Youssra Kamel Kandil – How many times do we think we are – givers – when in all reality we are – receivers

Youssra Kamel Kandil
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the idea that individuals are treated with a blessing from their creator, but it is unclear what that blessing is. The speaker suggests that individuals are treated with a minimal amount of opportunity to help others, even if it is small.
AI: Transcript ©
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Don't ever think that when Allah Subh'anaHu

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Wa Ta-A'la puts someone in your

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path who's in need That you are the

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cause of this person's sustenance Absolutely not This

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person with you or without you is going

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to receive their sustenance from Allah Subh'anaHu

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Wa Ta-A'la But the person who

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really is receiving the sustenance at that moment

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is you Allah is sustaining you with an

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opportunity to help someone An opportunity to give

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and not everybody gets that chance.

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Not everybody is sustained that People's sustenance is

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already destined with us without us.

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Allah sustains everybody but to be given the

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ability to help others That is a beautiful

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form of sustenance that so many times we

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think that we are the ones giving when

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we are the actual receivers Something that we

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don't acknowledge as a blessing from Allah Subh

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'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la or thank him

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enough for Allahumma lakal hamd for the sustenance

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of being given opportunities to help others Even

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if it was something minimal

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