Zakir Naik – Look Only for Virtuous Men for Marriage

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
A man talks about the importance of finding a partner for a relationship, and advises that finding one who is good and has a certain virtue is important. He also suggests that finding a partner who is not a virtuous man is a better match for a woman. The man warns that it is important to avoid getting into trouble for a wrong reason and suggests finding a partner who is good and has a certain virtue.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sister poses a question that many Muslim boys that talked about the

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non Muslim girls, you know, because they don't wear the hijab,

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etc. So that the reason that the Muslim women aren't getting

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married, what about the Muslim girl? Sister My advice to you is

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as the brother of yours, that it is good Alhamdulillah this type of

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boy is admiring you and he will be offered to marry you should not

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marry them.

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Thank you for the advice because our beloved prophet who masala

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Salam said that when you look for a life partner, there are four

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things in which a person looks for beauty, wealth, nobility and

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virtue and the best among them is what you virtue. If you know that

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the Muslim boy who the namesake Muslim, or good Muslim boy will

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never will never look at a woman even if she's not any job. These

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Muslim may be namesake Muslim, as the Quran says there Alexa with

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Muslims lips I was Muslim who say they're Muslim or non Muslim in

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the heart. So you are the Muslim either good Muslim woman who does

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the hijab, even if these boys offered to marry you, you should

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say, My Beloved Prophet said I should marry those men are

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virtuous. You are not a virtuous man. You should not marry them.

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Insha Allah, Allah will give you a better match. And regarding that

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you will marry the Muslim woman. Allah subhanaw taala has the

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provision and hamdulillah it is preferable to marry a bit late to

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the Prophet then marry as early as possible, and say Buhari well

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number seven, chapter number three or number four, the Prophet said

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all young people who ever had the means to get married should get

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This situation will never prevent you from getting married. It will

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only prevent you from getting involved in a person who's wrong.

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So my advice is to is that don't go after such men. And don't even

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do that to my research men insha Allah Allah will give you a better

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