Zakir Naik – Can you Mention Scientific Facts which are Mentioned in the Quran which Science has not yet Discovered it?

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the use of the Quran in science and technology, citing examples such as the use of a Glorious title in medicine and the potential for technology to be discovered in the future. The speaker also discusses the potential for technology to be discovered in the future and the potential for technology to be proven in the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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Good evening again everyone. It was amazing to see how much science that the Glorious Quran contain after your talk. But in most of the examples from the Quran, which you gave, it is very difficult to comprehend what the Quran tells before actually the science discovers or invents that particular phenomenon. For example, you said in the honey, there is healing of humanity in the Quran. And you mentioned it as it's about if a person is maybe say poisoned with a plan, the honey of the plan should be taken. So what is the use, say, of a Almighty Holy Scripture talking about things which are only able to comprehend after the real invention is made by science? So can you tell me now

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something from the Quran, which will be invented by science later, or it will be invented? Brother sir, good question that I've mentioned many things about science indirectly seeing all this fall in discord earlier. And if Quran says something and after science has discovered towards us, can you tell me something with science has been discovered, rather that there is in the Arabs who advanced in the field of astronomy? Why? Because they read the Quran. The Quran has a lot of information on astronomy. So when they read the Quran, they try and do more investigation, they do more research. And that's how they come to know Quran is a telegraphic message to the book of science only on one

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In medicine, one subject only requires volumes. So if that's the way the Quran is, this Quran, most of the human beings they don't like to read, Oh, such a big book. So if God Almighty wrote in detail, then even a big building

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the will require 1000s of buildings to contain the message of the Quran, Quran is telegraphic message. So in telegraphic message, many of the Muslims read the Quran and the myriad advances in science.

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That is the reason we find if you go back into history,

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the Muslims advanced in science and technology. But you pose the question, forget about the past. What about today? Or what I've mentioned, has been discovered earlier, but many of them were discovered by Muslims, some by non Muslims, some by Europeans. What about things which China hasn't discovered? Fine. First, I'll tell you those things, which China has an established, but yet there are high chances, which Quran is justified and I believe in it, for example, Quran says, in Surah Surah, chapter number 42, verse number 29, that is Allah subhana wa taala, who has created the creature than heaven than the Earth, and has placed creatures in them. The Quran says, There is life

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besides this earth, today science has improved there is life besides this Earth, scientists say there are high possibilities that life will be there besides this earth, so the sending rockets, spaceships, Moon mass, Quran says that life is a desert. I believe in it. Science may discover it tomorrow. After five years, after 10 years after 100 years. Quran says I believe in it.

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Today, there are many hypothesis

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how the world will end

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it says that the Sun will become big and the world will end the mountains will fall down the mountains will become smooth, Darshan rissalah The world will enter into black hole many hypotheses. Many of these hypotheses not all the match of the Quran.

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Quran says in Surah gamma chapter number 75 Verse number eight and nine that the sun and the moon they will join together. The sun will be buried in darkness. If he didn't attack me chapter number 81 was the one two and three. It says that the stars will fall down and lose their luster. The mountain will fall down to water ruin Goshen rissalah it's mentioned in for in FITARA chapter number 32 was the one in two and three again, Goshen Rustle up the stars will fall down, similar to many of the hypothesis. But Quran says I believe in it. Quran further says in fraye Ambia chapter number 21 was the 104 VF created the creation we will destroy it and create a new creation.

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Science has been discovered that yet Quran speaks about life after death. Science has improved that yet. Quran speaks about heaven and *. Science has improved about that. Quran speaks about jinn to the psychology say extraterrestrial power. There are some people who get possessed Wigeons

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Quran speaks about that. Quran speaks the first man on the earth while Adam peace be upon him. Science has improved, their high possibility science will prove now you may ask me that brother darker you give such a good talk on science and technology but 100% solid proof. You believe in life after that. You believe in Jinn you believe in heaven and *.

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Your doctor isn't isn't scientific, as an author.

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I believe

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that it is scientific. Suppose what

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The Quran has mentioned 80% has proved to be 100% Correct? I spoke about astronomy, about geology watercycle, oceanography, botany, biology zoology. So, just hypothetically 80% What the Quran is mentioned suppose, has been proved to be 100% Correct, the remaining 20% is ambiguous, neither right neither wrong not even point 1% of that 20% which is ambiguous has been proved to be wrong. There is not a single verse of the Quran which can be proved false by establish signs hypothesis. So, my logic says when 80% is 100% Correct, and the remaining 20% is ambiguous, but not when point 1% of that 20% proved wrong. So, my logic says that even that 20% inshallah will be correct, if not today,

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tomorrow, after 50 years after 100 years after 1000 years Allah Allah God knows, they will prove their life after that, they will prove their religion they will prove that as * they prove that if heaven and so on and so forth. I can give another lecture on things besides other than proof, but inshallah will prove hope dances a question

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