Zakir Naik – Dhikr on the First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah
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The speaker discusses the importance of the deed which is most loved by Allah, rather than just the first 10 days of his time. They suggest reciting the Saghairat during these 10 days and making the most of the first 10 days of the delay. The speaker also mentions that some countries may be delayed further.
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There's another hadith mentioned
in Jamitarmedi,
volume number 6, hadith number 3377,
that Abu Darda,
he said that
the messenger of Allah
do you know
the deed which is most
loved by Allah?
The deed which is most precious to Allah.
The deed which is more beloved to Allah
more than giving charity
of silver and gold.
More than going in the battlefield
and striking the necks of the enemies. More
beloved than having your neck
struck by the enemy in the battlefield.
And the sahabas asked, which is the deed?
And the prophet replied,
zikr of Allah.
Now this hadith is not specifically talking
about the first 10 days of dulujah. It
is generally
the deed loved most by Allah
And all the other hadith I quoted earlier
say that the deeds, the good deeds done
during the first 10 days of the are
better than deeds done on any other day.
So imagine
if we do the zikr of Allah
during the first 10 days of julija. Especially
go out in the marketplace
and say loudly the takbiraat.
Imagine the salawab. It is much better
than distributing
or silver in the marketplace.
Much better
than being struck
by the enemy in the battlefield.
Striking the enemy on the neck in the
battlefield or being struck by the enemy on
your neck in the battlefield.
Let us
revive the sunnah.
And during these 10 days of the rija,
recite the Sagbirat on our own and even
in the market
place. And the 10 days of dulija are
starting from tomorrow in most of the countries.
In Malaysia, where now it is close to
12 midnight,
the dunnidja has already started. The night has
started, but the day will start approximately
5 or 50 minutes from now.
Malaysia is one of the few countries
the first tender of the religion will start
and later on, the other countries, the gulf
countries, 4 hours later, 5 hours later, so
on and so forth.
So that's the reason I thought it's important
for me to speak on this topic. So
let us
decide today
that these 10 days of delay that we're
just starting from tomorrow in most of the
countries. In some countries, it may be one
day later,
India, Pakistan, etcetera. In some countries, it may
be 2 days later. But most of the
countries, it did Inshallah
from tomorrow. So let us make the most
of these
first 10 days of the.