AbdelRahman Murphy – Sincerity In Deeds For Allah
![AbdelRahman Murphy](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/abdelrahman-murphy-150x150.jpg)
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of loss in our religion and how it can impact our emotions. They emphasize the need for people to take time to do so, and for forgiveness and aid for those affected by difficult situations. They also discuss the need for people to be more urgent and lengthen their daily activities in public settings, and the importance of responding to difficult situations and asking for forgiveness and aid for those affected by the loss.
AI: Summary ©
hamdulillah Al
Hamdulillah DNS Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah.
Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah mucuna Hakuna had will hamdulillah no matter who you know who and I still fiddle when there was a villa human surely unforeseen error women say Dr. Medina, manga de la, la, la la la la, la la la, la la, la la la la la, la la sharika Shakira shadow Ana Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam en la raza La la la la la la fille Akita Hill movie in Palo Alto, Bella humanus shaytani r rajim, poldhu. Allahu Ahad Allahu Samad, let me help you lead while I'm here on level one I had about
last Thursday, my mom, my mother, she called me. And as is her weekly tradition, before I give her a hug, but she was going to tell me what I should give a hug, but about. So my mom, she has this weekly thing where she calls and tells me, man, I heard a lecture or I read a Hadeeth. Or I read an idea. And I want you to talk about this when you talk to people.
And at that moment, I heard her on the phone, and I heard this silence. So I thought that the phone disconnected. So I said, you know, Mom, are you there? And then she said, Yes, I'm here, but I heard her and her voice she was crying.
So I thought to myself, What did you hear? That caused your heart to trembling? What What did I hear that? What did you hear that caused you to start shedding tears?
And she said, Man, I heard this lecture about a hadith that I've heard time and time again. But at the end of the lecture, she said, the teacher, the chef, he asked a question of the audience, that she said, Well, ah, he it shook me to my core.
The Hadees that she was referencing is a hadith that's very famous in our tradition, where the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam
in his effort to educate his companions and to educate us. He taught us about an event that happened before us.
And he said, and this is narrated in the books of Hadith like Sahih Bukhari and Muslim and Timothy and nessa and others. Rael de Sala hain, he said that there was a time where there were three men, three people who are on a journey.
And due to the inclement weather, the rain, they had to take shelter. And so they went into a cave, they went and they found this cave in the mountains when they were walking on their journey. And the weather was so bad, the rain was so bad that they ran into the cave.
But because of the weather, and because of the the shape of the cave, and the entrance, the weather and the wind and the rain had caused a giant rock a boulder to fall and to exactly fall on the mouth of the cave, meaning that now that they were in this cave, and the boulder was there, they had no exit, there was no way to get out.
And so the first thing they did was they told each other the Heidi says call about the homely burden, or law hobby of Dr. Mills to whom, to whom at that call upon Allah subhana wa Tada.
Call upon Allah subhanho wa Taala on or through using a deed that you did something that you did, that you only did for Allah subhanaw taala sake. And this is a very interesting response to trial and difficulty, you know, you're stuck in a cave, you have no idea how you're going to get out. You tried to push the boulder all three of you tried but your muscle couldn't help. And so they then turn to one another and the first thing they say is ask Allah for help.
So each of them, in a moment of desperation, raises their hands to Allah in the cave, and each of them share a moment from their history, where they did a deed that they did only for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala
the first one he says yeah, Allah and they each recounted the story. He says, Yeah, Allah, you know, that I am a shepherd, you know that I have a flock and you know that as part of my responsibilities, or as part of my benefit from this job. I take milk from these animals. And yeah, Allah you know that every time I take milk Allah, I go back. And even though I have my own family and my own children, I first go to the home of my friends.
Parents and I make sure that they drink before I even give my family the milk to drink. I make sure that my parents have been nurtured and nourished before I even nurture and nourish myself or my own family, my own children. He said the Allah you remember that one time, where I went back to my parents home, and it was late and I found them sleeping Yala. And Yala. You remember that one time that I sat there, and I did not want to disturb their sleep? Because they were my parents and out of love and respect for them. I wanted them to rest they look so tired. And I sat there all night with the milk in my hands waiting because perhaps maybe they might wake up in the middle of the night
hungry. asking where was the milk today? And I sat there to the point where my own children began to say dad Baba dad a boo. Can we have some milk now? We've been waiting for so long. And I sat there until the morning
after recounting this story the first man said yeah Allah and koonta tell him that I did this if you know Yeah, Allah that I did this for your sake alone. Then Allah please move the rock that we can not on min has some app that we can see from it now when you move it a little bit of the sky.
At that moment when the man said yeah Allah if I did this for your sake alone, please move the rock when he said that the rock shifted slightly.
The second man begins his story.
He says yeah, Allah you know that there was a woman that I was deeply in love with, that I was extremely attracted to. And we had feelings for one another and Yella, you know, that I had the opportunity to have extramarital affairs with her. And that one time, I beckoned to her, I called for her, and we met up to engage in extra marital activity. And I was at the moment I was at that moment. Right when we were about to engage with one another. She reminded me to fear Allah.
And I remembered in my heart a lot I remembered my consciousness and fear of you. And I stopped he says, Oh Allah, if I did this for your sake Allah if I did this only for you Yeah, Allah then please move the Boulder. Move the rock so that we can see from it a bit of the sky. So the the man said, If I was doing this for your sake, if I avoided the temptation, yeah, love for your sake, then please move the Boulder. And Allah subhanho wa Taala then shifted the boulder slightly. The third man then after seeing this happen now twice called out to Allah Spano Tata. And said, Yeah, Allah, I employed someone to do some work for me, I employed a person to do some work for me. And after they did this
work for me, Allah, I owed them a certain payment, a certain grain, a certain amount of grain. And in that, I asked them to take their grain, but for some reason, they refused the Allah. So they left and I took their grain, and I then invested it multiple times. So over the years, I took the grain I invested it. And from that grain, I was able to yield to purchase cows and sheep and much more than the grain itself was worth.
The men then came back the labor then came back and demanded his payment. And the third man said, Yeah, Allah, I could have just given him the grain that I owed him. But because I used his payment and invested it and yielded more, I told him that you see all of this all of these animals and these livestock, he said, Yes. He said, all of that belongs to you. It came from the grain that you were owed. The man actually became shocked and told me Are you lying? Are you joking with me? Are you making fun of me? And the man said, No, the third man said no, It all belongs to you.
He took that and he left so the third man then at that moment called and said the same as the first two Yeah, Allah if you know that I did this for your sake alone. Yeah, Allah then please move the boulder and the boulder then shifted completely out of the way. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam told us this incredible Hadeeth with so many different virtues in it, but today we're going to talk about a few. And this is the core of our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. All three of these stories. All three of these events have a couple of things in common. The first and foremost is that they all highlight what is known in our religion as loss as sincerity. It will tell
you about him Allah He defined a loss as when a person does something
For the sake of Allah, they do some sort of active obedience to Allah. And they have no one else in their mind and in their heart besides Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is difficult. This is tough, because sometimes you could be doing it to please somebody else, whether it's your parents, or your kids, or your spouse or your friends or your community, and that could impact your intention in your heart. But I am said no, if a person has a loss, that means that the only one that they're thinking about when they're doing the deed, is Allah subhanaw taala. They're not thinking about if they're gonna get in trouble with anybody, or if they're going to please or impress anybody. They're only
thinking about Allah subhanho wa Taala. So my mother going back to the phone call now, at the end of that when she told me the story, she still had tears in her eyes. And she said to me, man, the shift asked a question that shook me when he finished narrating the Hadeeth. I said, Mom, what was the question? She said, Man, he said to us, if you were the fourth person in the cave,
and the boulder had only moved a little bit, do you have a deed that was so sincere, that was done for the sake of Allah that you would have been able to raise your hands and been a part of the group that move the Boulder, or if you had called upon Allah, perhaps with the boulder not have moved at all?
And this was the question that Cece had caused her to start crying, have I done anything so sincere and so full of only La ilaha illAllah that it would literally be able to move mountains. And the shift then concluded and said brothers and sisters, sincerity is such a strong power that the believer has, that it can take an obstacle that seems impossible. That seems immovable. And when sincerity is added to the action, Allah subhanaw taala can make the impossible possible. He can move the immovable, he can change the unchangeable condition, whenever we perceive a difficulty to be if we do something for Allah sake alone, then a lost power to Allah can facilitate that. And that's why
the Prophet Mohammed so seldom said, it doesn't know what I'll be shocked at Martin. He said, fear. Protect yourself from the fire. Even if it's only with half a day, what is half a date worth? in financial monetary assessment? What is half a date worth? When you give charity half a date? Please, when you sign up for the sustainers program, try to commit more than half a day inshallah, right? Because it's not worth that much. It's only worth like, maybe 30 cents, but Subhanallah, the Hadeeth. Here the prophet SAW sent him says, never underestimate any deed, if it's done for the sake of Allah, Allah Tada. And this goes for you and for us. Meaning we should never underestimate our
deeds. We should never say oh, I'm only a simple Muslim, I only pray and I only know, you pray, Subhana. Allah, you worship Allah. And we should also never underestimate the deeds of other people. And this is a disease that flows through the community is that we see someone and we say, Oh, yeah, they might do this little thing, but they have all these other deficiencies that they have, oh, they might do this on the weekend. They might come to gym once a week, but they're not really a good Muslim. Don't ever underestimate anyone's deeds, whether it's your own or someone else's, because Subhanallah the power of sincerity in that deed, may as well change their entire course of life.
Mmm, because Allah he narrates a hadith in one of his writings, where he says that there was a man who was to collect some debts. And I've told this story before, but think about this for a moment. He had done no good in his life ever. The head he says that he was very deficient in his relationship with Allah. But he used to give loans to people all the time, free loans, no interest free loans. One day he told his debt collector to go and tell everybody that your loans have been forgiven. I have forgiven all of your loans, no one is going to pay me back all of your loans have been forgiven.
The man then dies and we learn from the Hadith that he will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment like all of us, and Allah subhanaw taala will have a conversation with him and will say what is it that you did in your life and the man will say,
I didn't do much Allah.
I didn't do much. But one thing that I did yell a lot is that I had a lot of people who owed me money.
And one day I woke up with this sincere feeling in my heart that I wanted to forgive all of them their debt because the prophet SAW Selim said that forgiving debt is one of the most beautiful and illuminating deeds that a person can do is forgiving someone's debt even though he said that the person does not have to do that. They don't have to forgive it, but it's good. So he said, y'all, I woke up one day and I wanted to forgive everyone their debt, and I
Did so I lost him I don't want to I that turn to the angels, Isaiah Jackson. And he says to the angels, this man for gave those people who owed him who transgressed him who owed him money. Then Allah says, but no one is better at forgiving someone who transgresses than me. And so let it be known that although this man did no other good in his life, I'm talking about no prayer, no fasting, nothing else, possibly no saga. He said, Let it no be known that I have forgiven this man all of his sins. Because of that one deed of sincerity Allah spawn Tada, allowed that men entrance into paradise. So brothers and sisters, we need to really think about this question. If we were the
fourth person in that cave, do we have that moment that we shared with a lot intimately? You know, one of the downfalls of the age that we live in, is that everything is public, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the internet in general, everything is public. And we do things always in the sight of people, how many of us take time each day, just between us and Allah, not even in front of our spouses or kids or families, where we raise our hands to allow we have a conversation with him alone. How many of us make sure that we take time to do some worship, in the privacy of a room where no one can see us? So that we can have that relationship with Allah, that is special, you know, when
there's two very close friends, I want you to think of your best friend, you know, when there's two very, very close friends, they share experiences together that no one else has, besides those two, and they can simply look at one another. And they can give each other a smile and they will know that they're talking about this certain experience. I have friends that we've had experiences together that will keep us connected for our entire lives, no matter how far we live apart. How many of us have these experiences with Allah? That we're just alone? And we know Yeah, Allah you remember that one time when I got up in the middle of the night, and I prayed to Yella Yella, you remember
that one time when I got my paycheck and I really, really, really wanted to buy this thing. But yeah, I donated a big portion of it for your cause Yellow Yellow, you remember that one time that there was that person in need and I woke up early on the weekend. And when I gave them food Yala, all these secret deeds, how many of us have the deed? May Allah subhanaw taala increase us in our deeds of sincerity to him? I mean, I mean, we ask Allah, Allah to accept, we ask Allah, Allah subhanaw taala, to shower us with sincerity, and to give us the ability to do things for his sake alone, for his sake alone, because as we learn, in the Hadith, about Ria about showing off, that a
person will come on the Day of Judgment, with mountains full of good deeds in front of them, and they will become so excited, they will see the good deeds and they will say what is this, and they'll be told this is your good deeds, and then at a moment's notice, at the snap of a finger, the deeds will blow away, like saw dust in the wind. And the person will become fearful and will say, what happened? Why, why did this happen? Where did my deeds go? And they'll be told this is because when you were in front of people, you did something but when you were alone, you did something completely different. When you were with others, you acted a certain way. But when you were by
yourself, you did not act that way. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to protect us from such a punishment, and to give us acceptance of all of our deeds, as we know that only deeds that are accepted are those that are sincere politically how that was tougher. Hello, hello, welcome, Lisa in Muslim Muslim ads for suffering in hula
hamdulillah hirable alameen wa salatu wa salam O Allah Ma Ma MBA with mursaleen sadhana Mohamed Salah LaValle. Lee was a happy woman at Abercrombie, his son Elijah Medina, Allahumma dynamin, whom I mean, so now we all understand comprehensively the importance and the power of loss of sincerity for Allah. But how do we how do we apply it? How do we cure ourselves of the disease, of react so that we can do things for Allah sake, to the point where we can move mountains like the three men that were mentioned in the cave. The first is to ask ourselves and to do some self evaluation. Look at how you respond when you are with people versus by yourself that one of the questions that one of
the great scholars of Tesla he asked, he said, when you're with people, do you get up to pray more urgently than when you're by yourself? Or when you're with people? Are you more excited to do good than when you're by yourself? He said if you are always rushing to do good when people are around as opposed to when you're by yourself, this could be a sign that a person lacks a
Because the presence of others, and the potential praise that they might give, makes us quickly run to do good in front of them. There's a famous story. I don't know if it's necessarily true, but it tells a very good point of a young man who was praying in the masjid. And the father of the woman he wanted to marry was behind him. And the father was speaking to his friend about the quality of the prayer of this young man was saying, Look at how long he's praying, Mashallah, look at how much whole sure he has. Look at his love for the Salah in the masjid. And the young man as he was hearing this, he extended his prayer, and he was enjoying the praise, and he was loving the compliment. And
they kept praising and praising and praising him until finally they stopped. So when the young man was praying, and he heard that they stopped complimenting him, he became fearful because he said, I want to marry his daughter, I have to keep impressing him. So during the prayer, he turned around and said, and I'm fasting as well, right? to kind of give this idea that you can keep going keep praising me Look at all the things that I'm doing. This is the absence of the class. This is literally the absence of a class that someone is only doing something so that they can be get praise. Another example that the scholars say is can you Subhanallah This is difficult. Can you be
in a room where someone is praising what you did? But you don't claim it?
Can you be in a room where someone is saying men, whoever grilled that chicken? They are the Iron Chef, Mashallah. And you grill that but you say yes, upon Allah. It was amazing. Whoever did that is incredible stone, can you the scholar says, Can you let the praise go by you walk by you without claiming it? Because that shows that you did it only for the sake of Allah, not even for someone to praise you. So these are two things that we can work on is to be more urgent and to lengthen arriba dot when we are in private, as opposed to when we are in public. How many of us pray as many Sunnah prayers at home, as we do when we're in the masjid. Now, don't get me wrong, there are some buckets
of good environments, of course. But we should force ourselves to do more head in private, so that when shaitan comes to us, and when he tempts us with hypocrisy, and the fact we can say to him, yes, shaitan Leave me alone, I do more in private than I've ever done in public. I do more that no one knows about than I've ever done where people know about it. The second lesson that I want to conclude with brothers and sisters, is that tonight, we are going to have a very important forum community forum in sha Allah, on what has been happening these past, you know, few days this past week, the attacks that happened in Paris, and Beirut, and in now, you know, in in Central Africa and
Mali this morning, there was a hostile situation, all kinds of chaos that's happening. And unfortunately, the community of believers worldwide feels the burden of this chaos, even though we ourselves had absolutely nothing to do with it. So we're feeling the burden, but we didn't do anything. So how do we respond to these things I want to leave you with one point from this one point.
And then tonight in sha Allah will talk about the rest. If you remember correctly, in the story of the three men,
they were walking on a journey, and then all of a sudden they were hit with horrible weather.
This reminds me of the Muslim Ummah, that we are moving forward on the Sonoma stocking towards a law, and we are hit with horrible scenarios upon a law. And we have to go and run and take cover sometimes, you know, just like the three men ran into the cave, to hide from the horrible weather. And when they got there, something worse happened. And this can happen to us. A bombing happens we begin to get fearful. The next day, another one happens we say you're alone. How much worse can it get? The weather was bad, they ran in the cave and the boulder for your love. The weather was bad. Now the boulders here, how much worse can they get? But in that scenario, Subhanallah look at what
the first thing they did was they realized that in the middle of the storm, you need to seek shelter with Allah.
They said call upon Allah and ask him based on your relationship with him, if he'll help us, they saw the key to their salvation from their problems, not their own individual strength, not their academic strength, not their career, not their financial wealth, but with their relationship with Allah. That was what they saw as being the solution to their issues. So as we get hit and bombarded with tests and trial of our community, one after another, how many of us we actively turn to Allah first to solve
of our problems. We look to other organizations, we look to politicians, we looked at donations, we even look to other community members but how many of us say yeah, Allah, please help us and relieve us from this difficulty and give us aid in this time of trial? Yeah, Allah. I mean, that's the lesson that we take in sha Allah from these horrible tragedies that keep happening is that they should bring us closer to Allah not take us further away. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to allow us proximity to him. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to forgive our sins, to gather us together on the Day of Judgment at the COVID of the Prophet Muhammad SAW sudden them drinking from his busted hands we
lost parents all that secure are sick, to forgive those who have passed away and to give aid to those who are being oppressed all over the world. We ask Allah, Allah to forgive all of our sins and to grant agenda to for those that Allah be ready ASAP with no accountability in the law in the law of Malacca who soluna Allah nebby Yeah, you were living in Amarillo Sol de la he was a limitless Nima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali Ibrahim ali ali Ibrahim Khurana mean, in naka homina Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad Ali Ibrahim Ibrahim philomene in Naka, Carmina Majeed in La Jolla, motivated oddly will extend for eternity it'll cost about 100 foshay on
Macari well, Baba. Allah come to the Karuna masala