Zia Sheikh – Ramadan 2015 Khatira Day 26
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The transcript discusses the history and characteristics of Surah calendars, including the use of the sun and rain, the risk of death, and the importance of Sunents and their recitation of surah calendars for the upcoming month. A discussion about genetic defects and the use of the Suness is also discussed, with references to the Suness in shaping behavior. The transcript uses various examples and references to the importance of the Suness, and advises Sarah not to change her father's name and practice what she has said.
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Today inshallah I'm going to be talking about
some verses towards the end of Surah Luqman
and then a couple of verses in Surah
Al-Sajdah and then the beginning of Surah
Surah Luqman is named because of the mention
of Luqman.
There are differences of opinion about whether Luqman
was a prophet or he was just a
wise man.
But it's so called because there is a
long lengthy advice of Luqman to his son.
And basically if any one of us takes
that advice and puts it into practice, it
will actually straighten out our lives and it
will be sufficient for us to actually lead
our lives according to complete Islamic principles.
But I want to focus on the last
few verses of the Surah.
The disbelievers used to come to the Prophet
ﷺ and ask him silly questions like, when
is the day of judgment going to take
And he used to reply, Only Allah has
the knowledge.
Then they used to say that when is
the rain going to fall?
Where is it going to fall?
He used to say, Only Allah knows.
Then they used to say that my wife
is pregnant.
Tell me about the baby in the womb.
Boy, girl, how long is it going to
When is it going to be born?
Only Allah knows.
He used to respond.
And so on.
So these types of questions they used to
So Allah revealed verses responding to their questions
which are mentioned at the end of Surah
And these are five hidden things that only
Allah knows about.
What are they?
Allah says, Allah only has the knowledge of
the hour or the day of judgment.
And he sends down the rainfall.
Only he knows when and where exactly the
rain will fall.
The question many people might have is, We
have the weathermen, they predict the weather and
they tell us pretty much accurately where the
rain is going to fall.
The answer to that is that it's not
always accurate.
And they rely upon the different signs in
the air, the wind speed and the air
pressure and where the clouds are and everything
to come to a conclusion.
And that conclusion is not always right.
So basically they have an estimate which sometimes
is accurate, sometimes it isn't.
So the reality is only Allah knows exactly
where the rain is going to fall.
And he knows exactly how many drops are
going to fall.
And how long it's going to fall for,
Only Allah knows that.
The weatherman can only say that there will
be rain in this area for a certain
amount of time.
But exactly how much for how long and
whether actually it will happen or not, nobody
actually knows.
وَيَعْلَمُ مَا فِي الْأَرْحَامِ And he knows what
is in the wombs.
Somebody might say, well nowadays we can find
out what is in the wombs, male or
female, etc.
we can find out.
But that's not only what Allah SWT knows.
That's not what Allah SWT is referring to.
He says, مَا فِي الْأَرْحَامِ مَا is usually
used for things which are not related to
a human being.
Okay, so he doesn't say man feel at
He doesn't say who is in the wombs
but he says what is in the wombs
in terms of The life of that child
that is going to be born the exact
time when that child is going to be
born What genetic defects will the child have
that the doctors cannot pick up on while
that child is in the womb?
Okay, what kind of risk and sustenance is
that child going to bring is that child
going to be Shafi or Saeed meaning Is
he going to be following Islam and believing
in Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala or not?
Or he's going to be Shafi meaning that
he's not going to believe in Allah subhanahu
wa'ta'ala So all of these things only
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala knows and it's not
just limited to male and female Otherwise, yes,
we can find out the gender of the
child pretty accurately in this day and age
And then and you don't know what you're
going to earn tomorrow meaning if you have
a business deal tomorrow, you can basically have
an estimate of if that Business deal goes
through if the sale contract is agreed upon
how much you're going to make and you
can have an estimate but then you don't
know whether That Deal is going to go
through or not.
Okay, you don't know If they're going to
half the order that they originally wanted or
they're going to double the order Okay, so
so all of these things are related to
what is mentioned that you don't know what
you're going to earn tomorrow Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala may give you more he may give
you less only Allah truly knows what your
earning is going to be tomorrow and Finally
something which is very powerful and poignant, especially
in the light of recent Passing away of
the father of our community member Oh, man,
that'd be enough son.
Yeah, I don't think the mood and you
don't know which land you're going to pass
away on Okay, which land is it going
to be where the angel of death is
going to take you so many people they
go from here for example to Mecca Medina
and pass away over there Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala bless us with such a death and
They are completely healthy healthy before they leave
and on the other hand many people come
and they come here to visit their children
or you know their relatives and Their death
is written over here.
So they pass away over here So we
don't know when or where our death is
going to come only Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
knows that so these are the five hidden
things that only Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala truly
knows about that I mentioned at the end
of Surah luqman the next one I saw
that the sajda and it's called surah But
such that because there is a such that
in it such that the tilawa and this
is the surah that it's so natural recite
On Fridays, okay this last Friday hafiz.
Hosea for he recited it and it does
tend to be a bit lengthy And people
tend to get tired We had an uncle
after the Salat he came up to me
So why was the Salat so lengthy and
I told him it's a Sunnah He said
I was sitting on a chair and I
still got tired.
So this basically why You know, it's sometimes
it's good to do that just to implement
the Sunnah But it's not readily acceptable by
everybody because of the length of it So
in the first raqqa is for not to
read surat al-sajdah in the second raqqa
surat al-dahr So At the in the
middle of this surah Allah swt describes the
qualities of the believers You know One of
the most difficult things to do is to
leave your bed early in the morning to
come for Fajr prayer Especially when the weather
is cold the bed is warm You have
a nice mattress that you're sleeping upon and
to leave the bed at that time.
It is the most difficult So after the
verse of Sajdah Allah swt first of all
describes the people who make the Sajdah Allah
swt then says who are they These
are the people that separate their sides from
their beds Okay, they separate themselves from the
Okay, once the Adhan is done they hear
There's no way that they can stay in
the beds anymore they separate themselves from the
bed and they go and fulfill the obligation
of Fulfilling the Salat this is these are
the people that are mentioned here in surat
al-sajdah What qualities do they have they
separate their sides from their beds and they
call their Lord With the fear and with
Tama' means with an avarice or a greed
they want what Allah swt has for them
in terms of reward And from what we
have given to them from sustenance they spend
from it Allah says in the next verse
Nobody knows what is hidden from for them
Allah swt has hidden for them the coolness
of the eyes Meaning in the future in
Jannah that the blessings that they see It
will indeed cool their eyes and they will
become extremely overjoyed Because of these minor efforts
the small efforts that they made to please
Allah swt A reward of whatever in Response
to or in place of whatever they were
doing The last thing I want to talk
about is the beginning of surat al-ahzab
in these beginning verses Allah swt talks about
the issue of adoption and We know that
the story of Zaid ibn Haritha who was
a slave that had been given To the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by his wife
Khadija Slowly slowly he basic the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam set him free and the
parents actually came found him after looking for
him for many years and The Prophet offered
him the choice to leave and go with
them But he preferred to stay with the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Because Zaid had
been brought up by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam people used to actually refer to
him as Zaid bin Muhammad Zaid the son
of Muhammad Because of the fact that he
was always with him interacting with him coming
going He was serving him.
So he became known as Zaid bin Muhammad
However, Allah swt revealed a verse which says
U'du'uhum li aaba'ihim huwa aqsatu indallah
This is at the beginning of surat al
-ahzab Call them with the names of their
fathers This is more just in the eyes
of Allah swt And then from that point
on people then referred back to his The
name of his original father Zaid ibn Haritha,
Zaid the son of Haritha So many people
actually think that you're not allowed to adopt
children at all and this is not the
case you're allowed to adopt children as long
as the Lineage and the family tree is
clearly explained to those children and you don't
tell them.
I'm your father Okay, you cannot do that,
okay, so you take a small Child take
them up for adoption and you make him
think for so many years that yes We're
your real parents and then at the age
of 25 30 you tell him and then
it's like a bombshell dropping upon him We're
not really your real parents Okay so if
from childhood you make it very clear to
the child that we are not your parents
and Somebody else are your parents and maybe
even tell the child who they are Then
the adoption is fine.
Otherwise to say that we are your parents
This is not permissible in Islam and that
is because the family tree the lineage in
Islam is sacred It cannot be changed.
It cannot be tampered with the Prophet.
He said in a hadith That the person
who claims that somebody else is his father
other than his true father He will not
smell the fragrance of paradise, even though the
fragrance of paradise can be smelt from a
distance of 50 years away okay, so This
important principle should be kept in mind.
Okay, there are other rules the issue of
Hijab and all that stuff when the children
are boys The hijab that the mother has
to do or the foster mother has to
do in front of them These are rules
also for adoption, but this the issue of
adoption itself There is actually nothing wrong with
Now if the child starts calling the foster
father Daddy just because he thinks he's a
father figure and there's nothing wrong with that
as long as he knows that his true
father is somebody else And this brings me
to another Issue that comes up from time
to time.
I always get emails about this issue women
They email me and they asked me about
this issue of changing the name after getting
married Okay, and they said they asked the
Is it permissible for a woman to change
her name and they quote this hadith They
quote the same hadith about being attributed to
another father The answer to this question is
basically that changing of the name is a
cultural phenomenon.
It is a cultural thing and The meaning
of that doesn't mean that you're attributing fatherhood
of that daughter to somebody else Okay, so
just because she changes her name to the
name of her husband in Pakistan The first
name of the husband is adopted.
Okay here the last name of the the
family name is adopted Okay, so this is
because of the culture which is prevalent here
It doesn't mean that She is changing her
father's name or saying that my father is
somebody else if she's doing that Yeah, then
yes, then that would be impermissible But what
she's doing?
She's basically doing something which is cultural and
there's actually it's not a sin to do
that It's not impermissible to do that if
she doesn't want to do it is fine,
but it's also not a sin to adopt
the Name of the husband as long as
it's very clear who the father is who
her father is and she's not Changing the
name to make it show that my father
is somebody else So that hadith should be
understood in its correct context and should not
be misunderstood with that inshallah We finish I
pray that Allah gives us something to understand
and practice what has been said