Yousuf Raza – I feel guilty respect to how my behaviour has affected my parents. What should I do

Yousuf Raza
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses their struggles with guilt and their responsibility as a person. They emphasize the importance of their actions in helping their parents and society, and stress the need to be careful with their behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Question, I feel guilty with respect to how

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I behave, how my behavior has affected my

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This is holding me back from growing as

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a person.

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Can I do some other actions like charity

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to make up for that behavior?

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Quite clear answer.

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If their guilt pertains, if the guilt is

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true, if the guilt is something that you

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hold to be a value for yourself, which

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is necessary for your own self-growth, then

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if the action pertaining to that guilt, if

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the doors for that action are open to

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you, i.e. you can change whatever it

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is that is messed up, whatever it is

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that you've messed up, then changing it is

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the first order of priority.

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Trying to compensate in easier domains, in other

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domains, those are defense mechanisms.

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Those are ways of dispelling that guilt by

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brushing the real issue under the carpet and

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sooner or later, that bigger problem that we

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ignored and tried to compensate by overdoing even

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a smaller problem or a smaller activity.

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So I have issues with my parents and

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I'm not willing to address those issues.

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I'm not willing to fix whatever it is

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I have to fix, but I go ahead

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and give a lot of charity.

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My parents are suffering as a consequence of

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my behavior or my siblings are suffering as

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a consequence of my behavior.

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I am suffering as a consequence of my

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My charity is only reinforcing my evil if

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that's what it is, the way I'm behaving

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with them.

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And so, yes, charity is good, but charity

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in itself, if it is a means of

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me hiding from my true faults, true evils

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that I'm doing, then I have to be

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really, really careful.

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And that's actually very, very common, that we

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shun major responsibilities, that at some level we

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recognize our major responsibilities for the roles that

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we have in the society, in our families,

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with respect to our belief system.

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Yet we ignore those responsibilities and look to

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compensate and usually overcompensate in other domains and

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completely unrelated domains and sing ourselves these lullabies

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that I'm really, I'm okay, I'm good, I

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got this covered, I made up for it.

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You made up for it in a very

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different way.

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You can't kill one person and then go

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on to another continent and feed the hungry

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and say, look, I'm doing so much good

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It doesn't work.

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It's usually not recommended.

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And we need to be really, really careful

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with respect to those tendencies.

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