Yousuf Raza – Quran Daily Surah alFatiha Ayah7

Yousuf Raza
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases, making it difficult to summarize. The conversation is difficult to follow and appears to be difficult to understand. The host discusses various topics such as social problems, passport, and warahmatullense, while a possible celebrity guest list is also mentioned. The segment ends with a discussion about a possible celebrity guest list and a warahmatullensew on-roll.
AI: Transcript ©
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Right, bismillah, alhamdulillah, wassalatu wassalamu ala rasoolillah wa

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ala alihi wa ashabihi ajma'in, assalamu alaikum

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wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, everyone.

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We're moving right along to the last and

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final ayah of surah al-fatiha, which identifies

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for us a very important recognition that we

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should have that we usually do not have.

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Remember that because surah al-fatiha requires a

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repetition, that this is the one surah that

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has to be repeated in every unit of

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your prayer.

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It reminds us of things that we are

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very likely to forget or take for granted,

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So these are things, everything that is mentioned

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in this surah is something that we need

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to be consciously reminding ourselves of and relating

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with repeatedly during the day in every unit

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of our prayer.

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And of the things that we tend to

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take for granted the most is that we

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may, we're probably already there, that we have

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the guidance.

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We are, we recognize, alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen, anna

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rahmanir raheem, anna maliki yawm al-deen, and

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we have acknowledged and committed to, iyyaka na

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'budu wa iyyaka nasta'een, and we have

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asked for, ihdina al-sirata al-mustaqeem, and

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also specified, sirata allatheena an'amta alayhim, right?

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So with all of this, you get a

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feeling that, you know, I got it good.

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I got it going, and I'm on track,

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and I'm all, I'm all okay.

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And what needs to be identified over here,

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as it is in the last ayah of

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the surah, that this very important vulnerability, that

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no, you don't have it all good, that

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there is this very strong tendency inside of

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you to, despite all of this, lose track,

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lose focus.

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Think that you're on the path, but you're

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not on, actually, on the path, actually.

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You think you're on the path of the

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an'amta alayhim, of the greatest people ever,

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and you're doing good, but in reality, you're

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That there is this very strong tendency of

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self-deception within the human beings, that they

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don't even realize they're doing wrong, and they

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continue to do wrong.

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So it is important to identify that, to

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recognize that, and to acknowledge that.

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So moving there, moving from there, as to

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what this ayah talks about, and it says

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that not of those ghayr al-maghdoobi alayhim

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wala dhaallin.

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I mean, we don't want it to be

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the path of those people who incurred your

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wrath and those who went astray.

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And another way of evading the responsibility that

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this entails, or the warning that it entails,

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another way of shying away from the vulnerability

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that this highlights, is to limit the reading

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of this ayah to previous ummahs, to previous

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nations that have gone by, those of the

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Christian communities and Jewish communities of old, just

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specifying that, oh, this is referring to them.

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Let's move on.

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What this is referring to, that the way

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they've been criticized in the Qur'an very

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explicitly, in a lot of detail, as to

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how they had the message and lost it,

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how they saw the path, and they were

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shown the path, and they thought they were

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walking on the path.

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But in reality, that was something completely different.

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That criticism holds against us as well, because

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that vulnerability is within us, because that tendency

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will manifest itself and has probably already manifested

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itself in our individual and collective lives.

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The hadith of the Prophet ﷺ that you

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will walk down the same path that the

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previous nations did, to the point of similarity

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as to how one shoe is similar to

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another, to the point that if one of

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them went down a lizard's hole, one of

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you is going to go down a lizard's

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hole as well.

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So these are not just particular communities or

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particular religions or particular race of people that

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are being somehow criticized.

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That's not what this is at all.

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It is attitudes and behaviors that they manifested

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after having received guidance.

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That attitude and behavior is manifested by anyone

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receiving scripture and guidance, and historically, we as

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a Muslim community have manifested those same problematic

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attitudes and behaviors, and that on an individual

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level stands to be repeated.

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And so we remind ourselves within prayer, identifying

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that that vulnerability is there, that tendency is

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I have to be wary.

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I have to be cautious.

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You can't see what you don't think can

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ever be there, right?

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So if you think you can never be

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astray or misled or misguided the way that

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the people before you were astray or misguided,

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then when that straying and misguidance enters into

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your personality, you're not going to be able

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to see it.

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You're not going to be aware of it.

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You're always going to be thinking that I

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got it right.

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I got it good.

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I'm on my, I got my passport to

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heaven and I'm on my way there.

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And all the social problems that result from

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that that privileged attitude, that sense of entitlement

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that leads towards that, that's one of the

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attitudes, that sense of entitlement that leads for

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us to believe that we can't be like

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And how it's reinforced by these behaviors.

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We have to be very, very, very wary

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Please understand that there's, these are the seven

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greatest ayats.

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Nothing here is superfluous.

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Because really that's what we are saying when

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we say that I don't have the vulnerability

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or the tendency to go astray in those,

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those ways of the previous people.

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I can't do what they've done.

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They were that bad for some kind of

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inherent problem.

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I can't be that way.

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But I'm still making this dua.

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I'm practically saying that this, this last ayah

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is extra superfluous.

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It's unnecessary.

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It doesn't apply to me.

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It's irrelevant.

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And that is a huge, huge slander against

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Allah, if you believe in him to be

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the, the one revealing these ayahs to you

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and instructing for you to repeat them in

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your prayer.

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As we go on, and that's precisely one

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of the very important dimensions that we see

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within the Quran as to how these two

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tendencies of these, these people the maghdubi alayhim

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and the baaleen, how they are, how they

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manifest themselves and how we need to be

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wary of them.

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Thank you very much for watching.

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If you benefited, feel free to share.

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If you want to ask something, comment.

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Thank you very much.

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Jazakumullahu khairan.

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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All right.

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All right.

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All right.

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I don't have a celebrity guest list to

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keep you hooked, at least not yet.

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But if you do subscribe and if there's

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celebrity potential in you that'll come out.

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