Zakir Naik – Life is a Test

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the cultural and political dynamics of the spiritual world, including the belief that only one person can achieve the ultimate
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Allah mentioned in the Quran in sulai, Iran, chapter number three,

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verse number 31 the prophet has commanded to say that all those

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who love Allah follow me, for Allah will love you, and Allah

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will forgive you.

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Now, if he analyze that we human beings, we too, love the other

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human beings. We love our parents, our father and mother. We love our

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wives. We love our children. And the reason we love them,

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basically, is because these people, these human beings, have

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done certain favor on us.

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For example, we love our mother because she bore us in a womb for

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nine months, she took care of us in childhood, she brought us up.

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We love our brothers, either they have given us something or we want

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something from them. We love the human beings.

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So in that context,

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if we calculate

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the favors Allah has done on us, Allah says in the Quran

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in sribrahim, chapter number 14, verse number 34 that if you count

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the favors of ALLAH SubhanA wa taala, you will not be able to add

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them up. So imagine if we love our parents for the few things I've

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given us, how much we love Allah subhana wa taala,

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and the love differs. We human beings. We will love animals.

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We love human beings also, but the love of the animals that the human

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beings have is different on a different level, as compared to

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the love that we have for the human beings. Similarly, the love

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for Allah, subhana wa Taala

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is on a different level as compared to the love we have for

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the human beings. It is far superior. It is far more on a

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higher platter. It

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is mentioned in the Quran. In surah, Fatiha, chapter number one,

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verse number five, yakana, Abdu wa yakan, stain, they alone. We

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worship they alone. We ask for help. We have to only worship Him,

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and no one else. Allah says in surah Kahf, chapter number 40,

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verse number 60, you ask me, and I will answer your prayer. Allah

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says in surah baqarah, chapter number two, verse number 180, 6o,

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messenger, when they ask you about Me, tell them I am near to them,

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and I will answer their prayers.

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So all worship should only be done to Allah, Subhanahu wa taala, and

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no one is. He is the only one who deserves the worship, and no one

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is now, let us analyze the purpose of creation from the perspective,

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from the perspective of human beings, that what is the purpose

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of existence in this world?

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God created us.

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We came in this world. What is our requirement?

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What is our purpose of existence?

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And Allah gives the reply

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in Surah mukh, chapter number 67 verse number two, Allah says,

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Allah Hayata, it's Allah who has created death and life to test

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which of you is good. Indeeds

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Allah has created death and life to test which of his good indeeds

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And Allah says in the Quran, in Surah Imran, chapter number three,

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verse number 85

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Allah says, Kulu NAFTA moth, every soul shall have a taste of death,

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but the final recompense will be on the day of judgment. And anyone

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who has been safe from the fire and enters the garden, he would

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have achieved the objective of this world. For this world is

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nothing but mere chapters of deception.

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That means this life of ours in this world is a test for the

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hereafter. If you obey the commandment of Allah, subhana wa

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taala, in the next life, we'll get paradise. If you don't obey, we

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will not get paradise. We go to *. So this life, the purpose of

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existence, as Allah says, is the test for the Hereafter.

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And Allah says in the Quran, in Surah and kabut, chapter number 29

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verse number two,

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that do you think just by saying we believe we will let you go, we

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will surely test you. If you just say, I believe in Allah, I am a

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Muslim. I am a Moomin. Do you think Allah will let you go finish

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your test is over, Allah says, Don't you think we will test you

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just by saying I am a Muslim, just by saying you are a believer, just

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by saying, I submit my will to Almighty God, you will not go scot

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free. Allah will surely test you. And Allah says in the Quran, in

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Surah, Baqarah, chapter number two, verse number 155,

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that surely we will test you

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with fear and hunger, with loss of your lives and of the goods and

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what you have accumulated in your life. And give glad tidings to

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those who are patient. Allah says he will test everyone, either with

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fear or with hunger or with loss of life or with goods or the

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wealthy have accumulated. Allah will test you.

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And Allah test different people in different ways, a.

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