Zahir Mahmood – Umar (RA) Is Nothing Without The Prophet ﷺ

Zahir Mahmood
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses Omar's recent statement about becoming a true believer, which was met with mixed reactions from the audience. The speaker also talks about Omar's actions during a demonstration, where he says, "they are not saying anything about Islam" and "they are just saying thank you" and "they are not saying anything about Islam".
AI: Transcript ©
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And now more now you will become a true believer. Mm hmm tabi says How did Omar

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have this change of heart All of a sudden? How is it possible?

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Without the message of Allah, there is no agenda.

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There is no Islam there is no drama. There is no nikka there is no janaza

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Omar bla bla bla bla and who was walking with a message of Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah wa Salaam. And Omar said O Messenger of Allah, the Messenger of Allah is holding his hand and he's walking with Him. And Omar sees that affection and he said, the mercy of Allah you know how much I love you. I love you more than anything in the world. Besides that which is between these two sides.

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The message of Allah said over none of you can be a true believer, until I am more beloved to him than everything else on the face of this earth.

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And Omar roseola, I know begin to think.

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And after a little while, Omar says, O Messenger of Allah, you are more beloved to me that even myself and the Messenger of Allah said earlier, and now Omar, now you have become a true believer. Mr. Maha tabi says, How did Omar

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have this change of heart All of a sudden? How is it possible? He says because Omar began to think

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what is Omar without the Messenger of Allah.

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Omar was in silk without the Messenger of Allah. Overhead no Islam without the message of Allah. Omar would have never become a Sahabi. Without the message of Allah Omar would have never become a mirror momineen without the message of Allah Omar would have never been very next to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam without the Messenger of Allah.

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Omar there was no Jenna for Omar and Omar began to think.

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And he said O Messenger of Allah, you are more beloved to me than everything else on the face of this earth.

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