Zakariyya Harnekar – Loving the Prophet Muhammad Session 34
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The importance of love for Allah and his Messenger is discussed, as it is a holy power and can increase the value of actions taken. The speakers emphasize the importance of following His command and not just achieving perfect information, as it is required to establish a bond with his partner. They also discuss the importance of love for individuals, including those in physical and mental services, and the reward for loving people, being in their rank, and being with them on the day of Piy pee. The speakers stress the importance of rewarding love and being with loved ones in achieving a higher quality of deeds.
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I may dwell that everyone's well today, all
those who have joined us online, those who
are listening in, and those who are listening
in the future inshallah.
May Allah
ensure that you are in the best of
This is the 3rd part or the 3rd,
talk in our series of lectures on,
the blessed birth or around the seer of
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
The first talk we spoke about
matters pertaining to just before the birth of
Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
his birth sallallahu alaihi wasallam and thereafter.
And in our previous talk, we spoke about
in our previous talk, we spoke about,
beautiful characteristics and qualities of Rasulullah
We spoke about his
we touched on his
his physical appearance, but we didn't really get
into it. We spoke about,
his magnanimity.
We spoke about his forgiveness. We spoke about
how he loved goodness for us, sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
And we touched upon how Rasulullah salallahu alaihi
to bring benefit to other people and increase
their spirits.
Today, insha'Allah, we will be speaking about another
important topic, and that is loving him, Sallallahu
alaihi wasallam.
As Muslims, we we know
that we must strive in every aspect of
our lives to follow the sunnah of Rasulullah
Sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
That we must,
obey his commands and we must imitate his
it is really through that that we will
attain success in this life and the next.
our responsibility
in relation to Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
does not
and end with imitating him and following him
and being obedient to him Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
In fact, perhaps more important than that,
is that we love him, sallallahu alaihi wa
That our actions that are in obedience to
him, and that our actions
that are in imitation of him salallahu alaihi
wa sallam. When I say in imitation of
him, I mean following his sunnah salallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
That those not simply be actions of obligation.
I'm not just doing it because I feel
forced to do it.
Rather, we should do that, we should obey
we should imitate
him but we should do so out of
love for him
And really, an action that is done out
of love,
is far more virtuous
and far more treasured than an action that's
simply done out of obligation.
If I, for example,
pay somebody in the morning,
or I pay somebody to make me some
food when I go to
a restaurant, for example.
And the person prepares a food food for
me and they present it to me, and
in lieu of that, I pay them.
So, on account of that, I'm entitled to
it to some degree.
Then that act of preparing the food for
is far less appreciated
than if my wife,
out of her kindness prepares a lovely meal
at home.
Even though I'm paying for the ingredients and
all of those things,
and they the rest of the family is
going to eat from it as well. But
simply on account of the experience that that
food is made out of love for me,
it is far more appreciated
than an act that is simply done out
of obligation.
Now, with Rasool Allahu Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
there's a funny
balance between those 2.
Because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
commands us to love him,
and so loving him, salallahu alayhi wa sallam,
is compulsory upon us.
So the actions that cultivate
that love within ourselves for
they follow in the fact that we must
do them. But once we are
imbibed with that love, once our hearts are
full with that love for him,
it increases the value of our actions many
fold. We will no longer become people that
are Muslim on account of the fact that,
maybe rationally we are bound by it, or
our parents force us to, to do it,
or we're just raised in this way. Rather,
we will act as Muslims. We will feel
like Muslims feel an account of our love
for Allah and His Rasool salallahu alayhi wa
And this
is born testimony by the Quran itself.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says, Say, O Muhammad
SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, Allah is giving the instruction
to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Say,
If you follow your parents,
and your children,
and your brethren,
and your spouses,
and your tribes,
and your wealth that you have earned,
and your trade
your trade whose decline you fear,
and your homes that please you,
or that you are pleased with. If those
things are
If those things are more beloved to you
than Allah, and His Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa
and fighting, and striving in his path,
Then just wait,
and anticipate
until Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala comes to you
with His command, dealing with His punishment.
And then Allah says,
Saying that if people love those things more
than Allah and His Messenger
in Jihad, in his path,
then essentially they are
And so Allah says,
and Allah does not,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala does not guide
sinful people.
In this verse, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala by
rebuking and chastising
the person whose wealth, and family, and children
are more beloved to him than Allah and
his messenger, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
And by further
threatening them with punishment,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is teaching us
how important
love for
is. Right? And really, it is this love
for Rasulullah
will that will entrench iman in our hearts
in such a manner that it cannot be
Right? In a number of hadith, Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam asserts the same point.
In a hadith that is narrated by both
Bukhari and Muslim,
he Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam says,
None of you truly believe,
until I am more beloved to him, than
whose child, and his parents,
and all of mankind.
In another hadith, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
he speaks to
and then Umar Radiallahu Anhu
says to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
says to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, you are
more beloved to anything
besides myself,
the person that is between my shoulders.
None of you truly believes until I'm more
beloved to him than even his own self.
I'm more until I am more beloved to
him than even his own self. Waqala Umarin,
Umar radiAllahu anhu then said,
By the one who revealed the Quran to
you, meaning by Allah.
You are more beloved to me even than
my own self.
Then, Rasulullah
said to him,
Now, O Umar,
now, O Umar, meaning now, O
Umar, now you have truly attained
the status
of Iman that is required of you by
loving Rasulullah SAWA
more than even his own self.
These are haditha very important for us.
at that time, Umar was
already obedient to Rasulullah Sallallahu Anhu He was
already acting in accordance with what, with every
single command of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. You
know, the son of Umar
was considered of the most
ardent people and the most, you know,
the most
dedicated people in following the sunnah of Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. And where did he get
that obedience from? Certainly, he learned it from
his father.
But in this hadith, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
again asserts something else,
that following is not enough. Yes, it is
obligatory to start with. There's no question about
If a person's heart is not yet filled
with love for Rasulullah
They must still obey him and follow his
when that obedience
and that imitation
backed by and motivated by love for him,
then that is when that
is when perfect iman is attained. So may
grant us that perfect iman.
to establish this point that I'm just mentioning
now that
true iman will only be experienced after loving
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
tells us in a hadith narrated by Anas
radiAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, he says,
There are 3 traits
that if found in a person, that person
will taste the sweetness of iman.
What is the first thing he salallahu alayhi
wa sallam mentions? He says,
that Allah and his Messenger, salallahu alaihi wa
sallam, are more beloved to that person than
anyone and anything other than them, other than
Allah and his messenger. Meaning, there must be
nothing more beloved to a person than Allah
and his messenger, salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And then, Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam says,
And when a person loves another person,
for no reason other than that that is
pleasing to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. So when
2 Muslim people, they love each other for
the sake of Allah, the person has that,
it's one of the qualities that will allow
the person to taste the sweetness of imam
as well. And then the last thing that
Hadith Rasulullah
That the person dislikes and detests
that he would be returned
to Kufr, to disbelief
after he has come to Iman just as
he would dislike to be thrown into the
So going back to Kufr is as disliked
to the person as being in the hellfire
is disliked to that person.
So, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentions, that if
a person has these these three qualities, they
will taste the sweetness of Iman. But I
want to point out that the first is
that the person
finds that Allah and his Messenger, sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, is more beloved to him than
anything other than Allah and his Messenger, sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam.
So this matter of love for Rasulullah sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam is extremely important.
And, there are a number of Hadith wherein
Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam teaches us of the rewards of loving
him, but we'll get to that in a
First, I want us to consider
why it is that human beings love things
or love other human beings.
Not only human beings, in fact, they love
any being including Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
There are a number of reasons
that human beings love others.
One of them
is that they find in them beauty,
that they find in them
And, you know, I think as ordinary people,
we we certainly experience this. When I see
somebody that has a beautiful exterior,
I'm somewhat attracted.
And the same goes for, you know, for
all people. People are generally attracted to beauty.
And in our last lecture, we touched upon
this, that the messengers don't have any features
that turn people away or that repulse people.
So when we think of beauty,
we think of internal beauty as well as
external beauty.
Now in both of those regards, Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam was endowed
with the most beauty of all humanity,
both externally
as well as internally.
There's some narrations that say that Aisha
would say that if the women of Yusuf
meaning those ladies that cut their hands when
they saw,
Yusuf and they were enamored by his beauty,
had they seen Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
they would have cut their hearts out.
So, you know,
that is just an expression of the physical
beauty of Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
which we touched upon, and I referenced last
time. But I thought perhaps in this lesson,
I will
mention one of the Hadith
speak about Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
So one of the most famous Hadith in
the city God, is a Hadith of a
person by the name of Hind,
Ibn Abihaala.
So Hind
asked about the the the
informed about the qualities of Rasulullah salallahu alaihi
wa sallam. In fact, this hadith is quite
perhaps I should, just mention some of it.
She says, oh, in this hadith, Hassan Radiallahu
Anhu, the son of Ali Radiallahu Anhu,
I think I'll leave out the Arabic because
of the length of the hadith.
So Hassan
was the grandson of Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa
sallam said that he asked his maternal aunt.
Right? He asked
Mint Avihaala,
and she was one of those people who
described Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's beauty.
She said
she said, he asked her to describe something
that would be of interest to him about
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam.
So he said, that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala's
Messenger was,
according to one translation, an honored dignity,
whose face shone with radiance of the moon
on the night of the full moon. He
was taller than medium sized and shorter than
than a slender giant.
His head was grand and impressive with loosely
curled hair. Wasn't very wavy. It wasn't very
but it was, like, wavy in a manner
that's beautiful. It's not as if his he
had no,
character to it. If his forelock became divided,
he would part it. Otherwise,
his hair would not cross over his earlobes
and he would let it grow plentiful and
He was bright of color,
broad of forehead, endowed with arched eyebrows,
perfect without being conjoined,
with a vein between them that anger would
cause to pulsate.
The bridge of his nose was curved.
He had a he had a light that
would arise over him.
And someone who did not reflect on him
would consider him haughty.
He was thickly bearded, endowed endowed with smooth
a wide mouth,
cleft teeth, and a delicate strip of hair
from the top of the chest to the
navel, what's called a Masruba. It's like a
very majestic
feature on a man.
It was as if his neck or the
neck of a statue shaped in pure silver.
He was well proportioned in physique, firmly cohesive
with the stomach and the breast in even
balance. He he wasn't he wasn't fat, his
stomach didn't protrude beyond his chest.
He was wide chested,
broad shouldered,
endowed with stout limbs and very shiny bare
Between the top of the chest and the
by a strip of hair like a line
of writing,
while his breast and stomach were bare apart
from that. And he didn't have hair all
over his body.
He had hair on his arms and shoulders
and the upper parts of his chest. His
forearms were long. He had a sensitive
touch of the hand. The palms of his
hands and the soles of his feet were
thick set. His extremities
were well formed.
The hollows of his soles were very deep
set. His feet were so smooth that water
bounced off them. When he left a place,
he would go away striding decisively.
You would tread inclining forward and walk comfortably.
His gait was brisk. Meaning the way he
walked Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. When he walked,
it was as if he were
a declivity.
And when he looked around,
he looked around altogether. Meaning, he would turn
to a person, he would give them their
full his full attention.
He lowered his eyesight and he spent more
time looking at the ground than he did
looking at the sky, meaning showing his humility
The majority of his looking was observation.
He would urge his companions
to proceed ahead of him, showing him his
And he would be the first to greet
anyone he encountered with salutations of peace.
And again,
as I mentioned in the last lecture from
Radiallahu Anhu, he said that I saw the
messenger Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam on a cloudless
and the Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was wearing some red clothing.
So he says, I started looking at him
as well as at the moon, and he
looked at the
and then he said, for he is indeed
more beautiful
in my opinion
than the moon.
And another person, Abu's haqq, said that a
man asked Barayb Nuhazib
Radiallahu Anhu, was the face of Rasulullah Sallallahu
Wa Salam like a sword, meaning like thin
gaunt. He said, no. It was rather like
the moon. Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam had
a full face, well shaped, beautiful salallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
And, you know, in all of these descriptions
of Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, we see that Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam was endowed
with physical beauty that was unparalleled,
moderating every way, balanced,
because whatever is balanced is beautiful.
So Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was was like
All of himself Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was well
But as we touched on in our last
lesson, not only was his exterior beautiful, but
his interior was the most beautiful. And so
this cause for love
of Jamal beauty,
Alaihi Wasallam
was the most well endowed. He was the
most beautiful that a person could be. So
naturally, people would be attracted to him and
have love for him
Another reason for loving
is that
they do Ihsan to you.
They they act kindly towards you.
for example,
you know, if somebody is always doing good
for me, they go out of their way
to do good for me.
To help me, to serve me. Naturally, that
will be a cause for loving that person.
An example of that would be our mothers.
You know, even if our mother,
I'm sure in all of our eyes, our
our mothers are beautiful, but in the normal
standards of beauty, even if our mother is
not, you know, the most physically beautiful.
But generally, on account of the
love that or the rather not just unconditional
love, we'll speak about that next, but on
account of how much they do for us.
They carry us from the time we are
They give birth to us. They feed us.
They look after us. They put us to
sleep. They change us when we are dirty.
They care for us. They, you know, when
we cry,
hurts them. When we fall, it hurts them.
They're always looking out for us from the
time we are born. You know, up until
the time we are adults, they're always concerned
for us and always helping us.
That is another reason for
If we compare even that love
that a mother has for the child.
Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam outstrips even our
mother's love for us.
Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam loves us
even more than our mothers love us.
Because love
or I mean rather not just love but
rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam serves us even more
than our mother serve us.
Our mothers,
they serve us in that they do many
physical things for us. Yes.
And hopefully, they give us a good Tarbiyah.
They give us a good upbringing as well,
you know, in conjunction with our fathers.
But the reality is that they would not
be able to do that were it not
for the guidance of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
So Rasul so whatever we owe to our
mothers of physical service
and of, you know, guidance and spiritual service
in this life, even that can be attributed
to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. But in addition
to that, you know, there will come a
there will come a day
when perhaps even our mothers will run away
from our service. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
not let it be like that, and rather
may Allah it be that, on that day,
the day of Qiyamah,
that we find ourselves in peace with our
But the Quran speaks of a day when
people will be terrified, you know, only looking
after themselves.
on that day
or on the day when
a person will run away from his brother
from his mother and his father.
Actually, there are many,
you know, there is a number of references
that in the Quran. Allah
speaks about the fact that a person will
run away from
even his own mother and his father.
And similarly, just like he will be busy
or concerned with himself.
His parents will be concerned with himself
with themselves.
But on that day, when everybody will be
saying, nafsi, nafsi, nafsi, nafsi, nafsi, myself, myself,
and looking after their own concern and their
own worry, and trying to ensure that they
intergender themselves.
And even when people go according to the
hadith, when people will go to Adam alaihi
wasalam was the, you know, Abu al Bashir,
their father, he will say, nafsi, nafsi. When
people go to Ibrahim alaihi wasalam, they will
say, nafsi, nafsi. When people go to Musa,
they will say, nafsi, nafsi. When people go
to Isa, they will say, nafsi, nafsi, myself,
But when the people come to Rasulullah
will say,
Oh, Allah,
this person of my ummah, O Allah, this
person of my ummah,
He will, even on that day, He will
be servicing us, He will be helping us,
salallahu alaihi wasalam. When everybody's concerned with themselves,
he salallahu alaihi wasalam will still be serving
And so, if we look
at the cause for love, that is service
or doing Ihsaan to another person, then there
can be no person that has served us,
and will serve us like Rasool Allah
has. And so that when we think about
that, and we ponder about that, that should
be another cause for us loving him
because he is the person. You know, if
anybody's deserving of love on account of beauty,
then it's him.
If anybody is deserving of love on account
of service, then it's him
And another reason that a person loves other
is an account of them loving you.
So simply, you experience that they love you,
so you love them back.
You experience them loving you, so you love
them back.
And so even in this regard,
where you you can call it a reciprocity
of love.
Even in that regard, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
loved us more than any other person can.
You know, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
describes him as a rahman, which I spoke
about before.
says in another hadith that I am nothing
but a rahmatuuh
than a gift of mercy.
But you see the word rahma,
the word rahma, it doesn't just mean mercy.
You see mercy can be a very cold
When you, you know,
let's say there's a king
and the king has subjects, people that are
under his authority.
And then the king decides,
you have not served me well. And then
he decides to kill that person. We can
say, he has not shown you mercy.
And if you see somebody else, maybe the
person does something wrong to him and then
he says to the person, you know what,
I'll have mercy on you. I forgive you.
I won't kill you.
That's, that is called mercy.
But that's a very cold emotions, a very
cold thing.
But we know the word Arrahma
comes from the Lord Arrahim, which is the
womb of a mother.
And so,
the word Arrahma
is better translated and better understood
as loving Mercy.
Like the, like the Mercy that the mother
has for the child. It's a Mercy that
doesn't come out of just
It's a Mercy that comes out of love.
And so, Rasulullah
all of him
was loving mercy to us, not only to
us, but to the entire world.
All of the worlds
was only a gift
to us from Allah of loving mercy.
And so, even in reciprocating
love, if anybody should be loved on account
of reciprocating love, then Rasulullah
is the most deserving of our love on
that account.
So I mentioned three reasons for which people
love other people beauty,
and simply reciprocating love. And in all of
those regards, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is most
deserving of our love.
Right? He's most deserving of Allah.
So there's just a few other things that
I want to touch on, so we spoke
firstly from the hadith,
and the Quran about the necessity of loving
and how that's the only way to truly
complete Iman.
Then I spoke about the causes for love,
and how in all of those causes, Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is most deserving of Allah.
Now, I want to touch on a few
other things. What is the reward for loving
him, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam?
In a number of hadith, Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi
he tells us what the reward is for
loving him.
In one narration,
also from Anasradiallahu
anhu, he says that a man came to
Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, and the man
You Rasulullah,
when is the final hour, O Messenger of
Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam?
Then Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam asked the person,
have you prepared for the final hour?
The person then said to him,
I haven't prepared much salah,
nor an abundance of fasting,
nor have I given a lot of charity.
I haven't done any much of those things
in preparation for the hour.
But he said, but I love Allah, and
I love his messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam then said to
him, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam then said to
him, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, you will
be with the one that
you love.
In another narration,
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was was met by
a person,
by Safwan ibn Khudama according to this narration.
He made Hijra to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
and then he came to him and he
said, give me your hand so that I
can give you Baya.
So, Rasulullah
gave me his hand, and
then I said, oh Messenger of Allah, indeed
I love you.
then told him,
a person will be with the one whom
he loves.
So what is Rasulullah
What is the reward for loving him? The
reward for loving him is that you will
be in his rank, or you will be
with him. In fact, another hadith
that Rasulullah
he one day took the hands of Hassan
al Husayn
And he said, then, whoever loves me, and
loves these 2, meaning these 2 grandchildren of
mine, and loves their father, and loves their
mother, he will be with me in my
rank on the day of Piyamu.
Now who of us? SubhanAllah, I know myself.
We know that how we fall short in
the Ta'at, the good deeds that we're supposed
to do. We know how we you know,
somebody comes to our window, maybe, and we
have maybe we only have,
you know, big money in our pockets.
In in South Africa, we'll call that, you
know, we have notes in our pockets only.
We don't have any coins.
And then we tell the person, no. I
don't have anything to give you.
We know how we fall short in our
salah. We're thinking about everything else.
We know how we fall short. You know,
we follow the sunnah simply because the society
is doing it, maybe, whatever the case may
be. But our children imbued with that love
for him,
but Rasulullah
whoever loves me, he will be with me.
Whoever loves me, and loves my grandchildren and
their parents, they will be with me in
my level, on the day of qiyam.
And the day on the state of Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Qiyamah,
is a splendid state.
It's a state in which you will experience
no worries thereafter.
So, this is the reward for loving him
Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, over and above doing
all other things. This person said, I didn't
prepare masala,
I haven't done much soom, I haven't given
a lot of sadaqah.
But I love Allah and His messenger
said, you will be with the one that
you love.
You will be with the one that you
And if we were to look into some
examples of how the companions,
loved him
we will see that they prefer his love
over everything else.
It's narrated from, Amr ibn Allahu Anhu
that, you know, initially, he was an opponent
to Islam.
He was an opponent to Islam. But eventually,
when he came, and he took Baya from
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, and he became a Muslim,
then he said, he could hardly look at
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam because he revered, and
he loved Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam so much.
In some other narrations,
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,
said, this hadith narrates from the people who
are most intense in their love for me,
people will come after me.
That person,
those people who come after me, they would
give their family, and they would give all
their wealth in out of their desire to
see me. May Allah
make us of these people.
And, you know, in the narrations that speak
about the Sahaba's love for him and
the love of the Awliya,
you know, these narrations of Khaled,
you would say,
or rather,
Abda, the daughter of Khaled would say, that
whenever he would go to bed
whenever he would go to bed,
he would remember how much he loved Rasulullah
He would remember,
how much he desired Rasulullah
When he would be lying there in his
bed, you know, getting ready to go to
She said,
he wouldn't ever go to his bed except
that he would be think about how much
he longed for Rasulullah
and how much he longed for,
his companions, Bilal Muhajireen al Ansar, and how
much he longed for his companions of the,
those who migrated to Makkah, and the people
of Madinah who helped him thee. And he
would name them, and he would say,
Asli Wa Fasli, They are my basis and
my foundation. They're they're like everything to
And he would
say, Every night he would lay in his
bed, and he would say, how my heart
is yearning for them.
How, you know, how much I desire them.
Allah, please, you know, hasten taking me to
And he would say that he would like,
almost be lamenting until he would fall asleep.
This is how much he would love to
be with Rasulullah
There's another hadith about Sho, Thoban,
that he would say that, you know,
he would say that
one day, you know, he would always be
in the company of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
but it was a period in which he
remained away from Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam for
a while.
then, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam called for him,
and they saw that he pay his face
had gone pale, and he was, like, becoming
a bit sick. And they asked him, why
what is it that causes you to be
like this? What is it that's causing your
sickness, that causes your face to become pale?
And he said, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
I was just thinking that if I pass
away and even if I get to Jannah,
then you will be in a rank much
higher than me, and I won't be able
to see you. And that's what's causing me
to be sick. That's what's causing my face
to become
pale. And some narrations say that in relation
to that, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala revealed the
obeys Allah and His Messenger
Those people who ever obeys Allah and His
Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, those people will be
They will be with those people Allah
favored upon.
Of the prophets and Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
is the foremost of them. And
the truthful ones
and the martyrs
and the pious people
and how excellent those people are as companions.
And so,
on account of his longing for Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam, he was even thinking about Jannah,
and then there's another narration.
There's another narration of,
Rabi aibulkab al Aslami Radiallahu Anhu. He would
I used to spend the night with Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. So one day I brought
to him his water, meaning the water that
he would use to make wudu when he
made when he got a wahajatahu,
and his needs.
Then Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
said to me, you know, out of because
I did the service to him, he told
sell, ask, meaning ask for anything.
So, he said,
I'm asking you
that for your companionship in Jannah.
He's not asking for Jannah.
He's not asking for Jannah. He's not he's
saying, oh, Rasulullah,
I'm asking that I have your companionship in
Because what is Jannah,
if Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is not with us? You
know, one person said,
he said,
you know, make me desirous of Jannah, he
told somebody, make me desirous of Jannah and
the person simply told him,
in this hadith,
so, Rasulullah
then asked Rabia,
is there anything more than that?
I mean, do you want anything other than
No, that's all I want, he said.
Then Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam told him,
then help me in that, by making a
lot of sudood, making a lot of salawat.
So we spoke a little bit about,
you know, the the necessity of loving him,
salallahu alaihi wa sallam. We spoke about the
cause of love, and on account of that
he's most deserving, salallahu alaihi wa sallam. We
We spoke about the reward for loving him,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. And that is, that
we will be with him in Jannah.
And on our own, without that love for
him, there's no way whatsoever that we can
ever reach his rank, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
So loving him is probably
one of the most rewarding things that we
can do.
And here in, we also see
how the Sahaba and how the the pious
longed for him and loved him
but we also learned the advice of Rasulullah
salallahu alaihi wa sallam. If you want to
attain that of Rasulullah
alaihi wa sallam, if you want to attain
that love
that love for him, then
we should
we should strive
to follow him.
We should strive to be obedient to him,
do a lot of to do, do a
lot of good deeds.
And so and that will cultivate the love
of him. So there's like a circular thing
You must do good deeds that will increase
you in love for him
And also, loving him will motivate you to
do more good.
And not only will you do that good
out of obligation, but you will do that
good out of love.
And that elevates the quality of your deeds
to a much higher level. So may Allah
imbue our hearts with love for him, salallahu
alayhi wa sallam. May Allah, salallahu alayhi wa
sallam, make us of those people who, you
know, whose hearts when when he's mentioned, Sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam, it's as if their hearts
want to jump out of their chest for
longing of him Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. May
make us of those people who can write
poetry, words of poetry and praise of him
Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. And if we can't
write it that we, you know,
we read it, and we allow it to
affect our hearts,
Allah make us truly a people that appreciate
our messenger
recognize his beauty, recognize his yasan to us,
you know, recognize how much we should reciprocate
his love.
And may Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala really guide
us on that account, because truly,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will not let anybody
go astray, who truly and sincerely
loves his beloved sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
Other messengers had other names,
Musa alaihi wasallam was Kalimullah,
Aysa alaihi wasallam was rahuullah, but Rasulullah salallahu
alaihi wasallam was Habibullah,
and Habibullah
means, the one that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
intensely loves.
So, when we love him, Sallallahu Wa Ta'ala,
in fact, we are mimicking at the human
something that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala chose to
be in the very, you know, title of
Rasulullahi Sallallahu
Wa Ta'ala.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
Oh Allah grant us your love, and
the love of those who love you, and
at the head of them is your Messenger
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, your beloved Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
So we say, and
the love of your beloved,
And, oh Allah, give us the love of
all of those actions that take us near
to your love.