Zakir Naik – Hinduism Pantheistic or Monotheistic

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the concept of the third largest religion in the world, known as the third largest religion in the world, and how it is not a semitic aryan religion. The third largest religion is the third largest religion in the world, known as the third largest religion in the world, known as the third largest religion in the world. The third largest religion is the third largest religion in the world, known as the third largest religion in the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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is the 3rd

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followed religion in the world today,

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having about 1,200,000,000

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Out of 8,000,000,000

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people that we have today in the world,

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about 1,200,000,000,

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about 15%,

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they are Hindus.

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is a non semitic

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aryan religion of vedic origin.

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If you ask a common Hindu

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that how many gods does he believe in?

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Some will say 3,

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some will say 100, some will say 1,000,

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while some will say 33 crores,

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But if you ask a learned Hindu who's

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well versed with the Hindu scriptures,

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he will tell you that Hindu should believe

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and worship only 1 God.

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But the common Hindu,

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he believes in a philosophy known as pantheism.

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The common Hindu says, everything is God. The

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snake is God.

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The tree is God. The moon is God.

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The sun is God.

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The monkey is God. The human being is

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So the Hindu

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says, everything is God.

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What we Muslim say,

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if everything is God's

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God with an apostrophe,

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everything belongs to God.

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The tree belongs to God. The sun belongs

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to God. The moon belongs to God. The

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snake belongs to God. The monkey belongs to

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God, the moon belongs to God. So the

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major difference between the common Hindu

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and the Muslim is, the common Hindu says,

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everything is God and we Muslims

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say, everything is God's.

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God with apostrophe s. The major difference is

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apostrophe s. If the Hindus and Muslims

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can solve this different apostrophe

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s, then to the Muslim will be united.

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How do you

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do it? Come to common terms as between

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us and you. Which is the first term?

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That we worship none but Allah.

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So let us discuss today

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the concept of God in Hinduism according

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to the scriptures of Hinduism.

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The most popular amongst all the scripture of

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the Hindus,

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it is the Bhagavad Gita.

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The Bhagavad Gita says in chapter number 7

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verse 20,

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all those whose intelligence

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has been stolen by material desires, they worship

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That means the materialistic people,

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they worship demigods.

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They do false.

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They worship false God. Further, it's mentioned in

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which is

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the second high secret scripture of Hindus after

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the Vedas.

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It is supposed to be the word of

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It's mentioned in the

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chapter number 6, section number 2, verse number

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God is only 1 without a second.

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It further mentioned in the

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chapter number 6 verse number 9.

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Of that God,

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there is no

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He has no parents.

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He has got no superior. He has no

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mother. He has got no father.

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It's mentioned in chapter

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number 4, Psalm

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Of that God, there is no

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is a Sanskrit word which means an image.

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It means a sculpture.

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It means an idol.

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It means a photograph, a painting, a picture,

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a portrait.

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chapter number 4 number 19

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says, of that God there is no

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There is no image. There is no sculpture.

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There is no idol. There is no statue.

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There is no photograph. There is no painting.

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There is no picture. There is no portrait.

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The same message repeated in the age of

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chapter number 3 to verse number 3.

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Of that God, there is no

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there is no image,

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there is no statue, there is no idol,

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there is no sculpture, there is no painting,

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there is no photograph, there is no portrait,

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there is no picture.

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The Vedas are the highest

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amongst all the scriptures of the Hindus.

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It further mentioned

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chapter number 40 verse number 8.

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Almighty God is imageless.

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It's mentioned in the January chapter number 40

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verse number 9,

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and darkness.

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Means entering

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and They are entering darkness,

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those who worship

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the natural things. The uncreated things like water,

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air, fire and the verse continues,

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they are entering more in darkness

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those who worship the creative things like table,

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idols, etcetera. Who says that? Yajurveda

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chapter number 40 verse number 9.

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It further mentioned in the

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book number 20, hymn number 58 verse number

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Verily great is almighty God.

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And amongst all the Vedas, the 4 Vedas,

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the highest and the most sacred is the

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It's mentioned in Rigveda,

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hymn number 164.

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Shlok number 46.

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call Almighty God by various names. The saintly

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people call God by a variety of names.

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The same message repeated in Rigveda, book number

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10, hymn number 14,

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Verse number 5,

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saintly people

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call God by a variety of names.

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If you read and read with book number

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hymn number 1 alone, there are no less

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33 different

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given to almighty God.

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One amongst them

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the creator God.

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If you translate into Arabic,

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it becomes Khaliq. So we Muslims

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have no objection if someone says, almighty God

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is Khaliq

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or he's the creator or he's Brahma. But

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if someone says, Brahma is almighty God, who

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has got forehead and on each head is

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a crown and he has got 4 hands,

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then we Muslims take strong objection to it

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because we are going against

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chapter number 4 verse number 19, which says,

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of that God, there is no. There is

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no image. There is no statue.

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There is no sculpture. There is no idol.

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There is no pincher. There is no painting.

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There is no patriot.

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They're the attribute

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given to almighty God in Greek book number

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2, him number 1,

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is Vishnu.

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is the sustainer God.

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If you translate it into Arabic, it is

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similar to rub. We Muslims have got no

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objection if someone calls almighty God as rub

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or a sustainer or Vishnu. But if someone

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says Vishnu is Almighty God who has got

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4 hands and one of His right hand

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is the discus, the chakra, the other hand

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is the conch,

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He's traveling on on the sea, on the

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bed of snakes, or flying on the bird

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called as Garuda. We Muslims

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take strong objection to it because

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you are going against the arid.

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Chapter number 32, verse number 3, which says,

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of that God, there is no. There is

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no image. There is no idol. There's no

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sculpture. There is no statue. There is no

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picture. There is no painting. There is no

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It is further mentioned in Rigveda book number

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8, hymn number 1. Verse number 1, worship

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him alone.

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Praise him alone, the one true God.

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It's mentioned in Rigveda book number 6,

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hymn number 45,

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verse number 16.

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There's only one God, worship him alone.

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And the Brahma Sutra,

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the fundamental creed of Hinduism is,

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There is only one God, not a second

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one. Not at all, not at all, not

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in the least bit.

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So if you read the Hindu scriptures, you

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should understand the concept of God in Hinduism

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And you know that Hinduism also speaks about

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believing and worshiping only one God.

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