of Esther barnacle of as a more
okay, it's the Van Gogh's a famous person in the United States now, especially in Arizona and New Mexico.
Why? Because
he was part of the ill fated expedition. Expedition 1527 right you know, they landed in Florida, Spanish group landing in Florida. Okay, so he stayed in the Americas who was he is his name was actually actually most of our as an Mori
has a Morty is a was was at small town in Morocco. Okay, so it's right on the coast and Scylla you're in that area as a more so he was most of it as a Maury
And because of this Modesto thing, how he was captured or whatever it is, he had to hide his identity.
And he was a Moresco traveling with them. And so this ill fated group, they they ended up in Florida, okay. And they eventually traveled across the Americas. Now, if you look at this map here, you will see the arrows pointing the first the year they wanted to spend time, they were in Cuba first.
Then they went up to Florida, they were forced to stay there. But this party along with some of the indigenous people they traveled across, follow the arrow, you will see they went to New Orleans and that area than across where Texas is. And right across down into Mexico. And they went up into what is now Arizona and New Mexico.
Okay, and so he was really
one of the one of the first he's no, they have statues of him down in New Mexico, St. Veronica dhikala. But he was really excited Savannah go the more so they would even recognize the more.
Okay, so this again, these are Muslims somehow coming across, and having an impact in the Americas.
Okay, it's knowledge hidden in plain sight.
In 1566, this is before the British right?
The Spanish established St. Alena, South Carolina,
one of the bases of operations, but it was captured by the English and 1567.
Now, many of the inhabitants of st Alena fled into the mountains. So they weren't because there's a mountain chain there, they went up into this Appalachian this mountain chain, South Carolina, especially North Carolina, and then you go into the high Appalachians. So they fled into the area. So this is a Spanish colony now. And in the colony, the workers in the colony, to a great extent, are made up of these galley slaves, and the people who many of them are actually Muslims.
And this is a map of what America used to look like. And it's shocking for a lot of people whose minds are only fixed upon the borders today.
If you look on the under on the right side, the 13 colonies of America only is where the darkened portion is on the right side. That's what America originally was. When independence, you know, was called in the Constitution and all that they didn't have California, they didn't have the Midwest. None of that. They eventually started to expand. And they bought territory, they fought for territory, the French sold them what they call Louisiana, in 1803. So that area is right up north. It goes right up north to really to the borders, where Canada is because this is where British, the British were up in the north. But in the middle Midwest, that was French territory.
And then
the Spanish American was and what was going on look at Spanish Mexico.
So the area now that we now know, as New Mexico, Arizona, California, right? Even Nevada and these areas, right? This was actually Spanish territory. This is Mexico.
And that's the reason why the Spanish language is now you know, the top language after English in America right now. They're the fastest growing minority, because actually a great part of this country
was part of the indigenous, we say Spanish, but it's really Latino. There are indigenous people who lived in this area, and the great Aztec civilization, they had pyramids. So it was a powerful civilization. They're not weak people.
But that's all covered over with his story.
So you have the Alamo fighting against the Mexicans. And I would now you see the Latino people, Mexicans on the border, trying to get into the United States to say, why are you foreigners coming in? That was their territory before.
It's only a couple 100 years, right.
So some of them want to go home when actually trying to cross the border.
What is important to understand now is that the British were fighting the Spanish. So even though the British who were coming as a world power, remember the first powers is, you know, first coming out of Portugal and Spain right because of an Andalus. And then the French now get really strong because they conquer some areas.
Not a British start to come on.
And the British were in competition with the Spanish fighting them. And so
the old saying, you know, the the, the, you know, my enemy, you know and your enemy, you know, we're friends, because we both have the same enemy. So Muslims then became, in a sense,
fairly friendly with the British, and it is shocking
the influence that the Ottomans and Islamic culture had upon
the British. Maybe that's part of the reason why Islam as the fasting fastest growing religion in the UK today, you know, the major food. What is the most popular dish? You know, in the UK? It used to be fish and chips. What is it now?
Butter Chicken
is the butter chicken curry rice. That's the most popular dish in the UK, more than fish and chips,
which was their main meal?
What is the most popular name in Britain today?
Okay, it's Mohammed. That's the most popular name of people. If you go by the Census, it used to be hairy.
But there's a background to this. It's very interesting background.
Britain, the English they were one of the first people to actually start adopting coffee, drinking coffee outside the Muslim world. Coffee had come from Ethiopia. And then it went to Yemen. The Ottomans took it made it International. They started making coffee houses. And these coffee houses in Istanbul. And an Ottoman lands was a place where you gather together where you talk and sometimes politics and all kinds of things go on and coffee houses. The British adopted this. And at first, it was frowned upon. They drink their beer, they drink tea with you, they have their own. But now these coffee houses became places for intellectuals.
And it was coffee was a Muslim drink. Could you imagine this? Coffee was a Muslim trick. It was not a European drink. Tell that America now. His Dunkin Donuts? Tele Canadian. Tim Hortons
was a Muslim drink that you're drinking. It would be shocking to them.
So there was a lot of cooperation that went on in the 16th century between the British and the Muslim look at this picture here. This up the why even must Rudy bin Mohammed ibn unknown. Now he was the principal secretary to the Moroccan ruler Mali, Achmed, almanzora. And he was the ambassador to the court of Queen Elizabeth the First of England in 1600. To promote the establishment of Anglo Moroccan alliances. Look at how he's dressed.
Look at his turban.
Look at his sword. Is the ambassador to the court today. They would think he's a terrorist.
This is the ambassador. And Muslims are in those days had Iza. They didn't put on suits and ties.
Right. They wore their dress
and they influenced other societies.
And this is interesting because in 1586, Sir Francis Drake, who was one of the greatest admirals of the British, fighting the Portuguese and the Spanish on the oceans, it is reported that with 30 ships, he rated the Portuguese in Brazil.
He freed 300 Moorish galley slaves, okay, now, he wanted to drop them off, maybe in Cuba or somewhere else, he ended up in Roanoke, Virginia, the Island, Virginia off the coast of Virginia and the British people who were suffering at that time in America, they wanted to go home.
So, he left off the 300 Moorish galley slaves, he left them off in Roanoke
okay. And there are other Spanish records, you know, talking about the most Now generally, they will say more as to English in their records, when you go to their records, they are less generic. Now, they would describe for instance, the galley slaves like this, they say Turks, Maus, Greeks, Frenchman and negros so that would be Africans.
Okay, so they, they, they try to get more specific, although *, you know, it's not a specific term. Many of those African people could
To build Muslims, you know as well, more is a vague term as well, right? That's a vague term.
Okay, now look at these records. These are American records. In 1654
English explorers learned from the south east indigenous people of bearded Portuguese silversmiths.
They were said to drop to their knees many times daily and pray. And they said many of them they will be at it.
What do you think that they were doing?
Drop into their knees.
There we're making salad.
That's an American record box. Now the term that they use, you see it over and over again. They say Portuguese or Geechee? Or pot again. They were generally describe this group as Portuguese group.
Okay, in 1784,
Tennessee Governor John CVA. He met with some of these people to put in his records.
In 1700, Jonathan Swift and Englishmen married what he called Mecca, Indian.
He called her a mecca Indian. Now, this is a picture of one of these people, you know, who were there.
And the term is being called Malaysians.
Now, as far as the 18th century,
these Malaysians, you know, they recognize their Moore's dissent. Now, Judge Lewis Shepard, who had defended a luncheon girl, that's a picture of her.
Look what she looks like in the picture.
He had defended a Malaysian Malaysian girl in a famous Tennessee case in 1872. Regarding interracial marriage,
because white people, European people are not supposed to marry natives that they call Indians, or Africans that they call blacks. Right? They're not supposed to do that. But he defended her. And he said, they will Portuguese Moors.
Because if you technically speaking, if you say Portuguese, it's European.
That's her.
And you can see the way she looks.
So this is the group now, it is not Afro Americans. It is not native indigenous Americans. They are not regular Europeans. There's something different. And they're not actually Portuguese. If you really look at the DNA, they're not actually Portuguese. That's the question.
So the Malaysian there's a lot of discussion about this. That's the term they started to be notice. And in Turkish, it means people whose life has been cursed.
And in some reports, the same Meller own Gen.
balloon is even from Arabic is like cursed. And Jan and Turkish could be like life, the person's life, you know, has been cursed.
Mehlhorn Jan Melenchon.
And this group is identified in the Appalachian regions in the United States. Okay, especially West Virginia and place that's Appalachians. Right. I North Carolina. Now. That's one of the bulging groups. Look at the people there. Look at their faces.
In 1990, James, Dr. James Guthrie found that blood samples of these people were the same as the population of North Africa, to Kenya, Iraq, and the Mediterranean region. Because then they were studying blood, right? They had reached the point where they can get samples and look in your DNA and they're looking at your blood. They said wait a minute. This is like Turkish North African, Iraqi, Mediterranean. And they also suffered from a disease sarcoidosis. This is a nerve base disease. And it is people of North Africa have this disease.
Mediterranean people, they suffered from it.
And so, Milan gins some call Christianized. Portuguese Moors. That's a mouthful there.
Christianize Portuguese Moors.
And they say these people must have fled to America because of the Inquisition.
That was the only way that they could put it together.
Because Moors again, they don't realize what Moore's actually means. Moses Muslims,
because that's the general term as we learned that was being used for the Muslims in the conquered areas of
that's one of them lunches.
Now today, what's interesting is that the millennials can be found today all over the United States, especially on the East Coast.
And they were they were usually classified as a separate people.
They're not classified as black, white or Indian.
They're a separate group. And they're all over the place. Firstly, it's really South East America that you find the most Brent Kennedy, who is one of the Malaysians
he actually wrote a book to my luncheons. And what he showed he did a study, it was based upon his sarcoidosis. He was trying to find out a cure for this nerve base disease. And then he realized this is a North African Mediterranean type of you know, condition. And then he started tracing trace and trace and trace and and all these things that coming forward. And he wrote this book called The millennials. Now, what he found out is if you live in the south east part of America, and your name is one of these names, you could be Milan John
Adams, Adkins, Bell, Bennett, Berry, bowling Chavis, Coleman, Collins, Gibson, Goins, Hall, Jackson, Lopez, more Mullins, Nash, Robinson, Sexton and Williams. Now amongst African Americans, basically, in this pot, this, these are popular names. And I literally taught a class in New York, about this issue some years ago, and one of the sisters had a mama luncheon.
She never knew that. She always knew that her family was something different.
And she said, I'm one of them religions.
And it's shocking. Again, these are people who came from Spain, Portugal, North Africa, who came across after Columbus.
Who has some of the famous millennials. This is a shock to for people. Andrew Jackson, President of the United States. Okay.
Nancy Hanks, the mother of President, Abraham Lincoln. His mother was Melinda.
This is heavy. If you want to rewrite American history, his mother might have Muslim roots.
You want to rewrite the history of this country and really bring out the actual story.
And this one will really change things for a lot of people, not this generation so much. But you know, little generation before Elvis Presley
how many people love Elvis?
His millennium. Look at Elvis, his face. Look at that, look.
If you put on you know, the Emirati, you know, a call and whatnot. Look at him. He's a Saudi looks like
look at his look.
This is the Malaysian dock.
And, again, you have to realize what America actually is. It is a melting pot of different peoples.
It is a country that has gone through transitions
faster. And this is not a long time ago.
They purchased Midwest, the Midwest and 1803.
So you're talking you know, only like 220 years ago. That's not a long time. If you look at world history, what's 220 years the Muslims were in Atlanta lose 781 years in power.
This is only 220 years.
So this is not a long history. But because of the power of the media, the power of MIS education.
The power of the technologies, people's brains, you know have been washed as they say cognitive dissonance. You know, knowledge has been taken out of their brains. We want to bring it back to the surface.
Now, colonial soldiers of the Revolutionary War.
Now these are Muslims. Some of them came from the African and slaved Muslims as well. Some of them could have come from the Malaysians. Other people. Look at some of the names these are recorded names use of Ben Ali. He was known as Joseph Ben Haley. He fought with general Sumter in South Carolina 1732 Right.
Bam, Pitt Mohammed. He was a corporal and a revolutionary
rewar that's when the Americans fought the British for their independence. Okay, this is his service records 1775 to 1783. It's in Virginia. Peter Salem is probably Saleem.
His slave name was Peter Buck minister, who fought in Massachusetts in early 1970s. Who was he was it he was honored in 1970s with a postage stamp?
Saline poor.
They called Salem poor. He fought in Massachusetts became a war hero.
Right? Francis Subbu.
Or saba.
He was a sergeant with the continental troops.
1775, Joseph Saba
was also with continental troops. So these are names of actual people
who fought in the war. But we never got credit for this. But it is actually part of American history and history of the West, that should be recognized. And this is one of the most interesting covered points. And that is that when the United States remember those 13 colonies, they didn't have the Midwest, they did not have California. They were just starting off. They were trying to break away from the British.
It was Morocco. It was a mothership. They were the first to recognize the United States of America. And this here is an actual
copy of the treaty. It's an Arabic and an English.
And you can go to Tangiers Tunja. You know, there's a special museum that's there, where they actually housed this treaty. This is really interesting point.
Okay, it wasn't Morocco, it was a Muslim country
that recognized the United States first.
So how are you going to come along and make a Muslim ban, as in the case of President Trump, he banned Muslims.
Like your foreignness.
He doesn't even know his own history.
That it was that it was, it was a Muslim country that recognized the United States.
And this is an actual
picture like depicting of George Washington on the right.
And Sultan, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, on the left,
right, the Sultan of Morocco.
This is a treaty that was made.
So this is now Muslims in the Americas. This is the influence that we have had
an influence that is still there today, because Islam still is the fastest growing religion.
Now, even Hispanic people, Latino, people are embracing Islam as well. Recognizing their roots.
So that influences their needs to be in the mind of our people. That is how you decolonize your mind.
That is how you take out the lies of Columbus discovering America.
Right with solid information.
Now we can go back and reflect to the beginning of our courses. Right, Morocco defeats Spain. Look at the reaction, unprecedented reaction. Morocco defeat Spain.
Morocco defeats Portugal.
It was a historic victory. Look at the 1000s of Moroccans marching in the streets.
And you would say why would the people be so emotional crying tears falling on the ground?
Why would they be so emotional over a soccer game?
Because it means more than just kicking the ball in the net.
Right? This is part of payback, you know for what happened over the centuries. And it is a historic struggle.
So for those of you who want some references for this,
there is
in Arabic there's a book by Dr. Ali cattani. In Beata this lamp Al Andalus.
It may be I'm not sure if it's translated, but it's an excellent book if you can get it for Arabic speaking people. And along with the other books that I read out that I recommended. This is an Brent Kennedy write his book is called The melanges. The resurrection of a proud people an untold story of ethnic cleansing in America. So you can get this book at the Mercer University Press.
And Dr. Umar Farooq Abdullah
Who is a well known Islamic scholar, American scholar. He did an article called Turks was and Moriscos in early America is an excellent article as well. Right? And this is where you can get it. His group is another we are now a we.org.
Okay, is the name of his group? And it's an excellent article, you're there as well. Okay, so I want to open up the floor for any questions that anybody may have. You know, concerning the Muslims in the Americas, after Columbus. Okay, Flo is open.
Can you see if Tommy is either?
Okay. Yeah, go ahead. Question from the previous class. We kind of went through that. America, South America was that the Americans are discovering before Columbus. So the Muslims are on Christopher's boat. Did they know that there was already discovered before they went down that discovery?
Yeah, actually, Columbus himself knew that people were going back and forth.
So so you can see in his memoirs, he said, dugout canoes are leaving West Africa. And they're going across, you know, into the ocean. So he knew. And
he probably informed the Moriscos, who on the boat, because they were looking for land. And it is said that one of the motor skills Rodrigo de Triana, he was actually the first person to cite land.
Because this is in the Bahamas. But Columbus, of course, took credit for it. But it was one of the Moriscos who cited land first.
Okay, and but it was a shock for everybody, when they actually stepped on land on the other side, because for centuries, the Europeans thought that this ocean cannot be crossed, Muslims knew that there was something across Muslims had records.
But the Europeans didn't know this. Right. So it was an opening for them. You know, and then they realized, and then so many, so called explorers went across for different origins.
Somebody knew about it, but the the narrative discovered it was.
Yes, so I mean, he would not say himself, you know, I discovered America unless he was totally insane.
Here, because the people are there, right? So how can you say discover the place when people are looking at you, right? You have to be out of your mind. But somebody who wants to exploit history for *
would then say, we discovered America, meaning you take credit for it. You're the first civilized people, the other people who are living their animals.
Right, and we're the first civilized people who came. That's the colonial mentality. That's *. It's educational imperialism, is what it actually is.
We want to see if there's any questions online, that anybody has
any records,
and Moriscos on Canada
We don't actually have records of Moriscos in Canada itself, know that there are records of African Muslim ex slaves who came up because you have to recognize that there was slavery in Canada as well, not just in America. So there was slavery. But relief, the northern part, here are Jacques Cartier and the Europeans who first came in, generally speaking, the people who went across if you look at the equatorial currents, because they were following the currents that take you from Spain, or from North Africa, it will take you right into Brazil, or into Barbados, or right up into, you know, the United States, but they normally went to the south, because it was in the South and the Caribbean,
South America that that's the fertile place. Not many people wanted to go north because too cold.
And it was only later that they realized, you know, about the about the civilizations that were far in the north.
Yeah, now the question.
So given America, the most empathetic relationship up until Spanish on their side, then it turned around and they started.
Think of the enemies of them. Yeah, you know, it's really, you know, the question is, have Muslims had a good relationship with America? So, at what point did they become enemies? I mean, actually, if you look, America has a good relationship with Morocco, up until today with the government of Morocco.
but it's not based on Islam. It's based upon,
you know, controlling the, you know, the Mediterranean region, North Africa. And as of
have reasons to because Morocco has phosphates. But But America never colonized.
The North Africa, it was the French.
And it was the Spanish and the Portuguese. Right? The British it was them. It wasn't America, America was not really a colonial power over there. It was really until not until World War Two, that America starts to become like a world power.
They were really in this pot, their crime was, you know, wiping out the indigenous population and enslaving African people. But as far as North Africa was concerned, they had strategic relationship, you know, with North Africa. And when the American forces, you know, landed, when they first went to fight against the Germans in World War Two, they landed in Algeria. My father actually was in the military police, part of the American troops that landed in Algeria. So they first landed in Algeria, North Africa. And then they went so they loved North Africa, as a matter of fact, you know, the Marines
were considered to be the bravest, strongest American forces because now you have Navy Seals and all these other groups, but before the Marines are the ones, okay. If you look at the Marines in their anthem, they say from the halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli.
That's the marine that's the beginning of the anthem. So Montezuma, that's Aztecs, that's Mexico. He's one of the Aztec leaders, Tripoli is North Africa.
So they were very much concerned, you know, with not as they are today. But as for other strategic reasons. Now, of course, with the rise of Islam, it starts to change, because now Islam is rising back up as an international power, and is a threat to the west, based upon you know, this civilizational threat. So it starts to change. But in terms of the government of Morocco, and no, Americans have a good relationship up until today.
Very good relationship.
Yeah, question.
Where's the mosque found on a hill in Cuba? Which Columbus convention is one war? Was it found? Is it still there? Yes. It says that he mentioned me a mosquito. This is a mask there. But that was of course, in the 15th century, Columbus, you know, that's long gone. If it was there is long gone.
of course, because of course, even before that, it would have been gone, you know, because the Spanish took over. And they would destroy everything Islamic. And then when it was taken over by Fidel Castro, they are communists. So that is no trace of it is the only traces in the records. In the memoirs?
The last question. So how would you categorize categorize all the different ways that Muslims came to the Americas? So I have like the game as refugees, as explorers, under expeditions under the Spanish and Portuguese? Yeah. So so really, you can look at Muslims coming into the Americas in waves. So the first wave would be as explorers, and as business people. And that's the early waves before Columbus. And we talked about the people then coming in,
then there is a wave that comes after Columbus.
And that is the wave of the Moriscos. And that we'd studied today. But there is another significant wave that comes in, we haven't studied it in this particular course, because we're dealing with Spain, Morocco, you know, and Portugal, Mediterranean. But there's another significant way, maybe the most significant wave, and that is Africans, African enslaved people, because we now have proof that somewhere between 15 to 30% of the African enslaved people who were brought to the Americas were Muslims.
So large percentage of African Americans, Afro Caribbeans, Afro South Americans, were actually Muslim origin. And records are coming up now. You know, documents are coming here. That's a whole nother study in itself. And then there's another wave coming in. And that is in the 19th century, when they abolished slavery, that is indentured laborers. So when the British, you know, when they abolished slavery, they they hired people from India, and from Indonesia and Malaysia, Java, to come into work on a contract. So that's indentured laborers. And that's another wave. The majority were Hindus. But there was a
opposite a percentage Muslim, that's in Guyana, and Trinidad in Jamaica. Also, in Suriname, there are many Javanese Muslims as well. So that's another significant wave, especially since in the slavery period, the slaves are not allowed to keep their identity. But during the indentured labor period, Hamdulillah, Muslims will keep their identity. So they built masjids. My dresses, you know, and that's the presence of Islam, for the most part in the Caribbean, you know, India today is because of this, but there's another wave. And that is what you could call economic migration.
And that is in the 20th century,
when America needed, and Canada when, when they needed people to open up and to settle in the Midwest, remember the map in the midst in the Midwest, if you go, if you go back to the map, you will see that that whole center part
is is they need to colonize it. They bring wagon trains and settlers in Canada, it was the Hudson Bay, who actually sold to the early Canada was on the East Coast, they sold the whole center part of Canada, who's going to live there who's going to go there and live. So therefore, they opened up
settlers colonization, but because they were racist, and they ruled with racism, they would only take white people, people who could qualify as white skinned.
And because the British had a relationship with the Ottoman Empire, remember that? They had a relationship. So therefore, they opened up, you know, and they put out
signs and, you know, advertisements to people, if you want to live a new life. Come to Canada, come to America. So many of the people on the wagon trains in the United States, the oldest mosque in America is in the Midwest. The oldest mosque in Canada is in Edmonton, Alberta, a Rashid mosque. And that the first Muslims, you know, known recorded are Arabs and the Turks and their Albanians, and their Muslims coming from the Ottoman Empire. Now, what happened was, they ended up in Canada and America and then they started to migrate south. And they went down through California, and into Mexico and into Central America,
and then down into South America.
And when the Arabs reach South America, that's a whole nother study in itself.
Because right now there's over 100,000 Arabs in Venezuela in Caracas, there's a huge Masjid.
In Brazil, there are more Lebanese in Brazil than Lebanon.
Chew on that one. There's more Lebanese in Brazil than in Lebanon, in terms of their numbers, because they thrived. They thrived in that land. So if you go to Brazil now in Sao Paulo, and the Rio de Janeiro is a big masjids, Lebanese, Syrians, Palestinians. If you go all over the Caribbean region, Central America, you'll see most I traveled these areas. And I ran into Arabs, I can speak Arabic, I ran into Arabs on the Virgin Islands. Arabs control all the gas stations, you know, whatever, you know, if you go down to
Aruba, and Curacao, these are Dutch islands off the coast of Venezuela, Arabs, they have huge budgets. If you go to Panama, I met Palestinians flying in helicopters. Because because the canal,
Arabs are all over the place. So that's what you could call economic migration.
So that's the next wave of Muslims, then coming in. And of course, in the 20th century, now, you have people embracing Islam, amongst the African Americans and Latinos, and then you have people returning to their Islam.
So that's what we call deeper roots. That's our study of deeper roots.
Okay, and so these are the waves if you look at it like that, it makes sense, right? You know, then you can see the waves of course, there's a lot of complexity inside it, but you can basically see the waves of Muslims coming into this region. Any other questions are online
So Alhamdulillah
they say has been, you know, our class, you know, concerning, you know, Muslims, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, North Africa, and then to the Americas.
Alhamdulillah we realize that, you know, Muslims are not confined to one part of the world, we have made great contributions
to the upward flow of civilization, even in this part of the world. And so for those who want to continue on in terms of our study,
we have a class now on Friday nights, where it's called No Muslim corner, but we're dealing with history and foundations of Islam. It's a popular class now, so we invite you also to come to that class, Friday night, at seven o'clock, you can go to islam.www.islam.ca right and you can come and just like this class, you can join on the class, seven o'clock on Friday evening that will be continuing throughout the summer Inshallah, unless there are special occasions or unless I'm traveling, that will continue on you know, right straight through the summer because we're getting a major response from people also if you're online Facebook you can follow our site it's check
Abdullah Hakim quick public figure.
So you can come on to our Facebook page or Instagram and Instagram as well Abdullah dot quick, you can catch us on Instagram. And
our study continues hamdulillah we're so thankful for you know the the presence and you know the interaction here that has happened. And if you've gained any knowledge, you know, out of this, that is from Allah subhanaw taala and any mistakes are mine and we ask Allah to forgive us for any mistakes and Subhanallah who will be humbucker now shadow Allah Allah Allah enter the stock Fukuda to Blue Lake, aka the Tawana and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh