Zakir Naik – We should Use the Media to Make Public to the world the Atrocities of Israel against Civilian

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the atrocities Israel is committed to against the Jewish population, including targeting and spreading false news about the murder of innocent people. They argue that Israel's actions are against international laws and should be shared with those who believe in Islam. The speaker also suggests that seeing it as a popular figure should be shared with those who know about it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Number 2, we have to talk about the

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atrocities the Israelis are doing on the Palestinians.

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Whether on your Facebook, whether on your social

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media, whether on whatever way you can, you

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should. And everyone today in the world, if

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you're Dobel village, you have an account. You

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may have 1,000 followers, 10,000 followers, 100,000, whatever

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it is, you have to do your job.

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So number 2, spread this message. The atrocity

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is done by Israel on the Palestinians. How

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they are killing innocent people. They are targeting.

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Imagine it is against international war crime.

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rules say in a war also you cannot

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target civilians.

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You cannot kill children. Same thing what Islam

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says in the Quran. What they're doing, they're

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targeting hospitals,

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and then they're putting a fake news that

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it was Hamath Mizrahi which misfired. All lies.

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And the Hamath Mizrahi is a homemade.

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Small thing. Nothing compared to the Israeli which

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can destroy the full building. Hamas is there

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homemade or weapons. This is the best so

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and they are saying good to see to

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all jazeera. They are all giving fabricated news.

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Then they say that Hamas killed 40 babies.

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All wrong.

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We Muslims

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should let us spread this. This is number

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2. I've got a certain point. Right. Right.

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Number 3, is that see to it that

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we can make this popular amongst the people

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that we know. The VIPs we know. We

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should tell them personally.

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Whoever you feel in your list in this

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to see what they can do for the

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cause of Palestine.

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