Zakir Naik – Generally, the Non-Muslims who watch my Videos are my Fans

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses a problem with a politician in India due to illegal allegations against them by the World Bank. They mention a defamation case against 5 politicians in 2019, but one did not apologize and requested a settlement. The speaker suggests that the issue may be related to the World Bank and mentions that non-Buddarians are their fans. They also mention that they will continue to promote Islam and share information via social media.
AI: Transcript ©
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Same thing in India. The problem I have

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with the politician because of the World Bank,

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the illegal allegations against me. And as the

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problem even in Malaysia, the numbers of politicians

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for the World Bank,

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they keep on accusing me. So,

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I filed

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a defamation case against 5 politicians.

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That was in 2019 after my speech in

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out of which

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one politician before the case started,

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he asked for a to apologize and ask

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for a settlement, and we agreed. The 2

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of them, they lost the case and they

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asked by the judge

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That they should apologize and 2 are yet

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So by Allah's grace but

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this is common for the World Bank but

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the non Muslim who watch my video, they

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are my fans. Whether it'd been Malaysia, I

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got very often when I go to Malaysia,

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may not Muslim monologue photograph with me, the

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Hindus, the Christians,

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many of the Chinese. It's common.

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The problem that I have is mainly with

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the non Muslim politician for the World Bank.

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So, if Allah wills and if there is

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a change, inshallah,

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Allah knows best.

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When is the right time?

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we will come via the satellite.

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We'll come via the social media. We'll come

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via the internet.

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The work will continue

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and the message will keep on reaching

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as a beloved prophet

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Inshallah Islam will enter every home. And I

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pray to Allah to make me and peace

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team instrumental

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in fulfilling of the hadith.

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