Zakir Naik – If You Spend in the Way of Allah, Allah will Give you 70000

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © Speaker 1 discusses the Parable of the Parable of the Un hangs and how it can be used to profit. They explain that if one buys a grain of corn, it will cost them 700 grains, which is a 10,000 percent profit.
AI: Transcript ©
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And Allah has been the same

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Say whether it be fair fathers,

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or for your sons,

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or for your brothers,

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or for your spouses, wives and husbands, or

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for your relatives.

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And Allah continues.

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And the wealth that they have washed.

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Allah says in Surah Baqarah chapter number 2,

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verse number 261.

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That the parable of those who spend their

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way in the way of Allah Subhanahu Wa

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A grain of corn.

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And that corn

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becomes 7 years.

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Each year

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bearing a 100 coins, that means that one

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grain becomes 700 grains.

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Allah says if you spend in the way

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of Allah,

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Allah will give you 700 times profit.

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In business terminology,

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percent profit.

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