Zahir Mahmood – When The Prophet ﷺ Complained To Allah About Himself

Zahir Mahmood
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a video where a man named Jesus talks about his success and dislikiness with Allah. He describes how people accept his deed and believe he is the only person who can do justice, but the video also describes a woman named mother Meryl who complains about her daughter's lack of presentation and dislike for Microsoft products.
AI: Transcript ©
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One lucky you have a billion likes and you are one dislike from Allah, it's not worth it. You're a failure. You're unsuccessful. And you have that one leg from Allah.

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Everything else becomes insignificant but you will only realize on the Day of Judgment

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La ilaha illa Allah look at look at this, then the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi salam and start to introspect. You know, when you've had a difficult time you hate on everybody besides yourself. That's not your fault. It's their fault is the people are crazy fault. They accept my deed, so I went to the people a tie for scums there, Richard, they drove me out

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in this moment, when he's been pelted when he's been beaten, you know, they are the physical scars, but one lie he then they are the internal scars. They are the emotional scars, physical scars never compete with compared with emotional scars.

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And others Amal is Allah Salaam in this state.

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He begins to think

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and he turns to Allah and he says Allahumma in LA Cava what he locked in let he let he will Hawaiian Elena Xia Murakami, and his most difficult time.

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The verb is Allah Allah Salam says, Allah Almighty.

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Allah I complained to you about my own weakness, La ilaha illallah wa a lesson most difficult time. He complains not about the people of Thai visa, Oh Allah, maybe there's a shortcoming from me.

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Maybe Maybe my issue with me. Allah maybe I haven't been able to do justice to my parents.

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Maybe it's not my parents fault. Maybe it's my fault as well. Maybe it's not just my children's fault. Maybe some might be my fault. Maybe might not be my in laws fault all the way maybe got a portion with me as well. Allahumma in the School of Law, I complained to you about my own weakness.

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This was the man who was the greatest died? No Does he compete with him? No person in history was better in anything than the Messenger of Allah. He was best. He was taught excellence above everybody else. But in his most difficult time, the mercy of Allah Allah.

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Wa T. Tila Tequila tea and the lack of my ingenuity. Allah, lack of my ingenuity. 1400 years later, sitting in the UK, we still follow this man's D.

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And he's saying Oh Allah, I know this may be a lack of my ingenuity. Maybe I good enough.

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Well, hawan Elena's Yara, Mara, me and my insignificance in the eyes of other people. La ilaha illAllah. He may maybe I haven't done enough to get close enough to people. Maybe the issue is with me.

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And then he goes on and he says something amazing. He said, Oh Allah, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. As long as you are happy with me.

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As long as you are happy with me, Oh Allah, it is a matter.

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We live in an era of social media, where everybody likes their likes.

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Everybody judges themselves, their fame on how many followers they have, and how many likes that they have.

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One lucky you have a billion likes and you have one dislike from a lot. It's not worth it. You're a failure. You're unsuccessful. And you have that one leg from Allah.

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Everything else becomes insignificant but you will only realize on the Day of Judgment

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