Zakir Naik – The Spiritual Duties of Men and Women are the Same in Islam
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The transcript describes the spiritual aspects of men and women in Islam, with Surah chapter 33 and 40 providing insight into these concepts. The discussion touches upon the idea that men and women have to submit their will to Allah's coverages and gives insight into the principles of men and women being equal. The discussion also touches on the idea that women and men have to pray for their partner's happiness.
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The spiritual aspects
of the men and woman has been described in a nutshell
in Surah
chapter number 33 verse number 35, the ayah that occurred in the beginning of my talk,
where last mother says in non Muslim in our Muslim Mati
for Muslim men and women, while many minority for believing men and women, while quantity in our corner 34 devout men and woman was saw the key number for the karate for true men and women.
Wasabi number Sameera T for men and women who are patient and constant while Hershey novel horsea T for men and women, those who humble themselves while matassa t navall. Matata Ducati for men and women who give in charity
was saw Amina was for humanity. For men and women who asked
what half is enough room or half is it for men and women who got the chastity and modesty
was that green Allah zero was accurate for men and women who engage much in Allah subhanaw taala Prince de la, la mugford Arjuna Sima for them, Allah has prepared forgiveness and ample of reward.
Allah says that for Muslim men and women, for believing men and women,
for devout men and women, for true men and women.
For men and women who are patient, as well as constant
for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity
for men and women who guard the chastity and modesty
for men and women who engage in Allah space.
For them, alas, prepared forgiveness and ample of reward.
By reading this verse, we come to know that the spiritual duties of men and women in Islam are the same.
Both have to submit their will to Allah subhanaw taala both have to believe both have to be devout. Both have to be true. Both have to do suffer patience and consistency.
Both have to pray, both have to give charity both have to fast.
Both have to pray that Allah subhana wa Taala
by these verses of the Quran, we come to know that spiritually, men and women are equal. Just because the Quran says that spiritually, men and women are equal. What would you decide?
Are the woman's rights in Islam protected or are they subjugated