Zakir Naik – The Big Bang in the Quran

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © Speaker 1 discusses the discovery of the big bang in the field of astronomy, which was made during a timeframe where the universe was one primary Hubble and there was a secondary separation. The scientists discovered that the universe came into existence as a result of a fundamental event called the big bang, which gave rise to galaxies, stars, the sun, and the Earth. The scientists also discovered that the universe joined together and cl didn’t see the unbelievers, as seen in a Koran from 40 years ago.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the field of astronomy, a few decades

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earlier in the 1970s,

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there were a group of scientists who described

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how the universe came into existence,

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for which they got the Nobel Prize.

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This, they called as the big bang. And

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these scientists said that initially,

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our universe was one primary nebula.

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Then there was a secondary separation. There was

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a big bang, which gave rise to galaxies,

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the stars, the planets, the sun, as well

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as the earth on which we live. This,

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they called as the big bang.

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This, what the scientists discovered about 40 years

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back, is mentioned in the Quran 1400 years

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ago in, sorry, Anbiya. Chapter number 21, verse

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number 30, where it says,

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Do not the unbelievers see?

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That the heavens and the earth will join

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and we clothe them asunder.

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This big bang, which the scientists discovered recently,

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is mentioned in the Koran 1400 years ago.

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