Yusha Evans – The Man Who Killed 99 Men

Yusha Evans
AI: Summary ©
The Aziza pilot killed everyone and made them forget their history, and they encourage others to change their behavior. They stress the importance of forgiveness and embracing change in one's life. The success of Jesus' methodology has led to problems and negative experiences, and the importance of history is a part of who we are. Shaping who we are and what we do is crucial, and history is a part of who we are.
AI: Transcript ©
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Islam is a convert. He was a public speaker while he was in his time, and he is also a speaker. He is a Muslim.

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Usually evens has been with us here before he has been taught on various topics. And today's topic, actually, it has excited me. And it is about the 99, the person who killed the 99 people.

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So are we going to hear today about the Alaska pilot pilot, and how much it will allow us to find out what it is, and the circumstances which led to this person

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prepared to die. So we need Michelle to give us

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sounds like everybody's already went to sleep.

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gonna tell you a story today. And it's my pleasure again to be here with you all.

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Whoever does not think that people does not think so.

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I think

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that is pretty much my second home

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suffering from a sinus infection. So five out of it.

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I want to tell you a story that pretty scenes or is preceded by something I mentioned upon my last time here when he was down he was he and I spoke for about two minutes before he got here about the forgiveness of Allah.

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And the story we will discuss today is paramount to our understanding of how Allah azza wa jal is related relationship with his creation in terms of His mercy. Because one thing that has not been portrayed to the world and to Muslims in particular, is the mercy of Allah is legit.

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Usually, we hear about a lot through threats growing up as children and I wasn't born raised as a Muslim, but I've been Muslim long enough now 14 years enough to know what goes on and visited enough continents, enough Muslim countries and enough families have my own family to know what happens.

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Allah is mentioned as a threat to us most of the time in the channel, right? Don't do this alone will punish you don't do this, Allah is going to punish you. Allah doesn't like this alone will throw you in there alone will catch you. Allah is watching. Everything is fear, fear, fi. Our, our fear of a lot comes in the end of the stick. At the end of June. You guys all know the

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story, you know what's about to happen? And that's how the fear of a loss is.

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But one thing that has really, really been a detriment is that we have not been taught that Allah azza wa jal is he has his retribution. He is just he is vengeful, and his vengeance is swift and it is quick and his punishment is that it is severe. What our laws wish is to forgive is wish to his creation is to forgive. He wants to forgive. He loves to forgive. Like when I showed love as the perfect listener to snap if we find later. What should we do? What should we say? She said he told her to say or allow you or defend giving you love to

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beautiful statements. And this story tonight in childhood.

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Be an epitome of an idea that allow us to forgive

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this story, you can find it in the collection of animals it

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related in the day when

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it's about a man who had killed 99 people. He had murdered, murdered, cold blooded, murdered 99 people

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but there was something inside of him because a lot of

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Which is placed inside of all of his slaves, every single human being he is placed within them.

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And that Fedora is always there, even they made the skies that are guys that are over rejected that Fedora stays there, and it will poke at me at some point.

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And so this man Speaker I started knowing that this is wrong, that there is something I need to change in my life, I want to change every human being comes to that point. And sometimes

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they might reject it or overlook it or pass it over, but every human being reaches this stage. So this man decided to do something about his conscience is comfortable.

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And the Prophet alayhi salatu salam said that the conscience is is is given to us by law, to know good from evil, that that is instilled within us. So this man went to the people and said,

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Tell me the most developments.

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The most developed of you the closest to a lot of you, I need to ask.

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So they sent him to the best islands, they can find the best worship or they know the guy who worship the last season without ceasing, prayed all day, fasted all night, etc. I mean, prayed all night, fasted all day, I'm in the I have dyslexia and from my sinus infection.

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So he went to his Island and told him, I have killed 99 people. Do you think there's any forgiveness for

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that average?

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There's no forgiveness for you, you've done too much. You've committed too much sin. There's nothing for you. There's nothing for you. So the man said,

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I can't be forgiven, then I might as well just kill you too. So he killed that man and made it even 100. He killed the habitability. You see, this is the problem.

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For people who speak without knowledge, the man was Arabic, he was the worship of Allah, He probably may have even had some close connection with Allah. But that didn't give him the right to speak without knowing they will give you the right to speak without speaking without knowledge is the most dangerous things we can do. Because we can lead people astray. Not only did he lead that ministry, he himself ended up losing his own life over just saying something that he had no basis of knowledge upon.

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So the man who killed him, and went on about his business, but again, that fits

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that innate conscience poked at him that there has to be some way for me to change there has to be something better than this life that I'm living.

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So he asked for the most knowledgeable man. He said, Don't send me to the most knowledgeable man. If the Best Worst worshiper can't figure it out. Maybe the most knowledgeable of you could figure it out. So he was sent to the island. He was sent to die. This call, he was sent to the knowledgeable one of the time

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he went to the knowledge of a man and told him what happened. I've killed 100 people, including the best version of you, the best version of you, I killed him.

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Is there any forgiveness for me?

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What did the scholar tell the amount of knowledge told him?

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What is there that stands between you and

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is there anything that can stand between you and being forgiven by Allah?

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There's nothing there's nothing except we as a note a few things outright shirk, so on and so forth. They can stand between you and the forgiveness of Allah. Allah can forgive you. He said, but you need to change. For Talbot to be accepted. You have the first step you have this sincere repentant heart. But now you need to make the vow that you need to make some change you need to leave this place.

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Islam also recommend that Muslims do that, that if you can find peace and sanctity and safety in your deen and it's too much for you in one place, go to another place, go to another place. Allah Earth is huge. And Allah says this in the forum, when they will say that we are oppressed, that our lands alone was the earth not spacious enough for you. So he told him you need to leave and go to a place and there's a place here with our people who will help you be better. It's a good time of the city. You're away from your life for murdering and crime and indecency. But you need to get out of this place.

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So the men left and began his journey to this new place to start a new life to fulfill his album to allow him to return to Allah remit to Allah make amends with his pain and start something.

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Now, on the way to this town, he died. He died on the way he never made it where he was going. Now when he died, two angels came down.

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The angel of mercy and the angel arrived

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And they both debated over who should take the angel of mercy. Senator, I should take him because he was on his way. He was on his way to repentance and make amends. Therefore I take him, they didn't arrest enough. He didn't make. He never completed his task, who knows what it can be his mother loves her child. But most of them are so desirous

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that Allah loves every single creation more than a mother loves her own child.

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He does not want any of them to go into the fire. Every single creation that Allah created, every single human being was created, he created them to worship Him, and to dwell in gentlemen, with their forefathers dwelt. But he also gave you a means of free women, and gave them the right to choose, and said he will not meddle with that free will. He's not going to get involved, he will send guidance and messengers and then leave it to you, it's your choice. But Allah said that his mercy will always overcome his anger, his desire is to forgive. So one thing I want to finish with brothers and sisters,

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all of us have got a lot of sin in our lives. And I'm probably the worst perpetrator in this building.

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And many of us have come to a point where we feel like we've done too much. With too much sin, I've committed too much. And I've been too bad for too long. Maybe you've been off the straight. Maybe there was a period of your life you weren't on your team like you were supposed to, and you did so many things that you are grateful for. And I know that there are times in your life where when power doesn't even seem real to you. You don't want to stand in front of Allah and ask Him to forgive you for something that you don't think you really should be forgiven for. I know we've all been there. I know we've all been there. But one thing I will tell you right now, that is the greatest trick

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chiffon will ever play with you. That is the greatest trick shaitan will ever play on you and getting you to think that you can be forgiven, because chiffon knows very well that forgiveness is for everything exception. He knows it very well. Forgiveness is for everyone

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that says, Yeah, Allah have wronged my own soul. If you forgive me, and have mercy upon me, if you don't forgive me, I wouldn't be one of the losers. The Prophet Lisa was the best of us, right? The best of us, the best human being alive. He said, by Allah.

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I repent, to migrate at least 100 times, every single day.

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100 times a day.

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He was the best of us. When he used to stand and pray at night.

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His feet would become swollen and cracked. I shot the elbow and I asked him

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why do you do this to yourself? Don't you know that a lot is already forgiven your previous and future sensor once we get into for everything already? Why do this? Why put yourself through this? What are the profit? Let's say? Should I not be grateful?

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If a loan is forgiven, we should be grateful. Who will the best of us? Do you know who the best companions were? Who were the best of the companions? Give me some names.

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was that even?

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You know what is synonymous about most of them?

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The Prophet alayhi salatu salam said, and this is narrative A

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man was sitting by a will one day and the Prophet believes that Islam was resting. And Walker came and asked for permission that incident

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and he asked the Prophet, yeah.

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The bucket is here. Can he come in? He said Let him in. Why? And then he said, because I will Welcome

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gentlemen. Abu Bakr is in paradise. Then Oman came. He said let him in Oman is in gentlemen. But also when Jamie came in, he said on his agenda.

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These men

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were guaranteed by Allah in their lifetime, that they will go to gym, they were told by the Messenger of Allah you are in gentlemen

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that it stop them from working, that it stopped them from striving that it stopped them from achieving No, I Balkan became the first. I mean, really. He became the leader of the believers after the Messenger of Allah Subhanallah he was sending them he became the best of us, the best of us, and even one so your sin does not harm Allah in the least. Your sin does not decrease a lot in the least your CPA that might make a lot even less than who he is entirely.

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The only person who gets any detriment from the sins you commit, are you, your children don't get the sense. It doesn't bother them. It doesn't bother your wife. It doesn't bother your parents, your neighbors, no one, the sins that you perform on you.

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Unless you're going to hurt somebody and things of that nature. But the same is between you and Allah harm only you, and only you. So allow them to come back to him. Say, my Lord, I need I roll my own. So if you don't forgive me, and have mercy upon me, indeed, I will be a loser. That is the premise of life in the sand. That is the solution to all of our problems in return to our lives. Do you know that every single religion in the world has deviated trying to solve this problem?

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Almost every religion in the world has gone astray trying to solve this problem of how to fix in Christianity said that there can be no sin, forgiven without sacrifice. Therefore, the whole Jesus methodology comes in Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Hinduism, Wiccan, all of these religions want to atone for this life. They're trying to find a way to fix the problems that we know we have as human beings in this life. And the problem is that you can fix it. You can fix it, you cannot repay Allah for the sins you have committed. He can't, because a lot gave you a pure soul and you love it. You can give that back to Allah azza wa jal, but what you can do is return to Allah and let a lot know

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that look, if you don't forgive me, if you don't have mercy on me, I know I'm a loser. I know I'm a loser in this life, and the next. And guess what you do?

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You perform one of the greatest acts claim that you can you perform one of the greatest acts

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that you can as a human being, because you truly, you truly acknowledge that you need or that you truly acknowledge that you need Allah.

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Because you realize that if you don't forgive me, I have nothing else. I'm not going to make it in this life in the next. If you give me everything in this life, if you give me a beautiful home cards, money, bank accounts, beautiful wife, children, but you don't forgive me.

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From the losers, I am from the loser and I will lose it in the next slide.

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When we realize that as human beings, and we reach into the highest echelon of creation, we reach into that highest echelon of creation, because Allah azza wa jal knew that you would commit sin. Because the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam said two things. Number one, he said, every son of Adam, since every son of Adam, since every son of Adam sins, but the best of those who sin are those who recruit the best of those who sin, all those things. And he also said something very beautiful, that if none of you sent,

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if none of you send, for those of you who are striving to be sending us, give it up, give it up. It's not going to happen. Because the Prophet alayhi salatu salam said, If none of you send along would aeration, Allah would remove you, and replace you with the people who wouldn't sin and then repentance, so that he could forgive. Because you have to understand a lot to the angels. I know what you do not know. I know what you don't know. I'm going to create this halifa he's going to bring about a generation that will shed blood and cause mischief. Yes, you're right. But I know what you don't know. Yes, you praise me day and night, that angels are hardwired to praise Allah. The

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angels don't this obey Allah, they fulfill the commands of Allah. Allah Granger can be seen through that which He has created. The heavens and the earth bear witness of a large power allows might Allah Allah is that a week that Ally's Aziz, that, that Allah is that we can see that with the creation of the angels or laws of magic can be seen because angels are created and forms we can't begin to imagine. But Allah knew one thing

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that Allah could not be a rough man. He cannot be a Raheem, he cannot be I love food. I will do what I love these, I suppose if you didn't create something that could disappear.

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He knew if I didn't create this insane this halifa that would be advice Jared from me on the earth, and they would commit sin and I can turn in forgive. My true might. Because I know my tumor is unknown, because Allah we know the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam, said that Allah before creating creation, took an oath upon himself, and what was his oath that he took upon himself? Mercy is greater than my mercy will always overcome money. How can I show mercy to something that he didn't give the capacity to? disobey? How can I be merciful to a creation that did not happen?

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is you had the gym bag, but we're talking about this great showman saying, we live in recreational insane. We are human beings, a lot created this funny, funny agent vice chairman see on the earth dominion over the earth. So that allows to mighty power to be seen that when people sins, they could come back to him and repent and he can show his great mighty forgive. Yes, he can punish you. And he has the right to punish you for everything you've committed. If a law were to hold you accountable for everything you committed on the Day of Judgment, you couldn't blame anyone but you because the Lord told you right and wrong. He gave you guidance. He sent you messengers, he sent you a book, he

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gave you a profit. If you spend less on you, punish you for it. But our love shows his true majesty, when he is able to forgive when you're able to forgive.

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There will be a couple of people on the day of judgment to kind of this just goes to show you how much I love wants to forgive you how much Allah is desirous to forgive you more than he wants to find.

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There will be two people on the Day of Judgment being dragged towards hellfire. The angels will be dragging them about the throw them off into the abyss. And it's similar

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to Sam gave us they were going to be dragged into this and

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and one of them will say

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actually the first of them, the Hellfire will withdraw from him. The Hellfire will actually move back and allowing us to try what is wrong with you. What is the matter with you?

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It will save your Allah. He is seeking refuge from me in you.

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He is seeking refuge in You from me.

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Even being dragged towards the Hellfire he knows abayas condemned him he is still seeking refuge in You from me.

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alone will save at least

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let him go. There'll be another man

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who being being dragged towards hellfire. And he will say your love. My Lord, I did not expect this from my Lord, I didn't expect this from you. Now I will say my slave, what did you expect from me? You committed all these sins? What did you expect from me? He will say I expected that your mercy could even reach someone like me.

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Alone, allow until the angels let my slave go. Let my slave go. He has called upon me with my mercy. Let him go. Let go. The man who committed so much sin in his life, he told his family we know this very famous lady. He told his family when I die, burning, burn me into ashes and take half of those ashes and throw them in the ocean and take the other half of the ashes and throw them in across the land. Because I am afraid that if Allah catches me together, he's going to function. Now on the Day of Judgment, a lot of putting together the same way he created it from nothing I'm putting together and ask them why did you do what you did? Why did you do what you did? That slave will see your

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love. You know why I did what I did. I knew that if you ever caught me with punishment for that Allah forgive me.

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For that fear of Allah punishment is that understanding that a law will hold them accountable for a sin allows.

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You see brothers and sisters is one thing that we can't comprehend. We can't comprehend the loss we can use. You can't comprehend the mercy of Allah, it's unquantifiable. We don't even understand how it works. We don't understand what Allah will forgive me for how you're going to be forgiven. How great that forgiveness is for the amount of deeds that you do. You never know what thing that you do that could cause a lot to forgive everything that you've done, you don't know. But one thing that we are assured of as a Muslim, is that a believer cannot despair at the mercy of Allah. We never are despairing of the mercy of Allah. We never come to a point to say a lot can't forgive me. Because

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the moment you see that you have gone, you have gone astray. Because when you say that Allah's mercy cannot forgive you, you limit someone who's limitless. You limit a law who is limitless, and everything about him is limitless. When Allah says he is a man, that means he has a mercy that has no limits that you can count the phone. When Allah says he is elephant food, he is forgiving. That means his forgiveness has no limits that you can understand. But we also know that a lot when he says that he is the swift and punishment that he is just an adjutant, His justice is limitless that we can understand. So we know that Allah will punish us if he wills, but his desire is to forgive.

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The companions were one sitting around a fire with the Prophet symbol. So

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during this time instability, Sam came and decided to give them the solution.

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told them that Allah azza wa jal has said for you to measure the place from which he was leaving to where he is now, and the place from where he is now to the place to which he is going, whichever distance is shorter. That is the angel that will take you, if he is closer to where he was coming from, the Angel of wrath will take him, if he's closer to where he was going, the angel of mercy will take you.

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Now, you know, where he died closer to actually,

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those of you who heard the story, he died closer to the town he left, he died close to the town he left.

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And had they measured like that the angel of wrath was taken now,

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could a lot caused him to die anywhere along that road. But Allah willed that he died closer to the town that he was at. But when the angel started to mention, a lot, as virgin gave a command to the earth, He told the earth to shrink itself. He told the earth to shrink itself fold over, so that when they measured, the distance would be shorter.

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And they found it shorter to the place where he was going and the angel of mercy took. Now why is this story so important?

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The story is so important, because a lot as a virgin could have made the man die closer to the town from which he was going, or to where he was going, and would have made the process much simpler, Allah could have willed that, but allow him to die closer to the town he was leaving, just so this story could make it to you and I, just so that the story could come to you and I, that Allah as virgin loves to forgive him so much, that he changed the entire physics of the earth. He changed the entire physical compound of the earth, just to forgive this one man. This one man, who was not a great man, who was a man who has killed 100 people. Allah subhanho wa Taala went out of his way to

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change the entire dimensions of the earth as they were known to forgive this one single man who was not even a Greek man. What does this shows? This shows us that sin and forgiveness have a special relationship when it comes to the incense and alarm. And this relationship is something that has been known since the beginning. This relationship is a part of who we are. Let me ask you all a question.

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How many of you in this room have committed a sin in your life? You've done?

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It your hand doesn't go up, then we barely have some angels in the room with us.

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Because if you are a human being you are going to that is guaranteed. It is guaranteed. It has been guaranteed since the beginning. Did you know that it has been guaranteed since the beginning when a lot of some kind of

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wanted to create Adam and Instagram

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and allow records and for some sort of a buffer in the beginning of the records that for us. What does the law say? Allah says and we sent to the angels and remember when we said to the angels what

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I am going to create on the earth.

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Now this

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is a special title. Allah gave

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me a special title. I am going to create a fee for

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my vice chairman, my representative, something special. I'm about to put on Earth.

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What did the angels say?

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This was a debate that happened with a lot of agenda angels. The angels responded, our Lord will you place on it. One who will ship Bloods and cosmic while we celebrate your phrases.

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the angels had some insight.

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They know they know us mischief. They said that this curry for you're going to create is going to cause

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the because

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have we cognition? Absolutely. We are the midst of maintenance. The human being is the mission make your own agenda we make mischief. This is our identity. What about shedding blood?

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Blood? How long was it before we shed blood?

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first son of Adam and he Sadam shed blood. And not only did he shed blood, He shed His own brother's

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angels no angels knew what this Khalifa was capable though. And what would come out of

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whether the law

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and angel said look if you want to be praised. You're alone. We praise you, we glorify you day night.

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without ceasing, we don't miss obey you. We are hardwired. We are pre programmed to worship You,

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with it alone respond to that by saying he didn't give them an answer. He didn't explain it to them. He didn't tell them why? He said,

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I know what you don't know. I know what you do not know. I know what you don't know. Because you see, a lot of us we just had some special preparations for Adam and he said he had a special place. And where was that?

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Jenna, it was an agenda. And then he made from him, his wife, he placed them both in gender an engine and he told them you can partake of anything you wish. Enjoy. Enjoy everything except for this one. This one dream Don't touch it stay away from

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now and allows infinite wisdom that Allah

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Placing that tree in the garden was going to get us the Novus? Yes You have it. Now Adam and Eve a Sam were tempted by shape.

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And check on wasn't about me to this honey. But since the beginning, since the beginning, before he even a lot asked him about down to it.

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shape on was already in about enemy when he saw he saw them in his play form before I let him and given him like shake on already had immunity. Because he saw the care that Allah was giving to this creation. He saw the honor that Allah was placing upon this incense, he was already with jealousy and envy.

00:31:49 --> 00:31:50

So So you

00:31:51 --> 00:31:54

had one goal, and one goal along and what was that?

00:31:55 --> 00:31:59

Does anyone know the goal should not have he thought about his goals.

00:32:00 --> 00:32:00

He said,

00:32:02 --> 00:32:09

I will come to them, from before them, from behind them from the length from the right, to do what

00:32:10 --> 00:32:23

to prove to you that they are ungrateful. To prove to you that this Khalifa that you created will be ungrateful to you, they will not show gratitude to you for you. I will prove it to you.

00:32:25 --> 00:32:26


00:32:28 --> 00:33:09

and convinced them to do what to eat from the street to eat from this tree. And when they ate from this tree, Allah azza wa jal told them get down. You've done the one thing I asked you not to do. Now you have to get down from gender is no longer your dwelling, place it down from here to the earth, where you will do all that for a time, but they will come from me, they will come from me and your succeeding generations guidance. And whosoever follows that guidance, they shall have no fear nor shall they be. And whosoever turns away from this guidance, then for them is a painful function. Now

00:33:11 --> 00:33:17

that Allah azza wa jal not already know that Adam and Eve are going to eat from this

00:33:18 --> 00:33:19

question I'm asking.

00:33:21 --> 00:33:38

Allah already know, Adam and Eve would eat from this tree. Yes, Allah knows everything. A lot knows everything. A lot of knew before creating anything that he was going to put that tree in genda, he was going to face Adam and Eve there, and they would partake of that which you told them not to do? He knows.

00:33:39 --> 00:33:41

Remember, a lot told the angels.

00:33:42 --> 00:33:44

I know what you don't know.

00:33:45 --> 00:33:47

Now, when Adam and Eve Elise

00:33:48 --> 00:33:50

ate from this tree, and they got down

00:33:51 --> 00:33:51

a lot.

00:33:54 --> 00:34:09

And this became the most important thing that human beings have ever learned. What about all Adam and Eve at this point, became the most important thing human beings will ever learn. What did he teach them?

00:34:11 --> 00:34:12

What did he teach?

00:34:13 --> 00:34:14


00:34:15 --> 00:34:20

You know, that was before us before you got down. What did he teach them after they eat from the tree?

00:34:21 --> 00:34:26

He taught them some words. What were those words? anybody here know?

00:34:30 --> 00:34:39

My Lord, I have wronged my own soul. If you do not forgive me, and have mercy upon me, indeed, I will.

00:34:44 --> 00:34:48

You see brothers and sisters, this is it. That is it.

00:34:49 --> 00:34:57

This is the most important thing than ever we talk to you. Do you know why? You know why this is the most important thing humanity will ever learn

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

because without

00:35:00 --> 00:35:15

Those words, humanity, you'd never have a chance to go back to where we started. We began in Geneva. And without those words, we would never go back. Without those words, we could never go away.

00:35:16 --> 00:35:28

Because Allah says once the sin has been committed, this place is no longer for you, once you made the mistake genda is for the pure genders for the pure. So get down from here, but I will show you how to get back.

00:35:29 --> 00:35:31

I will show you how to get back. So

00:35:33 --> 00:36:04

during this time, around came and decided to give them the solution told them that Allah azza wa jal has said for you to measure the place from which he was leaving, to where he is now. And the place from where he is now to the place to which he is going. Whichever distance is shorter. That is the edge of the woods. If he is closer to where he was coming from the angel of raffle take him, if he's closer to where he was going, the angel of mercy will take you.

00:36:05 --> 00:36:07

Now you know where he died closer to actually.

00:36:09 --> 00:36:15

Those of you heard the story. He died closer to the town he left, he died close to the town he left.

00:36:17 --> 00:36:22

And had they measured like that the angel of wrath was taken now

00:36:23 --> 00:36:58

could have caused him to die anywhere along that road. But Allah willed that he died closer to the town that he was at. But when the angel started to measure a lot, as virgin gave a command to the earth, He told the earth to shrink itself. He told the earth to shrink itself fold over, so that when they measured, the distance would be shorter for us gone. And they found it shorter to the place where he was going to the angel of mercy. Now, why is this story so important?

00:36:59 --> 00:37:02

The story is so important, because a lot

00:37:03 --> 00:37:51

could have made the man die closer to the town from which he was going to where he was going, and would have made the process much simpler, a lot could have lived that. But allow him to die closer to the town he was leaving. Just so this story could make it to you and I just so that the story could come to you and I that Allah as virgin loves to forgive so much, that he changed the entire physics of the earth. He changed the entire physical compound of the earth, just to forgive this one man. This one man who was not a great man, who was a man who has killed 100 people, a lump sum Hannibal, what the * went out of his way to change the entire dimensions of the earth as they

00:37:51 --> 00:38:14

were known to forgive this one single man who was not even a Greek man. What does this shows? This shows us that sin and forgiveness have a special relationship when it comes to the incense and alarm. And this relationship is something that has been known since the beginning. This relationship is a part of who we are. Let me ask you all a question.

00:38:16 --> 00:38:20

How many of you in this room have committed a sin in your life?

00:38:22 --> 00:38:25

If your hand doesn't go up, then we have some angels in the room with us.

00:38:27 --> 00:38:41

Because if you are a human being you are going to that is guaranteed. It is guaranteed. It has been guaranteed since the beginning. Did you know that it has been guaranteed since the beginning when I'm also kind of

00:38:43 --> 00:38:46

wanted to create an Instagram

00:38:47 --> 00:38:57

and allow records and for some sort of a buffer in the beginning of the records that for us. What does the law say? Allah says and we sent to the angels and remember when we said to the angels what

00:39:00 --> 00:39:02

I am going to create on the earth.

00:39:04 --> 00:39:04

Now this

00:39:06 --> 00:39:08

is a special title. Allah gave

00:39:09 --> 00:39:12

me a special title. I am going to create a Filipa

00:39:14 --> 00:39:19

my vice chairman, my representative, something special I'm about to put on Earth.

00:39:20 --> 00:39:21

What did the angels thing?

00:39:22 --> 00:39:37

This was a debate that happened with a lot of agenda the angels. The angels responded, our Lord will you place on it. One who will shit Bloods and cause mischief while we celebrate your phrases.

00:39:39 --> 00:39:40


00:39:42 --> 00:39:44

the angels had some

00:39:45 --> 00:39:52

they knew they knew us mischief. They said that this curry for you're going to create is going to cause

00:39:54 --> 00:39:59

the because we have we cause mischief. Absolutely. We are the mischief makers.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:09

human being is the mischief maker on earth to generally make mischief. This is our identity. What about shedding blood?

00:40:10 --> 00:40:14

Blood? How long was it before we shed blood?

00:40:15 --> 00:40:16

First, none of that

00:40:17 --> 00:40:24

first son of Adam Alayhi. Salaam shed blood. And not only did he shed blood, He shed His own brother's

00:40:25 --> 00:40:32

angels, no angels knew what this curry was capable of, and what would come out of him? What did the law

00:40:33 --> 00:40:48

and angel said, Look, if you want to be praised, you're alone. We praise you. We glorify you date night without ceasing. We don't obey you. We are hard wired. We are pre programmed to worship you.

00:40:49 --> 00:40:58

Whether the Lord responded by saying he didn't give them an answer. He didn't explain it to them. He didn't tell them why? he said.

00:41:01 --> 00:41:17

I know what you don't know. I know what you do not know. I know what you don't know. Because, you see, a lot of us virgin had some special preparations for and when he said he had a special place. And where was that?

00:41:18 --> 00:41:40

Jenna? Because Adam and Jenna. And then he made from him, his wife, he placed them both in Japan and in Japan and he told them you can partake of anything you wish. Enjoy. Enjoy everything except for this one. This one dream Don't touch it. Stay away from

00:41:43 --> 00:41:45

now and allows infinite wisdom that Allah

00:41:47 --> 00:41:47


00:41:49 --> 00:41:51

Placing that tree in the garden was going to be

00:41:52 --> 00:41:57

an enormous Yes, you have it. Now Adam and Eve in a Sam were tempted by Shankar

00:41:58 --> 00:42:07

and trikon was an avowed enemy to this honeycomb since the beginning, since the beginning, before he even a lot asked him about down to it.

00:42:09 --> 00:42:29

shavon was already in about enemy when he saw that he saw them in his play form before I love him and giving him like shake on already had immunity. Because he saw the care that Allah was giving to this creation. He saw the honor that Allah was placing upon this insane he was already with jealousy and envy.

00:42:30 --> 00:42:31

So she

00:42:32 --> 00:42:35

had one goal and one goal alone. And what was that?

00:42:36 --> 00:42:39

Does anyone know the goal should not have he thought about what His goal was.

00:42:41 --> 00:42:41

He said,

00:42:42 --> 00:42:50

I will come to them, from before them, from behind them from the left from the right, to do what?

00:42:51 --> 00:43:06

To prove to you that they are ungrateful. To prove to you that this Khalifa that you created will be ungrateful to you, they will not show gratitude to you for you. I will prove it to you socially, came to it

00:43:09 --> 00:43:11

and convinced them to do what?

00:43:13 --> 00:43:50

To eat from history. And when they eat from this tree, Allah azza wa jal told them get down. You've done the one thing I asked you not to do. Now you have to get down from him. Gender is no longer your dwelling, place it down from here to the earth, where you will do all that for a time, but they will come from me, they will come from me and your succeeding generations guidance. And whosoever follows that guidance, they shall have no fear nor shall they be. And whosoever turns away from this guidance, then for them is a painful question. Now

00:43:52 --> 00:43:58

that Allah azza wa jal not already know that Adam and Eve are going to eat from this tree.

00:43:59 --> 00:44:00

question I'm asking.

00:44:02 --> 00:44:19

Allah already know, Adam and Eve would eat from this tree. Yes, Allah knows everything. A lot knows everything. A lot of knew before creating anything that he was going to put that tree in agenda, he was going to face Adam and Eve there and they would partake of that which he told them not to do. He knows.

00:44:20 --> 00:44:25

Remember, a lot told the angels at eye level mela. I know what you don't know.

00:44:26 --> 00:44:28

Now, when Adam and Eve Elise

00:44:29 --> 00:44:31

ate from this tree, and they got down,

00:44:32 --> 00:44:50

Allah azzawajal taught them something. And this became the most important thing that human beings have ever learned. What about Adam and Eve at this point, became the most important thing human beings will ever learn. What did he teach them?

00:44:52 --> 00:44:53

What did he teach?

00:44:54 --> 00:44:55


00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

You know, that was before us before he got down. What did he teach?

00:45:00 --> 00:45:01

After they eat from the tree,

00:45:02 --> 00:45:07

we taught them some words. What were those words? Anybody in them? Oh

00:45:11 --> 00:45:20

my Lord, I have wronged my own soul. You do not forgive me and have mercy upon me in the eye.

00:45:25 --> 00:45:29

You see brothers and sisters, this is it. That is it.

00:45:30 --> 00:45:33

This is the most important thing that

00:45:34 --> 00:45:38

you know why? You know why this is the most important thing humanity will ever learn.

00:45:39 --> 00:45:46

Because without those words, humanity never have a chance to go back to where

00:45:48 --> 00:45:56

we began. And without those words, we would never go back. Without those words. We could never go away.

00:45:57 --> 00:46:09

Because a lot says once the sin has been committed, this place is no longer for you. And once you make the mistake, gender is for the pure gender is for the pure. So get down from here, but I will show you how to get back.

00:46:10 --> 00:46:11

I will show you how to get back

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