Zakir Naik – The Solutions the Quran Offers to Humanity

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © Farikous gives examples of the problems humanity faces, including alcoholism, drug addiction, and terrorism, and explains that the solution is to become a medical doctor and not a criminal. The speaker also discusses the universal problem of sin and believes that it applies to everyone, rather than just certain individuals. They emphasize that everyone is born from a source of sin and that sin is a problem for most people, not everyone.
AI: Transcript ©
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Good afternoon, everybody.

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Good afternoon, doctor Zachy Naik. Good afternoon,

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chef Farik Naik, and then other dignitaries

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I beat everybody, my fellow students. Okay. Concerning

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the first lecture

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Sheikh Fairek Knight. He said that,

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the Quran, right, is the solution to the

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problem of humanity. Okay. So I just want

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to know what the problem of humanity is.

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Yeah. What the problem of humanity that the

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Quran is the solution to the problem? That's

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my question.

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Do you want Fari to answer or me

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to answer?

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Sir, anyone. I don't know.

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Can answer. Sister asked the question

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that what

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is the solution for humanity

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that Islam talks about?

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My son, Farik, he gave a full talk.

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Islam has a solution for alcoholism.

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Islam has a solution for drug addiction.

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Islam has a solution for *. He mentioned

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all that. I think you didn't hear his

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Sir, I did not hear it. You didn't

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hear it. Okay. So you don't intend me

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to repeat a full talk again?

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So he gave examples

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how Sir, sorry. What's actually the problem of

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humanity that Quran is the solution? Yes. Humanity

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has many problems. For example, humanity has more

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number of women than men.

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If every man marries 1 woman, there'll be

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yet many women who will be unmarried.

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So Quran says, in Surah Nisa chapter 4

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verse number 3. Married woman have a choice

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in twos, threes or fours. If you can't

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do justice, man, you only 1. Okay. Sir,

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sir. Sir. Let me let me complete the

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So the full answer is in detail, I'm

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saying in short. Today, there's problem of terrorism.

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So Allah Quran gives the solution. Surah Maydah

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chapter 5 verse number 32.

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If anyone kills any other innocent human being,

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except me for murder or or for corruption

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of land, it's as though he has killed

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the whole of humanity.

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If any human being, Muslim or non Muslim,

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kills any other human being, Muslim or non

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Muslim, it is as though he has killed

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the whole of humanity.

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And if anyone

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saves any other human being,

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whether Muslim or Muslim,

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innocent human being, he saved the whole of

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There is no scripture in the world,

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not even the Bible,

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which has any verse close to this verse

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of the Quran. Isn't this the solution for

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Yes or no? Okay.

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the problem, alcoholism.

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Every year,

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more than 4,000,000 people die because of alcohol.

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In the bible, the first miracle Jesus Christ,

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peace be upon him did was converted water

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into wine.

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Okay. Sorry. We don't agree with that. We

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don't believe that Jesus came to this miracle,

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but the bible says that. In the Quran,

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Allah says in surahmaida

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chapter number 5 verse number

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Oh you believe

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most certainly in toxic and gambling.

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Dedicating of stone, divination of arrows, reached to

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These are Satan and evil. I print for

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me that we may prosper. So Quran has

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a solution if alcohol I'm a medical doctor.

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I can give a talk of 1 hour

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what is the problem with alcoholism. Cirrhosis of

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esophagus cancer, I can go on and on.

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What is the solution?

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Private it.

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So Islam

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has solution to all the problems. 1 by

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1, if I will take me 10 hours.

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So my son

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pointed out few problems of humanity

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and gave the solution

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and told,

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is the solution

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to the problems of humanity.

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So if you want to hear the talk

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again, sister,

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you can go on the YouTube

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and type, Fariq Naik.

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Is Islam the solution

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for humanity and you'll get the lecture, you

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can see it again and Insha'Allah, you'll be

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convinced. Okay, sir. Please, can I say something?

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Sure. Okay, sir. If,

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there's a problem for humanity,

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now we are all humans. Right? And then

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we humans generally are supposed to have just

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a particular problem that can be applied to

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everybody. Sorry. Can you can you speak a

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bit slowly, sister? Okay. Sorry. Slowly and loudly.

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Okay. I said if we are all humans,

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right Yes. Now humans generally

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are supposed to have a particular

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problems that are sent out to everybody. It's

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not because that

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okay today, she's poor or maybe she don't

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have money me. I'm rich

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Being rich or being poor is not a

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problem, right? Because she's rich or maybe I'm

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poor that's not a problem but what I'm

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saying is that a problem is supposed to

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be applied to everybody if it's a problem

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for humanity

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so now I don't know and there's something

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I want to like point out because

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I'm a believer I'm a christian now for

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you to have a problem

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that is applied to everybody

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it's supposed to be something that everybody is

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to partake of it and it's universal

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so now like sin is the problem of

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everybody on earth because we not tell me

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that I've not done something wrong or she

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has not done something wrong but sin is

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poverty is something that everybody people are rich,

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people are poor, so it's not universal

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but sin is something that is universal to

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everybody and it applies to everybody and that

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what we saw that that was what we

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saw that was that was what we saw

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that was what we saw that Christ came

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to this earth. God came to fulfill on

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earth. I heard your question. For my I

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heard your question, sister. Yes, sir. Sister is

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saying, she is not talking about problems which

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are only to some people.

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Like, she's rich, she's poor. It is a

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problem. Isn't she not a human being? It

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is a problem. It may not be a

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universal problem. I'll come to a universal problem

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So Islam has solution to universal problem even

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to individual problem. That's the beauty of the

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Being poor is not a problem. If that's

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not a problem, then give you all your

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money to me. If being poor is a

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if being poor is not a problem, I

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challenge you today to put all your wealth

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in my name. Will you do it? No.

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Being poor is a problem.

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So don't tell this sister, please don't say

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being poor is not a problem because you're

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rich. Just because you're rich, you are saying

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being poor is not a problem. I disagree

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with you. Wait, sister. Wait. Let me complete

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the answer.

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So being poor is a problem. What is

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the solution? I do agree everyone is not

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poor. What is the solution? Zakat.

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Every rich person

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who are saving of more than the sub

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who has more than 85 grams of gold,

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he or she should give 2.5%

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charity. If every person including you, give 2.5%

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of their wealth

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in charity,

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poverty will be dedicated from this world. There

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will not be a single human being who

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die of hunger.

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Now coming to your question, I do agree

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with you. Poverty

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is problem for most of them, but not

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for everyone.

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Alcoholism may be problem for some, not for

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everyone. I agree with you.

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You are telling

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sin is a universal problem. I disagree with

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Every child is born Massoum. He's sinless.

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Every, it is your wrong conception.

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Show me one verse in the Bible.

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Does the Bible say you're born with sin?

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You are saying you are a Christian.

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Everyone is born. You don't know the Bible.

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The Bible says in the book of Ezekiel,

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chapter number 18 verse number 20.

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The soul that sin shall die.

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The soul that sin shall die. You are

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talking about the original sin, correct? That Adam

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and Eve

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Adam made the apple. Eve tempted Adam, they

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ate the apple

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And everyone is born sinless. This is your

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wrong reading of your Bible.

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What the Bible says in the book of

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Ezekiel. Sister, I'm quoting from my memory. God

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given computer.

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You can open your bible if you want.

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You're a Christian, correct? Yes. I'm a Christian.

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In practice, I'm more Christian than a Christian

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than you.

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In practice

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in practice,

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if Christian means following the teachings of Jesus

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Christ, I'm more Christian than you. I'm coming

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to your reply. It's mentioned in the book

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of Ezekiel, chapter number 18, verse number 20.

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The soul that sin shall die.

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The son shall not bear the iniquity of

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the father, neither the father shall bear the

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iniquity of the son. That means the son

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shall not bear the sin of the father,

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neither the father shall bear the sin of

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the son.

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But if the person turns back he shall

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die. So that means according to the Bible,

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sin is not inherited. In Islam,

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every child is born as a masoon. Even

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if he's born to a Christian parents, born

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to a Hindu parent, born to a Jewish

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parent, or a Muslim parent, that child is

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So I disagree with you that sin is

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a universal problem. After he grows,

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because our beloved prophet said, if a person

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is a child

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and if he does something in ignorance,

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the pen is lifted. He's not responsible.

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He's not. If a small child does something,

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who's 3 years old,

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if he does a mistake,

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he's not to blame.

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So in Islam,

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everyone is not sinless. That is your false

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teaching of the church.

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The Bible also says, the soul that sinned

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shall die.

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Yes. But the son does not bear the

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iniquity of the father. So even your example

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that sin is universal is a wrong example.

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It goes against the teaching of your bible.

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But Islam

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has a solution even for sin.

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if you want to stay away from sin,

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follow the Quran.

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Follow the Quran. Quran

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has the solution

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to stay away from sin.

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Sin means anything you do in which you

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get a punishment.

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Follow the Quran.

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The Quran

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shows you what is good for a human

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being, what is bad for a human being.

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Hope that answers the question.

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