Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P24 245D Tafsir Al-Mumin 10-22

Taimiyyah Zubair
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Lavina talks about feeling angry and disrespecting her own success, but also acknowledges the potential risk of famine and drought in extreme weather conditions. The speakers explore the importance of rain and its potential for health care, as well as the Day of War and the importance of avoiding mistakes and mistakes in life. They also touch on the strengths and weaknesses of the past and present generation, as well as the use of technology and technology to achieve success.

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			In them Lavina indeed those people who care for who they disbelieve those who deny you now donor,
they will be addressed. They will be called out to you now donor not Yuna Duna Yuna donor they will
call out unit the owner, they will be addressed meaning someone else is doing neither to them. All
right, so they will be addressed and announcement will be made to them. That Lamacq to Allah He
loves surely mocked Allah He hatred of Allah, mocked meme after we have done this word earlier.
Mocked is a version, anger, hatred, dislike upon seeing someone do something that's unacceptable,
very wrong.
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			You know, this word is used in the Quran for marrying the father's wife,
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			meaning the father either divorced or he passed away. She's not the mother so a person marries her.
So this is mocked, meaning it's not acceptable. How could this be done? So mocked Allah, He the
anger, the hatred of Allah, meaning over your disbelief over your actions? Was Akbar greater men
than MK decom your anger, your hatred, and forsaken to yourselves against yourselves?
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			Meaning right now you're so angry with yourself, you will hate yourself. But realize that Allah was
more angry at you, if to the owner, when you were called in an email to email, but what did you do
for that phone? Then you disbelieved you denied? We see that in *, people will begin to hate
themselves. Because ultimately, there will be no one to blame except themselves. They will try
blaming child * shaitan will say Don't blame me, they will accuse their leaders. And the leaders
will say no, don't blame us.
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			Right. So then at the end, a person will blame who himself if I listened to shaitan. If I followed
this person, I chose to do that I decided to do that. And so it's my fault. And so this regret will
turn into anger, it will turn into self hate.
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			They will be angry with themselves disgusted by their own sins and their mockery of religion and
their cheating and their betrayal. And regret and shame will turn into self hate.
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			And in that state, there will be reminded that Allah was more upset with you. When Iman was offered
to you, but you arrogantly rejected. What does this ayah teach us? That rejecting the truth while
knowing it while recognizing it? This is something that Allah hates. This is something that Allah
does not like at all. So what will these people do? Paulo they will say a burner, oh our Lord, I'm a
tener you caused us death.
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			I'm a Tana from mouth mouth is dead, meaning you made us lifeless, if not tiny, two times. When?
Before life in the world. And then after life in the world. What are he Atana and you gave us life
isn't a tiny twice when in the world. And then on the day of judgment, just like we learned in the
Quran, that kyphotic fauna Billa he will control and whiten for a hair comb somebody you need to
call somebody your Heiko. So two dots and two lives. They will say that Oh Allah, You made us die
twice. And you made us live twice. Fighter off now be the novena. So we accept our sins, we
acknowledge our sins, we confess them we admit them right now. But 400 So is there ILA hujan do an
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			exit mint Sabine anyway, is there any way of getting out of here? You've caused us to die before and
you've brought us alive to could you just finish us somehow? Because nothing's impossible for you.
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			Our punishment and how could this be over somehow? In total, Mote me no and I have 107 We learn that
the people in * will say Rob bene Regina minha Oh our Lord, take us out of here. Because Allah is
Shahidullah recovery. So Rabbana Regina minha in Erdenet for in Navali moon if we repeat our wrong
then yes, we are guilty. We are volume. What's the response? Call Sophie hawala to Kalamoon remain
in it and do not even speak to me.
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			Because you're angry with yourself. Allah is more angry. Valley come. This is so be unknown.
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			Who? Because indeed he either dery Allah who when do are you Allah Who do RIA he was called upon?
Allahu Allah, wa The whole him alone. Meaning when Allah alone was prayed to and worship in other
words, though hate. What did you do refer to you disbelieved? You disbelieved his oneness. We're in
and if you Shrock behavior he was associated with meaning partners were associated with Him in
worship to me. No, you believed.
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			You believed in what in check. And you disbelieve in towhead. Phil Hockman, Allah Manila. So the
judgment is for Allah, meaning he will decide whatever he wants to do. None has a share in His
judgment, for hookman Allah, Who is Allah, Allah, Allah yield COVID Allah Li, the Exalted the most
high above everyone, and I'll Kabir the grand, the one who is greater than all
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			who Allah the he is the one who you recall he shows you i t his signs, Allah is the one who shows
you His signs meaning on what basis do you deny? The truth is clear. But when the truth is
mentioned, you get upset when lies are mentioned, you become happy.
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			Don't you see his signs? Signs? What do they do? They lead you to the destination, isn't it? So I
add, they point towards who Allah is oneness. He shows you His signs. So many signs. Proofs were
unis zero law COMM And He sends down for you mean a summary from the sky respond provision, what
provision comes down from the sky that Allah sends rain? And why is rain called risk because of
rain, that we have risk? When Allah sends rain, then there's vegetation, then there's growth, then
there's produce what happens in a place where there's famine or drought for an extended period of
time? What happens?
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			Life is destroyed, right? villages become empty. cities become empty, life is impossible over there,
you need water for survival.
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			All forms of livelihood are finished. People leave, they can't continue to live there anymore. So he
sends down from the sky provision provision over here refers to rain because rain brings provision
and then not just rain, but other result that Allah sends from the sky like for example, sunlight,
that is also a form of risk, isn't it? Our skins are, you know, absorbing vitamin D? It's amazing.
Isn't that risk? If you don't get enough sunlight? Don't you need to take supplements? Isn't it here
in Canada, at least for children up to what age five, six years of age at least they need vitamin D
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			Yeah, if you don't give your children or siblings younger siblings, Vitamin D supplement is
necessary. It's essential for bones is an utter. So anyway, this
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			that we see and we don't even see. And then He sends down this from the sky risk also means the
decree of risk. He decides how much risk A servant should be given at a certain time. And that
decree is sent down through the angels and carried out once a year to the crew and none takes heed,
none takes a lesson in law except man, the one who you enable, he turns back turns back to to Allah
remembering him and also turning back to him in repentance meaning the one who connects all these
things back to Allah. Right? He realizes that this is far more Allah What should I do? In his
thinking is always you know going back to Allah, then such a person will take lesson further Allah
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			therefore all of you worship Allah mostly Sina ones who make sincere law who for him meaning for
Allah alone a deen the religion meaning all worship, perform all worship exclusively for Allah
dedicate all of it in entirety to Allah alone. Well Oh carry health care few rune even if the
disbelievers dislike it even if there are some people some deniers who don't like your dough hate
still you must worship Allah alone. Because who is Allah? He is Rafi or the raja or fear or fear or
the raja revere Rafa. Rafa is to raise to exalt right to pick something up and take it Hi. This is
Rafa elevate
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			little a few year means raw Pharaoh one who raises well
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			One who elevates
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			$1 jet plane of the word Raja, what does the raja mean rank the Rajat ranks in recent ranks meaning
one rank over the other over the other over the other sort of fear double Jack meaning raffia
Adonijah. He is the one who raises up the levels, which levels levels of what some have said that
the levels over here refers to the level of the skies. So, Raphael somehow what this means that
Allah is the One who has
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			elevated the skies.
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			Such that we learned earlier that the distance that is between the Earth and all the way up to the
highest sky is how much distance 50,000 years. certain mileage,
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			Ganymede, kadavu Calm Sina Alpha Sana 50,000 years, little a fear Oh della jet, meaning raffia Oh,
Samoa, and he hasn't just raised the skies up high. But also, we learned that he has raised the
status of the prophets. He has raised the status of the angels. He will raise the status of the
believers in Jannah. And he has made Jana have high levels also, how many levels of Jana 100 levels
according to Arusha are the low Ana as many as the verses of the Quran. And the distance between two
levels is like the distance between the sky and the earth, meaning the people on one level will see
the people of the higher level, just as we look at the stars, sort of fear or jet meaning the one
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			who has raised the levels that Rajat hasn't levels, levels of what degrees of what the skies of
people, amongst them definitely the prophets than the believers than the angels also. And then of
course, Paradise also revealed the Rajat. Another meaning of raffia Adonijah is Revere, as in one
who is high, one who is exalted. Hi.
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			All right, exalted as an exalted in his attributes, the Rajat levels, meaning he is exalted in his
attributes, so I'll leave mostly fat. And another meaning is a fear gives a meaning of metaphor,
meaning one who is raised, one who is exalted, Adonijah, meaning above all ranks.
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			He is exalted above all ranks.
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			Meaning any higher rank that you can think of Allah is above that.
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			You understand any high rank, the highest level of let's say, power and strength, and knowledge and
ability that you can think of remember that Allah is above that even because he is Rafi or da Raja
Lau to the Google applesauce.
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			You know, this is why some scholars said that, whatever you can understand about Allah know that
Allah is greater than that. He is greater than that your mind cannot reach cannot fathom the
greatness of his little feared dollar jet. The LAO Shi, the possessor the Owner of the Throne and
wears this throne above the entire creation. The sky is the dinette all are beneath the Throne of
Allah. You can woo her and amazing. He is so high above all levels, exalted in his attributes above
all ranks, and still you will key he casts meaning he sends a rule,
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			the rule, what does raw mean? The Quran is described as raw. So which means Revelation, this ayah
has been interpreted in many ways, but the most easiest one, and the most apparent one, is what I'm
going to tell you here so you'll kill her. Meaning he casts revelation he sends revelation
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			means I'm really at his command, meaning whenever he wants, he sends revelation upon who Allah upon
may Yeshua, whomever he wills, men or anybody from His servants. He sends revelation at his command
whenever he wants to who
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			who does he choose as a Prophet? Whoever he wants. A person cannot say, Oh Allah, please make me a
prophet. No, no. This is something that Allah decides Allah chooses. Allah may Allah shout will
Minar Eva de why? Why does Allah San revelation from all above Leon Zira so that he may warn who the
servant Prophet may warn the people of yo Matala.
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			Knock off the day of meeting, the day of encounter.
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			Before we continue with the idea, I want you to notice one thing. At the beginning of the I O what
is mentioned?
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			What is mentioned that Allah is Exalted above all degrees. And then what is mentioned, the fact that
he sends revelation.
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			What's the distance between the Earth and the highest sky 50,000 years, the distance between two
levels of Paradise is how much like the distance between the earth and the sky.
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			And above all of this creation, the sky is the earth paradise, everything then is the option of
Allah and Allah is above his ash. And yet he sends revelation here
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			to Earth.
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			If you want it to be indifferent to us, could he? Did he have the right to? Of course he did.
Because what are we who are we compared to him? I mean, look at how high he is how great he is such
that we cannot even fathom His greatness, but yet he cares about his creation. So that all the way
down he sent revelation. So that Leandra Yamata luck, so that that prophet would warn people of the
day of meeting and you thought God is not merciful? How could you think like that? He is the Most
Merciful because he sunk Revelation, the word of the lack. This is not a Tala with a thought. Talaq
is divorce All right, this is della Bella with a TA is from the letters lamb Coffea luckier to meet
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			alright litho meeting
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			in QA is to throw anyway, the Lucky is mutual liquor,
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			when two or more come to meet one another.
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			So the luck coming together encountering one another coming face to face. So the Day of Judgment is
described as the day of meeting, the day of encounter,
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			the day of meeting the day of encounter, who is going to meet that day? What is it that people are
going to meet that day?
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			Who's going to meet who?
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			Okay, so where the creation will meet the Creator,
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			where the inhabitants of the earth will meet the inhabitants of the skies? Where people will meet
the jinn and the angels, you understand, because the entire creation will be gathered in one place
where people will meet their deeds, their records, where people will meet the consequences of their
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			Right now, the distance between the earth and the sky is great, isn't it? Where we are and where the
all show of Allah is is so great that we even if we tried, we couldn't reach there.
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			This is the reality. But a day will come when the dwellers of the earth will meet the dwellers of
the sky. A day will come when the creation will meet the Creator. The soul will meet the body, a
person will meet his needs, the long separated ones will finally meet again.
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			Right now there is a veil, a curtain keeping us apart. Is there Can we see the angels? No. Can we
meet those who have died? No. But on the day of judgment what's going to happen this veil shall be
removed. Liam Zilla Yamata luck. So the revelation the messenger has been sent to warn people about
this day, what is this day Yoma day home day meaning all people will be baddie Xun coming forth bow
rah ze bad is bad as as one who comes to view emerges is fully exposed. So they will exit from their
graves they will no longer remain hidden in their graves. And when they come out they will be fully
exposed because on the Day of Resurrection there'll be nothing to hide behind. So much so that there
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			will be no clothes even on people. No deed will remain hidden in history or forgotten memory.
Nothing shall be hidden. Yo Maholm Barry Zun lair yo la not Yafa it will be hidden and Allah upon
Allah, Min home from them che on anything. Nothing of people will be hidden from Allah.
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			Is there anything hidden from Allah today? No. But on the day of judgment, things will be even more
manifest. We learn in surah Allah Imran is number five in Allah Allah Allah Allah He che one
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			We'll all be, well if it's summer, there is nothing in the earth or in the sky that's hidden from
Allah. But on the day of judgment, everything will come to surface in order to have a higher 18th.
We learn Yoma into our Aluna law firm in Comhar fear, the day when you will be displayed, nothing
hidden shall remain hidden. And the word Harvia is actually used for the feathers which are under
the wings of a bird. Because they're hidden, you don't generally see them. You only see them when a
bird is mid flight, the wings are fully open, then you see those feathers. So let the Alpha men come
healthier, nothing hidden, shall remain hidden. It will be said Lehman ill Malkiel young Lehman for
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			who a monk, the kingdom, Al Yama this day, Allah will ask, who does kingship who does authority
belong to this day? Who is the sovereign today, ultimate authority and absolute control is with who
Lilla hill where he will have and he will say it is Lila? It is for Allah, Allah who is the one
alcohol the prevailing meaning no one else besides Allah will have power that day, because Allah is
Maliki Yoma. Dean, he is the master the sovereign of the Day of Judgment. Alia OMA this day today
meaning the Day of Judgment Thirza it will be recompensed who can learn Epson every soul Bhima Casa
but for what it earned, love will milliohm and there is no oppression today. No injustice today in
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			Allah Surya or hisab Indeed, Allah is Swift in account, meaning it will not take him long to take
the account of his creation. Were under home and warn them or profit warn them of what Yeoman as if
it the day that is fast approaching, you see the Day of Judgment is described as Yama Tilak. And
now, yo well as ephah as if Hamza zifa as far as far as when something is coming near drawing near
approaching and there's little time left. So yo ml as if the data is very near, it's fast
approaching, it's imminent, it's coming. It's not too far, worn them off that day, because that day
is such that if the when unconceivable the hearts leather near 100 years the throats 100 plural of
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			the word handler, we have done this word earlier, in Serato Arza. So when the hearts will reach up
to the throat and people will be cowardly mean, Callie mean filled with distress. Gavin is someone
who suppresses like, for example a person wants to throw up but he's suppressing a person wants to
show anger but he's controlling he's keeping it inside. This is how people will be on the Day of
Judgment hearts will reach up to the throats as if about to jump out. But people will be suppressing
trying to keep fear and anxiety inside merliah Wally mean and for the wrongdoers there shall be no
mid hum Iman any friend, devoted friend hammy meme for the wrongdoers there is no devoted friend who
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			is Hamid a sympathizer, someone who loves you. And as a result this they sympathize. So for a
wrongdoer no one to sympathize for them. No one to show love or concern for them. Well, Asha, fear
and nor any intercessor who is Utah who is obeyed, no one will even inquire about them. And if
someone even tries to intercede that intercession will not be accepted. This day. Allah says warn
people about it, because it's indeed a very difficult day. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
said, Allah who will gather the first and the last all people for the appointment of the known day
while they will be standing for 40 years, and other nations tell us that the day of judgment will be
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			50,000 years their eyes daring in horror, and they will be waiting the decisions concerning their
cases. So appeared of at least 40 years within the 50,000 will be spent in just
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			waiting in horror wondering what's going to happen. Your Allahu Allah knows ha inner Aryan that
which deceives the eyes ha ha yeah, noon piano and ha inner over here means extreme piano, extreme
treachery, betrayal, of Alerion plural of the word or in the betrayal of the eyes.
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			the treachery of the eyes. Allah knows that because you see, high in Atul Aryan. An example of this
is that a person is looking at something he should not be looking at. But he's pretending that he's
not really looking at it. Is it possible? Like for example, a person is sitting amongst a group of
people, all right? And then there is a scene or there's something that he should not look at. So
he's showing that he's not looking at it, but as soon as people turn away, he looks so nobody caught
him. Looking at what was wrong. You understand? This is how in Atul Aryan, Allah says yah hoo ha in
total Aryan, he knows even the most discreet hidden secret treacheries even that of the eyes, wanna
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			talk is pseudo, and that which the chests conceal nothing, nothing at all is hidden from Allah
inserted Messiah 108 Allah says yes, the phone Amina nurse, while I as the phone I'm in Allah, they
can hide from people but they cannot hide from Allah. That day the judge is no Allah wa Allahu Jakub
even help Allah judges by the truth when Medina Yoda Runa, Mindu ne, and those whom they call upon
besides him in the worship others besides Allah, La Jolla, Kaduna. vishay they don't judge by
anything at all.
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			They can't even make any judgment. Why? Because they're not even alive. They don't even exist.
They're just names. And if they do, they don't have complete knowledge, on what basis will they make
judgment in the law who Asami or Busey indeed Allah, He is the hearing and the seeing his knowledge
is complete. Therefore His judgment is complete. So all people prepare for that day when he shall be
your judge. He the one from whom nothing at all is hidden. So repent from the sins that you've
committed seek forgiveness for what you have done for he is the Forgiver the acceptor of repentance.
Oh, well, um, you see, you have the now traveled fill early in the earth, failed guru and then they
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			look at they see they observe themselves. Okay, if I can, how it was our people to end result and
consequence of who Alladhina those people who can Oh, they were been cobbling him before them.
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			What is it that prevents a person from realizing their mistakes and fixing their errors? What
prevents us the deception of this world? The deception of this world, that it's all too good, this
is too much fun. We don't want to leave certain sins because there are a lot of fun. But here we are
reminded, look at the people before you. They also had a lot of fun singing and disobeying. But do
you see them alive today? No. Do you not know Have you not seen in the world? How many people came
before they live their lives? And then their lives came to an end? Are they enjoying now? Are they
having fun? No, no. So take a lesson from history. You're too attached to your sins, you're too
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			attached to wrong things. Realize that you could not have fun in these wrong things forever. Your
time is also going to expire. Look at the people before
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			okay, if I cannot be better to Latina can women probably him? And these past nations can oh they
were home they assured them in home. They were stronger than them stronger than who then the present
people stronger? In what sense? In full one in strength? What a Thorin. And also impressions fill
early in the earth. Bull. Do things are mentioned over here that the previous nations were better
off they were much stronger in terms of Bula and Athol then who then the present people whereas we
think that just because the century that we're living in were much better than the past nations were
way better than previous generations. Whereas the last panel data says that the previous generations
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			were far better than you in what sense? Firstly, info in strength, what is the spool wha wha wha
refers to physical strength, but not just physical strength, even mental strength, emotional
strength, political strength, all right, financial strength, economical strength, whatever it may
be, they were stronger in strength. Now, you know a person may argue that well we are so advanced in
technology. Right? You know we are far better in terms of strength. So then how do you understand
this? Just compare physical strength of people today with the people of the past. All right, because
we are so weak we need machinery, isn't it? Because we have no strength? We depend on so much
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			equipment, and even that equipment. How strong is it? Think about
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			The structures that frown had constructed in his time they stand still today. Until today, we do not
have the technology nor do we know how those structures were built back then. We have no idea. It's
amazing how 1000s of years ago the civilizations that existed, whatever they have left behind is
standing today, people are gone, but their structures, all of them are present till today, their
writings, the way they carved their art, their architecture is there till today. So they were
stronger in terms of cola and I thought, I thought is a plural of the word author. And what does
Athar mean that which is left behind a person that which is left behind, meaning a person is gone.
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			But let's say his footprints are still there. I mean, whatever we are enjoying today, whatever
advancements we are enjoying today, they are a result of previous people's work isn't itself. It is
the result of their hard work that we are enjoying, so they were stronger in terms of Guba and Athan
fill earth. Now also remember that this is primarily is addressed to who the people at the time of
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam all right and especially compared to the people of Makkah.
Yes, the past nations were far better. Why is this being mentioned? Take a lesson. If the past
people who were were better than you, if they could not withstand the punishment if they could not
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			survive you think you can survive? For whom Allah so Allah sees them be the newbie him because of
their sins, Walmart Canada home Walmart and not Canada it was the home for them. mean Allah against
Allah Minwax any protector? The word whacking from the root letter as well off? Yeah. same root as
the word Taqwa will hire to take a shield. So working is one who saves one who protects one who
shields so no one could shield them from the punishment of Allah, their Lika that is meaning Why was
this punishment sent to them in the first place? Be unknown, because indeed they cannot. It was the
de him Russolo home their messengers came to them how bill by Hina it with the clear proofs with the
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			clear evidences. But what was the response of these people for Kefar rule, but they disbelieved for
other home Allah. So Allah sees them in Noho. Indeed, he a Wii U and he is strong, he is shaadi.com,
he is Severe in punishment, just as we learned at the beginning of the surah should either or kabhi,
the toll. So we see over here that his punishment is severe. And when people come to their
falsehood, they clung to their sins, that did not benefit them. In the least, I want you to do
something, I want you to do some homework. All right, and that is from the beginning of the surah.
All right, see the names and attributes of Allah? In fact, can we have a section of that board
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			dedicated to sudo? At the moment, all right, and part of that should be the names and attributes of
Allah found in the Surah. All right, so what you can do is take a piece of paper. All right, right,
one of the names of Allah that you find in the Surah, either a name or an attribute, write the iron
number and the meaning of that attribute. And if you want, you could put a small reflection and then
go stick it on that board. Can you do that? Not homework. Don't wait until you go home. All right.
You could do it in class. You could do it in groups tomorrow, but make sure you do it in sha Allah
All right.
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			Recitation in
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			is to the
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			man effetto four
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00:34:03 --> 00:34:10
			nothing de facto no been thought to be though no been
00:34:11 --> 00:34:18
			forging Sebby then a B.
00:34:21 --> 00:34:23
			Visa Noria long
00:34:24 --> 00:34:30
			Octomore you shock me to me? No. Federal shock most
00:34:31 --> 00:34:47
			likely up Kirby hola Llyod Kume t 101. I go in
00:34:48 --> 00:34:55
			uni further on long as Lena Dino getting
00:34:59 --> 00:34:59
00:35:00 --> 00:35:01
			Your teeth
00:35:03 --> 00:35:05
			move having an MRI on
00:35:16 --> 00:35:16
00:35:18 --> 00:35:19
			buddy's room
00:35:24 --> 00:35:28
			Sherry Lehman
00:35:31 --> 00:35:34
			Lilla here at Lupo
00:35:37 --> 00:35:40
			Leo Metro Jessa Luna
00:35:41 --> 00:35:43
			Bhima Casa that love
00:35:46 --> 00:35:48
			in law as
00:35:52 --> 00:35:52
00:35:55 --> 00:35:58
			fatty polo cooler than
00:35:59 --> 00:36:04
			me manual warning I mean
00:36:07 --> 00:36:07
00:36:09 --> 00:36:11
00:36:12 --> 00:36:14
00:36:16 --> 00:36:24
			201 long we have only been helpful while letting
00:36:25 --> 00:36:26
00:36:31 --> 00:36:41
			in Allaha more semi bell sleeve Allah mercy Oh fill out
00:36:45 --> 00:36:46
			the battle levena
00:36:49 --> 00:36:53
			LED Can I share them in
00:36:58 --> 00:37:00
			law will be looming behind
00:37:03 --> 00:37:04
			me no more
00:37:07 --> 00:37:09
			learn he can be
00:37:11 --> 00:37:12
			the most
00:37:15 --> 00:37:15
00:37:17 --> 00:37:27
			all in all we shed the light on all
00:37:28 --> 00:37:36
			Subhanak Allahumma behenic A shadow Allah Illa illa Anta as the Hirokawa to be like, a Salam aleikum
wa rahmatullah wa barakato.