Zakir Naik – Why does the Quran Command Us to Strike the Necks of the Non-Believers

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of Islam as a religion of peace and the need to avoid violence in the face of enemies. They also mention the importance of peace and the need for everyone to be aware of the rules of the Quran. The speaker emphasizes the need for everyone to be aware of the rules and avoid becoming a victim of evil.
AI: Transcript ©
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My name is Wazum Tumishak.

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One thing. Wazum Tum. Wazum. Meshak.

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So my questions go like this. It has

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been preached severally that Islam is a religion

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of peace.

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Then in the Quran, I found out in

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Surah 47

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verse 4, and I quote.

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47 verse 4, what does it say?

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When you encounter those who disbelieve, strike at

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their neck, then when you have rooted them,

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bind them faith family then either release them

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by grace or by ramson until all lay

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down in burdens

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had god will he could have defeated them

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himself but he tossed test some of you

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by means of others as for those who

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are killed in the way of God. You

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will not let

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their deed go to waste.

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So if Islam is a religion of peace,

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then why will

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God now ask you to kill a fellow

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person that because he doesn't believe you're in

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a religion? Very good question. Brother is quoting

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the verse of Muhammad chapter 47 verse number

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4, but out of context. You know, out

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of context? Out of context.

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He is quoting, therefore, when he meet the

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unbeliever in fight, he forgot the word in

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Smite at the neck at length. If you

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read the earlier verses, it's talking about

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a war.

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A war with the unbelievers.

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And verse number 4 says,

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in the war, when you meet the unbelievers,

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you smite at their neck. I'm asking you

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a question. If a robber enters your house,

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what will you do?

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Will you give him a cup of tea?

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No. But he's not talking about it. I'm

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ask I'm asking you, will you have a

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cup of tea? Suppose the robber comes, tries

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and rapes your mother, what will you do?

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I'll fight him. Why?

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What? Yes. And you're a man of peace.

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Talking about that. If a robber come and

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wants to * your mother, what will you

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I'll fight him. Then my other question is

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No. No. Because

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My, this is not a Robert. This is

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talking at read 1 number 1. Go from

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verse number 1. Those who reject Allah and

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hinder in their part. Those who believe and

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do righteous deed, just because of them reject

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them, then they come to war. The enemies

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of Allah, when they come to war, don't

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get scared.

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So what? I'm asking question. Where? If if

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Nigeria has a war with another country

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another country, the army general of Nigeria, what

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will he say? Oh, don't get scared. Fight

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them. He'll not say, okay, go. When they

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come, you give your neck at them. What

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nonsense are you talking? Sir, why ask these

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questions? Let me complete the answer.

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You're asking the question, now you know you're

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trapped. Let me complete the answer.

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So this is talking in the battlefield.

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In the battlefield,

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when you kill the enemies who come to

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kill you, this is peace.

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Okay. What does the police do?

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The police of Nigeria supposed to keep peace.

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How do they carry a gun?

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Those who want to disrupt the peace, so

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the rule is, you can use violence as

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a last resort

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to maintain peace those who want to disrupt

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peace. Do you understand?

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That means you can use violence

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against those people,

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against those criminal who want to disrupt peace.

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This is the golden rule. That's the reason

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every country

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has a police,

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has a army.

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Just because Nigeria has a police force, doesn't

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Nigeria want peace?

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It won't be the fort as police. The

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same way God is telling in the Quran,

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when the enemies come to attack you in

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the battlefield,

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don't get scared. You strike at the neck.

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So what is wrong with it?

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It doesn't mean because you have to follow

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the Quran as a whole. Verse number surahmaida

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chapter 5 verse 32 says, if anyone kills

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any other human being,

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whether Muslim or non Muslim, Unless it before

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murder or for spreading corruption in the land,

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he has killed all of humanity. That's a

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part of the Quran.

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2 verses cannot contradict.

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That means these

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people are spreading corruption in the land. Do

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you understand?

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So if you're spreading corruption in the land,

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that time you can kill them. Do you

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But killing any any innocent human being is

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like killing the whole of humanity. Is there

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any verse in the Bible

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which says, if you kill 1 innocent human

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being, you have killed the whole of humanity?

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Is there any verse in the Bible?

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So which is better for peace? Quran or

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the Bible?

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Which is better? Peace.

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The Quran says, if you save any human

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innocent human being, whether Muslim or non Muslim,

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it is as though you have saved the

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whole of humanity.

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Is there any such verse in the Bible?

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So which is better?

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Peace. At the same time, in the battlefield,

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when the enemies come and disrupt peace, fight

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them, kill them. No problem.

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What's Do you understand? Let me say something.

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Why I ask this question Have you understood

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the answer? Yes. I've understood. Now do you

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understand that Quran is talking about peace?

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Okay, sir. Why I ask these questions because

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last year No. Why you asked? I don't

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want to know. You asked a question. I

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don't want to know why you asked. You

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got the answer

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I want to give you a reference to

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the question. Sorry? I want to give you

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a reference.

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You already give the reference. I already give

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the answer.

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Something happened last year in a university in

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Sokoto or a polytechnic where

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me. Yeah. So? You get? So and I

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observed that when a Christian and a Muslim

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are interacting religious discussion

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and the Muslim get

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You're cured by your blasphemies. The brother asked

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the question, there was a Christian then you

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did blasphemy.

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So the rule of the Quran is for

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a maida Chapter number 5 verse number 33.

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Anyone who mentions of war against Allah or

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is Rasool, you either execute them

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or you chop off the opposite hand or

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live or crucify them or exile them. There

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are 4 options.

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Anyone who wages a war against Allah and

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his Rasool, anyone does blasphemy,

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either execute

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either execute, either chop opposite hands

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and legs

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or crucify

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or exile. Four option.

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Now why they took the option of that,

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you have to ask them. So this is

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the rule of Allah in the Quran.

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You cannot blaspheme God.

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It's a big sin.

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Okay. So this is the rule. This is

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for peace because if you don't do that,

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that lady will do more corruption. The full

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world will be unpeaceful. Hope that answers the

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