Zakir Naik – A Christian Lady Asking about Sin as a Universal Problem

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various references to the Bible and the church's teaching, including the use of "has" in context and the importance of not giving a function to God. They emphasize the need to clarify the meaning of begotten and emphasize the importance of following the church's teachings rather than getting stuck in their own beliefs. They also discuss the title of the speaker's book and clarify that they have the title of Jesus Christ.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay. My name is testimony.

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Sorry? My name is testimony.

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Testimony? Yes, sir.

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So this question particularly is directed to doctor

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Farick Nack.

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During his lecture, he made mention of

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the solutions that Islam provides to the world.

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So now my question is,

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sin is the particular

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problem that humanity has and it is generalized.

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The same problem that a Nigerian has, which

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is the same problem that someone in Finland

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has, which is also seen. But then

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if someone is poor, it's not everyone that

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is poor. So that's that's not the only

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problem. But in regards to God, the problem

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that we had is sin. But in in

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in life, in humanity, we have so many

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others. But particularly this lecture is regarding

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man and God. So I want us to

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be particular about the sin we're regarding, which

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is sin. And then, sir, you made a

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you made a statement earlier that if someone

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can show you from the scripture,

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if and where God, where Jesus was spread

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to us God, you will You didn't say

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I said that. Sir? He didn't say that

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I said that. No, you, you, yes. I

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made I made mention of you, sir. I

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beg your pardon.

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So you said that if some if anyone

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here can show you from the bible where

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Jesus was referenced as God, you will receive

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Jesus. Behalf. I said anyone can show me

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a single

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statement. Okay. I beg your pardon.

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Unambiguous statement Thank you. From anywhere in the

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bible, where Jesus Christ, peace be upon himself,

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I am God, or where he says worship

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me, I am ready to accept Christianity now.

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Put me full. Don't put me half. I'm

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so sorry, sir. If you put me half,

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then No. So sorry, sir. I get you.

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No, ma'am. Yes. In full, I was about

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to I was reading and thank you to

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mention everything you just said in full. So

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now my my my my my my gift

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now is that

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Jesus was not, referenced as God. He's not

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referenced as God. He's not referred to as

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God. He's not referenced as God. He's not

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referred to as as son of God. Son

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of. His reference as the son of God.

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And then sir, from Matthew chapter 1

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Leave silence.

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Silence. Yes. Sir, for Matthew chapter 1 verse

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it's stated there that, and she shall give

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birth to a child and thou shall call

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Matthew chapter 1 verse 21. 21, sir. Yeah.

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What does it say? Yes. It says that

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and she shall give birth to a son

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and thou shall call his name Jesus for

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he shall save his people from their sin.

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Okay, sir. And again, we have seen from

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John 3 verse 15, 16, 17, 18. He

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said, I'm trying to paraphrase now. He said

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for God so loved the world that he

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gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth

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in him

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okay. You want me to reply that? 1st,

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I'll reply to those 3, then you can

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give the next one, please. Okay, sir. You

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have given 3 references.

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I'll come to my son's sin afterward. You

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said that Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,

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he's not God, he's son of God. Yes,

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sir. Sister, Bible has got sons of God

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by the tongues.

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Adam was son of God.

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Ephraim was son of God. Israel was son

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of God.

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Book of Romans chapter number 8 verse number

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34. All those who are led by the

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spirit of God, they are sons of God.

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Thank you.

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God, even your daughter of God. True. So

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no, so what's the problem?

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You are saying

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the son of God came to take you

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away from sin. Every messenger of God is

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a son of God. I have no problem.

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Moses was son of God in that context.

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Adam was son of God. Prophet Muhammad was

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a meaning godly person.

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Meaning, taking him to the message of God.

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Even Moses, peace be upon him, give the

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message of God. The Bible says that even

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prophet Muhammad give the message of God. So

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what is the difference? I'm coming to it.

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So I quoted the first one, son of

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God. That's right. I finished now. Your third

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one is, gospel of John.

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And the reference is?

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3 verse 15, 16, 17, 18.

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Not the it's only gospel of John chapter

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3 verse number 16. Only 16. No, sir.

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The explanation is in context. I'll come to

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You only quoted 16.

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You never went to 17. Okay. So hear

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me. Gospel of John chapter number 3 verse

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number 16 said, for God, so I'm giving

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verbatim now. Verbatim from King James version. Yes.

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Verbatim. You know you know what is meaning

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of verbatim? Yes. I know, sir. What to

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word? From which version? From King James, sir.

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Because there are 1,000 versions in the bible.

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New international, New World Translation,

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Pentecostal, American Standard Version. I'm calling from King

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James version, which is more than 50% of

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the Christian follow.

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So gospel of John chapter number 3 verse

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number 16 say, for God so loved the

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because the Christians say, no no no no

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no. Jesus is a normal son.

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And they quote gospel of John chapter number

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3 verse number 16. For God so loved

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the world that he gave his only begotten

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son, begotten,

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not made. So that God, soul of the

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world that He gave His only begotten son,

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whosoever believeth in Him shall not die, but

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everlasting life.

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what is the meaning of the word begotten?

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Sister, do you know the translation of the

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English word begotten?

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Got it from somebody. What is the word

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meaning of the English word begotten? You said

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the word, I'm asking you the meaning.

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It means gotten from something. Begotten begotten. Oh,

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English is very good. Begotten means it's the

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lower animal function of *.

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Begetting is an animal act. You open up

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for dictionary.

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Begetting is an animal act.

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That means you have * and then you

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beget a son.

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You you open English, you know English? Open

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oxford dictionary. Okay, sorry sir. That is the

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reason we object.

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We object to this word begotten given to

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God. So what to do? So if you

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read the revised standard version of the King

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James version, revised by scholars

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of the highest eminence backed by 50.

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They say this word begotten is an interpolation,

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is a fabrication,

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is a concoction, and they threw it out

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of the bible.

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You don't know this. Okay. Who threw it?

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Not Muslim scholars,

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not Hindu scholars,

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Christian scholars.

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32 Christian scholars

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of the highest eminence

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backed by

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50 different corporation denominations.

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You read the RSV,

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the revised standard version. They say, this word

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is a interpolation.

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It's a fabrication.

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It is not then the original manuscript. So

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the watch keeps pinging to so much

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has been thrown out of the Bible.

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Okay, sir. If Okay, sir. What? Okay, sir.

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That me that me that me. I have

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another Let me let me Let me let

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me Let me let me you can explain

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what I just said. I don't

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These are top scholars of the world, of

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the Bible.

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So we go back to the original Romans

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chapter number 8 verse number 38, that whosoever

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is led by the spirit of God, he's

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the son of God. So if you say

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Jesus is son of God, of course he's

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son of God. He's a messenger of God.

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We have no objection in that. But don't

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say he's the begotten son of God. You

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cannot give this function to Allah

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You can't give function to almighty God. You

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cannot say that he's like an animal begetting,

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having *.

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So that's the reason these scholars

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who God gave them knowledge, they did research

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and they found out this was in the

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side footnotes

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and it came into the text. So they

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threw it out of the bible

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as a concoction,

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as a fabrication,

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as interpolation.

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So if you read the revised version of

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the Bible, it's not there.

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Okay. It's been thrown out. So one word

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you're clinging to. Okay, sir.

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For God soul of the world is thrown

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Anyway, this verse doesn't say that Jesus claimed

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It doesn't

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it doesn't qualify my challenge.

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Aniquiocultural statement from the bible where Jesus Christ,

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peace be upon himself, said, I am God

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always worship me. You haven't taken the challenge

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yet. Okay. I have to answer the first

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question of my son. Okay, sir. You're asking

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3, 4 question. You have to ask 1

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question at a time. Oh, I beg your

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pardon, sir. You just firing question question question.

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You listen to the answer. Okay. So first

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you have to agree that what verses you

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quoted now is a fabrication of the Bible.

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So you should agree, this cannot prove he's

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God. You have to agree. Okay. So why

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are you saying So far, do you agree

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or not? If you don't agree, it's a

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waste of my time. I'm banging my hand

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against a brick wall. Sir, I beg your

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pardon. If you can't understand English, it is

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30 to Christian scholars. You say, okay, doctor.

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I will go and do research. Okay. No

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problem. Say that at least. Be like a

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good woman, a truthful lady.

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Don't be like

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a don't be like a person who wants

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to I'm quoting you from my God given

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Correct? So say, doctor, okay, I will go

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and verify your claim. No problem.

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Be at least be at least truthful in

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saying that rather than hiding behind something.

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Coming to your first question. Coming to your

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first question.

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You told about my son. Yes, sir. Solution

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to the problems of humanity.

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Sin is a universal problem, your sister said.

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I told you sin is not universal. Again,

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you're repeating.

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According to us, every child is sinless. Okay,

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sir. Because in the scripture that for all

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my dad now, for And He gave the

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solution to sin also. That's the problem

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of The solution to sin is

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following the Quran.

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The solution to the sin is following the

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Quran. If you did not listen to the

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talk, what can I do?

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Therefore, I told you, you go

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on the YouTube, Google, sheikh Farik

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Nai. Is Islam the solution? For a little

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time. Let me complete the answer.

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Okay. You are telling something?

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Yes, sir. It's it's okay. It's okay. We

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are taking much from you. We We have

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taken much from you. I think he has

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Your first question

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is sin is there. Yes. But everyone is

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not sinless.

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Everyone is not sinful. There are many people

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who are sinless. It's a big problem. We

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agree. What is the solution to follow the

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It is the devil it is the devil

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which inspires you to kill any other human

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being. That's how terrorism comes. It's the devil

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which inspires you to rob. All these are

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parts of sin. If If you haven't heard

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his lecture, what can I do?

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These are types of different sins.

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Okay. And the solution is following the Quran.

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You only want to say sin is, you

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know, sin is Adam wiped the apple and

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Eve wiped the apple. We are born in

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sin. You are miscoding the Quran.

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Sorry, the Bible. You are misquoting the Bible.

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You don't know this is the teaching of

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the church. I'm here to talk about the

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Bible, not about the church. If the church

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is misguiding you and if you get misguided,

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you have to blame, not me. I beg

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your pardon, sir. Sorry. I beg your pardon,

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but that's just the reality. I'm so convinced

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about it. And I have a lot of

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proof. So many scriptures over 20, I can't

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Your convenience is wrong thing. This is not

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my problem. If you are convincing things which

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are wrong, it is your problem. I don't

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want get convinced with wrong thing. That's the

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difference between you and me. Okay, sir. There's

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a statement you made earlier. You said that,

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you're more Christian than we, the Christians, and

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it's You're misleading me again.

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There is a rule.

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If Christian means

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following the teachings of Jesus Christ, peace be

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upon him, then we Muslims

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are more Christian than the Christian themselves. Complete.

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Please, sir. Don't give half the quotation, please.

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Okay, sir. If you can't remember,

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say sorry. Okay. I'm so sorry, sir. Yeah.

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So, sir It's okay. It's okay,

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sister. We are taking more from you. No.

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Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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Thank you.

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Please put on the mic. Okay. Mark,

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It's okay. He

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has heard you more and then he has

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30 much. Okay. Fine, sister. Last question. Yeah.

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Let's give her a chance.

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She's already have 3 questions.

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We are very generous.

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We want to even Please last question. We

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don't want to get stuck. If you are

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if I'm more Christian than the Christian, then?

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Yes. Thank you so much, sir. No problem.

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So, sir, you said also that I pray

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I don't misquote you this time around.

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You said that you believe in Jesus. You

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believe that he was sent by God and

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all. Okay. But the problem is that that

00:12:30 --> 00:12:32

is not all it takes for salvation. That's

00:12:32 --> 00:12:34

not all it takes for redemption. It takes

00:12:34 --> 00:12:36

believing the full gospel of Christ, which is

00:12:36 --> 00:12:37

causing for 1st Corinthians 15. Oh, god. I

00:12:37 --> 00:12:39

can't hear you solely solely.

00:12:39 --> 00:12:42

Okay. You said that you believe in Jesus,

00:12:42 --> 00:12:43

and you believe that he was sent by

00:12:43 --> 00:12:45

God. I follow the teach true teachings of

00:12:45 --> 00:12:48

Jesus. Okay, sir. So now I'm saying that

00:12:48 --> 00:12:50

that is not a criteria for someone to

00:12:50 --> 00:12:52

be a Christian or to become a more

00:12:52 --> 00:12:54

Christian that we'd already believe us. For following

00:12:54 --> 00:12:56

the true teachings of Jesus is not the

00:12:56 --> 00:12:57


00:12:57 --> 00:12:58

This is the basic criteria.

00:12:59 --> 00:13:01

Christian means a person who follows Christ. Shown.

00:13:01 --> 00:13:04

The basic number one criteria if I say

00:13:04 --> 00:13:07

Muslim, I submit my will to God. If

00:13:07 --> 00:13:09

I say Christian, I'm following the teachings of

00:13:09 --> 00:13:11

Jesus. If this is not the main criteria,

00:13:11 --> 00:13:14

then I'm sorry. I'm happy being Oh, Jesus.

00:13:14 --> 00:13:16

If you are happy criteria. Doesn't mean following

00:13:16 --> 00:13:17

the No. No. Who do you want to

00:13:17 --> 00:13:19

follow the teachings of the devil? No, sir.

00:13:19 --> 00:13:20

That's what you're doing. Why

00:13:21 --> 00:13:23

Why you're saying that be following the teachings

00:13:23 --> 00:13:25

of Jesus is not the main criteria? Yeah.

00:13:25 --> 00:13:26

That's what you said and I'm trying to

00:13:26 --> 00:13:28

prove that that is not is not correct.

00:13:28 --> 00:13:30

That is correct. That is me. Because to

00:13:30 --> 00:13:32

be to be a follower of God, to

00:13:32 --> 00:13:33

be a believer, is to believe in the

00:13:33 --> 00:13:36

full gospel according to first Corinthians 15 verse

00:13:36 --> 00:13:38

1 to 4. It's talking about According to

00:13:38 --> 00:13:40

I can't listen. 1st Corinthians

00:13:40 --> 00:13:43

15 verse 1 to 4, it talks about

00:13:43 --> 00:13:45

the gospel of Christ. And what's the gospel

00:13:45 --> 00:13:47

of Christ? Is the 1st Corinthian the words

00:13:47 --> 00:13:49

of Jesus Christ, peace be not the word

00:13:49 --> 00:13:51

of Paul. Corinthian is not the teachings of

00:13:51 --> 00:13:53

Jesus. Yeah. Corinthian is the word of Paul.

00:13:53 --> 00:13:55

We are talking about word of Jesus, peace

00:13:55 --> 00:13:57

be upon him. Do you know Corinthians was

00:13:57 --> 00:13:59

not written by Jesus, peace be upon him?

00:13:59 --> 00:14:02

Corinthians was written by Saint Paul. So are

00:14:02 --> 00:14:03

you talking about Paul? Are you talking about

00:14:03 --> 00:14:04


00:14:04 --> 00:14:06

Do you know your bible very well? Yes,

00:14:06 --> 00:14:07

sir. I do know my bible. Who's the

00:14:07 --> 00:14:08

author? Who's the author of Corinthians?

00:14:09 --> 00:14:09


00:14:27 --> 00:14:28

I know the bible very well. I don't

00:14:28 --> 00:14:30

want to learn from you. Sir, I know

00:14:30 --> 00:14:32

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

00:14:32 --> 00:14:34

Can you have the next question, please? Thank

00:14:34 --> 00:14:35

you. Can you have the next question?

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