Life of the Prophet: The Battle of Hunayn, 03/14/17
Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 162 – The Battle Of Hunayn
![Abdul Nasir Jangda](
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The speakers discuss the history and importance of the Prophet sallama's actions in the aftermath of the Battle of Mecca. They touch on topics such as the importance of protecting family members, avoiding warfare, and respecting privacy. They also mention the use of narratives to influence people to accept Islam and the importance of personal property in determining acceptance. The speakers emphasize the need for faith in the Prophet sallama's actions and the importance of honesty and integrity in respecting privacy. They also mention upcoming soccer match between the Spanish team and the French team.
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him, and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and therapy. These are just a few of the things we offer alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at the theater intensive, two weeks, dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter in sha Allah join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wasallam go to Sierra, to register or for more info
on the novel salatu salam ala rasulillah, who Allah Allah he was actually he is marrying, inshallah, continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a si Latina, but we had the prophetic biography. In the Choose me. In last few sessions, we've been talking about the
conquest of Mecca fxhome, aka the opening of the city of Mecca. And we talked about it in a lot of detail. And we covered all the different aspects of it, how it exactly transpired, what led up to it, the different
events or the different conversations, the really remarkable things that occurred that transpired in the course of it. And what we're going to be talking about today, inshallah, we're moving on to the next major event. And this is also in the eighth year of his or the eighth year of the prophets a lot. He said items after eight years after his migration to the city of Medina, and this is towards the end of the eighth year. So to quickly recap and remember where we exactly left off the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, along with the forces of about 12,000 of the Muslims. They arrived in the city of Makkah, about halfway through the month of Ramadan, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam then, along with his companions, remained in the city of Mecca for the remainder of the month of Ramadan.
And it is at this particular time, about five days into the month of Shahada, some of the narration some of the commentators they mentioned, it was six days into the month of show while but that's give or take just a day, so about five days into the following month. So this is about 20 days a little over maybe 20 days, 22 days after the conquest of Makkah. The prophets a lot he said I'm in the Muslims have been in maka. maka has been well secured well established. People have accepted Islam given the oath of allegiance to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam has, to quite an extent, very effectively established order, peace within the city of Mecca.
And many of the other threats that existed in and around the city of Macau had been neutralized. We talked about the profits, a lot of them sending out Khalid bin Walid, radi Allahu taala, on who on a campaign to basically further secure the city of Mecca and its surrounding regions and surrounding areas. It is at this particular time, as I said five days into the following month, the month of chawan, the 10th month of the lunar calendar. So this is towards the tail end of the eighth year of higit off at this particular time, there is a little bit of movement, a ways away from the city of Mecca. And that movement. what it was was that there were some Bedouin tribes. So the city of
thought if the city of thought if is about 67 miles away from the city of Mecca. Now, obviously that's not as close as we consider 67 miles, right. But at the same time, it's not that far either. So while it isn't significant enough of a journey would take somebody a couple of days to get from Mexico, if you know, in those days, it's still considered not very, very distance. It's close enough.
And between the city of MCI in the city of thought if there are some different Bedouin tribes that reside there in and they're typically known as about in housing, the tribes of housing, that's what they're known as.
So those tribes of housing, some of them started to congregate together and started to gather together, hearing the news of the fall of the city of Mecca, and the fact that Islam had come to the city of Mecca and been embraced in fact, by the city of Mecca and the people of Mecca. Many of the different tribes of Hawaiians in these Bedouin tribes, scattered tribes. They started to congregate together and started to try to form an alliance and the narration the historical narrations have been as hoppy mentioned
that some of the tribes such as NASA, do some sad been Buckhead and some of the people of blue Hill and these are some of the different scattered tribes of Hawaii and they started to congregate together. And they started to basically get together for the purpose of mounting and launching and assault and attack against Muslims. And when news of this small little group and the even as half mentions were home alone, it was still a fairly small group.
Because there were many other of the smaller tribes within that region that chose not to join in with this new formed Alliance newly formed Alliance, some of the tribes have a Cylon, and benicar vannucchi lab, and many others, they decided not to join in with this. So it was a not a very miniscule But nevertheless, fairly speaking, generally speaking, was a fairly small Alliance. But when the people in thought if and thought it was home to the second largest tribe in Arabia in the Arabian Peninsula, after the Quraysh, which was beneath a thief, when the people of Lusaka Qureshi had a rivalry that went back generations, centuries. In fact, if you recall, when we talk about the
story of the attack by the army of the elephants of sabalan feel it is the people of thieves that people have thought if who actually tried to stab the mccanns operation, the back and basically, you know, we're willing to give their loyalty and their allegiance to EPA. So there was a long standing rivalry between Mecca and tarrif. So beneath a thief when they hear, okay, there are some forces that are gathering together in order to fight off, you know, the Muslims, particularly now that the Qureshi has joined the Muslims, Booth Akif came enjoying them as well. Now beneath the thief, the thought of people, they had a decent number. And once they came and joined, then it became a decent
group, again, not a very large group, not nearly the size of the Muslims, as we'll talk about a little bit later on, it basically came out to be about a third of the size of the Muslim army, there were about 4000 of them, but it was a decent enough of a group. So they came together. And they gathered together to basically launch this attack against the Muslims. And before I proceed on to talk about how the profits, a lot of them learned about this, and what was the profits, a lot of reaction and response to this before I move to that, what I wanted to share is just some of the mindset of these, the the people of Hawaii as in particularly that had gathered together to fight
the Muslims. So there's a very specific urbanist hapa mentions, there's a very specific conversation that he relates and he recalls from here, that when they gathered together when they congregated together all the forces.
One of the people who had come from Philippines, he asked one of the leaders of who was in those small tribes that had gathered together, he says that.
He says Molly, a small revolver at one oh hatherleigh Hamidi while bukata solidi where you are shot he? He says why is it that I hear camels and horses and cows and babies and goats and sheep like why why what this sounds like a village? Why does your army camp when the people of suceava arrived? they asked that people have housing Why does your encampment sound more like a village than an army encampment? Right We hear people children, women, you know goats and sheep and things like that. Like why why is that the case? So one of the leaders of housing, he says that Safa Mali Cubano or magneti Amala, who manisa whom he said one of the leaders of Whoa, as in Mali cubanos, he told the
people to bring their bring their their animals, to bring their wives to bring their children, basically to bring their families and bring their animals along with them, like the whole village should come. He says that aina Malik, where's Monique? I need to talk to him about this. So he says they have that Malik. He's over there with Dori Dori, Ella, who they called Molly cup. And he said, Yeah, Maliki nica
is a comic. He says, look, you are the leader of your people. You are the leader of your people. So I need you to
know how the Yeoman Kanaan la who my brother who minella yam and he says that this that this event, this attack that we're preparing for, this is a really significant thing. Then why is it that you're in Camden looks like a village
Why do I hear women and children? Why do I see goats and sheep and chickens running around? Like what's going on here? So he says that soup tomorrow a nursing home and he said, oh mama come. I told people to bring their families and bring their animals. He says Lima, why would you do such a thing? He says urato ajala halifa Kula, Rosalyn colera galera. juhlin Allahu Allahu Luca, Tina and home, he says that when I present my soldiers, when I put my soldiers forward to fight, what I'm going to do is I'm going to line up all their families behind them, so that when they fight, they know that they're fighting, not just for themselves are fighting to protect the lives of their family members.
So there was a very kind of twisted mentality and a very twisted mindset. And then aerations kind of go on that they had a lot of conversations where they said that, look, if you win, you win, that's fine. But if you lose, you put themselves, put them in a situation where everyone and everything will perish. And they were willing to just kind of sacrifice their people this way. So and I and I mentioned this for a couple of reasons. Number one, you see the twisted mindset, and you see kind of the desperation, and the at all costs mentality that these people had, versus this is something very significant. the ethics of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was that and this is something
that is well established in the principles of Islamic law. And also Lafayette in our school is something very well established, that we have certain actions that are admirable in and of themselves. And then we have certain actions that are not desirable in and of themselves. But and then furthermore, we then sometimes have situations scenarios, where actions that are normally speaking in and of themselves, not desirable, not admirable. They're not sought out. They sometimes can become necessary, almost like what we call in just common speech, unnecessary evil, due to the circumstances. And yes, warfare fighting is something that the Quran mentions. It's something that
did occur in the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but it is still at the same time, a well established part of our Quranic prophetic Islamic tradition. That warfare fighting battle is something that is detestable. Only that he it is detestable in and of itself. It is not something we seek out. It is not something that we admire. It is not something that we pursue the prophets a lot he said, um, he said, lotsa manolio Allah do
do not want to face the enemy in the battlefield. Don't seek that out. do not seek out war
been settled law holla afiya.
The profits Alavi Some said rather always seek safety, well being protection, sanctity of life preservation of life and property. Always seek that out.
And then the profits a lot isn't goes on to say for either lucky to move home
for Alamo and Elgin meta data.
But if you do happen to find yourself in that situation against, you know your best efforts, you find yourself in that situation, then know that paradise lies under this shade of the swords. Like then it's time for valor, then it's time for bravery, then it's time to put your best foot forward. So there's no cowardice. But at the same time, we would be remiss not to very clearly established the idea that that is not something we seek out. It's not something we pursue. And secondly, even in this circumstance, in the situation where that necessary evil arrives, that moment arrives. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam had a remarkable amount of ethics.
About warfare, where the prophets a lot of them said that in no scenario at no cost. Do we ever enter women and children into the fray?
We do not kill women and children we do not present them into the battlefield. Yes, it's found in the hadith of Bokhari in in the authentic narrations that there were sometimes like our mother, shout out the Allahu taala on her who was seen in the battlefield but what was she doing she was in the behind the battlefield behind you know, where the action was taking place, providing water nursing the wounded the injured. That's something else but in the battle itself in the fighting itself, never ever women and children we do not ever subject them to warfare. We don't use them as ploys in battle. And the profits of lobbyism forbade the killing of the senseless killing of
animals. They haven't done anything. The profits, a lot of them forbade, you know, burning things down and pillaging and just raising things to the ground, whether it be you know, nature or whether even even be construction.
We just don't destroy things for the sake of destroying them. He forbade all of this
Prophet sallallahu Sallam forbade striking elderly people in the battlefield.
And so all of these things were always preserved. Think about all the difficult situations that Muslims found themselves in, up until this point, whether it'd be better whether it'd be good whether it'd be hand up all of these moments, none of those lines were ever crossed. None of those principles were ever violated ever compromised. This is something that's very noteworthy and I wanted to mention this for this particular reason.
Now, at this particular time, once though the How did the profits of ECM come to find out that these forces are gathering? So there's multiple narrations, even this Hawk, he mentioned that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard some chatter, he heard some news, that there seems to be some movement, a little ways away from the city of Mecca. The prophets a lot, in some sense, a Sahabi. His name is Abdullah, even Abby hedra eslami. He's more popularly known more famously known as
the Prophet Salafi, some sent him. And he told them, he was a very kind of discreet, you know, in conspicuous individual. And so the prophets, a lot of them told him to very quietly, very calmly, very casually go out there, see what's going on, go and kind of blend into the people mix and mingle and kind of find out exactly what's happening, and then bring the information back. And that's also very, very important to make sure that there is not any type of brash action that is taken. But every action needs to be deliberate. And there needs to be great deliberation and thoughtfulness and planning and strategy in any action that is taken, lives are at stake. We just talked about it in
the previous session or the session before that, when Khalid bin Walid or the Allahu taala, who took some very kind of brash action, the prophets alloxan was very upset, and very, very,
just very upset at what he had done. And the prophets, a lot of them reprimanded him for that action. And the prophets, a lot of them made amends for that action. So Nevertheless, he goes and he stays there, and he finds everything out. And he specifically hears Moloch been out of the leader that I talked about, who was kind of heading this, this army, this force, this force that had gathered together, he heard exactly him kind of barking out orders, and kind of, you know, organizing the troops and laying out the strategy and the plans. And at this particular time, once the news was confirmed, that they are in fact intending to fight and to attack the Muslims. at this
particular time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam gathered the Muslims together, and the narration mentioned that there were about 12,000 of the Muslims that had come to MK as a part of Fatah, maka, the arrival, the column, the conquest, the opening of the city of Mecca, and there were about 2000 Americans that volunteered and joined in with them. So that put the total number of their forces at about 14,000.
And the profits, a lot of them organized them together, rally them up and the profits allottee Some said that we will be marching out from Makkah in the direction of these forces that are gathering to basically deal with the situation that is, you know, formulating that is coming together.
There's a very interesting story here. I had mentioned previously, a few sessions ago that there was a very interesting individual in McKesson was one, even omega. Now. So one, even omega was the son of one of the leaders of the kurush omega two blue Caliph, who was a very bitter and a very staunch opponent to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to the Muslims. And he had many times, you know, try to attack the prophets a lot, he said, and he would mock and ridicule the prophets a lot. He's only he would insult the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and eventually died at the hands of the Muslims.
And his sons of one had kind of taken up the Safar on some of these people, they were kind of the next generation of the leadership of the operation. And they had taken up the mantle of a lot of their fathers, and continued this opposition against Islam. So Stefan was amongst them. When the prophets, a lot of them came to the city of Makkah. Stefan had basically fled, because he was, you know, not willing to accept Islam. And he was actually afraid that, you know, he'd be held accountable for all of his years of opposition against the prophets, a lot of the Muslims.
So one inquired and asked about the opportunity to be able to speak to the prophets a lot of the time and seek amnesty. And he was given some hope of the idea that the prophets a lot of them would be willing to forgive him. When he came to meet the prophets a lot. assembly was a very remarkable conversation that I shared that he met the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the prophet SAW. Selim told him that you have full amnesty, you're safe, no one will harm you. No one will lay a hand on you. But then he said, Okay, I appreciate all of that. However, in the process, I'm invited into some
He said, I appreciate all of that. However, I'm not really sold on this yet.
I'd like you know some time to be able to think things over. And the profits, a lot of them said take two months
to kind of think things over. And the profits a lot of time was very comfortable. This was a man that used to lead armies against the Muslims. He was like an active, you know, ad he was an advocate against the song. And the prophets, a lot of Islam allows him to stay in Mecca safe and sound, and not even accept Islam not even become Muslim. He's telling the prophets a lot. I'm not convinced of your message yet. And the Prophet sallallahu Shem says, no problem. We have more confidence and more faith in our Deen
that it is inevitable. It is undeniable. It is unfathomable to us that you would live amongst us and not be persuaded by the truth and the beauty of this religion. So this affirming omiya, as I mentioned before, he was amongst the nobility and the elite of the operation. So he's a very wealthy individual. So many of the Sahaba you know, they were still in that situation where they were simple folk. They didn't have a lot of materials. They didn't have a lot of equipment. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard the news. That's a fun. he possessed a lot of extra equipment, like in terms of armory, and armor and weaponry and things like that, that he possessed a lot of
extra equipment, some narrations mention, he possessed, he owned 100, armors and 100. Like, you know, swords and shields, like enough equipment to equip
100 soldiers is a wealthy man he had just collected and gathered all of this together. So he had an entire armory to himself.
So the prophets, a lot of them called for him. And he was still it says, even as Hawk says that for ourselves. He was a Yama he didn't machinic the prophets lie, some call them and Stefan was still a non believer. He was still a machinic he had not accepted Islam and the prophets a lot of them said yeah, about a year that was his punia he says ns ilaha
illa haka. hada Nell, Kofi Ada Wanaka. He says that, why don't you lend us your equipment allow us to borrow your equipment, so that we can go and face our enemy. A lot of our people need equipment and you have a lot of extra equipment. You have entire armory, entire artillery to yourself. So why don't you let us borrow some of your equipment?
and someone says, of us, banja Mohammed.
That's who he is right now. He doesn't say Yasuo. Lalanne nothing. Yeah, Mohammed. I'm not Muslim. Your Mohammed as far as I'm concerned. sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But he's saying your Mohammed to me. He says a husband. Yeah, Mohammed, another narration. He says husband arietta.
He says that. are you forcing me? Are you telling me to hand it over? Like, do I have a choice in the matter? Are you asking if you can borrow it?
Is this a command? Is this an order? Because you're in charge here? I'm at your mercy.
So do I have to hand it over? Can I borrow it? And the profits a lot, Sam says Bella Arya 10 Madonna 10 Hatton new at the lake. He says no, rather we just want to borrow it, and we shall return it to you.
So he says, okay, they said we have about seven. This is no problem, you can borrow it. And so the narration mentions that fall talking me at a dinner and he lent them 100 enough equipment to equip 100 soldiers.
so much so that some of narrations even as Hawk mentioned, for example, I even met some people even this Hawk says, and that also lies a lot of them sila who and yet for whom hum laugh of Allah, He was also so wealthy that he had like 100 animals, and the prophet like camels or horses, and the prophets, a lot of them even went as far as asking him if they could borrow the animals, and he lent those as well.
Now, the reason why I mentioned this is first of all, you see the humility with which the prophets Allah who conducts himself.
The prophets, a lot, has already shown this man quite a bit of mercy. Right? He's a, he's a criminal.
He's attacked, he's murdered, he's killed, he's assassinated Muslims.
He's launched multiple attacks against the profits a lot of the time. He's tried to assassinate the profits a lot. He's music criminal, the process of altering forgave him, then he's not accepted to so many ways either.
And then the profits, a lot of them is still asking him not taking, asking because personal property is personal property, and the profits or loss of some always respected the boundaries of personal property. It didn't matter if it was even an enemy.
And then secondly, look how we speak to the property.
Husband Yeah, Mohammed, what you're just gonna make me you're just gonna take my stuff like that Mohammed. And again, the prophets, a lot of them look how he responds to such kind of, you know, aggressive or passive aggressive speech. But he attended moon at and had no idea like, No, no, we would just like to borrow it and we fully guarantee the return of it and we'll bring it back to you safe and sound your equipment and mother moon attend basically means if we're not able to return it to you the way that you gave it to us, we take responsibility for any losses suffered, any losses incurred will repair damages.
And so, but that's the humility of the prophets allottee center.
And the reason why I also bring this up, is that the narration basically goes on, many Imam Atman mentioned Jesus, or Buddha or nessa Timothy or the Mahabharata. And they mentioned this in their narrations, that when they got back, we haven't talked about the Battle of Romania, and the Battle of se the Battle of thought, which we'll talk about in sha Allah in the coming sessions. But Fast Forward real quick, to the moment when they get back to Mecca. When they get back to Mecca, veneration mentions for ba ba boo Ha. Some of the equipment that was lent did not make it back. And some of it was damaged, it's inevitable. It's battle it's warfare, and that who name there was an
actual battle.
And the Muslims actually did incur and suffer some losses. So inevitable. It's inevitable that something was damaged, something was broken, something was lost, something did not make it back the way it was taken. For barbell Doohan for Allah alayhi salatu salam, ala, Moana Hala, who the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he gathered together what was borrowed from him and the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you know, arrange for it called him and returned it back to him and took a full, you know, told him fully account for everything you had given us. And when they found that there was some things that were missing the prophets, a lot of them said, Okay, please tell me how many things are missing,
what their estimated cost is, what that would amount to. And I'd like to compensate you for your losses. very fair. Again, the profits a lot isn't for all intents and purposes, I want everyone to really understand this. We, you know, this is gonna sound very, very strange. But we sometimes as Muslims, we become so accustomed to the nobility and the character, and the integrity and the honesty and the dignity and the honor of the prophets a lot a setup that we sometimes start to take this for granted, we don't really appreciate the scope of what's going on. Think about this, the prophets a lot, ism is in charge. He is the head of state, he is the government. He is the ruler, he
is the sole authority. He's not just any ruler or any King or any even halifa. He is a messenger of Allah allottee. So he was he is Simon Wang Sahib machinery. He receives divine revelation he is authorized by God to make law.
He doesn't have to answer to anyone except Allah. He doesn't have to answer to any human being. He doesn't know anyone any explanation.
But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is here, look at the level of honesty, where they're putting down everything and they're accounting for everything and they're checking everything. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is basically now saying, I owe you something, please tell me what I owe you.
Can you imagine in any other scenario, somebody else with even a modicum of that power,
ever subjecting themselves to such accountability?
Is it even fathomable? to us today?
There's somebody with even a modicum, an ounce of that level of power,
ever being so honest, and open to accountability.
But that's what that's what makes the prophets a lot easier who he is. That's why the prophets allowed him was a leader that he was. That's why the prophets, a lot of them commanded and demanded the respect and the love,
not fear, but the love of the people that he governed over.
And so the and then look what happens, you know, goodness, higher begets higher. Goodness inspires more goodness.
And so look at Stefan's response, he says, when the professor says, what do I owe you? He says, another Yom Yom rasulillah.
What did he say a little while ago, just a few weeks ago, when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Can we borrow some of your equipment? What do you say? Yeah, Muhammad. What does he say today? jasola. How can you not respect this man? And you know what? It's not that he's Muslim yet somehow. And that's what's even more amazing. He says Anna Lee O'Meara Salafi Islamic Arab
I like Islam a little bit more now. So not Muslim, but he still calls me out of school a lot because he respects the man. How can you not? But he says that I just feel a greater inclination towards Islam than I did before. And in another narration that explains it in a little bit more detail that's found in the book of Buddha ood he says the prophets a lot of them says HUD for HUD namun adrar, aka a Dre and for * now for Hanukkah, Malacca, the prophets, a lot of them said we lost some of your equipment. So can how can we compensate you for it, compensate for the damages, the losses, he says lie Ursula he says there is no need or messenger of God in the field, lb leiomyoma
lahmacun Yama, even he says today I feel differently about you than I did that day.
So no need to compensate me for anything.
And that's good enough.
And this is the effect of the Messenger of Allah ceylonese is the effect of that dignity.
That even in a situation that is obviously very tense,
dignity, character, integrity prevails.
That's the thing, even when the situation becomes tough. And we do have to take more difficult, you know, challenging measures, more harsher measures.
We still never compromise our ethics, we still never compromise our dignity, we will never compromise on our integrity. And that's how what the Quran basically talks about this is literally this story. This interaction is a practical demonstration by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam of the eye of the Quran, while a tester will have one or two when I say to the family Let's see here.
For even though the vena cava Bina who Ida Tana, who will
literally work toward it lays out on this situation, it's applied.
Because the role of the messengers a lot of these humans or ancestors ones on the ground, need to begin Alina semana de la la him, that the Quran was sent to you so that you may demonstrate it, you may display it and clarify it for the people so that they understand what has been given to them. That this is the ayah that I was referencing from Surah 41 sort of will say that is Allah says good and bad, will never be equal. Not all good is equal, not all bad is equal and Good and bad will never be equal. always respond with something better. And what will happen all of a sudden, inexplicably, miraculously, your most bitter rival and enemy will become your most passionate and
loyal friend and supporter. And that's literally what we see play out over here. So as I was mentioning, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, at this particular time,
they marched out and as I mentioned that there were about 14,000 people in the Muslim forces, some narrations mentioned that there were 12,000 forces, but even cathedra ham Allahu taala says, there were 12,000 that are come from the conquest of Makkah plus the 2000 Americans. So either way, there's some conversation between 12,000 or 14,000. Nevertheless, they march out, another very notable thing that I wanted to mention that I feel is very relevant. And something we can learn a lot from is that the person the prophets, a lot of them left in charge of Makkah, while they were gone to take care of this threat, at the place of her name, was a companion of the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam who was from the people of Makkah, his name was a tab even a seed, even a bit Larry's even omega aluma we, so I tab, even a seed now the Allahu taala. On who, what, what, why is that noteworthy? His name is probably not something that most you know, folks have heard before. They haven't heard as mentioned before, but why is it mentioned? Why is it noteworthy? Why should it be mentioned? Even kathira, from Allahu taala did some research on the individual, and he tells us what kind of what kind of who is that a curry bombing a Sreenivasan he was only 20 years old,
only 20 years old in the process and put him in charge of the heroine.
You take care of the harm, you take care of MCI, you take care of the GABA beta law while we're gone.
20 years old.
You know, a lot of times we have these expressions where we say put your money where your mouth is. Right? So we talk a lot of times about the importance of young people in our youth and cultivating young people and future leadership and the youth, the leaders of tomorrow, etc, etc. These are all great slogans. And it's very faint. It's fantastic rhetoric, particularly when we're fundraising. It sounds fantastic. But putting your money where your mouth is that not only saying it from a stage when we want to kind of you know, take money from people, but actually doing it in our communities.
Who are we empowering
you know, training, teaching, empowering, preparing, we're giving responsibility to,
you know, getting them ready.
When it whenever it comes down to any type of critical responsibility, we always default back to our comfort zone. And really, I don't want to get into, you know,
vilifying, you know, kind of the the status quo, leadership in our communities, the older folks, I'm not vilifying them.
I don't think there's anything nefarious there, at least not for the most part.
But a lot of times, it's just a matter of the comfort zone. What is familiar is comfortable is safe.
But that's not the center of the profits allottee Center,
you got to give to get, you got to invest something, you gotta You, you, you, you have to put something into it, you have to put something on the line. And that really creates pressure, and actual responsibility.
It is something that really breeds and fosters confidence, when they actually will succeed. And this is the profits a lot. So I'm teaching us this. All right. And then lastly, and finally, before I conclude for today, inshallah, gonna keep it a little bit shorter today.
But the last thing I wanted to mention, because I was talking about the way the prophets allottee, some lead people. And now we see a couple of different things. I've mentioned two different things here. Number one, the honesty, the integrity, the dignity, the honor of the profits a lot so and how we treated people in such a dignified fashion. And number two is how the profits allowed someone saw the potential in people and empowered people and encouraged people and lifted them or brought them up. Then what type of response did that elicit from the people? how dedicated were they? That the narration mentions that? The prophets, the Muslims, when they marched out from the city of Mecca,
they stopped at the first place that they stopped at when they stopped there, and they kind of set up camp over there. The Prophet sallallahu Allah He was suddenly we're getting ready to pray. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that, you know, when it was nighttime, the prophets a lot of them said may you know sooner or later who will guard us protect us kind of keep a lookout for the Muslim encampment at night.
So unless you are being monitored, another young Companion of the prophets Allah is him said Anna Rasul Allah, I will the essence of farrakhan and the prophets a lot isn't specifically told him it's ductable had the Cheb
had the share, but Hakuna Fie Allahu wa noir rondom in Kibera, Lika la la, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said specifically go out and keep watching this direction, and no attack should come at us from that side. Meaning you keep watch. And if you see any movement, if you see any troubles during you got to come and let us know. Do not let us get caught off guard. He says Okay, I got it.
And he rides out at night, before everyone kind of like wraps up and turns in. morning time comes.
Everybody wakes up for fudger they gathered together. They're about to pray fudger in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says hello system 32nd has anyone see cn nS?
Has anyone seen the young man who was keeping watch? Everyone says jasola ma Cessna. We haven't seen him. We haven't heard from him nothing. The prophets a lot of The Simpsons, okay, it's time for prayer. They prayed this a lot. And as soon as they get done praying, the narration says that the prophets Allah immediately turns in that direction. He's kind of looking off in that direction. He's worried. Where is he?
And then all of a sudden the profits a lot he some season riding up into distance, and he says up for a conference.
Oh, good news. Good news. He's here. And when he comes to the profits, all of a sudden, the profits, a lot of them asks him How did everything go? And he says, I went out there. I stayed alert. I kept an eye out. I didn't see any movement. I didn't see any trouble. The prophets a lot easier said than a letter. Did you take any rest?
Did you take any rest at night at all? Did you take any breaks? And he says La Ilaha. Sunday and oh called the Adjutant? He said, Absolutely not. I only went to the restaurant. And then I you know, maybe we'll do and then I just prayed in between a little bit here and there. But outside of that I didn't take any rest of the state alert the whole time. That dedication, right, we oftentimes complain
that we don't find dedication. We don't find commitment. We don't find people willing to work hard roll up their sleeves, but we will if we put them in that position. If we cultivate that sense of responsibility if we tell let them know that we do trust them. This is the way the profits allow him foster
This sense of investment, ownership empowerment.
And then lastly, and finally, I had said that that was the last thing, the last thing I just wanted to mention. And this is kind of something that we can end on a very powerful kind of message from the prophets a lot. He said them while they were traveling towards the direction of her name.
And the narration mentioned that the 2000 mannequins that I joined with the Muslims, many of them were still very new to Islam. They had left idol worship not too long ago.
And while they were traveling, they passed by a place where there was this very, you know, kind of luscious tree.
And there were some people there some better ones kind of in the area, they used to worship that tree, used to go there and offer sacrifices there and do some rituals there at that tree. When some of these people who had just very recently come to Islam, they kind of saw this and they said, Yeah, rasulillah
is your Atlanta data and Watson Kamala home data and Watson.
They said on messenger, messenger of Allah, can we have an object of worship?
The way these people have an object of worship, and the prophets, a lot of them said Allahu Akbar,
Allahu Akbar.
And then the prophets a lot of them said ultimately, and so Mohammed ambia de cama Calico, Mousavi Moosa, he says what's really astonishing what you just said to me, I swear to Allah, what you just said to me is exactly what the believer said to Moses.
exactly the same. And he quoted the ayah from solar to the earth is Allah, Allah and Kamala, whom Allah make for us an object of worship a deity, make for us an object of worship as these people have color in that moment alone. And Mashallah Solomon said to them, that you are people who are still stuck in your ignorant ways. And then the prophets Allah issued a warning. And this hadith is found in Timothy nessa many books of Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said in the Hassan, these are the events of the past in history that are kabuna soon and among cannibalism. And if you're not careful, you will step for step, fall into the same pitfalls, that the people before you did. You'll
make the same mistakes that people before you did. And that's why it's so important to know your history to learn your history, and to be mindful, to be aware, to be vigilant, and not fall into those same mistakes. That's why the Quran is the treasures that it is because it tells us what to avoid, what to look out for, what mistakes not to make.
What is the path of salvation?
What are the errors of the ways of the people of the past, so that we don't end up making the same mistakes again.
And so inshallah with this, we'll go ahead and conclude for this week, as I said, keeping it just a little bit shorter inshallah. And we'll resume from here in the following session, where we'll actually talk about the commencement where the battle actually commences and what happens in the battlefield. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything has been said and heard some Hanalei byham de semana Colombia hammock now Chateau La ilaha illa Anta soccer Ghana to be Lake