Abdul Wahab Saleem – Embracing Quran – What Does Tafsir Mean – Who Can Do Tafsir

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary ©
The conversation discusses the history and use of the Arabic language, including its use to protect language rules and codes, and its historical significance in various cultures. It also touches on the historical significance of the word "has," as it describes the use of words to describe actions and objects. The segment ends with a discussion of the historical significance of the word "has."
AI: Transcript ©
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sooner hamdulillah salatu salam ala rasulillah Alhamdulillah Hamdan UEFI Nana who Kafeel Mazda sallallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajmeri along the aluminum and federal now in Atlanta in many occurring

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surgery recently Mr. Sahni of cocconi, obesity

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and obesity Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah Masha Allah azza wa jal has not either. schita Sarah, welcome to another episode of embracing Koran.

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We're discussing today the topic of defeat. So we spoke about the double we spoke about other great topics of the Quran, such as the names of the Quran. And now we want to talk about the seed of the Quran. Who does the Tafseer of the Quran? First of all, what is the seed of the Koran? What does it mean, linguistically? What does it mean, from a technical standpoint? What is and who is the one who conducts this deficit? What are their scopes of deficit? Can we understand everything within the Koran or really Allah Subhana Allah has only given given us a limited scope of understanding within the Quran. So that seed

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comes from the word, the root word, which is fascino law, or fissara, which basically all of the words related to FSR go back to the meaning of clarity of law, and, and clarifying other things as well. So they've seen then basically means to clarify something that you are speaking of. So when we're speaking about the Quran, we're basically clarifying the meanings of the Quran. And Allah Subhana Allah use this meaning of the word the seed within the Quran as well. And by the way, there's a couple of other words that are used to refer to the seed as well by some of them will facility in such as the work that we that we lose a common word used by injuries or poverty. And

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it's a common word used by other scholars as well for the meaning that we are speaking of and that is the seed to clarify the meanings of the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala, to scribe the right meaning to the words of Allah subhana wa tada to understand and comprehend and almost deduce the right meaning from the book of Allah subhana wa tada and Allah Subhana Allah says, using this meaning of the word of CD says what I do like a method in Elijah in Africa, will help you set up the era, that they will not come to you with any parable or example except that we will bring to you a better, you know, except that we will bring to you a truth and something better in terms of clarity

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and clarification. So they've seen then, by Allah subhana wa Tada, and this verse is used for the meaning of clarifying something else. Now clarifying the Quran.

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That's what the seed corn means. But more particularly what angles of the Quran or we clarify, when we say Tafseer, we'll call on

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the scholars, of course, over history, because the minds as we know, differ from person to person place to place background to background, the scholars of the seed gave a number of different definitions for the meaning of the seed, right? But all of them sort of, you know, swim in the same waters, they're all have similar understandings. As we grew. He later and later in terms of generations, the meanings of the word of seed, they started to become tighter and tighter. So in hard times, there has been theories produced, which are the tightest and most constrained theories in terms of the meaning of the word, the seed Historically, the word that seed was at times related

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to many, many different sciences, which later on became canonized, and, you know, sort of became their own science sciences on their own right. So about how young, a seventh century scholar who died in the year 744, after his God, he says, that they've seen is a science religion, you have to fee and a fee and then nothing will follow up on that it's a science in which we search annucci research, basically, how to pronounce the words of the Quran, okay. Now, when you think about how to pronounce the words of the Quran, you know, in later generations, that science is called good art. Right? So that art is essentially how you pronounce the words of the Koran, but historically, they

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would include within the crosswalk. That's why when you look at the Seattle show County, you'll find a lot of guttural arts, you know, he will say that such and such party read the verse like this such and such Caribbean Kathy read it like this full on Reddit like this and read it like that, and so forth, right? All these great, a lot of you, right? So then the reason why they're doing that is because these karats are going to help them understand the meanings that are lost.

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On what data is trying to refer to within the Koran because sometimes a word comes in one cut off more clearly and another word comes, the same word comes in a slightly more clear form in another cut off, right, so you have clear and more clear. So the karate end up explaining one another, right? That's why they will put it within the books of the seat and they would consider it within the realm and scope of Tafseer right. Similarly,

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also the meanings of the deceit as well. The meanings of the Iraq rather as well. So when we look at the meanings of the Ayat of Allah subhanho, wa Taala of the Quran, when we look at the meanings of the words that Allah has, has chosen a lot chose in the Quran, this is what they call original Nova. You know, the scientists of Nova are many, many sciences, one of them is called sacred love to understand the meanings of the words that we're dealing with, right. So, one of the scopes of a Mufasa is to be a linguist, such that he can understand the, the meaning of each word in the, you know, in the dictionary sense, okay? So that understanding that the dictionaries render for a

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certain words, and professors should be able to know all those, you know, meanings, because if he doesn't know all those meanings, you won't be able to define which meanings from amongst the dictionary meanings, does Allah subhana wa tada mean when he says, you know, a certain word within the Koran. So, the second scope then is the meanings lexicography as they say right. And also what got me here for the year, what turkey via and also the rules related to combining the words and also the rules related to looking at each word separately Okay, those are basically known to the Arabic language as in most often even narrate the length, the science of morphology and the science of

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syntax, right. So, when we look at the science of syntax or grammar and so on and so forth, and how we are just, you know, form sentences and so on and so forth. That is quite important for a professor because when he looks at a sentence that is formed in a certain way, you'll realize that that is rendering a certain meaning, when he looks at a word we just formed in the Arabic language is a language which is based on derivatives right. So you have a root word, and then on that root word, many different words will come and form in each form has a separate meaning or a list of separate meanings, right. So it will fess it is in need of knowing all of those lists of separate

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meanings related to each form that a verb can take. And that is called animal self and that is also part of the duties of a manifester. Similarly, the manifest it needs to know the reality for metaphor, right? When you speak, you can speak in metaphors you can speak in reality, everything you see, say is absolute reality, or Everything you say is, you know, slightly reality. And then a little bit of metaphors within there as well. The Quran is the most eloquent of light languages, right? The Quran uses and, and employs the most eloquent of languages if that's the case Allah subhanaw taala will use all sorts of instruments found, you know, accurate in terms of rhetoric

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within the Arabic language, right. So Allah subhanho wa Taala only employs the idea of Pico images. When Allah subhanaw taala employs the idea of reality and metaphors within the within the Quran. It is the job and duty of the professor to recognize where Allah subhana wa tada is speaking allegorically where Allah subhanho wa Taala speaking metaphorically, where Allah subhanho wa Taala speaking, you know, absolute in real terms, literal terms. And also last but not least, there is a number of other sciences related to deducing rulings within and from the Quran, such as the abrogation such as things which are clear and things which are not clear ambiguous words and words

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which are absolute clear and so on and so forth. All of those are within the scope of the seed according to according to Yan, a great scholar of the eighth century, right. And Yan is not alone in this many of the scholars they said the same thing. However, in later generation, some of the scholars they decided that the meaning of the word defeat should be limited to only clarifying the direct meaning of the words of Allah subhana wa Tada. Okay.

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So they would say, let's make the entire definition of the seed easier. It's so easy that you can actually memorize it as we speak, simply by

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explaining the Quran. Okay. So whatever is used and employed to explain the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala meaning whatever is needed to understand the words of Allah subhana wa Tada, not the tangents that end up going off because of the words of Allah because there's a lot

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Have tangents that you can go into when you're looking at the depths of the meanings of the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But when you look at just the face value, and the you know, the the blanks that need to be filling filled in, that you may be missing a prior knowledge that you need to have. So you just need them will facilitate and tell you some extra information about this particular verse, perhaps historical or perhaps linguistic, perhaps other things like that, right. So just within that limited scope is what the seed is, according to some scholars. And in reality, I would say that both of those definitions can be used, but there are two different technical meanings one

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according to one scholar, and another according to another scholar, so if a scholar decides to have a certain meaning, you don't use free to do that. But generally speaking, the seat is to clarify the words of Allah Subhana, WA, Tada. Some expand that scope to a lot of other things. Others say no, it's limited to this anyways, right? The reason why we're talking about the meaning of the word defeat, is when we know the meaning of the word to seed, then and only then can we define who a person is, that is allowed to do that the seed of the book of Allah subhanaw taala, who is a professor, who is a person who can actually do the seed of the book of Allah subhana wa tada and who

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is a person who, perhaps is not entirely prepared to do that the seal of Allah, but the seed of the book of Allah subhanaw taala, perhaps he's not entirely ready to look into the meanings in depth.

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You know, in terms of the understanding that Allah Subhana Allah is placed within these verses, who is that person? The scholars, they said, the person who does the seed, he needs a number of different sciences, he needs a number of different pieces of information, prior knowledge, his prior knowledge is in sciences that he has to acquire before he can look in to the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala, to understand them accurately. And I'll give you a list of these, you know, these sciences, I'll give you a list of the sciences. And we'll talk at length about each one of these sciences to understand what is it that it takes for a person to understand the book of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala right after the break, just below him for listening or someone who is at Nam hamedan or Allah, Allah, he was a Hobbesian Marine, or said Ahmadi Kumara Mahabharata.

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salam wa rasulillah Welcome back to your viewers to embracing Quran, we were discussing the concept of deceit. And we left off at our discussion about who is it that is allowed to do the theme of the book of Allah subhana wa Tada. And to understand this better, you have to understand that the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the Koran is that source book towards which all of the other knowledges and all of the other sciences that were ever formed under the banner of the deen of Allah Subhana, WA, tada, they all come back to this particular source, right? It's as if we're on is the ocean, and all of the other things that we talked about, that are supplementing to the understanding of the

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Quran, they're like the rivers that take from the Quran, and they also give back to the Quran as well. So Quran then, is the source of all knowledge, or on then is the primary source towards which all of the other sciences actually returned back to. And this means in order for us to encompass the meanings of the Quran, then we have to do both things, we have to learn the Quran. And we have to also learn the sciences which are contributing to the understanding of the Quran and they're also taking understanding from the book of Allah subhana wa Tada. And in that regard, we find that the scholars of every century in every time are at different levels. There's a person who Allah Subhana,

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Allah has blessed him to be a person who understands many, many different disciplines. He's a person of knowledge when it comes to, he's a person of knowledge when it comes to food. He's a person of knowledge when it comes to Arpita. He's a person of knowledge when it comes to natural, he's a person of knowledge when it comes to salt. He's a person of knowledge when it comes to but Allah is a person of knowledge when it comes to salt. He's a person of knowledge that is a knowledgeable person in Hadeeth in co2 Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when a person has gathered so many different disciplines, and perhaps he may have knowledge of geology, right, there's people

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today who have knowledge of geology and the employer's knowledge of geology, and they try to understand the verses in which Allah subhana wa tada gave slight hints or perhaps just openings into the science of geology method right?

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and so forth. So a person may be a knowledgeable individual or a scholar in any discipline, but what do you look at the Quran, Allah subhana wa Taala will give him the meanings of the Quran based on how much Allah has blessed him of knowing other things and knowing other sciences and knowing things that will supplement his understanding of the book of Allah. inshallah, right. So, some of the things that a person has to learn necessarily, okay, without this person is not a manifester.

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In order for them to understand the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I'm sharing these, you know, points for two reasons, a, because we hope within our own math, to have people who will look at these things seriously, and learn them keenly, so that they can end up explaining the words of Allah subhanho wa, taala to mankind. That's number one. Number two, it's also a reminder for people who may end up thinking that understanding and delivering the understanding of the book of Allah subhana wa, tada is a very easy task. So they take it lightly, and end up doing it even if they're not ready or prepared. So it's a reminder for those, and it's an encouragement for the others. Some

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of the pieces of information some of the sciences, rather than a person has to know, include the ailment and lower the science of lower okay. When we speak about lava, as we said, Nova is a multitude of different sciences. But some of the primary sciences that you need to know is the science of lexicography, or understanding the dictionary meanings of the words that Allah subhana wa Taala uses within the Koran and there's a number of books that have been written on this particular subject by scholars over history, such as the book written by by Simeon halaby, called undeterred, her father, such as more productive father or unblockable, as for honey, and such as other books,

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which are, you know, around the same scope, and other dictionaries, which are not even related to the Quran, because you essentially have to know the Arabic language well enough in order for you to dwell and delve deep within the meanings of the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Similarly, and also Alicia, H topock, is basically the science of morphology, we're in a person looks at a word and and defines Where did this word originally come from? Because you see, the Arabic language like a couple of other languages, or perhaps a lot more languages as well, is a language which is based on root words. So you have a number of different letters, three letters, perhaps four letters, no more than

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that those are the root letters. And upon that those root words, there will be many, many other words that the Arabs will be able to form, right. So through that a person can define what the original meaning of the word that you're dealing with, right, and that's called the science of morphology. Similarly, the science of syntax. So when you look at the science of morphology, you look at each word separately, you're able to define that this word meant this, that word meant that this word meant this, when you look even deeper, in terms of meanings to flip a lover and MANOVA, right, you look at the lexicographical meaning of that word, and through that you can decide that

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this word means this particularly, and there's sometimes many connotations that each word has, right? Sometimes one word can be formed in three or four different forms. All of these things are really theoretical, and they sound confusing, but it's important to know that, that this task that Allah subhanaw taala, had essentially given to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not an easy task, it's not a task for just everybody to get up and do an undertake rather it's a task that requires patience, it is a task, which requires a lot of knowledge and a lot of practice and a lot of different sciences that a person has to undertake and learn. Similarly, there is the science of

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syntax or the science of grammar as well, right. So, just as we have the science of Arabic language, the dictionary definitions, through that we understand words, which happened to be nouns and so forth and their dictionary meanings. Then we have the science of morphology through which we understand the connotations that each word guests because of the different form that that word may be placed in. Just as we have the science of these two sciences, we have a third science which now defines the, the meaning when you look at the entire sentence structure, okay? So that's what they call a nail, then you have a god. Sometimes Allah subhanaw taala reveals a verse with slightly

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different wordings. All of them pretty much render the same meaning but sometimes each of them shed more light to one understanding over another

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whilst another good Ah, maybe shedding another light, right so that you through that you can understand what exactly Allah Subhana Allah was saying. And the reason for that was because essentially, the Arabs had different dialects that they would speak with so Allah subhana wa tada revealed the Quran Allah Subhan Allah subhana wa Taala revealed the Quran in seven different ways of recitation. So that people

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could easily adopt, you know the Quran they get adopted the Quran, they could adapt themselves in their ability to recite to the Quran, because it would be something that would be comfortable comfortable for them because of their own dialects being available within the Quran as well. And similarly a person has to have knowledge of the biography of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam knowing the events which occurred during the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because the biography of Rasul Allah, in one way or another explains the context of the verses and the revelation that Allah subhana wa tada sent down in the form of the Koran. Similarly, a person has to

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have knowledge of the hadith of Rasulullah the statements the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, also the actions that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did, and also the moments in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, affirmed and approved of certain actions of difference a haba and the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So that's the Hadith. Simultaneously, you have to have the ability to actually derive meanings from these verses and the way to do that is when you look at the science of

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where you look at how is it that I can actually take a benefit from this verse, which can be applicable, which can become a rule, which can be considered head on which can be considered head on and so forth a very, very crucial science for a person who wishes to do that the feel of the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala simultaneously, you have another science which is the science of fit itself. So, you have a solar cell, where you define the rules through which you can define which you can derive the rules right, then you have the rules that you derived after knowing, knowing those Maxim's and, and codes through which you are going to understand. So to put it this way,

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is kind of like a filter, okay.

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You take the passages of the book of Allah subhanaw taala, the Hadees of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And you put them through this filter, and Allah Subhana, Allah has made it such and this filter is also found within the Koran already and within the sooner already, and you take these filters and these colored almost that now bring out a prepared ruling for you. This is Helen, this is how long and so on and so forth. So the halal and haram is called the processing, you know, that's called a pseudonym. And the Quran and Sunnah is above all of that were

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even aqeedah and also the scientists of Akita as well. So a person who is looking at the Quran and trying to understand the meanings of the Quran, that that person has to be well versed in terms of the sciences or nakida, in terms of the belief system, which Allah subhana wa tada has placed within the Quran, and also given to us upon the tongue of His Messenger. Last but not least, there's a gift that Allah grants. And that is the gift of understanding. That is what they call literally and this is how a lot of us for honey had called it in the muckety muck of history, that

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you will know the signs of a gift from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that gift comes after you turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala and asked a lot repeatedly, Oh Allah, open the doors of the meanings of your book, to my heart for me, oh, Allah opened the doors of the depths of the verses that you have given to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and in turn to humanity as well. There are some scholars who added a few more sciences as well. And it's probably important to list at least three of them. And those are the three sciences of the, of the Arabic rhetoric, the money by and by the basically those are the rhetorical instruments that Allah subhanho wa Taala uses within the Quran.

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And there's a science dedicated to understanding those rhetorical instruments, the early Arabs would be able to understand these rhetorical, you know, past meanings and connotations that are light placed within the Quran, Allah tala just like that, because there were people who already knew the Arabic rhetoric, they knew how the Arab spoken meant, and the dude had memorized and were raised up on and literally were sort of nurtured on Arabic poetry and so on and so forth. So those things were very easy to understand for them, right. But later on, it became a science, it developed into an entire science where you look through the scope of a person of knowledge, you know, in the science

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and field of Arabic rhetoric, and then you look at the passages of Allah subhana wa tada and derive the deep and beautiful meanings that the people of the Arabic language derived from the book of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And the Arabic language, in fact, is one of the key tools to understanding the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So there's one thing that I could encourage the dear viewer of ours to do is try your best and utmost to try to get closer and closer as much as

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To the language of the Arabs because the key to understanding the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala is within the language of the Arabs and even more specifically, within the sharing within the poetry that has preserved the original. So the Arabic poetry, it preserved the language or the aspects of the language, which hadn't been corrupted. And even some of those Hydra would go back to the Arabic poetry in order for them to understand the Quran. And they're the people who had the purest of language such as a mobile hotspot one day, I'm gonna hop up, he stood on the member, right? And he stood there and he read a verse of the Quran and as he was reading the verse of the Quran, he said

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that what do you think the meaning of this word is? Right? Oh, yeah, who's at home and at how often or it ends up taking them upon the house? What is the house of mean over here? Right? So those Sahaba some of them they looked at a little hubbub, and they replied, that it means such and such surmountable hubbub, asked them, Do you know of a word, you know, used by the Arab Arabs of old a poet poetry, or a line of poetry used by the Arabs of old, which proves the meaning that you're giving? Do you know something like that? So, one of the Sahaba he said Yes, I know. I know of that. And then he recited the line of poetry of Abu Abu they said that

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Abu Dhabi he said the whole of Oslo minha, Dominican garden, that the raha that the saddle on top of the camel, when it got off the camel, it ended up leaving a mark which slowly ended up reappearing. So that slowly appearance was called the hallway according to this particular according to this particular companion and his input in front of a mobile hotspot, are the allowed Alan and Bob used to say La can be deewani can stick to the poetry that Allah subhanaw taala has used to preserve your language. Because if you do that, and you stick to the poetry that you that preserves your language, you will never ever go astray. So stick to the language of the Arabs and that's where Allah subhanho

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wa Taala has preserved the meanings of the language through which a person can understand the Quran and bass whenever he would try to explain a verse he would use a poetry and a line of poetry to explain that his meaning that he has understood from the Quran is actually the correct understanding of that verse. I asked him lots of panel data to grant us the topic to practice and to convey in the next episode, we'll be discussing a very, very important segment of this prefix. And that is a segment of what is the role of a person who doesn't have all these tools in understanding the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So please join us just for listening.

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What does

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that mean?

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