Zakir Naik – Appreciates the Mass Protests in the West against Israel

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the diverse opinion expressed by Muslims in Israel, including mass protests against Israeli government actions and the acceptance of their religion. They also mention a high point in the Muslim um condoms and encourage listeners to pray for their loved ones. The speaker emphasizes the importance of cooperation and unity in dealing with difficult situations.
AI: Transcript ©
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1st, I'll answer that

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this time I would like to really appreciate

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the diverse and the Muslim will come to

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it later on. The non Muslims also are

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voicing their opinion.

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And they are saying what's happening in Israel.

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What the Israeli

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forces doing against the Palestinian is nothing but

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You have mass protest not only in the

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Muslim countries, in non Muslim countries, then USA,

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in UK. The countries which are supporting Israel,

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but their people are against the government. What

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they're doing is wrong. That's one thing good.

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As far as the Muslims are concerned, I

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gave a talk on

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13 point

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action plan

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for the Muslim Ummah

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as far as Palestine is concerned.

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13 points. What are the high points? I'll

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give the first seven points. Mhmm. Can be

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done by each and every Muslim.

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The next

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6 point can be the certain people. Number

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1, talk a very long one. I'll say

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in a few minutes. That's right. Number 1

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is that every Muslim has issues with dua.

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The least they can do is do.

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That let let Allah

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give support to the Palestinians. Mhmm. Let them

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the martyrs inshallah. They're not in Jannah. So

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first, pray for them. Mhmm. Minimum, you can

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just pray for them because we Muslims are

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like one body. If one of them is

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if one part is hurt, the full body

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is in pain. Yes. And we have to

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be like a brick wall together. Unfortunately, Muslims

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are number 1, we have to do dua.

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