Abdullah Hakim Quick – The Dangers Of Deception 2
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AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of not wanting to be associated with material things and not wanting to be associated with the "immature" label. They also discuss the success of Islam in bringing peace and avoiding violence, and the importance of understanding history and identifying people with influence. The speakers emphasize the need for strong leadership and empathy in times of crisis, particularly in addressing issues such as deception and desire for unity. They also stress the importance of building a "character of Islam" to avoid confusion and making decisions.
AI: Summary ©
smilla rahmanir rahim
al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa t Bachelet Taki Valera one a lot of aalameen Why should one La ilaha illallah wa who la sharika lah Rashad Wanda Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi aumenta avida he was standing up he soon knotty Illa Yomi Deen wa sallam, Sleeman, kathira, Mr. Bhatt
all praises due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
And surely the best reward is for those who have Taqwa.
And surely there is no animosity, except for the oppressor.
And I bear witness that Allah is one and has no partners. And that Mohammed, the son of Abdullah, is his servant and his last messenger.
May Allah constantly and always send peace and blessings to Mohammed, and to his family, and his companions, and all those who call to his way, and establish his surrender to the Day of Judgment.
As toward follows Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
I begin with hamdulillah. And I bring you the warm salams greetings and feelings of solidarity from your brothers and sisters in South Africa.
And I pray that Allah Subhana would make you make me all successful in this life, and would bless us in sha Allah to be of those who would enter agenda in the hereafter.
No doubt, since the last time I was here with you.
The world has changed radically.
And the position of Muslims in many parts of the world has gone from being very obscure, to being openly placed in front of the eyes of the people.
Muslims are fine finding themselves under pressure,
not only in the traditional areas of pressure, but they are finding themselves under pressure even in countries and some of the Western countries where we never expected to feel psychological, physical, emotional, financial pressure.
And I seek refuge in the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala
who has revealed to his beloved messenger alayhi salatu salam, the best of words and the final revelation. And Allah Subhana Allah tells us ooh Billahi min ash shaytani regime? Yeah, you had Latina amanu in taco La Jolla. aliquam. For karnan when you cafe uncom, segi rT como yo feiyr.com while la hold on father Alvin and Sarah on file.
Allah subhanaw taala has revealed, oh you who believe if you keep your duty to Allah. If you have Taqwa, he will grant you a criterion
and he will release you from your sins and forgive you. And Allah is the Lord of great bounty.
Many of the great alumni have looked into this ayah
and I believe it is of special importance to us today with the world being so covered with confusion and with deception.
Your mama shall county where he will law and his federal codea.
speaking through the eyes of many of the fuqaha
has shown us that this photo con because it's saying that if we have Taqwa
Allah would make for us the fourth part
at this photo con is the battle galoob workqueue wattle, basa air war hostile hedaya that this farrakhan would give us in sha Allah, the battle loop, that along with strengthen the hats
were pivotal bosiet de la would give us that vision that we need and that pulsera that we need not to look just at superficial things, but to be able to go to the depths of the issues and that Allah would give us hidayah the best of guidance.
The four of the four can can also refer to
that which separates ulthok middle bottom
that which a criterion that separates the truth from falsehood. The four can also can refer to an object min Colima, Takapuna and escape from all that you fear.
And so the more we return to Allah subhanaw taala The more we come closer, the more we surround ourselves in the consciousness of the Creator, the more we connect this higher to dunya with the next life and realize that this life is passing.
And that to a certain extent, it is only an illusion, the more we can come to this understanding.
This will help us to be able to deal with this pressure to deal with these demons, real or false, that are popping up around us and around Muslims and people of consciousness throughout this planet. So I seek refuge in the words of Allah subhanaw taala. And I pray that Allah would plant our feet firmly in the earth, and that Allah would clear our hearts of any fear.
And he would replace that fear with taqwa, he will replace that fear with the consciousness of him. So that whatever happens in this world, that as long as we know we have pleased Allah subhanaw taala that inshallah we will be satisfied with the power of Allah. And however it falls,
brothers and sisters, friends,
billions of dollars are being spent
to distort the image of Islam.
And we are seeing it now done on an international scale.
Even though we know Islam is the religion of peace, we know that it comes from the root Salama.
It is seeking peace through submission to the will of Allah.
We know that Islam is the way of all of the NBR of all of the prophets,
that Allah sent prophets and messengers to every nation, to every tribe, that this understanding of not submitting to material things, not submitting to desires. This has been shared by people throughout the planet. And it is through this way that human beings found peace,
that human beings found a way to relate to each other other than through racialism, or through tribalism, or through class, struggle and class differences. That this way of tawheed this way of the oneness of God, when it comes into the hearts
is even greater than police forces, there is no security,
higher than the security of the hearts. And if the hearts of human beings are brought close, and we understand our relationship with the Creator of the heavens and the earth, that there would be no need for secret police. There would be no need for these task forces that are put together in order to control people.
But Allah knows best that there are people who do not want this
who have another agenda.
And so millions and billions are being spent through the airwaves in the media
and the educational systems to try to distort the image of Islam.
And while this negative image is being carried out and shown for Muslims, horrific crimes,
coming about in our community.
And we have seen horrific scenes coming out of Bosnia Herzegovina, horrific scenes from Kosovo and Chechnya.
And now we are seeing murder on a wide scale happening in India, terrible murders, without justice in the land. And we are now witnessing and the whole human population
witnesses, Jeanine,
and witnesses, naked aggression, and people being killed and crushed, and bleeding to death in front of the media.
And the information is beamed around the world.
And yet people are not responding.
And that is not all the time because of
the size of the army
in any of the illegal material estates. But in many cases, there is a type of deception.
There is something happening in the human family,
where individuals have the capability of creating illusions of deluding people, so that even when they see what is true, they can't believe it.
Or they're not sure whether it's true, or not true. And so we need to ask ourselves and ask the world and, and try to analyze what is going on? What did we do as a nation?
Because we pray, because we believe in one God, because we fast, because we don't want to judge people based on their color is this the reason why they are trying to punish us, we have to analyze this to try to understand what is going around us and to begin to look at issues, not just from the superficial side, but to go deeper into issues. And try to understand the symbols and the signs and the groupings of people who are having profound influences upon the human family.
We need to look into and not only for superficial guidance, but we need to believe that the court and gives us historical precedents that it shows us incidents that have happened in history, not just as assets,
not just of stories and fables of those who came before us. But it shows us this for guidance for understanding about what is happening today.
And we need to begin to look at these incidents that have happened to study what happened to the NBA alayhis salam and to try to see how it relates to us in our own lives.
In the oft repeated story of Musa alayhis salaam And Pharaoh,
the Pharaoh of Egypt,
we see one of the great historical precedents that was set in the Quran itself. And when Benny Israel l started to get powerful,
and the information of Musa alayhis salam came to the upper class ruling councils within Egypt. They came to the federal
they came to their leader and they said, What will you do about them? You must have some kind of plan. You must have some way to stop this insurrection going on in the house of Egypt. And the pharaoh answered and it is enshrined in Surah two are off and verse 127. And in many places in the port and Karla sanlucar Tila abna, whom when a stallion Isa, whom was in FOCA home party room,
the fair own said we will kill their young boys and keep the women alive. For surely we have irresistible power over them.
And so we see the president happening,
the killing of the youth and the control of the sexuality of the women. And we see it happening today. so vividly and Philistine gunned down the young people. If you don't kill them, shoot them in their knees, maim them, destroy their minds, destroy their bodies that don't drink Coke. Let them be filled with drugs fit fill their mind with confusion. So they will never be able to stand up against the oppression that is happening in the land. Control the sexuality of the women and make them think more about their own bodies, more about pleasing people with their physical self. So they won't have time to raise children who would stand up against evil
And so when this information got back to Musa alayhis salaam, we see also enshrined in this in these famous verses. Kala musala comi. He is studying ob law he was below. In the out of the law he Ud suhar, Manisha
well are people to
Musa alayhis salam said to his people, seek your help from Allah and have patience. Surely this earth belongs to Allah, and He will give it to whom he pleases from his servants from his worship is and the best reward in the hereafter. The best reward is for those who have Taqwa.
So Musa alayhis salam did not talk about numbers. He did not talk about weapons. But he spoke about something on the inside, will activate akeeba little Mottaki.
He spoke about taqwa.
it is interesting that throughout Islamic history,
there have been many of the leaders and luminaries in Islam and the scholars of Islam, who looked not only at the outside what was happening, but try to understand the complexity of the inside of the Muslims. Knowing that Allah has said in the law allow you to determine what are you how you might be enforcing a law will not change the condition of a people till they change that which is in themselves, not change it to the positive until they change that which is in themselves and in other in other interpretations. If they are going positive, and they change themselves into negative than Allah will punish them.
So either way that you look at it, change will not come about. We cry for change. We make to our
we cry and I massage it. We cry in our houses.
But Allah will not change us until we change that which is in ourselves.
And so we need to begin to look inside, taqwa, we know is a combination of factors.
Mainly alcohol for Raja.
It is a combination of fear and of hope.
And fear and hope are stimuli.
They are things that call you to action that push you to action.
And one of the great scholars of Islam even Kodama makdessi, Rahim Allah,
in this manhandled posse Deen. There's even Okm Rahim Allah many of the scholars tried to understand these terminologies in a deeper way.
But in this particular texts,
the scholar tells us Aleppo for rajasa itani yerba Sani Allah Allah,
Allah, Allah lamalfa for Hua Hua, he said that fear and hope are two stimuli, they stimulate you to action.
And that which does not stimulate you to action, it is deception.
Fear makes you run from something,
when you hope in something, you move towards it. So you are actively involved. But the issue of deception, one of the big issues and deception is when we are stagnated.
When we are looking good, when we look our numbers look large, but it has no impact. And people have looked at at the Muslim world and they said, you know, you have everything and you have money. You have leadership, you have armies, you have strategic position, you have everything. And it's like a beautiful vehicle that is standing there looking good. But there's no petrol in it.
He's in his Lamborghini, and he's ready to drive. And everybody's sitting at the stoplight and they're waiting for him to go. And they look at him and the light turns green. And he's looking good, and he's going nowhere.
But he's looking good.
He's looking like he's gonna win the race. So this is what we need to consider about ourself. Because the body of Islam to a great extent, has all the potential
to set the stage for this century, to govern over the peoples of the earth. But yet some type of Hurrah is happening now. And this roar is a general thing. And there is a specific thing and we want to try to understand deception, to look at some of the levels of deception, the types of deception and the danger and how it can make us look good and go nowhere.
And looking at deception. There are many different ways
meanings for this term.
Some of the meanings translated into English could be illusion
or delusion
or conceit.
It also could mean danger.
And it could also mean vanities or it could mean the shaytaan Well, elder law
and even Kodama Rahim Allah He told us, the hora is Maja vooral in Zen min Mal, what Jah was, was Shah was shaytaan anything
that deceives the person, whether it's the wealth,
whether it is your position,
whether it is desires, or whether it is the shape taught himself whether he has a builder
and you will see hurrah, coming many in many forms in the Quran itself. In le Emraan. We see in part of the IRA it says one mal hayata dunya Illa matar guru, that the life of this world is nothing but material deception. Allah tells us we're not yet at home is a shaytaan in lavadora, and that the shaytaan promises them nothing but deception. It's an illusion, here today, and it's gone tomorrow.
And you see many different verses dealing with this. And the general form of hudl. We see being carried out within the Western society, which now through globalization has influenced people all throughout the planet. And we see people being caught up with the hierarchy dunya struggling for wealth, struggling back and forth, and even this deception of wealth, this danger of wealth is in the Muslim world.
And it may be one of the biggest fitness that we face today. And the prophet SAW Selim has told us clearly, intellectually Omar fitna will fit not to have the hill oma Alma, every nation has a trial has a temptation, and the trial and temptation of this nation is wealth.
But the general form of Gouda we need to try to understand. So there is a form of hudl that happens to people.
And it is really carried out you really see an extreme version of this, that comes about with casinos, and with gambling. Because this is where you see the raw nature of people coming out. That greed and that desire to win something that is an illusion. And 99.9% of them are losing all of their money. But they keep going back thinking that they're gonna win. And some foolish Muslims, they think they're gonna win to
one Muslim even came to me. And he won, he actually won, I don't know about $20,000 or something like that. And it can just be brother Abdullah, please let me have a fair to our brother. I mean, I'll pay my Zakat or pay my as a cat. I can't give you a fair amen. If you win something in the lotto, if you win something by gambling, it's Haram. And I can't give you a fetch off of this.
But this Hurrah we saw carried out in Canada, a young woman won in the lottery, the Ontario lottery, she won $21 million.
Now imagine that $21 million. She went overnight. She's a millionaire.
But she came on television that night with her father. The father had some wisdom. And he said, may God help us? May God help us. The next day, they were frantically calling the family. They wanted to marry the girl. They wanted to move in next door to the house. They start threatening their lives. And so he had to take his daughter and hide, change their identity and go underground. So the money that was supposed to free them, put them in prison. Well, manhyia to dunya is lamotta
material deception. In Britain, I remember a man 121 all about 20 million British pounds in the lottery, and the whole of the country stood still. He's in paradise. He's in heaven. He has everything that he wants, and then his knifes took over his nap so I'm out of the suit. And they describe it's a real thing. It was an article he stopped eating food. He started importing food and eating food and eating food until he gained weight and became about 310 pounds and he dropped dead
when malha to dunya
So the money that was supposed to give him life took his life.
It's a deception. You think the money is liberating you. But it's not liberating you, you don't get something for nothing.
It's a deception. No, and it's put out in front of the people. So the people live with this dream, and they continue to play the lottery. They continue to gamble, thinking
that they will be successful.
But what is interesting for us tonight, is not just the general form of this deception, we want to go to the specific with the Muslims.
And it is always good within our series. And anything that we do, that we start with ourselves, in the law, you know, might be common to you, they you might be unforeseen. We need to start with ourselves.
And the scholars looked into many different categories of Gouda. We want to talk about a few of them tonight. There is one form where the people are deceived bisola about him, that they are deceived by the goodness and righteousness of their families. So they think that because of their family, they're saved.
And so they say no, no, no, I don't have to mix a lot. My father used to mix a lot. My father was a great Island. We come from a long line of scholars. I don't have to get up for pleasure. He is deceived. No, my mother used to give us a cat. Why do I have to give a cat? We are an important family. And we built the most we built the center. Why do I have to give a cat This is deception. This is where the hero comes in. Because he is now stagnated because of the issue of his family, that should actually inspire him to do more. It becomes turned around and because of his family, or his nationality, or his village, he thinks that he's saved. And this is a form of deception that is
in Akuma.
And it has even reached the point that we had people who call themselves Shetty. And we have great respect for the family of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, but some people are running around playing like they are nobleman. Well, they are say it's and they think they can do anything because they have that name. Even some of the rulers of our country some corrupt tyrants, who have ruled countries claim to be from the family of the prophets, Allah Salah, but your blood alone is not enough. Because if it was enough, then let us look back at the time of North alayhis salam. Look at the son of Noah, la Salah who drowned with the other people.
Look at the wife of loot alehissalaam
look at many of the NBR and you will see that some of their parents even though they were prophets, some of their parents are in hellfire. And if you look at Banu Hashim, you will see that Abu lahab the father of the flames, is Hashi meat.
He has the royal blood, but he is burning in health.
And his name will be now on the lips of Muslims to the Day of Judgment, even though he Sharif
if you want to go by blood.
And so the family is one way that a person could be confused.
Another form of hudl also comes in when the person has the Muslim has Hassan out and say he at he has taught at and Massey.
So he has good deeds and he thinks well, I have a lot of good deeds. So even though his bad deeds might be more than the good deeds, he is deceived by the shaytaan. Well, he also believes he is deceived. And he thinks that because he has these good deeds, he doesn't have to worry about the other ones. He doesn't need to make Toba or he'll wait 30 years, and then he'll make his Toba. He is being deceived.
In some cases, he gets up in the morning
and he makes his take a fire 100 times.
And he starts counting his Baraka
or he goes in the mosque and then he makes his stick fall at a certain time of day. And he says no, it's 27 times 1000 times six times this and he gets his calculator his countenance assonet
right. So by nine o'clock in the morning, he's already agenda.
The rest of the day he's cursing. He's backbiting. He's scandalizing he's calling the Imam names and trying to scandalize this organization and talk about that organization. But he thinks that because he made his default 100 times that he's free. He saved. He is deceived. He does not he does not know that the promises lm has said lejano Jana? No, ma'am.
That the person carrying
scandal will not enter Paradise. He should never forget that.
And so the deception can come even to a believer who has done righteous deeds.
But they took it a step step further,
even though obama
can be deceived, and we are living in a time
when many of the alama many of the so called scholars, that the knowledge is actually not being given out in the proper way, that the knowledge could actually end up being on any person, it could be a curse on them, yomo piano.
And so the scholar can also be deceived, as we have found from the great scholars. When the scholar he knows about hora.
He can tell you the ayah
he can explain it to you.
But he thinks that because he's a chef, it doesn't apply to him.
It only applies to the awam it only applies to the general people. He doesn't remember that a lot. A lot told us insert the shrimps got a Florida man zakka
that the one who purifies His heart is the one who succeeds, not the one who knows about purity.
But the one who actively is involved in purifying himself. That is the one
who was successful. He doesn't remember that Allah told us in certain Juma and he makes this
this test should be this this this description. He tells us what we could become he said, Come masala hammer, yummy Lu, as far as
that you can be like a donkey with books on his back.
The donkeys riding he's got tafsir. He's got Bukhari and Muslim. He's got everything on his back, but he can't read.
So he's just moving along carrying the knowledge and the knowledge is of no benefit to him. And so this Hurrah can happen even to the people of knowledge.
And we could take it a step further. There are even those whose the complexity of Guru goes to the point where they know the ayah.
And they apply the core end to their superficial self. They do some of the outward rituals of Islam. They are doing their rituals, but they do not apply the knowledge to their hearts. They stop on the outside.
And so even though they know what deception is, they still have tolerable aloof, they want power and position. They can't control the shower. They can't control their desires. They can't control their material needs, even though they know that it is wrong. But they don't apply it to their hearts It is like and the example is giving is like a person, he looks in his backyard, and he has grass and weeds.
So he cuts the grass and he sees the weeds. And so he cuts the weeds, but he only cuts it on the surface.
And he says now, now my garden is perfect. I can't see the weeds, but he didn't go to the root of the wheat. And by not going to the root, it will grow up again next time it'll grow even stronger.
So he needs to go to the root of the issue. right down to the heart. And this is one of the crucial points. How can a loss of Potala give us authority in the land? If we have to cut both?
If we have arrogance and pride in our hearts? How would Allah give us power in the land if we look down on people, even as a Muslim because of their color?
Or because of their language? Or because of their economic status? How can we expect Allah subhanaw taala to give us a start? How can we expect Allah subhanaw taala to give us victory if we have high sat? And we are so jealous of each other? Always looking back at each other? What material progress did he make? Did she have a new baby?
Okay, if you want one, that's fine. But if you hate the fact that another Muslim has a baby or another Muslim as a new car, or they made some progress, the masjid has a new carpet in it. If you hate that, then the hustle destroys everything. And so we could be fasting we could be praying. We could be going to Hajj Panza cat, as opposed to Salaam said er como el Hassan for nl hasa de la Santa t comma taco de nada la top. Beware of jealousy and envy.
It eats up your good deeds, like a fire eats up firewood.
And so the hasard can destroy us from the inside.
This guru also
can take an interesting form.
And I was shocked to read in books that are over sometimes 1000 years old, and to find issues that are very similar to what is happening in our own community.
And I say this with all humility, to the movement leaders that we have. But our Islamic movements should be bringing us together.
Our Islamic movements need to unite us on the truth, need to be humble and sincere, and bring the Muslims together. This is what we need in these times. Strong examples, not just his, on other Muslims, but his alleged caffeine, that standing up in front of the disbelievers and the haters of truth, but there is a form of Hurrah that is mentioned by the scholars,
where the person spends all their time on el mal who laugh
that he gets the books of fic he gets the books of aqidah. And he only studies the differences between this scholar and that scholar. So he becomes a master in showing you the differences between that and that. And he can actually point out a difference and tell you 10 mils for this thing, he can tell you the opinion of debt and he can't even make salad right.
But intimacy laugh. And so what happens is, many of our young people get caught up fighting each other over triviality.
Now, there are some points which are very important. But the difference of opinion should not make you hate another Muslim. It should not make you threaten the life of another Muslim. Then what is the purpose of it? And the prophet SAW Selim has told us my dollar Coleman cut by the Huda Illa Ooh, too gentle
that people would not go astray after guidance, until they were given the ability to argue with each other.
The ability to argue,
without energy should not be spent on arguments that we need to go forward.
Because we are in a deep struggle now, whether we know it or not. And if you're in a hot struggle, a hot battle,
and the bullets are flying, and people are dying, and a Muslim comes on your site, and you look at him, Are you gonna say? What meds How about you, brother?
What does it matter, man?
You have a Muslim on your site, man. It doesn't matter where he sits and tie out and he moves his finger or not.
If they have de Lille, if there is part of Alexandre what Jamal what is the problem.
But some people are so overly heavy, they are actually tilting towards their whole life is based on a laugh
on finding what is wrong with all the Muslims and attacking them and shooting them down and destroying them and breaking up their organization. You don't have to have Mossad.
You don't have to have these organizations, man. Just let loose some of these twisted Muslims on them.
And so the great scholars of Islam 1000 years ago said it is wrong. It is wrong. It is deception. And we need to look at this. Before we even look outside.
Another group spends their time and they really into this thing and it is happening. And may Allah help them they spend their time on maharjan roof.
So they learn as much wheat and they are reading how to pronounce the hearth. And so he spends all his time on mythology. And he learns to to pronounce it perfectly and he never reads the meaning of the Quran.
So he knows how to say it, but he's not putting it into his own life. And the prophets are seldom said the time would come when people would read the Quran and melodious tones, and it wouldn't pass their throats.
It wouldn't pass their throat
sadaqa Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam
others read or spend their time and know how and serve
and they learn the rules of now. And we need to know these rules of grammar we need to know it but if the whole day is spent upon now and sir and people are dying, man, they're dying in the streets and you're arguing about the struggle between the cufon and the bustle to eat and grandma
People are dying in the streets.
So we need to come out of this war. It is the first deception. It is the first and most lethal form of deception that we are facing. It is the essence of the struggle with this code that is going on today. Because I believe strongly and Allah knows best that this oma is moving toward the front. And this Omar has the potential to lead the world. But we need to try to repair ourselves.
And I want to leave you with a few points.
One is that we need to renew our relationship with Allah.
We need to renew our relationship constantly, and to try to humble ourselves in front of the Creator of the heavens in the earth.
And to try to try to build up the taqwa that our consciousness of Allah will not be only when we are in lectures, but only when we are around other Muslims, that even if we are by ourselves, even if we are downtown, and the time comes for salaat, we look for a place to mix a lot. Even if we're downtown in the mall.
We don't only pray inside of the masjid.
And so we need to get to build that taqwa inside of ourselves.
We also need to seek authentic Islamic knowledge, to try to base our understandings upon the great self of this oma, who have given us authentic guidance, and not to necessarily base our lives upon dreams. And no doubt there is something in the dreams, but it is not the basis of our lives.
Not based upon the length of a person's beard. in Cape Town now we have all times all types of people running around Alhamdulillah Allah has blessed us with many massages, 120 massages in just one city and it's in its suburbs.
But all types of movements and now you got to watch out because people are coming with giant beards and giant * he's on the head and turbans that are like you know, two feet wide and they're coming in now people are fooled at the size. They're measuring the turbans now
who's got the biggest one?
Don't be fooled by Don't be fooled by the turban.
Don't be fooled, because sometimes it's the opposite.
And if we are really supposed to humble ourselves to Allah subhanaw taala, then why would we even try to do that, to be struggling against each other in this type of thing. So we need to strengthen that taqwa within ourselves, and to try to look for the type of authentic knowledge that can help us separate Islam from culture,
Islam culture, because our cultures are many times not Islamic. And many times we are doing things because we saw our parents do it. We are doing things because this is the way of our people, not because it is the way of the Sahaba and the early generations. Number three,
that we need to ask Allah for hikma for wisdom. And surely in these times, it is that hikma that balance that was one that we need in these times, because one of the dangers in our Omar again in deception is to go to extremes.
But we need that balance to be able to make the right decisions as the Arabs would say whether a Shay FEMA Holly putting things in the proper place. They call Lima Carmen McCall. For every situation you're in, there is the right thing to say is like a doctor when the doctor sees his patient.
And if the doctor were to just look at you and say, Okay, take this medicine here, my friend. He might give you the wrong medicine is not enough and you still sick or he might give you too much and kill you. But no takes your temperature. He takes your weight. He asked you about your history. He feels your pulse. Right. And after he gathers this information now along with his knowledge of medicine, then he makes his decision. That's the hikma so we shouldn't be going into situations where we don't know the circumstances around us. That you need to have patience to relax and to go into the situations you know, you know with the sub, and with basura now look at everything. Try to
look through the lines. Don't just judge people on the hip. Don't just judge on the superficial things that we see. So we need to ask and pray to Allah for the heckler.
Next we need to focus more on Islamic character on Warhammer law. And for a long time we focused on a bar that we focused on how to make salaat how to pay the cat how to fast how to make hard and definitely that
is the basis. But now there is a great need for Islamic character.
Because we are under the spotlight. And you'll be surprised to know that even though in America where it seems to be so bad for Muslims in New York City, right, New York City itself, in many parts of America, you can't get a copy of the court and you cannot get a copy. Every single English copy is has been sold out. In Brazil, I receive message, every Portuguese translation of the Quran in Brazil has been sold out.
Everybody wants to read this book. So out of this evil out of this action, which I don't believe that any of us did.
And Allah knows best who did and I do not feel that it is a victory for Islam. It is a terrible action that was done and 1000s of Muslims might have died in those flames. But out of that evil that went on on that day,
Allah is bringing us closer to where we need to be. And maybe we need to have some pressure on us. Maybe life has become too easy for us. So we need to study the character the prophets Allah, he told us boys to leave Mima macadam o'clock, I have been set to complete the best of character. So you need to look at our character, man. You can't fast in the month of Ramadan. And as soon as show welcomes, you start swearing.
A person goes to Hajj and comes back to his shop. And then he raises the prices on people. he cheats people after he just made hoche Then why did they make Hutch just to just to put * for land for land on his shop.
Number five we need to strive for unity. How many times is Allah told us while testing will be humble Elijah Mian wallet afar, Roku ordered us to hold on to the rope of Allah together. Don't be divided how many places we've been told us. So we need to work for unity. In the same way that many jamaats work for this unity.
Work for the show he laugh, we need to now do work to come together with other Muslims and to love and appreciate the people of the Qibla.
And the great Football Hall of Islam, if they had a difference of opinion with each other, they would give naseeha politely and they would make to offer that person. They will make the offer the person and not curse the person and scandalize their name.
So we need to work towards seeking this unity in the ranks of the believers. Number six, we need to have a positive approach, a positive approach, not a negative approach. It seems difficult, no doubt. And in the Battle of the duck, you can recall that the armies of the Azov were coming from Mecca to surround the Muslims to destroy the Muslims. And they were big. They were digging a trench. And they came to a stone they couldn't break it. They asked for Rasulullah saw Salaam and he came in he hit the stone. And he saw a flash and he said I see the empires of Persia opening up. The empires of Roma opening up and imagined to sound like empires of Rome and Persia would be about to be
attacked by almost 20,000 wild Bedouins but see how positive he was, in the most difficult circumstances, the greater picture, the gray The ultimate goal, and not just caught up on the pain of the present.
Because so we need to have a positive approach as opposed to someone would say yes, see, to allow to Assetto bashira allowed to not feel to make things easy, don't make it difficult. call people to Islam, don't drive them away. And lastly, I believe that now is the time that we need to go public.
Not to hide that we need to come out in the schools in the universities in any possible way and explain the beautiful aspects of Islam and distance Islam from any confusion coming out of Akuma distance Islam and show the lies that are coming out of Hollywood and the lies that are coming on the media. Because Surely, the ultimate goal is Allah And surely Allah is the one who will decide who will rule this earth as musala salaam said very clearly
is that you know Billa he was below in our de la he Ud suhar may Yasha. Abadi will Aki battling Mata Ki, seek your help from Allah and have patience. Surely this earth belongs to Allah, and He will give it to whom he pleases from his servants his worship is and the best reward is for those who have
taqwa aku Kohli how the Rostock for law Li walakum wa salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
They want power and position, they can control the shower, they can control their desires, they can control their material needs, even though they know that it is wrong, but they don't apply it to their hearts It is like, and the example is giving is like a person, he looks in his backyard, and he has grass and weeds.
So he cuts the grass and he sees the weeds. So he cuts the weeds, but he only cuts it on the surface.
And he says, Now, now my garden is perfect. I can't see the weeds, but he didn't go to the root of the wheat. And by not going to the root, it will grow up again. Next time it'll grow even stronger.
So he needs to go to the root of the issue. right down to the heart. And this is one of the crucial points. How can I lost the pinata like give us authority in the land? If we have to cub board?
If we have arrogance and pride in our hearts? How would Allah give us power in the land? If we look down on people, even as a Muslim because of their color?
Or because of their language? Or because of their economic status? How can we expect Allah subhanaw taala to give us a heart? How can we expect Allah subhanaw taala to give us victory if we have high sat? And we are so jealous of each other? Always looking back at each other? What material progress did he make? Did she have a new baby?
Okay, if you want one, that's fine. But if you hate the fact that another Muslim has a baby, or another Muslim has a new car, or they made some progress, the masjid has a new carpet in it. If you hate that, then the Hassan destroys everything. And so we could be fasting we could be praying, we could be going to Hodge Panza cat, as opposed to Salaam said, Yamaha said for nl hacer dacula sanity, comma taco de nada la top. Beware of jealousy and envy, it eats up your good deeds, like a fire eats up firewood.
And so the hasard can destroy us from the inside.
This guru also
can take an interesting form.
And I was shocked to read in books there are over sometimes 1000 years old, and to find issues that are very similar to what is happening in our own community.
And I say this with all humility, to the movement leaders that we have. But our Islamic movements should be bringing us together.
Our Islamic movements need to unite us on the truth need to be humble and sincere and bring the Muslims together. This is what we need in these times. Strong examples, not just is on other Muslims, but Israel caffeine, that standing up in front of the disbelievers and the haters of truth, but there is a form of Hurrah that is mentioned by the scholars
where the person spends all their time on Illuminati laugh
that he gets the books of
he gets the books of RT de and he only studies the differences between this scholar and that scholar. So he becomes a master in showing you the differences between that and that. And he can actually point out a difference and tell you 10 deals for this thing. He can tell you the opinion of debt and he can't even make solid right.
But intimacy laugh. And so what happens is, many of our young people get caught up fighting each other over triviality.
Now, there are some points which are very important, but the difference of opinion should not make you hate another Muslim. It should not make you threaten the life of another Muslim. Then what is the purpose of it? And the province of some of them has told us my Abdullah Coleman cut father Huda Illa Ooh, too gentle
that people would not go astray after guidance until they were given the ability to argue with each other.
The ability to argue
when our energy should not be spent on arguments that we need to go forward.
Because we are in a deep struggle now whether we know it or not. And if you're in a hot struggle, a hot battle
and the bullets are flying and people are dying,
And a Muslim comes on your site and you look at him. Are you gonna say? What method by you brother?
What does it matter, man?
You have a Muslim on your site, man. It doesn't matter where he sits and then he moves his finger or not.
If they have de Lille, if there is part of Alexandre Jamal, what is the problem.
But some people are so overly heavy, they are actually tilting toward this, their whole life is based on a laugh
on finding what is wrong with other Muslims and attacking them and shooting them down and destroying them and breaking up their organization. You don't have to have Mossad.
You don't have to have these organizations, man. Just let loose some of these twisted Muslims on them.
And so the great scholars of Islam 1000 years ago set, it is hoorah. It is hurrah. It is deception. And we need to look at this, before we even look outside.
Another group spends their time and they really into this thing edit is happening. And may Allah help them they spend their time on maharjan roof.
So they learn as much wheat and they are reading how to pronounce the hearth. And so he spends all his time on mythology roof, and he learns to pronounce it perfectly. And he never reads the meaning of the Quran.
So he knows how to say it, but he's not putting it into his own life. And the professor seldom said the time would come when people would read the Quran and melodious tones, and it wouldn't pass their throats.
It wouldn't pass their throat.
So dukkha sadaqa Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Others read or spend their time and now in self.
And they learn the rules of now. And we need to know these rules of grammar we need to know it. But if the whole day is spent upon now and sort of and people are dying, man, they're dying in the streets and you're arguing about the struggle between the Kufa, heat and the bustle to eat and Grandma,
people are dying in the streets.
So we need to come out of this war. It is the first deception. It is the first and most lethal form of deception that we are facing. It is the essence of the struggle with this code that is going on today. Because I believe strongly and Allah knows best that this Omar is moving toward the front. And this Omar has the potential to lead the world. But we need to try to repair ourselves.
And I want to leave you with a few points.
One is that we need to renew our relationship with Allah.
We need to renew our relationship constantly. And to try to humble ourselves in front of the Creator of the heavens in the earth.
And to try and try to build up the taqwa that our consciousness of Allah will not be only when we are in lectures, or only when we are around other Muslims, that even if we are by ourselves, even if we are downtown, and the time comes for salaat we look for a place to mix a lot. Even if we're downtown in the mall.
We don't only pray inside of the masjid.
And so we need to get to build that taqwa inside of ourselves.
We also need to seek authentic Islamic knowledge, to try to base our understandings upon the great self of this ummah, who have given us authentic guidance, and not to necessarily base our lives upon dreams. And no doubt there is something in the dreams, but it is not the basis of our lives.
Not based upon the length of a person's beard. in Cape Town now we have all times all types of people running around Alhamdulillah Allah has blessed us with many massages, 120 massages in just one city and it's in its suburbs,
but all types of movements and now you got to watch out because people have come with giant beards and giant Goofy's on the head and turbans that are like you know two feet wide and they're coming in now and people are fooled at the size that measuring the turbans now
who's got the biggest one?
Don't be fooled by Don't be fooled by the turban.
Don't be fooled because sometimes it's the opposite.
And if we are really supposed to humble ourselves to Allah subhanaw taala then why would we even try to do that, to be struggling against each other in this type of thing. So we need to strengthen that chakra
within ourselves, and to try to look for the type of authentic knowledge that can help us separate Islam from culture,
Islam culture, because our cultures are many times not Islamic, and many times we are doing things because we saw parents do it. We are doing things because this is the way of our people, not because it is the way of the Sahaba and the early generations. Number three,
that we need to ask Allah for hikma for wisdom. And surely in these times, it is that hikma that balance that was one that we need in these times, because one of the dangers in our Omar again in deception is to go to extremes.
But we need that balance to be able to make the right decisions as the Arabs would say whether it's Shay FEMA, Holly, putting things in the proper place. The Colima Carmen McCall. For every situation you're in, there is the right thing to say is like a doctor when the doctor sees his patient.
And if the doctor would just look at you and say, Okay, take this medicine here, my friend, he might give you the wrong medicine is not enough and you still sick or he might give you too much and kill you. But no takes your temperature. He takes your weight. He asked you about your history. He feels your pulse. Right and after he gathers this information now along with his knowledge of medicine, then he makes his decision. That's the hikma so we shouldn't be going into situations where we don't know the circumstances around us. That you need to have patience to relax and to go into the situations. You know, you know with the sub. And with Basia now look at everything. Try to look
through the lines. Don't just judge people on the hip. Don't just judge on the superficial things that we see. So we need to ask and pray to allow for the hikma.
Next, we need to focus more on Islamic character on Warhammer law. And for a long time, we focused on a bar that we focused on how to make salaat how to pay zakat how to fast how to make Hajj and definitely that is the basis. But now there is a great need for Islamic character.
Because we are under the spotlight. And you'll be surprised to know that even though in America, where it seems to be so bad for Muslims in New York City, right in New York City itself, in many parts of America, you can't get a copy of the court and you cannot get a copy every single English copy is has been sold out. In Brazil, I received message every Portuguese translation of the Quran and Brazil has been sold out.
Everybody wants to read this book. So out of this evil out of this action, which I don't believe that any of us did.
And Allah knows best who did and I do not feel that it is a victory for Islam. It is a terrible action that was done and 1000s of Muslims might have died in those flames. But out of that evil that went on on that day.
Allah is bringing us closer to where we need to be. And maybe we need to have some pressure on us. Maybe life has become too easy for us. So we need to study the character the prophets Allah. He told us boys to leave Bhutan Mima macadam on o'clock, I have been set to complete the best of character. So you need to look at our character man. You can't fast in the month of Ramadan. And as soon as show welcomes, you start swearing.
A person goes to Hajj and comes back to his shop and then he raises the prices on people. he cheats people after he just made hoche Then why did they make hoche just to just to put * for land for land on his shop.
Number five we need to strive for unity. How many times is Allah told us while testing will be humble Elijah Mian, voila tarraco ordered us to hold on to the rope of Allah together. Don't be divided how many places we've been told us. So we need to work for unity. In the same way that many jamaats work for this unity.
Work for the show he laugh. We need to now do work to come together with other Muslims and to love and appreciate the people of the Qibla
and the great Football Hall of Islam, if they had a difference of opinion with each other, they would give naseeha politely and they would make to offer that person they would make to offer the person and not curse the person and scandalize their name.
So we need to work towards seeking this unity in the ranks of the believers. Number six, we need to have a positive approach
positive approach, not a negative approach, it seems difficult, no doubt. And in the Battle of the duck, you can recall that the armies of the Azov were coming from Mecca to surround the Muslims to destroy the Muslims. And they were big, they were digging a trench. And they came to a stone, they couldn't break it. They asked for rasulillah. So sell them. And he came in, he hit the stone. And he saw a flash and he said, I see the empires of Persia opening up the empires of Rome opening up. And imagine the same like empires of Rome and Persia, would be about to be attacked by almost 20,000 wild Bedouins but see how positive he was, in the most difficult circumstances, the greater picture,
the gray The ultimate goal, and not just caught up on the pain of the present.
So we need to have a positive approach as opposed to someone would say, yes, sudo allowed to Assetto bashira allowed to
make things easy, don't make it difficult. call people to Islam. Don't drive them away. And lastly, I believe that now is the time that we need to go public,
not to hide that we need to come out in the schools in the universities in any possible way and explain the beautiful aspects of Islam and distance Islam from any confusion coming out of our coma, distance Islam and show the lies that are coming out of Hollywood and the lies that are coming under media, because surely, the ultimate goal is Allah. And surely Allah is the one who will decide who will rule disperse. As musala salaam said very clearly
is the enabler he was bitten in now out of de la he Ud suhar manga many baddie will Aki battle in Mata Ki, seek your help from Allah and have patience. Surely this earth belongs to Allah, and He will give it to whom he pleases from his servants his worshipers, and the best reward is for those who have Taqwa. Aku lowpoly howdah Rostock for lolly walakum wa salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh