Zakir Naik – What is Wrong in Accepting God as Understood by Different Religions

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the issue of Islam and the need for people to confirm their beliefs. They also mention the importance of showing their true beliefs to others and the need for acceptance in society. The speaker emphasizes the need for acceptance and acceptance of one's true beliefs.
AI: Transcript ©
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very good question, has asked that the world is so big and Islam just

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14 years back, according to him, and people may not know about

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Islam, somebody believes in Shiva as Lord or Brahma as Lord. So

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what's the problem? Someone believes that Jesus Christ is God.

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What's wrong? I being a student of comparative religion, besides

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Quran saying it is wrong. Even the Hindu scripture says and the

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Christian scriptures regarding Jesus, says, God. I quoted. So if

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the Christian scripture says it is wrong, so why should the Christian

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worship tomorrow? Someone calls you God,

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someone calls me God, whatever greet, what we have to read, what

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is wrong is wrong regarding calling Brahma, calling Brahma as

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God, ashiva, as God. If you analyze these statements, I

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mentioned Rigveda, Rigveda book number two, hymn number one, verse

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number three, there are no less than 33 attributes given to

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Almighty God in Rigveda book to him, one alone, one of them is

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Brahma. Brahma is called Creator God. If you translate creator of

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Arabic, it means Khaliq. We Muslims have got no objection. If

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someone says Almighty God is Khaliq or creator or Brahma. But

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if someone says Brahma is Almighty God who has got four hands and on

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each head is the crown, we Muslims take strong objection to it.

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Moreover, you are going against Yajurveda, chapter number three to

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verse number three, which says Natha sepati Masti, of that God.

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There are no images. Same thing, Vishnu. Vishnu, this is called

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Sustainer God. If you translate Sustainer or cherisher into

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Arabic, Rab, we Muslims have got no objection if someone calls

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Almighty God as Rab or Sustainer or cherisher or Vishnu. But if you

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say Vishnu is Almighty God who is traveling on a couch of snakes, he

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has got four hands. One hand. Is a diskless left hand. He has a

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conch. He starving a bird of Garuda. We take strong objection

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to it. Moreover, you are going against Shweta, Satara, Upanishad,

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chapter number four, verse number 19, which says nata sepati Masti

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of him, there are no images. So brother, if certain people follow

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wrong things, if they follow Brahma, the creator has got no

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images, the Almighty without associating partners. There's no

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problem regarding a question that people may not know Islam. Islam,

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brother, as I said in my talk, is not a new religion which came into

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existence 14 years back. It is the same time immemorial. And Jesus

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Christ, peace be upon him, also. Not Islam. He said, Not my will,

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gospel of John, chapter five, verse 30, not my will but the will

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of my Father. Anyone who says not my will but will of Almighty God

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is a Muslim. So Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, by the Muslim,

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he taught nothing but submitting a will to God, which he would

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translate into Arabic means Islam. Adam, peace be upon him. Taught

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nothing but submitting a will to alter Almighty God. Noah, taught

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nothing but submitting a will to Almighty God. Moses taught nothing

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but submit the will to Almighty God Jesus taught nothing but

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submitting evil to Almighty God, may peace be upon them all, if you

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transcend the Arab it Islam. Muhammad, sallAllahu, Sallam is

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the last and final messenger. He was not sent only for the Muslims

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or the Arabs. Allah says in the Quran in surah Ambia, chapter

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number 21 was number 107

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that we have sent thee not but as a mercy to the whole of humanity

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as a mercy, the whole of mankind as a mercy to all the creatures,

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as a mercy to all the worlds. Therefore, it is the duty of every

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Muslim. I ended my talk by saying the quotation of the Quran of

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Surah Al Imran, Chapter Three was 110 which says it's the duty of

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every Muslim to convey the message of Islam to the others. And Allah

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says in the Quran in surah fusilah, chapter number 41 verse

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number 53 Allah says sanuri, him, ayatina, Phila, faki but fi

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anusim, Hatha, yet Soon we shall show them Our signs in the first

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decision of the horizons and into their souls, until it is clear to

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them that this is the truth. There may be some people living in some

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far off island which no one may have heard about Islam, according

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to you, Allah says He will put the message of the Creator in

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everyone's heart, by the signs in the horizons and into the soul. So

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Allah, Subhanahu wa Tara, the Creator, He Himself, will give the

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message of submitting the will to God directly.

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So even if we don't do the job, yet he will get the message. And

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then if you reject it, you will be a loser if you accept it, you have

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passed this test. Hope that answers the question you.

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