Zakaullah Saleem – 17 Riyad asSalihin
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The history of Islam is discussed, including the importance of patience and showing patience during difficult times. Visiting cemetery and burial sites is advised to avoid losing their memories and history. The importance of showing patience and showing patience when faced by any incident is emphasized. The conversation also touches on the history of the Prophet sallali wa sallam's message and the potential reward for those who have passed away due to the pandemic. The importance of patience and acceptance of Islam is emphasized, and the use of it in history is discussed.
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Hello hello Mona Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Without
the bathroom clean was Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Corinne while
early he was MBH mine my bad and understand what the Allah who can
mandala Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam be more apt in Turkey in
the pavilion. For con it tequila was really for call it La Gunny
for inoculum to sob mostly but mostly but the Willem tarrif for
de la lucha in non Naboo sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
baba, baba Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. falam, TJ Dorinda, who
Beauvoir been over ouabain for harlot LEM Rifka, for call for
Karla Rasulullah Salallahu Salam in a suburb in the southern middle
Gula. The finale, we are still going through the chapter of a
suburb, the patience, in which Imam and NaVi Rahim Allah the
author of the book of railside Hain has quoted a number of Hadees
and this is one of them. Hadith that is reported by say you do not
* or the Allahu Taala and who says Marana bu sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam are being brought into giving the cover. The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed by a woman who was sitting by a
grave and she was crying.
When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam saw her crying, he said
it that Allah was very fear Allah, fear Allah and have patience, be
patient, for coilette, la Gani
without realizing who was the one who was advising her. She said la
carne for inoculum to sub Merci, Bertie, keep away, stay away from
me. You will not You are not stuck by the calamity or you know,
afflicted by the calamity that I'm afflicted with, while I'm 34 and
you do not know what I'm going through.
So when she said this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went
away, and he did not argue with her. For clean Allah. When the
prophets Allah sort of left. It was said to her in Noho, Nabi
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it was a prophet Sallallahu Sallam
who advised you
and she
regretted and then she came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, but
that Baba Nabi SallAllahu sallam, she came to the house of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam for them, 30 Dorinda who
but why being so she when she arrived there when she came to the
house of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam she did not find
any doorkeepers or any guards at the door, rather, straightaway she
went into the house of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and she
I apologize. And she said, LMR if I did not know you a Messenger of
Allah, I did not realize that it was you were advising me. A
prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in nama Sadhguru in
the southern model Gula. Rarely the suburb and the patient, the
true patient on which the person is rewarded is the patience when
the person shows the patience as soon as he or she is struck by a
At the very first stroke of calamity, you have patience. This
is the type of patience on which Allah subhanahu wa taala rewards
By passing the time everyone can have patience.
So you lose one of your family members, you lose one of your
siblings, your close relatives, your very close friend. And you
when you hear the news of their passing away, as soon as you are
afflicted by this news by this calamity, you must have patience.
That is the time when if you have patience, you will be rewarded.
But if you start moaning and crying and screaming and shouting,
and then week later you say now I have patience, no, this is not
patience, and you're not going to be rewarded for this type of
patience. Patience is that you show patience. As soon as you are
afflicted by a calamity and the very first stroke of a calamity.
You remain patient that is the type of patient on which Allah
subhanho wa Taala rewards a person. So there are a number of
lessons that we learn from this hadith. The first one is that the
Prophet salallahu alayhi salam passed by a woman who was killed
lying by a grave. And it is mentioned in that that hadith that
this was a grave of her child, a young child had passed away. And
out of the grief, she was sitting by the grave and she was crying.
So the first thing that we learned from this hadith is the visit of
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of the graveyard. This is
something that Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam has advised
us to do on a regular basis at the beginning of Islam Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had prohibited the companions to visit
the graves. And this was for the purpose of detaching the hearts
from the worship of the graves from the graves. And when he
sallallahu alayhi wasallam realized that now the Iman has
been established in their hearts and now they are firm in their
belief and Iman, then he Salah salem said, going to know how to
commands era tell COBOL I had prohibited you from visiting the
graves previously, but now I advise Yuzuru half in the heart to
the Quran era. Now I advise you to visit the graves visit cemetery
visit the graveyard for verily visiting the graves reminds the
person of the hereafter.
To from this hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we
learned that visiting the graves reminds a person of the Hereafter
of our era and this should be the burden.
This should be the purpose of visiting graves. The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to visit the graveyard for this
purpose. Or they can be another purpose which is to make dua for
the deceased, although you can make dua anyway. And there is no
difference in making dua at home in the masjid or at the grave.
making dua at the grave is something that is not even to
commend it.
The prophets Allah never recommend that if you make dua by the grave,
your DUA will be answered quickly, or they are more chances for you
to are to be accepted. The Prophet Salah Salem never said something
like this. So if you want to make dua for the disease, you can make
the item you should actually continue making dua for your
deceased ones.
And it should not be restricted to the time when you when you go and
visit their grave. And unfortunately, this is what some
people do.
They do not remember the diseased ones in their doors, and they make
dua for them only when they visit the graves. This is something that
is not stablished from the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu. Yes, it
is permissible to go and visit the grave or visit the graveyard and
then make dua for your disease, beloved ones,
it is permissible.
But the actual or the main or the core purpose of visiting the
graves should be to remember your own grave to remember your own
hereafter. So you go to the graveyard, you go to the cemetery
and look at those graves.
Look at those murders and those holes and remember your own grave.
And remind yourself that very soon you are going to be in this place.
After leaving the studio that is going to be your final award that
is going that is going to be your residence all the way up to the
day of judgment. So in order to remind yourself of the Hereafter,
this is the core purpose of visiting the graves and when it
comes to the visiting the graves, there is no any recommended day at
whole no recommended day. No Thursday evening, no Friday. No
they know the day have read no 10th of Muharram. Knowing the
month of suffer knowing the month of Rajab there is no recommended
day or night or any occasion at all.
In fact, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to visit the
graveyard of Medina that was known as Al Baqi. That is right next to
muster the number V nowadays, but he that people usually know it as
Jana telepathy okay, it is strange that people call the graveyard as
Janet we as they will be no death in Jannah. There will be no graves
in Jannah and people call this graveyard as Jana which is not
correct. So the name of that graveyard is actually Bucky
So Bucky was the graveyard of Medina the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam used to visit their graveyard sometime in the
night in the darkness of the night in order to remind himself of his
own death and his own grave.
But for us,
we think visiting the graves on certain days are probably more
rewardable. As for visiting the graves at night, we think no, this
is something that is not that is not good, because if you visit the
graves at night, you may be possessed by chin. This is the
biggest fear that we have.
Because our purpose of visiting the grave is not to remind
ourselves of the hereafter. Rather we visit the graves for another
purpose. So anyway, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed
by this woman and she was sitting by the grave of her child and she
was crying.
This is also an evidence for those scholars who say that for women it
is permissible to visit the graveyard. Although there are
scholars who are of the opinion that it is not permissible for
women to visit the graves at all. It is haram for them and this is
based on the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that
is collected by Imam, a Buddha who the Rahim Allah the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Learn Allah who is Awara till KUBU
while Mukta TV and it has solche Allah subhanahu wa taala curses
those women who frequently visit the graves, Allah co system
and Allah also curse those who lit the lamps on the graves who lit
the lamps and the lives on the graves. Allah curse these people.
So in this particular Hadith, the hadith is authentic. The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the water till COBOL those women
who frequently on a regular basis they visit the graves, because
will for women particularly, there is more chance most high, highly
likely, they will not have patience when they visit the
graves of their decisions. They lose their patience. And they may
end up saying something that is not permissible. Mourning against
the decree and the color of Allah subhanahu wa taala complaining,
complaining about losing of their diseased wounds. So that is why
the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam wanted to prevent them to certain
extent not to visit the graves. So based on this particular Hadith,
some scholars are of the opinion that is not permissible for women
to visit the graves at home. Whereas the other many other
scholars have the opinion that it is permissible for women to visit
the graves, but it is not permissible for them to frequently
on a regular basis, visit the graves because this is something
that we can say Eman and they cannot have patient and suburb. If
they if they continue for example, a woman loses her husband. And
after the death and the burial of her husband. She goes to the grave
of her husband every single day every other day.
This is something that means that she is not having patience. She's
not and she's not accepting the color and the decree of Allah will
Jana lucra that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
those women who visit the graves frequently on a regular basis,
Allah ecosystem. So it has been although it is permissible for
women to visit the grave sometime, as we take the evidence from this
very Hadith, the prophet Salah Salem passed by this woman and she
was sitting by the grave of a child, the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam so
if it is was completely impermissible for women to visit
the graves, the prophet Salam would have advised her to get up
and not to sit by the grave, and not to visit the grave. But the
prophet Salam did not say this.
Rather, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised her on something
else. Because she was crying. out of out of impatience. He saw Salam
said it papilla fear Allah fear Allah. You are you your child has
been bullied now. Which means that definitely his Janaza or her
Janaza must have been prayed and the child has been bullied. And
now she has come back to the grave and now she's crying again.
So he saw Samsung it tequila, fear Allah. It is as if you are not
accepting the decree of Allah. You still not accepting the decree of
Allah Allah, Allah the Quran fear Allah wa
Sweetie, and be patient have sub.
As soon as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this
and the Prophet Salah Salah Salem advised her, she said he lay Gunny
go away.
He did not realize she did not realize and she did not know that
it was the prophets Allah sinner. She said la carne for inoculum to
sub mercy but go away you are not afflicted by my calamity. This is
my masiva This is my difficulty, my grief. When I'm 34 and you do
not know you do not know what I'm going through.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then left
this another lesson for us. This is this is the hikma This is the
wisdom that Allah subhanahu wata Allah has instructed us to have
when it comes to convey the deen of Allah. And this is the wisdom
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given. And this is
the wisdom that we learn from the Syrah of our beloved Nabi
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that if the person is emotionally
affected, then it is not always the right time to advise them or
you may advise them, but it is not right for you to impose your
decision on them. Even if you know that they are doing something 100%
Wrong. Sometimes it is not wise, when the person person is going
through an emotion and their mind is not they it will be difficult
for them to accept your advice. So do not try to pressurize them Do
not try to force your advice, do not impose your decision on them.
Advise them once and then leave them them time.
Give them some time to think about it.
And then after a while you can approve them again if the person
is doing the same thing again and again. Then definitely you should
continue advising them
but not to fall into arguments. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam when he advised her and she said he lay Gani a look at this.
This is the way how she spoke to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
without realizing that it was the NABI sallallahu alayhi. Salam said
he like and they go away. Now obviously, this is something if
she knew that it was the prophets of Allah wa salam and then she
would have said this, then it would have been a major sin on her
because he will be considered as encircled
and disrespect towards the prophets of Allah Allah salah, but
because she did not know the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam
left her and he did not argue with
and then he saw a Salam went away and he came home. And after that,
she was informed that it was Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and
then she looked at it. Straight away, she came to the house of the
prophets of Allah salaam, and she arrived a lamp Taiji there in the
hooba ouabain. He said,
When she arrived at the house of the Prophet Salam at the door, she
did not find any doorkeepers meaning the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam did not have any gods, any anyone around him, or
even at the doors to prevent people from having access to him.
sallallahu alayhi wasallam and nowadays, we find people, you
know, someone gets a bit of high status within the society within
the community. You say I need a secretary, if you want to contact
me, no, I don't have time. Never contact me. Normally, people can
have access to me, you always have to go through the Secretary and
even sometimes the secretary becomes so high in the status then
he or she will have another surgery. And you have too many
people to go through to access one individual who can be better than
Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam in this dunya the
Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not have any doorkeepers at his door.
So when she arrived there, she says philanthropy during the hobo
ouabain And then she entered. Obviously she sought the
permission and then she entered into the house of Rasulullah Salam
and she said, lamb RFQ or messenger of Allah I did not know
I did not realize that it was you who are advising me.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not see anything. Another
narration says when she said lamb ahref she also said O Messenger of
Allah. Now I have patients I have patients now, Prophets wa sallam
said no, this is not the type of patient that is required from a
Muslim in nama suburb in the southern model Hola. The patients
for which a Muslim is rewarded is the patients that you show when
you are
afflicted by a calamity in the very first stroke very first, as
soon as you are afflicted by a calamity, or any hardship, or as
soon as you face a problem, you do not start complaining against the
decree of Allah Jalla lucra more about the decree of Allah. Rather,
you say in the law he were in LA hieracium This word Allah has
instructed us to do and say, when we are afflicted by any calamity
Alladhina ADA Saba Tommaso Eva Lu in the law he were in in the
urology room. Allah says give the glad tidings to those who are
patient, those who when they are afflicted by any calamity, they
say in Nadella who were in 90 Rajon we all belong to Allah. If
we have lost one of our beloved one soon, I'm going to be lost as
well. I'm going to leave this dunya also.
We all belong to Allah Nia Rajan and we all are going to return to
him little Jelani Willie kromm.
So he Salah salem said a suburb or in the southern metal Gula. The
real patients the true patients is the patience that you show as soon
as you are afflicted by a calamity. Having patience and
showing Patience afterwards. This is something that is not
acceptable. And this is something that you are not rewarded for.
The next hadith is the hadith of say you do not Abu Huraira or the
Allahu Taala
who says in Rasul Allah, He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on
Khan, the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam said, You're
cool Allah hooter, Allah, Allah who will challenge you kromm says,
and this is
the phrase that we find in certain Hadith of the prophets of Allah
who are descended. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam says that
Allah said and when he says Allah said, is not always the eye of the
Quran. Sometimes the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
attribute something attributes a statement to Allah don't Jalla Lu
Quran but that statement is not part of the Quran. So such
statement is known as a hadith al codici al Hadith Odyssey or the
Odyssey, Hadith Odyssey is that the statement is actually from
Allah subhanahu wa Tanay the statement of Allah but the wording
is not the wording of the Quran rather the wording or the wording
of Rasulullah Salah Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam is conveying the statement of Allah who will Jalili crime in
his own words.
So, this is the this is one of those example one of those Hadees
policia. He sallallahu alayhi salam said Allah says, Marley
Abdullah, many
brindisa is about to Sufi Muhammad Ali duniya, Marta Saba, who ill
Jana. Allah says, When I take away
someone beloved to my slave, in this dunya someone who is beloved
to him, from the people of dystonia, when I take him away
from him, for matassa and then he does not complain against the
decree of Allah Radha. He seeks the world with Allah will
challenge Vikram.
He shows patience. And he says in not ALLAH he were in Nigeria he
robbed your own.
He sees the world from Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Quran, Allah
says, for such believing servant, I have no reward other than direct
This is great reward. You lose your father. As soon as father
passes away. You say in Nadella, he were in Nigeria. Yes,
obviously, as you mentioned previously, because of your love
for your relatives, who your parents, for your children, for
your siblings for your friends. You shed the tears from your eyes
and this is a sign of the mercy that Allah has placed in the
hearts of every one of us. This is something that is not prohibited
even the Prophet salaallah Salam himself cried when his young child
Ibrahim, passed away at the age of 18 months, he was crying.
But he saw Salam said this is these tears are the sign of the
mercy that Allah has placed in the heart of his slaves.
So just simply shutting the tears. It is something that is not
against the patience.
which contradicts the patience is when you start complaining against
the decree of Allah when you say no, how come why Allah has taken
my young child away. Allah is not just with me.
Why it is always me
that who is the why it is always me who is afflicted by hardships
clarity after clarity problem after problem? Why is always me.
So you say these type of words and it means that you are not
accepting the decree of Allah or your iman your belief in the
decree of Allah is not, it's not strong.
So he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that Allahu Jalla Lokrum
said, that when I take away someone, beloved to my believing
servant, and then he seeks the ward with me, then I reward him
for with nothing, I reward him with nothing other than paradise.
So grateful, so what reward can be greater than having paradise? All
what we do here in this dunya whether we perform our Salah
fasting and in these special 10 blessed days, we try to include
increase our acts of worship, increase the Dhikr of Allah
increase the number of fasting the days, we fast, and then we
increase the restriction of the Quran. We increase the number of
noir film that we pray on a daily basis, all of this why, first and
foremost to please Allah will generally crime and secondly, to
attain paradise.
But if you are afflicted by a calamity and you remain patient,
Allah subhanahu wa taala says that there is no reward for such
believing men with me except paradise so paradise is kind of
guaranteed and confirmed. The next Hadees is the hadith of Aisha Radi
Allahu Dona Ana. She says, under Hassan at rasool Allah He
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that she asked the messenger of allah
sallallahu alayhi salam, and it Barun about our own our own is
but the plague for Africa and now who can either when she asked the
Messenger of Allah, why is this why does this happen? Why does
plague spread in the community in the society among the people, he
SallAllahu sallam said, and now who can have either been nearby
for who love who I am in your shot, it used to be a punishment,
either from Allah subhanahu wata Ana that Allah used to send on
homes where he willed Fajr Allah who love who the Allah Rahmatullah
meaning but now displaying this very illness or this disease,
Allah has made it a Rockman mercy for the believers. So if a
believer if a believing servant of Allah is afflicted by this type of
disease, the plague and this pandemic, the number of scholars
have declared this similar to the plague our own.
So he's Allah wa salam said, whoever is afflicted from amongst
the believers amongst the Muslim whoever is afflicted by this
disease and they lose their life for fillet salmon. Abdon Jaco
Tharun He is Allah Salam said, there is no slave of Allah.
There's no Muslim slave of Allah, who is afflicted by our own firm
coup de Bella de sabe, Ron, Martha Siva, then, after he is afflicted
by our own or once the plague has spread within the community within
the region within the area, and the person stays within this same
area. Having patience, seeking the word from Allah subhanahu wa taala
and believing and the hula hula, Cebu Illa Maka tabula hula, that
nothing can afflict him. Nothing can strike him except that what
Allah subhanho wa Taala has already written for him Illa
cannula who mythologically Shaheed and then this person while seeking
the word from Allah, having strong belief in Allah in the decree of
Allah having Tawakkol and trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala the person
loses the life and the person passes away because of this type
of illness and disease, except that Allah subhanahu wa taala
reward him with the reward of the Shaheed someone who is martyred in
the way of Allah. And the reward of the Shahid is that Allah
subhanahu wa taala has promised paradise for Shaheed
so that is why the Scholars have said all those Muslims all those
believers who have passed away because of this pandemic, this
Coronavirus disease because this is similar, very similar to play.
So whoever amongst the Muslim has passed away because of this. They
will be rewarded as the reward of Shaheed and we believe, according
to the Hadith based on the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
that all these Muslims will be rewarded that he would have
Shaheed and they will be in Paradise with Nila heeta Allah.
The next Hadith said the hadith of Anasazi Allahu Taala and who say
Is I heard the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam saying in Allah
azza wa jal Lacan indeed Allah subhanahu wa taala said either is
a bit too late to Abdi be happy, but they he FASAB our our will to
who mean whom? Allah Jana? Allah says when I test my slave by
taking away two of his beloved things, two of his beloved ones,
and he remains patient, I replace him with two things I replace him
with paradise.
What does this mean to beloved, the other Hadith of the Hadith?
The other Hadith of the Prophet salaam explains this and even the
companions have explained, to beloved in this particular Hadith
refer to two eyes, two eyes,
meaning any believer who has been deprived from the eyesight, and
the turn blind,
and to Allah subhanahu wa taala take what can be more valuable
than the eyesight, because with eyesight you can see and maybe you
enjoy this life. Those who cannot see, they cannot enjoy the life
the way
the way other people those who can see enjoy. So when Allah subhanahu
wa taala takes away the eyesight of his slave, and he remains
patience. Allah says I was a woman who will Janna I replace him with
paradise. So I took away his eyesight, and gave him paradise
Ohana is a great reward of having patience on the decree of Allah
azza wa jal aliquam the final hadith of today's This is the
hadith of Arbab in Abbey Raba, who was the student of Abdullah Hypno
Abbas or the Allahu taala, whom Abdullah had no Abbas was the
cousin of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah says Carla
Libnah Abbas Abbas once said to me, and that will be camera
terminology Now shall I not? Shall I not show you a women from the
people of paradise?
They will not show you a woman from the people of paradise. As I
said, Bala, why not? I really want to see a woman from the people of
paradise. He said the higher the hill to soda. That black lady,
she is from the people of paradise.
A blown Abbas then explained he said at that in the beach, she
came to the Prophet Salah and she said in the or Surah or messenger
of Allah, I suffer from the disease that is known as epilepsy.
When the person has fits, and person cannot control his body and
his mind and they lose consciousness. So she said I
suffered from epilepsy. We're in the Atticus chef. And one when I
have these Phipps, my our aura is exposed. My body is exposed.
Further ALLAH Hatha Allah Lee. So make dua to Allah will Janiculum
ask Allah subhanahu wa taala for me that Allah subhanahu wa taala
removes this problem and this disease from me.
Look Subhanallah
offer of the prophets of Allah. He said in shitty subharti wallkill
if you want,
you can have patience, and if you have patience, meaning you have
this disease, you have this illness. But while you have this
illness, you go through this problem. Every time you have fetes
recently use you lose your consciousness and continuously you
have this problem, but you remain patient. Then the offer is local
Jana, that Jana is for you.
If you want this one option, the other option is in she at the out
Allah, but if you want I can make dua for you. I can request Allah
azza wa jal crumbing you I think that Allah chose you.
So what do you want to prefer? Which one do you accept? Which one
which one? Do you give the preference? Obviously for her, she
was a female companion of the Prophet SAW Selim. She said, O
Messenger of Allah, our spirit,
I will remain patient. So don't ask Allah that Allah kills me. So
he doesn't mean that if someone is going through an illness, they
should not make dua to Allah, Allah Jalla Vikram, but what we
learn from this hadith is to have patience. This is the main point.
So the Prophet SAW Selim said, yeah, if you are afflicted, if you
are going through this, this illness and this disease, but do
not take this disease as something a punishment from Allah rather
take his as an advantage, that if you remain patients in this
disease, Allah will grant you paradise.
So through patience you can attain paradise. So he saw someone
presented two options to her. And he said if you want you remain
patient, have continued suffering from this disease have patience,
and I do not make dua to Allah so Allah diagram to kill you, but
Jana is guaranteed for you. Or the other option is I can make dua for
you that Allah Q's, she said, I will remain patient but but please
make dua that whenever I have these fits, that my hour is not
exposed, at least make this.
So the Prophet sal Allahu Allah is Allah made this dua for her.
This is the Hadith that is reported by my body and my Muslim.
Another version of this hadith says, then the companion with one
law which mine after that they used to see this black lady
sometimes walking in the streets of Medina and all of sudden she
would have these feats of epilepsy, she would fall down. But
her aura would never expose because of the dua of Rasulullah.
Suzanna, and whenever the companion would see this lady
suffering from this disease of epilepsy, they would say she is
from the people of paradise, because the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam has promised her paradise. So this is what Abdullah
Abbas are the Allahu Taala and Houma said to Allah that Shall I
not show you, a lady from the people of paradise. So again, the
point in this hadith is that when we have an even a chronic disease,
still remain patients never complained about the decree of
Allah except it, the life is this dunya is going to end very soon,
very, very soon. But the next life is eternal life that has no end.
If you remain patient for a number of weeks, or months, or even
after that, you are going to leave the studio anyway. But if you have
patience, you will have comfort in your grave. And Allah subhanahu wa
taala has promised you paradise We ask Allah Allah will generally
Crom that he SubhanaHu wa gonna protect us from all types of
illnesses and disease and calamities. And we ask Allah will
diagram that if we are ever afflicted by any calamity with any
disease, Allah diagram grants us patience, so that through
patience, we attain Allah's mercy, Allah's pleasure and Allah's
Paradise. Allah subhanahu wa taala give us stuff you're going to
build it in the hole Samir and Mooji Subhana Allah Mohammed
shadow Allah Allah Allah and Astell Fuqua TV