Zakaullah Saleem – 01 Riyad asSalihin
![Zakaullah Saleem](
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The transcript describes a shower of information about a man named Mr Manoj Ramallah who wrote a famous work, including a shower of headings made by the Hadees and the headings of a Muslim work. The transcript describes Mr Manoj Ramallah as the author of a shower and explains a shower that happened. The transcript describes a person who gains a reward for helping a brother or sister in Islam and is rewarded with a reward for that person. The transcript describes a book on spirituality and deeds, and a request for a guide for someone who wants to excel in their work. The segment discusses a book on deeds and actions, and the book is a reference to a book and to improve spirituality and deeds.
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So Monica Monica medulla here but I've got a
swindler who lost money Rahim hamdulillah Hara Bella Alameen,
will Outubro to limitata in WA salatu salam ala Rasulillah Karim
while Ernie he was a big marine and my bad.
First of all, I'd like to apologize on behalf of the masjid
actually after slot Russia we had the janazah and because of that,
there was some delay in starting the lecture was supposed to start
at half past seven, it is bit late anyway
as it has been advertised.
Today we are going to begin with the new book
very famous book known as the Abu Salim,
which means the gardens of righteous.
The book is written by famous scholar Shafi sicot,
Shafi scholar, Imam and NaVi Rahim Allah
before we begin the book,
it is appropriate if we go through quick biography of the author of
the book, Imam and NaVi Rahim Allah.
His lockable his title was more for your deen and his Kooning was
abou Zakariya, and his name was yeah, here. His father's name was
shut off. What do you do in Abuja, Korea? Yeah, he had been shut off
and nawabi
he was called nawawi. Because of his hometown.
His hometown was never
one of the towns in Syria.
He was a Rahimullah
born in that town, Iowa, and then
he moved to the mosque, Damascus way he studied.
He gained the knowledge. He attended the circles of great
scholars. And then he became a mom and teacher there.
He was born in the years 631 After the hijra,
and Imam and Nobita Hama Hola. He
was born.
In the family of pious people, both of his parents were known for
their piety and the taqwa.
And Imam will never be rahamallah That's why from very young age, he
had love for the religion of Allah Azza wa Jalla Unicom. He had love
for the Quran for the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa
That is why he started memorizing the Quran. Like many
self, many previous scholars, at a very young age, he memorized the
Quran at very young age. And then he traveled with his father shut
off and never we rahamallah to the mosque, way he enrolled in the
institution of that time that was known as Dar Al Hadith.
And he stayed there. And he gained the knowledge.
As for his knowledge, when it came to seeking knowledge, he was very,
very serious.
And he would attend the circles of many shoes you and the scholars
and the teachers of their time.
To the extent that one of his students known as Isla Dean been
apart, he mentions about him and he says Mr. Manabi, rahamallah
used to attend every single day at least 12 lessons
12 lessons, and in those lessons, he would go through the deceit of
the Quran, the Hadith, the fake the Clara, so many different
sciences of Islam, and he would attend all those lessons every
single day and then we're gonna yet to Bucha me i My Attallah will
be hard hit the rules and he would write the notes of his teachers
from his teachers. Whenever he would attend a circle or lesson,
he would take the notes and this is the proper way of gaining
knowledge. And then and this is why
We always encourage our brothers and sisters that whenever you
attend any circle any study circle whenever you attend any class or
any lesson when he lecture
it is not beneficial if you just listen and then go rather you
should be taking some notes and this is how you build on your
knowledge, this is how you develop yourself. So, it is very important
to take the notes while attending the class or the lesson or the
lecture of anyone. So, Mr manavi rahamallah He had this habit of
taking the notes from his teachers and then
when Imam Novia Ramallah
gained the knowledge, he taught that there was a need to start
and publishing books, say mama novella humble Allah at the age of
30, nearly 30 He started writing extensively.
And he wrote many, many books, many books, and some of the famous
books that are known until today
are one of them is the Shah of Sahih Muslim
is now only shadow Muslim, a Muslim Rama hula when he compiled
his books Sahih Muslim, he compiled the Hadees in that book,
but he did not give any heading as we find in other books of Hadith,
like in Sahih, Al Bukhari and Abu Dhabi who then Timothy and SI and
if no Majah and other books of Hadith, we find that the Mohammed
is the one who compiles the Hadees the Mohammed is the author of the
book himself, he gives the heading and under the heading he raised
the Hadith he calls the Hadith, but Imam never be rahamallah when
he compiled Sahih Muslim, he did not add any heading at all.
And Muslims, they continued learning and studying his book. So
he Muslim for centuries until Imam and navabi rahamallah came and he
started making the headings based on his understanding of those
Hadees. So, he has said the above and the headings and this hay
Muslim that we find nowadays that is published and it has headings
before the Hadees these headings are made or created by Imam and
navabi rahamallah This is one of his great works. And on top of
this Mr Manoj Ramallah. He wrote the shadow of a Muslim as well.
And this is one of the most famous shower and explanation of the
Hadees that Mr. Muslim rahamallah has collected in his site. So this
is one of his works. Another one is called Al Mahmoud Al Majid who
is again a great book of Imam and Nabil Rahim Allah and this is also
another book of Iago Salah Hain and our Burien and NaVi are Barona
Nava via 40, a hadith that are very, very famous worldwide. And
it has been translated in many languages. That book is also
compiled by Imam and now we rahamallah. So he wrote
extensively to the level that his students have said that if we were
to count the number of pages that a mama never be rahamallah has
wrote in terms of his books, if I were to gather all of his books,
and he were to count the pages of his books all together, we will
come to know that he would write 40 pages every single day or in
other words, if it were to divide the number of the pages of his
books on the days of his life.
It would come to 40 pages a day, 40 pages a day, and obviously that
time, there was no computer and they were no the pens like these
pens, rather it used to be the pen made of wood, and then ink and
this type of writing was known that time so your mom and dad will
be rahamallah He wrote extensively
and these 40 pages a day, not from the time when he stopped
arted writing at the age of 30, rather 40 pages a day comes to the
day when he was born. Basically, if we were to divide the number of
pages of his books, on the days of his whole life, then from the day
when he was born until the day of his death,
we find that it comes to 40 pages every single day Subhanallah to
that level. So it shows that Allah subhanahu wa taala had created
such people for the service of his religion and for the preservation
of his religion as Allah the generic rom promised in the Quran
in the hundreds den Nicola Inala, who would have known Imam and
nobody Rama, Allah. He was very pious. He was very pious, and he
was engaged in seeking knowledge and teaching and writing books. He
wrote books on faith. He wrote books on Hadith. And this is one
of his great work Realgar sila hain. And at the beginning of his
books, he explains the reason why he compiled this book. In this
book, he compiled the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam that were collected by many more Hadith even before him.
So Imam a novia rahamallah. He died at the age of 4545, according
to Luna years, according to Hegira calendar, because he was born in
the year 631, after Hegira, and he died in the year 676 After the
which comes to altogether 45 years. But if you were to
convert it into gorian calendar, it comes to the age of 42.
He died at the age of 42 may look at his work SubhanAllah. And
especially these two are very well known books. So Allah subhanahu wa
taala granted acceptance and Kaboul to these two books, the 40
Hadith and the outside the hate. These two books have been
translated in so many languages. And they are even if you go on, on
Google or YouTube, you will find almost in every single language
that's relation of these books, and particularly this vocal the
other silent hain, this is a book that is studied since then, for
the 30 year. And this is the whole purpose of choosing this book for
this class. Mr. manavi rahamallah. He begins his book with Mocha
And with the introduction, he himself
begins the book with introduction, starting with Bismillahi Rahmani
Raheem and then praising Allah subhanho wa Taala saying
Alhamdulillah Hill war Hill Kahal and then seeing a shadow Allah
Ilaha illa Allah al Bara al Karim or roof Rahim wa shadow no
Muhammad and Abdullah Zulu. Then he goes on he says Allah subhanahu
wa taala said in the Quran Wa salatu Jinnah well inside Dalia
lagoon and he says Wa that the three be unknown Holy Quran I bada
This is a clear evidence that Allah subhanahu wa taala created
his slaves for his worship for her Karla him earlier it now will be
my holy Kula. Now it is the it is the duty and obligation of the
slaves of Allah to take care of this purpose for which they have
been created. And then he goes the Ayah from the Quran in the mama
federal hieratic dunya Carmen and Allahu Mina sama. And then he goes
on, to the extent that he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said to Allah who only love the makanan Abdul fi only Rp
he says, I wanted to help my fellow Muslims. Because Allah
subhanho wa Taala says, what are our new Albery what taqwa and the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said well Allah Who Fiona
and Mark Anil Abdul Fionna He, Allah subhanho wa Taala continues
helping his slave as long as the slave continues helping his
brother or sister in Islam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam also said Mandela Allah, Faden fellow who mythologically
farini Whoever guide someone towards a good deed. He gains that
award and he is entitled to the reward of similar to the reward of
the person who does perform that good deed to which he has directed
someone one who call mandala Hooton cannula who Minal agilely
Miss Lou jurymen Tabea hula Yun kazoo lion kusuda Alikum and oh
god him che and he also said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said Who
Have a call someone towards a guidance. Allah subhanahu wa taala
grants him a reward similar to the reward of those who act upon that
guidance and without deducting any kind of reward from the person who
follows that guidance and from the person who guides towards that
guidance. And he also quoted the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam in which the Prophet sallallahu sallam said to
say you do not need the Allahu Taala and who follow Allah he
literally had the Allahu vicarage it and why he then Pharaoh luck I
mean informal in Nam.
By Allah if Allah subhanahu wa taala guides because of you or
through you one single individual, it is better for you. Then the
red, Arabian camels and red Arabian camels were the best form
of beast at that time. So it is as if you say that if Allah subhanahu
wa taala guides through you one individual it is better for you
from an aeroplane.
So this is what Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said Emam novi
rahamallah is quoted the Hadees and then he says for IE to an
admirer, Mata Surah Minella ahaadeeth historia. So based on
these Hadees and the ayat of the Quran and being in mind the
purpose of our creation, and bearing in mind that we have to
help each other in guiding to and in guiding each other towards the
religion of Allah who challenged crime and encouraging each other
to perform the good deeds or IE to I decided an agile Mamata ceramill
ahaadeeth his or her that I should compile a short book based on the
authentic hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Musa
Millan Allah micromotor recently, Swahili behenyl era, the Hadees
that particularly can guide the person towards the hereafter so
the person can better his o'clock his character and his other Jeremy
and literally be whatever he was at and why that is Sally Kinnaman
aha, this is Zeus. So he says, I tried to compile in this book or
collect or code in this book that Hadees related to spirituality to
desert particularly. And then he says well Tassimo fie Allah the
Quran Allah Hadith and so here I tried not to mention in this book
except and authentic hadith. So according to Imam and NaVi Rahim
Allah He has collected and he has quoted in this book only so he
Hadees although the some of the scholars that came after him, they
said they are some duration some Hadees that are weak, okay, but
most of them most of them they are authentic. Okay.
For example, Imam Al Bani Rahim Allah He went through all those
Hadees of this book, and he pointed out that there are around
40 Hadees that are actually weak on bereave altogether they are
nearly 1900 or higher this 1900 1000 1900 a hadith in this
book out of all these 1900 Imam Al Bundy Rama Allah says that around
40 a Hadees week but Imam navabi Rahim Allah He Himself classify
those are Hadees. So, he according to his knowledge according to His
judgment, and this can be based off many it can be based on many
reasons. One of them as you said, is probably mama Navi rahamallah
He had some some some lineage also some say some loose criteria for
judging the Hadees that is why he taught those weak Hadees to be
authentic as well. That is why he included in his book, although he
said at the beginning in the in the introduction of the book Alta
Z movie Allah, Allah Hadith and that I will mention in this book
only sahih Hadith. So it means that what what our Imam and Navi
rahamallah has mentioned in this hadith in this book, any Hadith
that amount he has quoted in this book according to his knowledge is
Secondly, a one of the reasons as scholars have explained, can be
that Imam nawawi Rahim Allah He just went by the opinion of his
For example, he would quote the Hadees from Sunan ABI Dawood, the
Hadith that a mama Buddha would Ramallah has collected in
In his book Sunan ABI Dawood and without making any comments on
that hadith, because Imam Abu Dawood Rahim Allah, He says about
his own book tsunami that would, whatever I have collected in this
book, and I have not commented I have not said that this is not
authentic or this is weak, according to me it is authentic.
So, when a mama Buddha, Buddha would rahamallah Khalsa Hadees in
his book sunnah Buddha would and he does not mention that the
hadith is weak accord according to mama Buddha with Rahim Allah that
hadith is so Hey, so Imam no Rahim Allah simply took the Hadith from
certain Abu Dawood and he included in his book because the mama
Buddha would classify the Hadith. So, he So Imam, Imam and navabi
rahamallah He accepted that. So, this is one of the reason that he
says I mentioned in this book only Sahadi is because his predecessors
the previous callers, they classify those Hadees to be
saying, one of the reasons can be that those are these
are generally related to the virtues Alpha IL, and there have
been great scholar death, there are many scholars who are of the
opinion that the Hadees that is weak, that is weak, but not very
weak that has a bit of weakness, slight weakness in the chain in
the Senate and the Hadees is not related to any Fick matter or any
matter related to Aqeedah rather, it is for encouragement for the
reward, the Hadith, Hadith mentions the reward of performing
certain good deeds. So, those are these are known as a hardihood 30
or higher these will further in so according to many Hadith in many
scholars, we Hadees are accepted in this chapter.
So, these type of weak ahaadeeth are accepted because they are not
related to your Aqeedah they are not related to your belief, they
are not directly related to any fake ruling. That is why it is
okay. So you can take it because all those Hadees say is to
encourage people to perform certain good deeds. So Imam nawawi
Rahim Allah He helped our opinion that is why he taught those 40
Hadees to be authentic that is why he collected and he caught it in
his book. And finally in the introduction of this book with the
other side of Hainan mama never V Rahim Allah he says we're out of
Jew into Maha al Kitab. And you're gonna saw a little more attorney
be he in a hierarchy? I hope if I complete this book Subhanallah
while he was writing he remember his debt and he was not sure
whether he would be able to complete this book he said into
mahal kita if this book is completed then I hope I'm you're
gonna see a little more attorney behavior okay rod, it can be very
good guide for someone who wants to excel in performing good deeds.
How does Allah Who Anwar Hill and Anwar Al Kaba Hey, well Malika and
then this book can be
one of the means of creating barrier from
from committing any kind of sins, or aniseh alien or Han yen into
Fabi shaman who any other worldly Subhanallah look at the comments
and his request, and we should accept his request. He says what
Anessa Elon often into five the shaman who literally any of my
brother, who reads this book, and benefits from it, I request him to
make dua for me, while he while he days and for my parents, while my
sci fi and for my teachers, wasa Babina and all of my friends and
colleagues while Muslimeen me and and for all the Muslims, and this
is Imam and nowadays request. So right at the beginning we do make
dua for him, that Allah subhanahu wa taala forgives his sins. May
Allah subhanahu wa taala raises his ranks in paradise. May Allah
subhanahu wa taala allow us to be gathered with him in paradise. And
we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to add this book in the scale of his
good deeds on the day of judgment, because it's since he wrote this
book, people have benefited and people have corrected the UCLA
people have rectify the mistake.
eggs and the elders and people have given up the sins and the
disobedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala by benefiting from this very
book. So we ask Allah subhanahu wa taala that Allah subhanahu wa
taala shows his mercy on this great scholar Imam nawawi Rahim
Allah Allah, Allah Hema hula hula Hamilton was one other fellow who
feeds in Nuttall for those and then finally he says what are the
Allah al Karim remedy where la hit the phooey the was Tina the upon
Allah subhanahu wa taala is my Reliance what has to be Allah who
are near Milwaukee Voila, Hola, La Quwata illa biLlah Hill as he's
hiking. So this was the introduction that Mr. manavi
rahamallah wrote for his book, Riyadh the Saudi hen. And then Mr.
Manoli rahamallah. He begins the book with very, very important
chapter that is Al Islam was was born Barnea feature mirroring
Armani one Occoquan Albert is that he will Javier
he says the chapter of sincerity where a lot of Nia and to have the
need or to revive the NIA and the intention to refresh the
intention. Whenever you are going to perform any good deed. Whenever
you are going to utter any statement. Any deed Albert Issa
will have Ophea the deeds that are open the deeds that are performed
in public wealthier and the deeds that are performed in secrecy and
privacy, it is very important. So we are going to stop here
inshallah. And next week, be in Lehi to Allah we are going to
begin this book with this chapter. Bible if last year we had a lot of
Nia and we ask Allah subhanahu wa taala that Allah Allah Jalla Quran
grants as if last and sincerity in all of our deeds and actions and
statements. And we ask Allah subhanahu wa taala that Allah will
Jarick rom enables us to benefit from this book and to improve our
spirituality and to rectify our mistakes and our errors in the
whole semiotically Mooji wala Quwata illa biLlah Ilana you Nadim
Subhana Allah Morbihan the eye shadow Allah Illa heyland Astell
Furukawa to bunich