Zia Sheikh – Ramadan 2015 Khatira Day 27

Zia Sheikh
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AI: Summary ©

The importance of keeping people under consideration when they wake up is discussed, as it is important for everyone to wake up at 1 pm and go home by the time they are about to leave. The Prophet's rule of melon was revealed to the Prophet, but it is still applicable in the day and age. The importance of dress in Islam is emphasized, including the importance of avoiding embarrassment and being aware of what is being said. The transcript also discusses the verse "by the day of judgment" being written in surahur on the Day of Jury, and the importance of being aware of what is being said and not hearing or seeing.

AI: Summary ©

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			Today inshallah I'm going to be covering a
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			couple of ayats from Surah Al-Ahzab and
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			then one from Surah Fusilat.
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			In Surah Al-Ahzab the mention is made
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			of an incident that took place where the
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			Prophet a.s. had invited people to come
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			to his house at the time that he
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			married Zaynab bint Jahsh r.a. Now whenever
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			we are invited to a place we should
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			keep in mind the etiquette of going to
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			the place and then leaving the place.
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			So we should not come too early to
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			the invitation and we should not stay too
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			The gracious host who feels embarrassed to be
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			very vocal and tell the people okay time's
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			up you need to leave, he will sit
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			and he will not say anything but he
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			will feel hurt by the fact that people
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			are sitting and sitting and sitting and not
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			So this is actually what happened in this
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			incident with the Prophet a.s. where he
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			invited the people and the food was served,
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			some people came early and then the food
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			was served and then people continued to stay
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			until late at night.
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			The Prophet a.s. at one point got
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			up to give a hint to the people
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			that it was time for people to leave,
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			you know it's getting late but still three
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			Sahaba continued to sit and chat and talk
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			upon which these verses were revealed.
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			Allah s.w.t. says يَا يُهْلَذِينَ آمَنُوا
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			لَا تَدْخُلُوا بُيُوتَ النَّبِيِّ إِلَّا أَن يُؤْذَنَ لَكُمْ
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			إِلَى طَعَامٍ غَيْرَ نَاظِرِينَ إِنَا O people of
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			Iman do not enter the houses of the
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			Prophet a.s. except when you are permitted,
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			when permission is given to you for food
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			but غَيْرَ نَاظِرِينَ إِنَا not waiting there, don't
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			wait for that food to be served, come
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			at a time when the food is about
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			to be served, don't come when you've been
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			invited for dinner, don't turn up at lunch
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			time or three or four hours before and
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			expect the host to receive you graciously, come
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			at the correct time وَلَكِنِ إِذَا دُعِيْتُمْ when
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			you are invited فَادْخُلُوا enter فَإِذَا طَعِمْتُمْ and
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			once you've eaten فَانْتَشِرُوا then spread out وَلَا
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			مُسْتَأْنِسِينَ لِحَدِيثِ and do not engage in what's
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			called استئناس استئناس means to chat for a
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			long time overnight and this is not permissible
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			in sharia except for when a husband and
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			wife want to talk at night, this is
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			permissible, in fact even encouraged for them to
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			talk at night, but other than that, to
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			talk for long hours at night in such
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			a way that the Fajr could be missed
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			and backbiting occurs and things which are wasteful,
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			wasteful conversation occurs, this is not permissible.
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			So this is what is meant here, فَانْتَشِرُوا
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			وَلَا مُسْتَأْنِسِينَ لِلْحَدِيدِ So basically everybody should think
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			about what the situation is like, for example
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			if a person is inviting you on Sunday
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			and tomorrow everybody has to go to work
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			and now it's 10 o'clock and it's
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			really, most people would want to go to
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			sleep early so that they can sleep and
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			then wake up early in the morning, so
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			you should keep that under consideration, if it's
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			a weekend maybe there may be a little
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			bit, the attitude may be a little bit
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			relaxed, but still you need to keep in
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			mind that still everybody has to wake up
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			for Fajr, so if you leave at 1,
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			2 and then go home by the time
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			you go to sleep it's 3 and you
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			have to wake up at 5 for Fajr,
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			so most people are going to oversleep, so
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			again all of that thing needs to be
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			kept under consideration.
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			So these are pretty much universal rules, now
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			Hyderabadi's you need to wake up, when you
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			go to a Hyderabadi's house if you come
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			on time you have to wait for another
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			hour for people to turn up, and then
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			when you're about to leave they say well
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			the biryani is not served yet, remember when
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			you're invited to a Hyderabadi's house the last
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			thing that is served is Hyderabadi's biryani, so
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			probably if a person is not aware he's
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			going to be burned on many occasions, he
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			eats to his filth and then they say
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			well the biryani is still to come yet,
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			so you always need to save some space.
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			So the ayah goes on to say, This
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			kind of action, it harms the Prophet ﷺ,
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			it hurts him, but he's ashamed of you,
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			he's shy to tell you, he doesn't want
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			to say that to you, and this is
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			what any gracious host will feel that somebody's
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			at my house, I cannot tell him to
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			leave, so anybody would be shy to tell
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			his guests to leave, so this was the
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			same with the Prophet ﷺ, and then Allah
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			says, Allah is not shy of the truth,
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			that's why He revealed these verses, specifically revealed
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			for the Prophet ﷺ, but also applicable in
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			this day and age.
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			Going on, the ruling of hijab was revealed
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			to the Prophet ﷺ, what used to happen,
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			obviously in those days there were no bathrooms
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			in the houses themselves, so the women had
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			specific times where they used to go and
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			answer the call of nature, and the hypocrites
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			used to lie in wait for them and
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			basically tease them and harass them as they
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			were coming and going.
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			So verses were revealed where the Prophet ﷺ
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			was told, Allah
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			ﷻ told the Prophet ﷺ, O Prophet of
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			Allah, tell your wives and your daughters and
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			all of the believing women that they should
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			draw their jilbabs over themselves, what does that
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			mean, that basically they should wear clothes which
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			makes them recognisable as Muslim women and therefore
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			this is better for them, they will be
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			recognised as Muslim women and then they will
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			not be harmed.
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			So the wording is, first of all the
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			word jilbab, very important to understand, many people
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			they say, well there is no mention of
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			the hijab or the women's clothing in the
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			Qur'an, the word here is very clear,
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			jilbab, and the definition of jilbab is something
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			that covers a person from head to toe,
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			and if you read the hadith which I
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			mentioned about the women covering themselves when the
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			ayat of hijab were revealed, they used to
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			come to the masjid completely covered from head
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			to toe, and according to some riwayat, as
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			if they were black crows, covered from head
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			to toe and basically no body parts were
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			So the word jilbab itself, it indicates the
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			covering of the whole body, and then the
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			second thing is that a woman recognised as
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			a Muslimah, who is wearing modest clothes, she
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			will automatically get a level of respect from
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			respectful people, people who have some shame, some
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			hayat, they will realise that this is a
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			sister who is modest, I shouldn't tease her,
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			I should not harass her, so that is
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			the automatic reaction when a person sees a
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			woman who is modestly dressed, and while we
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			are on the subject, we should also keep
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			in mind that the ruling for dress is
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			applicable for men also, men have to also
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			be dressed modestly, and they should be wearing
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			loose fitting clothing, and this whole concept of
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			wearing tight jeans and stuff, this is against
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			the principle of Islam, and especially it's always
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			been brought to my attention, the issue of
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			people wearing the jeans and then them slipping
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			back, and then people going in sajdah, and
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			basically everybody can see what's going on in
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			the back, so it's what you call the
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			plumber style, plumbers when they come to your
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			house they have that situation going on too,
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			so you need to make sure that first
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			of all if you are wearing pants and
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			a shirt to make sure that the pants
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			are not coming down, and the best thing
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			I always say is keep like a jalebiya
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			in your car and over your regular clothes
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			just put it on so that you don't
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			have this problem, many people I know they
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			started implementing it after I said it, so
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			a loose jalebiya just keep it in your
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			car, just put it on over your regular
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			clothes and you are set, you are covered
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			properly, and of course the same applies modesty
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			is not just for the masjid, modesty should
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			be outside also, so many people say well
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			you know there's no real Islamic dress in
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			Islam, the Prophet SAW dressed a certain way
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			because that was his cultural time, and that
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			may be true, but if you think about
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			it the dress that the Prophet SAW wore
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			was the most modest dress, okay, it is
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			more modest than any other dress that we
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			wear, the westernized clothing of the pants, the
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			jeans and so on, it is more modest,
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			it covers us properly, it is loose fitting,
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			so both men and women have the same
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			ruling when it applies to dress.
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			The third ayah that I want to talk
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			about is in surah Fusilat, it is mentioned
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			that three men got together and started having
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			a discussion, one was from Quraysh and two
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			were from Faqif, they were discussing that does
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			Allah SWT hear everything, does he hear everything,
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			so one of them had an opinion, he
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			said maybe if we whisper, Allah SWT will
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			not be able to hear us, okay, so
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			this debate was going on, if we talk
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			loudly, if we whisper, does Allah SWT actually
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			hear us or not, so in surah Fusilat,
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			Allah SWT describes, he says, وَيَوْمَ يُحْشَرُ أَعْدَاءُ
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			اللَّهِ لَلنَّارِ فَهُمْ يُعْزَعُونَ Allah describes that on
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			the day of judgment, everybody is going to
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			be gathered and then the body parts, hands,
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			feet, skin, eyes, every body part is going
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			to bear testimony against the owner of that
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			person's body, so Allah says in that selection
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			of verses, وَمَا كُنْتُمْ تَسْتَثِرُونَ أَن يَشْهَدَ عَلَيْكُمْ
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			سَمْعُكُمْ وَلَا أَبْصَارُكُمْ وَلَا جُلُودُكُمْ وَلَكِنْ ظَنَنْتُمْ أَنَّ
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			اللَّهَ لَا يَعْلَمُ كَثِيرًا مِّمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ Okay, Allah
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			SWT, okay, if you think he's not listening
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			or he's not hearing, he's not seeing, then,
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			okay, put that to the side for a
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			What about your own body parts that Allah
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			SWT is going to make speak on the
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			day of judgment, they themselves are going to
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			testify against you, so where are you going
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			to hide on that day?
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			So this is basically, this verse was revealed
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			when these people had this discussion going on
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			which was related to Allah SWT hearing or
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			Of course, we know that Allah, He is
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			Sameer, He is Basir, He is all hearing
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			and He is all seeing and He sees
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			everything that is going on, He knows everything
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			that's going on, even the, as the riwayat
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			suggest, that in the darkest of nights, an
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			ant which is walking on a black rock,
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			Allah SWT hears the footsteps of that ant
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			and He sees that ant moving across that
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			black rock, this is how Allah SWT knows
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			what is going on and not a leaf
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			falls without His permission, not a drop of
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			rain falls without His knowledge, this is the
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			knowledge which is, which Allah SWT has.
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			So we need to be aware of that
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			whenever we are engaging in any action which
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			is the disobedience of Allah SWT, we should
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			make ourselves aware that Allah SWT is watching,
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			His angels are watching, everything is being written
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			down with the command of Allah SWT and
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			of course, we will be held accountable for
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			it and even our body parts are going
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			to be testifying against us on the Day
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			of Judgment.
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			I pray that Allah SWT gives us sufiq
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			to understand and practice what is being said
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			and heard.