Zahir Mahmood – Love for the Messenger ﷺ (Part1) – 01.03.19

Zahir Mahmood
AI: Summary ©
The importance of love in Islam is discussed, with the speaker emphasizing the need for duration and whether or not the partner is worthless. The two types of love that are emphasized are married and single. The speaker explains that love is of two types, physical and monetary, and that it is an innate feeling that increases when a person has a good relationship with their partner. The speaker uses the examples of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam message and the symbol of Islam's love for the man who gives birth to their child to explain the potential of the message for personal growth and profit.
AI: Transcript ©
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If you lose the 6 billion, but you attain the one, you are successful by Allah

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa salatu salam ala zaidan masuri Maulana Muhammad Wyler only he was hired to he woman Sylvia Humbert has an in in a yo Medina about a respected brothers elders sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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Everybody is aware that to love the message of Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah He was a lump is a fundamental Article of the deep.

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So you cannot be a Muslim. If you do not love the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi Salaam, this is fundamental to one's belief.

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The second question here is, then how much do you need to live the message of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you need to love him, but to what degree does a person need to love the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And then, to find this out, we explore the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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law you may not

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had an akuna Hubba Alayhi. Meanwhile, did he well what did he when I say

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that none of you can be a true believer

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until I become more beloved to him.

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Then his father, his parents,

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his children, and the entirety of human beings.

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So a true believer. You can never ever be a true believer until you love the prophets of Allah and he was a lot more than you love everything else.

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The question for us is,

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do we love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam more than everything else?

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Is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam more beloved to us that everything else.

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Now let me pose a question.

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Imagine for those who are married, for those who have children,

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that your wife is away or your husband is away?

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Do you miss your husband more? Or do you miss the progress on Lassila more? Is your yearning for your husband or your wife more? Or is it the message of Allah Allah Allah Allah if

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you're a parent, your children are away. Is your yearning for your children more? Do you think about the horizontal Aslam as much as you think about your children your wife?

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question because he says none of you can be a true believer until I am more beloved to him than anything else.

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You're a child and your parents have gone away.

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Is your yearning for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam greater than your parents

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and if you're yearning for your parents is greater than the mercy of Allah then the How do you say that you cannot be a true believer but not a true solid believer.

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So how do we understand this Howdy.

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What is the interpretation of this howdy

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See, love is of two types. Let me explain this love is of two types.

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You have a child and your child is totally and utterly worthless,

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very poor in education on every front he's poor, she's poor.

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And then you have a neighbor's child and your neighbor child is academically good, obedient good manners. on every front the child is good.

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Who do you love more your neighbor child or your child?

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Who do you love more?

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Your own child, although your child is worthless.

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Why? Because this is a innate filter of human beings. You naturally love your child more than your neighbor child, although your neighbor has all those good qualities

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Your child does not have

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simply with a virus on the line he was alone.

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We love the purpose of loss alone. And I think what really depicts this really well is the duration of the alarm when Ilana was walking with the progress of loss alum,

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and he turns to the message of a lion He said, The Messenger of Allah, you are beloved to me, then everything else besides that, which is between these two sides, meaning myself, everything else you are more beloved to me. And the Messenger of Allah said to Mr. rhodiola, and who, he said, Omar, you cannot be a true believer until I am more beloved to you than everything else, even yourself.

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So, one of the Alon will begin to think.

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And after a while one of the Allahu turns of the Messenger of Allah Subhan Allah, Allah was eliminated the Messenger of Allah, you are more beloved to me that even myself and the Messenger of Allah said earlier, Omar, now you have become a true believer. Now Mr. katabi says, How did Omar all of a sudden have this change of heart?

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He says because a lot of the alarm who thought that without the message of Allah oma is nothing.

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Without the Messenger of Allah there is no in mind there is no Islam.

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There is no software there is no being a Sahabi there is no agenda without the message of Allah, Allah Islam, there is no a term life of bliss. Omar is nothing without the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this is one of the lines of Allah I realize you are actually more beloved than myself. Because without you I am nothing

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You know, there was a better when he's in the desert.

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And there's a night where there is no moon at all. And he loses his way is in a desert he's going right he's going left he can't find his way because with the illumination of the moon he would find his way.

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Then after a while

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he sees that the moon has come out and he becomes happy becomes late elated. And he says to the moon

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Yeah, are you Hello karma aku luck.

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He says what can I say to you? Rafa kala, Luca de Rafa Allah, may Allah elevate you and Allah as individuals you in the heavens. So know what I can love. May Allah illuminate you? When will love God Nevada law and allies illuminated you and allies illuminated you and you've illuminated everything around you? jamala Kala locka jamala Allah, may Allah make you beautiful, no mood You are very beautiful Allah made you beautiful. The poet says, if this is what a man who has lost his path says to the moon, then I say to your message of Allah, Allah, Allah elevate your status. And Allah says, Allah the Quran, and we have elevated your vicara message of Allah.

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I say to you, oh message of Allah, Allah,

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Allah illuminate you. And Allah says in the Quran, Waka giacomin Allah He knew Rokita boo bien and has come from your Lord drew the light, the mercy of Allah and kita boo boo beam and the manifest book. I say to you, a messenger of Allah,

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Siraj, say to messenger of Allah, may Allah make you beautiful. And the Sahaba says, I looked at the moon, and I looked at the face of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he said then I looked at the moon again and then I looked at the face of the province of Muslim. So then I looked at the moon and then I looked at the face of the province of Lhasa, because I swear by Allah, the face of the Messenger of Allah was more beautiful and more illuminating the moon itself.

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He says the Messenger of Allah, you are dying in a lie but it leads to larger Manila Allah code you serve Arjun, Manila, the landfill which illuminates Why does he say this? Because he realizes that he if the businessman found his path, due to the moon,

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then we found we found apart what Allah subhanaw taala through the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. If it wasn't without the Messenger of Allah, there would be no Eman for any of us. If it wasn't for the Messenger of Allah, there would be no gender for any of us. If it wasn't for the mercy of Allah, there would be no Juma Salah today without the message of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is why a believer loves the prophets of Allah. Allah.

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More than he loves everything else.

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You know Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran

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he says Latasha Ruby is the feminine kalila. He said do not exchange my verses for a meager price. Do not sell my verses for a meager price. So what does that mean? If you were to sell them for an expensive price, would it be permissible? If you were to change the I art and the verses of Allah for a lot of money would that be permissible know, what it means is that no matter what you took, in exchange for my verses, it would still be Amiga price. If you took the gold of the entire tinea, and you exchange the verses of Allah for the gold of the entire dunya it would still be a meager price, because the Ayat of Allah subhanaw taala, Nothing can compare with them. Similarly.

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the virtue and the axon and the good of the Messenger of Allah upon us, no matter what we do to repay, nothing can repay the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is why one a believer should do if he wants to increase his love for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is to study the life of the prophets of Allah, Allah. How do you start loving the Messenger of Allah more? You study his life. Once you study the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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then you begin to like the Messenger of Allah, I love the Messenger of Allah more, because you realize that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was your source of guidance.

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And you see the mannerisms of the prophets, Allah sallam, and you see that no man in history had refined character like the province of Muslim. And naturally as a consequence, you begin to love the message of love more and more. Now, coming back to my definition, of love, love have two types. One is an innate love. And one is that love which increases

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now you naturally love your child from the day it's born. And if it's a very good child, your love for it increases generally, but you still love your child, even if the child is a waste of space. Now, if you look into the Arabic word for love, what is it marhaba and all do the same mohabbat.

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The word muhabba in the Arabic language actually comes from the word Hubba. Hubba means a seed.

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So what happens with the seed, you plow your land, you sow the seed, and then you water that land, you plow it, blood, sweat, water, sunshine, eventually what happens? That little theme this week, sometime the tree goes up to the houses that little see this big, give you food gives you better vegetation. This is love. This is true love.

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That love increases. And this is the Sahaba rhodiola no with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. They love the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Wychwood they sat with him. They saw his characteristic they saw that there was nothing without this man. But not only that, it was the love that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave this a habit of the alarm, it was unparalleled.

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They love the Messenger of Allah, He not only did they love the Messenger of Allah, even though he loved the message of Allah.

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When the word is on the line, it was alum stood on the mountain of software. And he called all the people of God.

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And he said to them, if I was to tell you that behind this mountain, there is an army ready to attack you. Would you believe me? They all said, of course, we would believe you. Why? Because you are such a mean you are surgical. I mean, you are the truth will one you are the one who is trustworthy from amongst us. Nobody compares with you. Really interesting. Listen to this very, very interesting. So the Messenger of Allah said to him,

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that if I was to tell you that there is an army ready to attack you behind me behind this mountain, would you believe me? They said, Of course we would believe you. Then he said, bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and I am his messenger.

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That sounds good. I mean,

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within five seconds became the kozub. The liar, the Sharia, the police

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The thought is the magician, the magician, the madman five seconds. Why? Because now the Messenger of Allah came with his message.

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He was rocking the status quo. He was standing up for what he believed in. Soon as you stand up for what you believe in and you have a message which is worthwhile, you will naturally get opposition. 40 years, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lived amongst them people they knew methodically, I mean, there was nobody like him in the entirety of Makkah. And soon as he says, here's some new values. Here's some new beliefs, you're doing this wrong.

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All of a sudden, those people who was family turned against him as a really great lesson for us as believers.

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Because when you stand for your principles, and what you believe in, you will naturally get opposition.

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And the believers life is a one off doing good in the community, even if the community does not appreciate it. See, they say you know, ships, ships, they say for in their docks, in their port, this safer. But that's not what shipped one made for

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this they even their docks, they would never ever sink.

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But that's not what they were made for. ships were made to go out there into the sea. Believers are out there are meant to be believable, who stand for the principles who do good, even if those around them don't appreciate it. And this was the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, really, you know, you know we when we speak about love or the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, so no exaggeration. within his lifetime, the poorest Allah Salaam, was most likely the most despised person

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in the eyes of his enemies, and the most beloved, in the eyes of some others.

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His life was full of phones. Let me tell you how. Imagine this. He had a Jewish neighbor,

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who would remain awake at night and this Jewish Jewish neighbor's son was one of the hard things of the Protestant loss and he wasn't a Muslim, but he would come to the company of the province and the law lucilla. So this person every single day,

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he would put thoughts in the path of the message of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with just the hope, not guarantee, just the hope that the verse Allah would walk over one of these stones and they would prick his feet

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every single day.

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And the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard that his son was unwell. So the Messenger of Allah hurry to his house.

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He knocks on the door, the father opens the door, can you imagine now the father opens the door, and he sees the man, the most hated man in his eyes. It's his life's mission to harm this individual. And he opens the door. And the Messenger of Allah enters, and the child is lying on the bed, his breathing is lost. And the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam sits next to the child. And he sits on his bed and he says to him, oh, my son, bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and I am his messenger. And I will intercede for you on the Day of Judgment.

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The son looks at his father, whose life ambition it was to harm the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And as far as it looks at a child, and it looks at the affection of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he says to him, he said, obey what? Whatever I will cost him told you to do whatever Mohammed wants you to do do it.

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This boy reads the Shahada and he passes away. The message of Allah comes out the home.

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He slurping is his thigh.

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And he's saying, oh, Praise be to Allah, who made me a source of one person coming out of a terminal do kill a terminal success.

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On another occasion, this is a hubby who loves the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this also has a story of thorns in it. Who baby the idea of the alando who baby it was captured by the people of Accra, and they bought him to a place called an E where Machida Ayesha is today.

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And they tied him up but they didn't want to kill him quickly. They wanted to kill him slowly. So what they did is that they'd be able to pierce it with Lance's or the piercing or what Lance's

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They were cutting parts of his body.

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And while it is going through this excruciating pain, Abu Sufyan walks up to him and he says, whoa, babe, let me ask you a question.

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What do you prefer? that Muhammad is in your place?

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And you are at home with your family.

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Kobe We are the Allahu May Allah elevate his status in this excruciating pain state. Says I swear by Allah.

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Death is easier for me than a phone prick the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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then a thorn prick the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So within his lifetime, the Baba is Allah Salaam was the most beloved

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by some and the most hated by some, but it didn't matter what you know why? Because he was loved by Allah. That's all which counts.

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If you lose the 6 billion, but you attain the one, you are successful by Allah and you if you attain the 6 billion and you lose the one, I swear by Allah, you are unsuccessful. God life is not a popularity contest.

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If you speak the truth, people will oppose you. Mr. Shafi Rahim Allah, yet people who really disliked him,

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and they would back by Tim they would slander him. So Mr. Shafi reima found out one day he said, let me go and thank these people. So it took some sweets to these individuals. So he takes these sweets to these individuals, and he gives them the sweets.

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So these individuals say,

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Why are you giving us these sweets fool, said, Well, I heard that you are slandering me and you're backbiting me, you are giving your deeds free of charge to me.

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I thought the least I could do is giving you something back in this dunya because you are giving me your deeds in the hereafter.

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And then he said something really profound What

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if people lived by this assumed in their life, they would be happy?

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He said no or have any

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luck to finish. He said if the likes of you began to like me, then I would begin to doubt myself.

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You don't want to be loved by everybody.

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You want to be principled. And this is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was like, the most hated by many in this time. But Allah says what a foreigner like a duck. We will take it upon ourselves to raise your remembrance 1400 gs, 2 billion Muslims elevate the remembrance of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So brothers and sisters,

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we want to increase our demand. We want to increase our love for the profit and loss. How do we do it? We study the seed of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So go home and buy a Sierra book. If you've never read the seen a book, study the seed of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam embody that characteristic. Don't just read them embody them. When you become a better person, because you have made the Messenger of Allah, your role model in life, then you will appreciate the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam greater and we need to really move away from this. I love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but I'm going to do nothing in my life, which emulates the

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message of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This works nowhere in life. And it surely doesn't work with Allah subhanho wa Taala it doesn't work in your home to your wife. It didn't work at work. It works nowhere else. I love my job I want to do jack I love you darling bamboo jack for you.

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You're my best friend. But I'm gonna stab you in the back and I'm do nothing for you. Works nowhere in this dunya it works no way and if it works, no when the dunya by a light will not work by Allah.

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So May Allah subhanaw taala makes us amongst those who loves the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam melas paneled Allah increase our love for the Messenger of Allah La La La Silla. The Prophet is on the line they were Salaam said inshallah next week maybe I'll speak about this Alma Romana hub. Man will be with that person that he loves

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in the hereafter. Whoever you love in this dunya that's who you will be resurrected with on

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The Day of Judgment May our last panel dollar resurrect us with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi salam with us a habit of one Elijah main Baraka, la ecom. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa

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