Zakir Naik – With Understanding the Quran Our Sins Become Less

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker explains that drivers with temporary licenses may be penalized with a small fine if they cause accidents, while drivers with permanent licenses may be penalized with a bigger fine. The chances of accidents increase as drivers learn to read and understand the Quran. The speaker uses the example of a person who had 50 accidents in a year, paying a fine of $1,000, and may have 50 accidents in a year if they have a temporary license.
AI: Transcript ©
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There are some people who tell me

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suppose if you're driving a car, and if

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you have a temporary license,

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temporary license is a license in India. And

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if you have an accident,

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the police will give you a small fine.

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If you have a permanent license

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and if you have an accident,

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the police will give you a bigger fine.

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if you don't read the Quran, and if

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you don't understand the Quran, and if you

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make any sin, God will punish you less.

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If you understand the Quran,

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and then if you commit a sin,

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then God will give you double punishment.

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You know, very good logic.

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Why do I understand the Quran?

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I told this brother, for sake of argument,

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I agree with you. But the point to

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be noted is that if a person

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who has a permanent license,

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in 1 year, the chances

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he'll have an accident is maybe 1.

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But a person who has a temporary license,

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who has not learned driving well, the chances

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he'll have an accident in one year, maybe

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50. So at the end of the year,

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the person who has permanent license pays a

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fine of 1,000 rupees or $1,000.

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And a person

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who has a temporary license,

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he pays the fine of $50,000.

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So if he has an accident once a

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year, at the end of the year, he

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pays a fine of $2,000.

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And a person who has a temporary license,

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maybe he left 50 accidents in a year.

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At the end of the year, he pays

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the fine of $50,000

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or 50,000 rupees.

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