Zia Sheikh – Fajr Salaah Ramadan Day 5

Zia Sheikh
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker discusses the Signs of Islam, including the name of God, the Most Gracious and Merciful, and the path of success. They stress the importance of not separating from the people and not believing in Islam. The speaker also mentions the return of the message of satisfaction and punishment, and the belief that anything is possible with the people.

AI: Summary ©

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			In the name of God, the Most Gracious,
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			the Most Merciful.
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			name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most
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			Straighten the lines, close the gaps, make sure
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			the line is straight.
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			Heels on the line, toes on the line,
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			make sure there are no gaps, make sure
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			the line is straight.
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			The path of those on whom You have
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			bestowed Your Grace, not of those who have
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			incurred Your Wrath, nor of those who have
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			gone astray.
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			In the name of God, the Most Gracious,
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			the Most Merciful.
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			And He has joined your hearts together, and
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			you have become brothers by His Grace.
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			And you were on the edge of a
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			pit of the Fire, and He saved you
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			from it.
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			Thus does Allah make clear to you His
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			Signs, that you may be guided.
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			And let there be among you a community
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			that invites to good, and enjoins what is
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			right, and forbids what is wrong.
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			And it is they who are the successful.
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			And be not like those who parted ways
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			and differed after clear proofs had come to
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			And it is they who will have a
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			great punishment.
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			On the Day when their faces will be
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			white and their faces will be black, as
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			for those whose faces will be black, will
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			you disbelieve?
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			After your faith, taste the punishment for what
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			you used to disbelieve.
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			And as for those whose faces will be
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			white, they will abide in the Mercy of
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			And as for those whose faces will be
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			black, they will abide in the Mercy of
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			These are the Signs of Allah.
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			We recite them to you in truth.
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			And Allah does not want injustice for the
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			And to Allah belongs whatever is in the
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			heavens and whatever is on the earth.
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			And to Allah are all matters returned.
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			I was the best community brought forth for
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			mankind, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what
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			is wrong, and believing in Allah.
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			And if the People of the Book had
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			believed, it would have been better for them.
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			Among them are the believers, and most of
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			them are the defiantly disobedient.
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			Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah
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			Assalamu alaikum wa
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