Zakir Naik – Why are We Created

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The concept of creation is discussed, where the woman is the Lord and the woman is the creator. The use of "we" in Arabic means "we" in Arabic, while "we" meaning "we" means "we" in English. The importance of praise for Allah is emphasized, as it is for everyone's benefit, and regular prayer and healthy eating are recommended ways to achieve healthy health.
AI: Transcript ©
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let's try and answer this question, the purpose of creation

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from a different angle, from the angle of the creation, from the

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angle from the perspective of the human being,

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that why

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have the human beings being created by Almighty God? And the

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reply to this question is given in the Quran

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in Israel, chapter number seven,

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verse number 172

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and verse number 173 Allah says that he got out from the loins of

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Adam's children. May peace be upon him all the descendants and ask

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them that, am I your Lord? And all said, We testify that You are our

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Lord. And Allah continues, lest on the Day of Judgment they will say

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we were unaware that You are our Lord, unless they may say that our

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they worship somebody else. They did shirk. They associated

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partners, and we just followed them. So they are the liars. We

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should not be blamed. So Allah subhanahu wa before the human

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beings came in this world, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala bought all the

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human beings from the loins of the children of Adam and asked them,

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Who is the Lord? And all of them testified that there is one Allah

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subhana wa taala, and He is our Lord. And now is our test in this

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Allah says in the Quran. And I started my talk by quoting the

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verse of the Quran, Surah, dhariya, chapter number 51 verse

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number 56 Allah says that we have created the jinn and the men not

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but to worship me. Omaktul, jinn, naval in sa ilali, Abu, that we

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have created the jinn and the men not but to worship me. The purpose

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of creation of the human beings and the jinn is to worship Allah

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subhanahu wa, this word worship. If you analyze this English word,

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it is derived from the Old English. We are Skype, which means

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to honor. And if you read the New Living Webster's encyclopedic

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dictionary, it says that worship means act of devotion,

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honoring the deity,

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devotional acts honoring the deity.

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And if you turn into Arabic, the Arabic word is ibadah,

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Mama ilali Abu, Arabic word for worship is ibadah. It is derived

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from the root word Abda, which means a slave and the duty of the

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slave to be obedient to all the wills and wishes of the master. So

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Ibadah means total submission to the will of the Creator Allah

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subhana wa taala. Ibadah means total submission to the will and

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wishes of the Creator Allah subhana wa taala. And further, if

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we analyze that even one of the forms of worship, as mentioned in

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the English dictionary, is glorification, as Allah says in

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the Quran in surah, Anna sir,

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chapter number and 10, verse number three,

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Allah says,

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is Ajay. Nasru, live, alpha, varita, naluna, feeding life,

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Fajr, FASAB, be bihamdira, begawa in no Kanata, WABA, that means,

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glorify the Praises of the Lord.

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Glorify the Praises of the Lord. So one form of worship is

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glorification of the creator of ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. And one

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may ask that, why does Allah subhana wa Taala require the human

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beings to glorify him?

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Is Allah subhana wa Taala dependent on the praises of the

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human beings.

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See, irrespective

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if all the human beings praise Allah subhana wa taala, it will

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not make him superior. And if not a single human being praise him,

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yet it will not diminish him. He is the same. Whether you say Allah

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work bar, 1000 times, a million times, it will not make Allah

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greater. Or if you don't say Allah work bar, also, it will not make

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him less.

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He is the greatest. He'll remain the greatest. And Allah says in

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the Quran, in Surah Fatih, chapter 35 verse 15, that Allah subhanahu

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doesn't require the human beings. It is we who require him. It is

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the human beings who require him, and he is worthy of all praises.

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The last requires creation. It is the creations who requires Subhana

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wa taala, and he is worthy of all praises. So the question is, why

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does he require us to praise Him?

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The reason is, it is for our own benefit,

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because it is a human tendency

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that if we praise a person,

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if a person is famous, we tend to follow his advice. For example,

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if your mother is suffering from a heart problem,

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and there are two options you.

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The one option who you have is the best doctor in the world, number

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one, very famous. Everyone knows him. Number one. Other person is

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just a plain and BBs doctor. And you have the option of going to

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any of them both are giving free treatment. Who will you go to? But

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naturally, you go to the one who is very famous, number one in the

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world, the heart specialist, and whatever advice he gives you,

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because he's world famous, and you even acknowledge Him to be the

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greatest amongst all the doctors, you will follow his advice. That

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is the reason, when we praise Allah, subhana wa Taala and call

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him, he is the greatest, He is the Most Merciful, He is the most

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kind, the moment we praise him, Whatever advice he has given us in

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the last and final revelation, the Glorious Quran, or whatever advice

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he has given us through His messengers

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and the last and final messenger, Prophet, Muhammad, sallAllahu,

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sallam, we will follow it. So the reason we praise Him is not for

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the benefit of Allah, subhana wa taala. He does not require

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praises. It is for our own benefit. The moment we praise him,

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Oh, he is the greatest. He is the most wise. He is telling you not

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to have alcohol. Then you stop having alcohol. The moment you

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agree that he is the most wise. He is the greatest. He is the Most

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Merciful. Immediately, whatever advice he gives you, it is human

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tendency. We follow the advice of the person who is the greatest. So

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that's the reason we praise him for our own benefit, and that's

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the reason Allah says in the Quran

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in surah Taha, chapter number 20, verse number 14, that Verily, I am

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Allah, subhana wa taala, I am Allah, and there is no God besides

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So remember me regularly and offer prayer regularly.

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Allah is guiding. Offer prayer regularly, because today in the

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world, there are so many evils, so many distractions, we tend to

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This salah is a sort of programming towards righteousness.

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This form of worship is a programming towards righteousness.

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We are getting programmed as a doctor says that for a healthy

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body, you require minimum three meals a day. So for a pure soul,

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for a healthy soul, you require minimum five times salah. You.

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