Yusha Evans – Khatirah 06-07-2024

Yusha Evans
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history of theantedical trivia q and a, including the significance of the blown-out trivia and the upcoming community breakfast. They also mention the upcoming potluck family dinner and the upcoming weekend meal. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the trivia and warns against sitting or cold pizza.
AI: Transcript ©
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Mission to for the prophet, alayhis salatu, was

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salam, to leave because many of the scholars

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have said that, yes, if Allah had willed,

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he could have allowed the prophet, salallahu alayhi

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wasalam, to establish power and have never left

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Mecca. Right? He could have The will of

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is supreme, but there

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was wisdom

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in them making hijrah to the city of

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and then building their power, building their prestige

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and then reentering the city of Mecca

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and overtaking it and then the hearts of

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the people turning towards the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wasallam was a much more

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divine way

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but the prophet

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you know I've told you this before, is

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that when he was making hijra, when he

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was leaving, he turned back. He turned back

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and he looked at the city of Mecca,

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looked at the Kaaba and he said by

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by Allah, if Allah had not ordered me

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to I would have never have abandoned you.

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I would have never leave you. He loved

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the city of Mecca so much. He loved

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it with the core of his being and

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because this is the land of the Nabiya.

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This is the land where Adam

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laid the the very father of humanity,

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laid the foundations of the Kaaba. It's the

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very land where our father Ibrahim would take

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son Ishmael

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and his wife, Hajar and leave them there

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and they would then he he then would

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come back a time later and would build

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the Kaaba as we see it today. Yes.

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It's been revealed many times, but the foundation

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has remained since the time of Adam alaihis

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But this is an important pivotal point. So

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understanding the hijrah, understanding what it meant and

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what happened during it is very important. So

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hopefully, insha'allah

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tonight, you guys kill this trivia q and

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a insha'allah

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and, there will be pizza, there will be

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a cash prize.

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There are also other prizes,

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but I will give it to Sheikh Dubali

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to go through all of that with you

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And then guys remember that tomorrow

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is community breakfast. The 1st Sunday of every

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month is community breakfast,

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where we will have,

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we'll have breakfast and we will sit and

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relax together.

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I cannot guarantee tomorrow I will be here

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because the morning time is the worst time

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for my back at the more at the

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moment. Sometimes I have to actually have to

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be my wife has to kinda roll me

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out of bed because when I've been laying

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there for a few hours, it just I

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just can't get up. So if I can

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be here, I will be here. My last

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for my back is on Tuesday. After that,

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I should be back into the healing of

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full recovery. So by the time Wednesday comes

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when we have our program,

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which which you know has been switched to

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Wednesdays, all the flyers will go out. Dawah

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program has been switched to Wednesdays between.

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I should be back rolling on all,

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all 8 cylinders as they say. And then

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Saturday will be our series where we will

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continue on the Ashaq of Bashirin, insha'Allah.

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And then coming

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in August,

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rest assured I'm going to take some more

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responsibility in in this, but we're I want

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you to mark your calendar.

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August 1st is the 1st Friday in August.

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Right? August 1st, I believe, is the 1st

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Friday in August. We will have a potluck

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family night. Potluck, That means get ready to

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bring us something

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tasty on August 1st. In between we

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have potluck

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dinner here, and then we will have, again

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our Sunday morning. That Sunday morning will be

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our community breakfast. So the 1st Friday of

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every month is family night. It is potluck

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night. We're going to enjoy. We're going to

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eat. If we end up packing this place

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too much, we'll have it outside and sha'ama

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when it's starting to cool down. And then

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Sunday mornings, well, there will be no program,

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no, no. It might be like just a

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short 5 minute, but the point is to

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the the the fellowship of of the brothers

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and have breakfast and relax and enjoy until

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sharduk insha'allah.

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and without further ado, I will hand it

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over to Sheikh Jabali insha'allah

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to go over his q and a trivia

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on the history of the Hijra. If you

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don't know any of these questions, then go

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home tonight and make sure you do some

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research in the seerah about the history of

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the hijra of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam because it is pivotal. It's a pivotal

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point in our history, inshallah.

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I hope to see you guys in the

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morning. If I don't, please forgive me. It's

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simply because

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getting out of bed was a little bit

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too much and sitting. That's my worst thing.

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Now I can stand, I can lay down,

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but sitting is the most painful thing at

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the moment because it puts pressure on that

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C7 C8. But I'll see you guys, inshallah.

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If not in the morning, then on Wednesday

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when I'm back for the series, we'll be

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running on all 8 cylinders. I'll go forward

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from here inshallah.

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Pizza first. They're gonna start with pizza. They

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don't nobody likes cold pizza. Right?

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Start with pizza.

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Because no nobody likes cold pizza unless you're

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a college unless you're a college student. College

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students like cold pizza.

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