Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – No Sin is too Big to Forgive for Allah [Hikam 49]
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The importance of working hard to achieve success in life is emphasized, along with the need to avoid sin and focus on achieving success in life. The three categories of fear and hope are discussed, and the importance of practicing and showing one's success in changing one's environment to achieve success is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the importance of balancing fear and hope, protecting everyone from evil, and focusing on pleasing Allah.
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That's why Allah subhanaw taala says that You better work hard in
the beginning. Then after that we will show you our ways and it will
become much easier. That's when soon to Lanka booth verse 69.
Allah says, well, Lavina Jaya, do fina, Linda Deanna homeschooler.
Now, those who make that effort in our path, who strive in our paths,
he's telling us, you're gonna have to work hard in the beginning to
get onto the right track. Give up your bad company, give up your bad
environment, your bad habits. That's what we mostly that's what
we're struggling with. Right?
Because with children, I mean, you can set them on the right path.
They don't have to struggle so much, and then they just have to
maintain it. But us as adults, if you've been on the wrong side of
things, we've had the wrong company. That's what's going to
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Muhammad
Ali, he was Safi he roba Rocco was seldom at the Sleeman Kathira on
Ilario McBean Amar beret so we are on page 97. And today we're going
to be covering a part of wisdom number 49. This is what it nata
Allah al Eskandari Rahima hula, the author says he says
La Jolla alumi them were in the crowd vomited the suit dukkha and
Hosni Vandy Billahi Tirana
la yeah homing later on alumi vembu, or indica other meten, the
Suzuka and Herston 11, nebula Hytera.
Let no sin reach such proportions in your eyes, that it cuts you off
from having good opinion
of Allah, hidden complete sentences for in them and out of
robber who is stressed a lot of EGM me Karami he is a member who
for indeed whoever knows his Lord considers his sin as poetry next
to his generosity.
So the main thing he is saying is that let there be no sin after
you've sinned. This shouldn't be something that we think of before
sending. This is something that if we do happen to sin,
then let no sin reach such proportion in your mind that you
continue to do it. Or that you think so gravely of it afterwards,
because shaytan wants us to do sim and then once we do it, and if we
have any kind of Tofik inclination towards repentance, and we regret
it, and we feel some remorse, then what shaitan does is he tries to
get us in another way by
magnifying the remorse or magnifying the regret, and
he causes some kind of despondency to set in. So then we actually
forget about all the characteristics of Allah have
mercy and forgiveness and clemency and forbearance and all of those.
He wants us to focus on Allah's Anger and his might
and His punishment, so that we become totally despondent, and we
think it's not worth it,
then you give up.
So never give up. That's what he's trying to say. So let no sin reach
such proportions in your eyes, that it cuts you off from having a
good opinion about Allah subhanaw taala.
The only way that's possible, obviously, is that if a person
number one doesn't know who Allah is, and what Allah wants to give
us and how forbearing it is, and how forbearing he is, and how
forgiving he is, and how easy it is to
make him happy, and make him satisfied.
That could be one reason why somebody doesn't feel like he can
his doesn't feel like he can get forgiveness. Or number two person
knows about this, but it's been made to be forgotten, something
else is in front of the person.
So this, all of this obviously relates to the two really
important aspects of our religion, which you've probably heard about,
that a person needs to be both
with hope, but with also some fright. With just pure hope a
person is going to just become totally carefree. And with too
much fright, a person is going to become despondent and hopeless,
and none of those two, those two are both extremes and they're not
healthy at all. So that's why every person usually needs to be
in between hope and fear. We have to have some hope and some fear.
However, depending on where we are on the path of
recognizing Allah subhanaw taala and getting close to him.
Sometimes you need to have more fear
And other times, you actually need more hope. But you have to always
have both, you can never do without
both of them, or without one of them. Right, so you have to have
both. But sometimes you could have more than others, and you could
have a greater dose of one than the other. So essentially, the way
the scholars describe this is that with regards to different types of
people, there are three categories of people with regards to hope and
fear. It says the people who are initiates, they've just started on
their path. So before they were just just regular, now they're
starting to actually focus. Because for people who don't focus
on this, they're not even going to care. For people who are concerned
about making Allah subhanaw taala happy and securing for themselves,
the satisfaction of Allah in the Hereafter, they're going to be
worried about this. So when they learn about fear and hope, for
example, the people who start off they need to have more, more fear.
That's always better in the beginning to have more fear.
Because usually a person is very inclined to the dunya very
indulgent, the person is usually away from the focus on the
hereafter, they really like just really shackled to the dunya. So
hope is better to first
uproot us from that, that works much better than hope. So in the
beginning, he says, it will be dire Yamba de la junta de Bucha,
and Eagle health, they should constantly make the fear side, the
fear factor dominate themselves. So focus on the punishments of
Allah subhanaw taala. And read the verses in the Quran, where he
discusses these things sort of terrible talks about his majesty
and so on many other sewers. Then he says the people who kind of now
get onto that path and they're, they're moderately onto the path
now somehow, they've got some kind of stability on the path. They're
not struggling as much as they did in the beginning. But shelter as
they say, right, they are, what they call a little Wassup. There
are people have, they've gotten a certain to a certain degree, Jamba
healer home and Yatta de la hora, for whom Raja ovum now they can
take a equal dose of hope, and fear. Because they're very
balanced. Now. They've understood, they've got a routine in place,
they've got the right kind of
outlook, right perspective, the right kind of motivation. So they
need to be flying. They say that it's like hope and fear are like
the two wings of a bird.
Once you take off, you need both wings to be balanced. Right?
Initially to take off, you need a bit of more throttle. But
afterwards, once you're there, then after that, it just needs to
be balanced to keep both sides balanced.
So their fear and hope needs to be balanced. What I really hire,
people are on a much more advanced level.
You've only been on a journey. But Raja for them, they must have the
hope side,
the hope factor, they must have that dominate.
Why we'll explain soon. So if we start off with the people of the
beginning, it's because usually they're they they benefit a lot
more from the fear factor because it helps them to extract
themselves from the bad habits. And to get them on to doing good,
I must do this. Otherwise, I'm going to be punished, I must do
this. I fear Allah subhanaw taala. So it helps them to get on track.
Right, and to leave the bad habits. And if they do this well
right now, they're going to set themselves off to get to that last
phase where they can have the hope dominate instead. And that's why
Allah subhanaw taala says that You better work hard in the beginning.
Then after that, we will show you our ways and it will become much
easier. That's when so to Lanka booth, verse 69, Allah says, well,
Lavina Jaya, do fina, Linda, the unknown Sula, now, those who make
that effort in our path, who strive in our paths, he's telling
us, you're gonna have to work hard in the beginning to get onto the
right track, give up your bad company, give up your bad
environment, your bad habits. That's what we mostly that's what
we're struggling with, right?
Because with children, I mean, you can set them on the right path,
they don't have to struggle so much. And then they just have to
maintain it. But us as adults, if we've been on the wrong side of
things, we've had the wrong company. That's what's gonna
happen. A sister called me right now, she said that both her and
her husband, they've been through some bad times, bad times in the
sense that they were not as practicing, it seemed, from what
she was explaining. And now she's really become more advanced now.
So she's moved beyond that beginner stage and she's kind of
on the middle part of the stage, but her husband, apparently is
still on the beginning part of the stage and how do I bring him along
because it's having some tension. So
Oh, that's always difficult when husband and wife are generally,
you know, people pick spouses, according to their levels.
Usually, I've seen people, they don't want a more righteous
spouse, because they feel I don't know that I won't be able to have
a good time or something. And yet, I've seen other people who, you
know, are not really very practicing, but they've actually
on purpose chosen to pay a spouse so that they can get there.
Because they know that good company is what helps. So I told
his sister, I said, Look, you know, everybody has their own
journey. And if you force it, you're gonna break it, you could
possibly because there's tension. So I said, so how do you change?
Well, look, you know, you probably have company, you probably have
friends, your circles, and so on, which you've had for 18 years, and
now you've changed,
your husband needs to see incentive in what you're doing, he
needs to see the benefit, rather than being nagging. In this case,
you're gonna have to show the benefit, you're gonna have to have
a totally different strategy of showing what's good and why it's
benefiting you, you may need a whole new group of associates and
friends that you mix with that you can see a lot of people are
fearful, because they don't understand how to be more
practicing, they feel they're going to lose out, they're going
to lose the enjoyment, lose their friends, or whatever. So I think
what's really beneficial is when you see somebody doing good, when
you see somebody where you want to be where they are already, and you
actually see them that they also enjoy, and they're happy. And
they're people who are satisfied, and they have accomplishment, that
helps a lot. So to change your scene.
So that's, that's what he's saying that, in the beginning, you have
to make some efforts. You can't just become a weenie of Allah,
just like that. unless for some reason, there's something really
good you're doing and Allah just chooses you and just totally lifts
you on praise from one place and put you another place in that
There was a guy in one of the worst rooms in the body, it had
the worst characters, they're really mischievous characters. And
the supervisor came one day and said to him, I'm going to change
your room, generally, changing your room and going to a worse
room. This was the worst room. Right? But he was okay then.
Right? Along with all the mischievous guys, he was don't do
an okay, I'm gonna change your room, to which room the best room
in the body. That's not a punishment. But he made it look, I
mean, secretly inside, he felt Oh, great, I'm going to a better room.
Right. But outwardly, he couldn't do that, because people might make
fun of him. So he protested. But that was the that was the change
for that person. Subhanallah that was the change for that person.
Because when he shifted to the other room, many of the bad habits
went away, because a lot of bad habits come because of people
around you.
Unless you're so evil, that you change everybody for the worst.
SubhanAllah. So, change of atmosphere is very, very starting
to sit with gathering of, you know, the people you want to be
like, is always the most helpful for me, because humans, we need
others. We learn from others, we get support from others, we get
strength, we derive strength from others. SubhanAllah. So if you
can't make your own Serani you have to find the group like that
to sit with. You have to ask Allah find me, somebody, give me an
account, give me a companion like that. And then Subhanallah you'll
be surprised you'll find somebody at work. Your colleague will be
that force for you. Sometimes you'd be surprised.
You'll meet somebody on a bus, you will meet your neighbor, you know,
you'll hit it off with somebody in a masjid. And suddenly you'll
you'll have that but you have to ask Allah. If you want something,
ask ALLAH and he will never deprive you.
You really have to ask Allah and make an effort to get it.
So as Allah says, Those who make an effort and strive in our path,
we will guide them to our pathways, we will guide them to
our roads, no doubt about that. Right, the people have the middle
path. That's because
by getting onto that path and changing the whole scenario, and
getting into doing good action, they've managed to really cleanse
the inside.
So they've managed to polish their hearts and purified to a certain
degree. So their worship now, as opposed to the guys on the
beginning stages. These guys worship comes from the heart.
There's a lot more spirits and Rouhani.
There's a soul in their worship, as opposed to the people that have
been rough to force themselves and it's a struggle. These people
they're getting something because their worship is now coming from
the inside as well. They've got some inner third
Have a and sincerity in their worship, we can all decide where
we are with this.
So if they, if they were to also keep the fear dominant, then
they would start doing it out of fear again, which means they will
only do it as a ritual again.
You only need the fear to get you to at least ritually do the
worship even if your heart is not in there, but okay, I'm gonna do
my salah I don't want to burn in * this way.
Right? Somebody told me he says that's what I used to do it for.
Like I just didn't want to hellfire. That's all. That's why
he did at least put down a few records. Right? So I'm putting the
form out. Now the people in the middle who are beyond the form now
they've got some hot felt further in it. Some Rouhani attended. If
they're going to focus on the fear, he's going to go back to
just being a ritual. Whereas ullmark Lu minhang, a bilateral
Allah Raja elu Sunni, we're hopeful Katya
their focus now is actually what is their objective is worshiping
fully outside and from their heart so that they can reach Allah,
their objective is now I'm doing our love for Allah, they've gotten
to that level of doing something for the sake of reaching Allah
subhanaw taala. And fearing that I'm going to be away from Allah,
they don't care about Hellfire as much anymore. They focus is I
don't want to be cut from Allah. I don't want to be the one that is
not the one who does not receive this special attention of ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tada. This is to enjoyable, I can't, I can't give
up these perks. So that's why for them hope and Raja, fear and hope
they're both the same. They work with both of them just a bit of it
each, and it works. Now those people who have now reached this
is something that may be difficult for us because you need the
experience for this. But for them, they've reached such a stage that
they're just thinking about Allah all the time. They don't think of
themselves much anymore. They're doing their worldly deeds or
whatever. But Allah is everywhere for them in the sense that they
are always thinking about Allah, wherever they are. They do
everything for Allah. They don't notice anything but Allah subhanaw
So they just seeing Allah's actions, they just viewing
everything as Allah has made me do this. Allah is letting me do this.
Allah has allowed me to do this. So whenever they do something,
it's Allah making me do this. It's so present in their heart, for
example, to give you an idea,
if you're hungry, right, you know that it's only Allah that can say,
see, that can provide satiation because sometimes you eat and you
still don't feel hungry, you still need to keep eating and eating
until you've overdone yourself until you become sick.
many of us most of us, when we're actually eating that food, we're
going to think the food is benefiting us.
Whereas it's actually Allah was creating the satisfaction not the
Some people think no man is the food man What's wrong with you?
Because every time I food I feel satisfied. Yes, that's what we
see. But it's really Allah subhanaw taala who makes us
That's really what it is. These people think about that. We might
believe in it but we don't actually think about it when we're
going to take a paracetamol we actually think in the paracetamol
is going to get rid of my headache. But these people if they
did take a paracetamol, they're gonna think it's Allah who is
going to get rid of my headache, but I'm just using this as a means
because Allah told us to use means.
So these people, they're at that level where it's everything's
Allah for them, right? He they just witnessing Allah's actions
So for them,
they're just moving along.
They just moving along, according to Allah subhanaw taala is decree.
If it's a good deed that they end up that they do, they thank Allah
subhanaw taala and they see in this a gift of Allah, whenever
they do any good deed which is if there is constant, this is a gift
of Allah, this is a gift Allah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah
constantly thanking Allah subhanahu wa Tada.
However, if they do happen to do a bad deeds, then nonprofits
remember, right if they do happen to fall and do a bit of a bad
deed, immediately they recognize that this is bad. So they
immediately seek forgiveness.
And they read
they get back into the edit mode with Allah subhanaw taala they got
lost for a moment. They're back with Adam.
So they never resort the for too long, back to the animalistic side
too much. So that's why for them
They would rather be more focused on the hope from Allah subhanaw
taala because everything's from Allah them and it's purely from
Allah for them. So that's why for them they don't have to worry
about fear as much. They'll still have a bit of fear. They have to,
but it's more hope because they're so connected to Allah. They just
need more hope from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada Imam Shafi Rahim Allah
he's a poet as well. He had some very deep insightful poetry. This
is what he says philam Casa Appleby what docket muda Hebei JAL
to Raja Meneely Africa so lemme
when my heart became hard,
and my options became restricted,
probably went through some experience in life. He says, Then,
I designated hope.
I designated hope in your forgiveness as my
that hope I could use as an escalator to get to your
that are womanism Nizam be firmer Quran to be Africa, Rebekah and
Africa Ivana. He says, My sin was massive in my sight, it was
magnified in my sight.
However, when I compared it to your forgiveness, and your pardon,
the pardoning of my Lord, then I found your pattern to be much
greater than my sin.
See, he's a person who recognizes Allah so He can look at that and
balance himself.
For Mozilla virtue, then we're further in law mean that you do a
34 minute and whether karuma because you are the one of immense
generosity and grace and bounties, you are generous, you are
forgiving as a gift and as Ana via later Shadi, help us see religion
nuttin. ohana, we're in this sorry, different dama so he says,
I don't know. I don't know. You know, I don't know what my
situation is. Am I going to go and move on to a garden?
For which in which I'll be greeted? Or is it going to be to
the blaze? And then I would be
I would be very regretful but at the Zoomer verse 53 Kalia Eva the
Alladhina sofa and foresee him documented to me Rahmatullah
say that oh, my servants who have transgressed against themselves
are sinners, essentially, people who have messed up, don't become
despondent from Allah's mercy because Allah forgives all sins in
Allah Yaffe Luna with Jamia in the who who will have full Rahim
because he has the most forgiving and the Most Merciful One.
He tells us at this point to think of the story of the 99 people, the
guy who killed 99 people.
It's an interesting story. He kills 99 people he goes to, he
goes to this worshipper, not a scholar, a worshiper.
A very devoted worship, but what do you what do you think? 99
people I've killed? Any kind of hope for me says how can they be
hopefully you kill 99 People come on, like, what kind of hope is
there going to be for you? So then you said, Okay, I'll make it 100
And you made it 100 He killed this guy as well.
And then maybe Allah wanted to give him Shahadat, or something. I
don't know. But from his perspective, that was that then he
comes to an island and finds an island scholar, who knows, Allah
knows Allah has attributes, he has so many says, So that person says
me Who lubaina Kobina who who can come between you and Tober nobody,
you have direct access to Allah subhana wa Tada. But for that,
you're gonna have to change company.
Company is very important to change. You can't, you can't
straighten yourself, you're going to keep in the bad company. It's
just not gonna happen. It's too powerful. Unless you're the
influence and you change everybody.
go to such and such a place and there's good people that you can
worship Allah subhanaw taala with them,
and stay with them until you die. So as he's on the way, he's only
halfway through, he's actually still closer to the place he was
leaving. And then he dies. So now the angels are arguing the good
angels and the angels that take bad people like I'm taking him I'm
taking him. So he said, Okay, fine.
Let's measure the distance from where he was going into where he's
going, whichever is shorter. So Allah has everything in his and
this is where Allah Subhanallah likes that act. So then he changes
everything for you. So what he said to the law
and that he was going from you just increase a bit. Sorry, you
short you increase a bit. And the other line is that you decrease a
bit contract yourself. So when they're measured he was actually
closer to the destination. So they took him to paradise
Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad
Sheikh Abu Abbas al Merci,
another great scholar. He's actually one of the grand sheiks
of if not I love this country.
He says, a llama to either who we fall Hafele when the regular
people in the beginning you know when they are given fear they
generally do become fearful. It gives them a bad story they will
become fearful usually what either Rajaraja but when they're given
home, they also get hope.
Well, ha sir, to matter who we fall Raju, we're Mata Raja Hafele.
Whereas the elect people the very special people who have advanced
there are people who if they if they become fearful, they get
hope. And when they get hope they get fear because they know when to
do that you can never be without fear. You can never get to a stage
where there's no fear there's always going to have to be fear
that I don't become complacent. So in order to summarize this
he says that
the common people the normal people who are initiates and
beginners they usually always dealing with the apparent meaning
of the outcome. They've not got a soul in there yet. So they they
always they go after to my salah right I have to do these acts I
have to do four cards, and I have to make sure I finish it on time
and you know they've got that kind of a focus rather than I need to
do it for Allah. Is Allah going to be happy? Was my solid good
enough? Totally different focus? Was my salad good enough? The
other one was that I hope I got it right. This one was I know I got
it right. But was it good enough? Was it acceptable?
So when those kinds of people are given a fear factor, they
definitely feel fearful
because they have no other way to understand this. They they can't
look at they don't know Allah subhanaw taala enough to be able
to use anything else to move themselves along the fear works
best for them. However, the people who have Masha Allah who already
know Allah subhanho wa Taala when they're given fear, they actually
get hope as well. Because they know that behind all of that fear,
there's characteristics in Allah subhanaw taala that have that
promise so much. They never forget those they know the Allah subhanho
wa Taala has Rama and his mercy in the verses so that's why they try
to focus on pleasing Allah and as soon as you start focusing on
pleasing Allah, rather than just fulfilling an obligation once your
focus turns away from the worship to actually pleasing Allah in that
that becomes a much more superior act. And they all is that you see
the people who are advanced even if they have a lot of hope they're
gonna be worried that is Allah testing them.
So then I said no, I better be fearful that I'm not being tested
So then when I Islam was tested,
the prophets are tested in that sense and they have to recognize
it's a test. When we say test, it wasn't through difficulties. So a
man is around test was not through difficulties it was through being
giving give being given a lot say that are you going to be Shakir?
Are you going to be thankful to Allah?
So the people who are up there Allah test them in their different
ways, and they usually pass in flying with flying colors anyway.
One day Junaid Al Baghdadi Rahima hula, he went to visit the sheikh
study as somebody and he found that he was in a contracted state.
He was not very exhilarated. So he said, what's wrong? Che?
Why do I see you like this in this kind of almost like depressed
state? Like you don't seem very excited today? He said, Yes, there
was this young man who came to ask me a question.
And the question he asked was, can you tell me what the reality of
Toba and repentance is? What's the reality of Toba? Like how do we
keep it in motion? And how do we make sure that our Toba that we do
stands afterwards? So I said to him, that you should never forget
your sin.
If you want your Toba to be sincere, don't ever forget your
So then the youth said to me,
but isn't the Toba that you forget your sin
that is erased that you should forget your sin? Those kind of
sounds like a very theological discussion, doesn't it? I'm
thinking you better not forget your sin. And he's saying but
aren't you supposed to forget you forget your sin and that's what
will eventually means that you know, you've eradicated it. And
then he went, and I'm like, now he's really confused me. So
Junaid, he says
what he said was right, what the young man said was actually
think about it, if I'm in a disobedient state,
and then I managed to get out of that disobedient state. And now my
heart is pure about something. So imagine I had a bad thought about
somebody. And now a lot of us purify that.
If I start feeling bad again,
in that state of cleanliness, I'm going to mess it up again. So he's
actually right. You shouldn't be focused on your sins anymore.
But you should be fearful of doing them again, but you shouldn't be
focused on that. So you see different perspectives.
So what the teacher was looking at silly as somebody was thinking
about people in their beginning state, but maybe that young man
was actually in a very advanced state, so he was looking at it
differently. So inshallah we will continue the rest of it later.
Because he says, For indeed, whoever knows his Lord will
consider the sin that he's already completed, to be very
insignificant next to his generosity.
sha Allah we'll look at that next time. When we ask Allah subhanaw
taala to move us from beyond the beginning. So that our worships
have a soul to and we're not doing it just to fulfill the ritual May
Allah subhanaw taala make us those kinds of people with a balance
cough and Raja fear and hope and may Allah make it easy for us
along man to sit down because we have an agenda every cron a local
mayor how you pay your medical history Allahumma Yeah, honey, I'm
in the either Hey, learn discipline again. I could name and
avoid me and just allow one Muhammad.
Allah have mercy on us.
Allah, we ask for your special attention. We ask for your
generosity. We ask for your bounties or Allah, we ask for your
forgiveness. Forgive us our misdeeds our wrongs, forgive us
our negligence is or Allah forgive us our laziness, of Allah forgive
For our sins and transgressions, oh Allah forgive us and purify us,
O Allah purify us, O Allah, we have nobody else we can tend to
only you can return to an O Allah, we know that you're the merciful
Lord, you're the Generous Lord, you're the benevolent Lord.
Yeah, Allah we know that you're just looking for an excuse. Oh,
Allah, our worships aren't up to standard. Our offerings are not
complete. Oh Allah we are embarrassed with what we do. But
Allah move us. From the beginning stages to the more advanced stages
of Allah allow our worships to be filled with the soul that is
required with the love that is required with the attention and
the focus that is required of Allah do not let our worships be
thrown back on our forehead. And in a rejected state of Allah make
them accepted ones of Allah, allow us to love you. And Oh Allah, we
ask that you, you love us of Allah, grant us your love and the
love of those people who will benefit us in your court of Allah.
Grant us good company, remove us from bad company and bad friends
and bad habits and bad attitudes, bad behavior and bad conduct. Oh
Allah, we ask that you do not allow us to leave here without
changed them without being more connected to you than when we came
here. Or Allah allow your mercies, your mercies and your forgiveness
to envelope us of Allah purify us, especially from those sins, and
have been part of our life for a very long time. And those sins
that have that are part of our life and we don't even consider
them sin sins anymore. Or Allah grant us the strength to turn
towards you. Oh Allah grant us hello with an EMA and the
sweetness of faith of Allah so that it becomes easier for us. Oh
Allah, we wake up in the morning and we have good intentions, but
Oh Allah, we fail by the evening. And likewise in the evening,
sometimes we have a good intention. But by the morning we
have failed. Oh Allah protect us from all the calamities and all
the evil that you have created out there. protect us from the fitness
and the challenges that are out there of Allah the not just the
misdeeds, but the misunderstandings the
misconceptions of Allah and the wrong ideas that are out there. Oh
Allah, protect us protect the entire Muslim community. predict
all the Muslim countries of Allah allow them to do that which is
right, and allow them to do which is correct. Protect us and our
progenies and children
till the day of judgment of Allah bless everybody here and everybody
that is listening, oh Allah except from all of us and our Allah, make
us of those who are advanced in their faith and who are steadfast
on their faith and Allah accept from us Subhan Allah bigger. Rob
belies that young man your cell phone or cell phone Alamo Salina,
Al Hamdulillah.
Jazak Allah here for listening, may Allah subhanho wa Taala bless
you. And if you're finding this useful, you know,
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on to others, just like aloha and Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi