Zahir Mahmood – When The Prophet ﷺ Rejected A Bar of Gold

Zahir Mahmood
AI: Summary ©
The speaker describes a false statement from Allah that he wants everyone to spend everything they have spent in a year to achieve their goals, but the speaker argues that Allah does not want people to spend everything they have spent in a year to achieve their goals. The speaker suggests that Allah is not focused on individual goals and is instead focused on building trust with others.
AI: Transcript ©
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So the message of Allah turned away from him.

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So he came to the right side of the message of Allah. And the Messenger of Allah turned this way. And he came to the left side of the message of electronical. Give it to him, and the messenger will not turn away from behind like this. And the Messenger of Allah grabbed it, and he threw it.

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And then the bar is a Lola. And they were some of them said that you.

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You spend,

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Phil Oh, sorry, what is he spent in times of ease, and in times of difficulty.

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Generally, not everybody, but generally, obviously, when it's easy to spend, when, you know, you've hit your target for the year, and you got your new car, you got your new house, whatever you wanted. And then you got a couple of you know, hundreds of whatever left over, then you kind of fork out, you know, it's easy. But the problem is Allah salami said, No, no, I don't want you to spend when it's easy. I want you to spend when it's also difficult. Look, a lie. You can live alone, often Illa. Allah does not burden a sole party's ability. Allah doesn't want you to give everything in the eyes of Allah, tala and then you start begging on the street. There was a man with the permission of

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Allah Allah wa sallam said, given the path of Allah Ponte Allah. So there was a man who came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he had a bar of gold, he said, O Messenger of Allah found his bar of gold in the mind. And I want to give you the path of Allah subhanaw taala. And I have nothing besides this.

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So the Messenger of Allah turned away from him.

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So he came to the right side of the message of Allah, and the Messenger of Allah turned this way. And he came to the left side of the message of Allah trying to give it to him, and the messenger will not turn away from behind like this. And the Messenger of Allah grabbed it, and he threw it.

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He said, I don't want any of you spending everything that he has,

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and then regretting it and asking other people.

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Allah doesn't want us to give everything in a bottle of the last call and then say, oh, what I'm gonna do for the next month.

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But Allah, Allah does expect you to put your hand in your pocket and trust in Allah subhanaw taala that the one who provided you yesterday, the one who provided you last week, the one who provide us the since the day you were born will also provide you in the future.

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