Yousef Bakeer – Transform your anger these Quranic teachings
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The conversation discusses the impact of anger management on physical health and mental well-being. It emphasizes the importance of not letting oneself die until reaching a crisis state and managing one's anger through control and discipline. The speakers stress the need for pride, forgiveness, and physical strength in addressing one's mistake.
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unto Muslim Moon he says all believers have taqwa in Allah
subhanho wa Taala which means that we should be conscious of him, we
should be aware of him, and we should protect ourselves from his
punishment and his wrath. And we should not allow ourselves to die
except in a state of submission to in the state of la ilaha illAllah
Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I begin my
hotbar by asking ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala first and foremost, to send
blessings and prayers to our beloved prophet muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik
ala Nabina Wahhabi Bina Muhammad in wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa
sallam to slim and cathedral and my bad My Dear Brothers and
Sisters in Islam, As Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
Yale University has an interesting case study.
And that case study shows that people who are struggling with
anger management
are more likely 10% more likely to get heart attack than other
And the recent case study shows that
anger management issues has a direct effect on the physical
health. And in Islam, we learn that anger management issues also
has an effect on our spiritual well being or a spiritual health
as well. Allah subhanaw taala
in the Quran, Surah Ambia talks about one of the incidents that we
really need to reflect and contemplate and internalize. And
that is one of the major events that took place in the life of
Prophet Kunisada he's Salam. O, Allah says in this iron, where the
Nguni is the harbor Mojave been for one Allah knock the rally, the
noon the man of the whale, noon in Arabic language means one of the
names of the whale is they have a Mahadevan he was very angry for
one that Allah knock the rally and Prophet Yunus chalet salaam filled
that Allah wouldn't restrain him. Fernanda follow Matt and then he
made dua, he supplicate to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah ilaha illa
Anta Subhana there is no God worthy of worship, except you in
the consuming of aalameen. Indeed, I was among those who have wronged
In the lens of this diet.
If we were to dissect this, try to, you know, unpack some lessons
from this beautiful guy and I spoke about this a couple of weeks
ago, but there's so much into this last panel Allah that we can
benefit from, as a community as Muslimeen. Allah subhanaw taala
starts off the idea by saying, then Looney is they have a moral
demon. He's saying that Prophet Yunus Alayhis Salam was at some
point angry. And if we think about this, this is beautiful because
Allah sent down prophets in the shape of humans, because we can
relate to, to them, we can actually share some of these
characteristics with the prophets. If Allah would send angels, then
we wouldn't really be able to connect and or feel that we share
some of these characteristics. But Prophet Yunus is a human being.
And he has some point was overwhelmed, and he got angry.
So Allah subhanaw taala is saying, then no need to have a Mahadevan,
even the Prophet himself got angry at some point. So that the experts
say that anger is invisible to everyone, every single one of us
will get angry at some points. And so Allah follows this by saying,
for one Allah naka de la la, he thought that Allah subhanaw taala
would not restrain him, Fernanda Fievel omet this is so important.
When someone is going through that state of anger, Prophet Yunus
Alayhis Salam, Netherfield Willamette, he faced his himself
to Allah subhanaw taala and repented to Allah subhanaw taala
right away, he did not let anger takes over. He took over his
anger. And this is so crucial because sometimes when we are in a
state of anger,
where we're tend to let sometimes anger takes over
and so here the profit
characteristic of Prophet Yunus Ali Salam, Allah is teaching us.
Don't let that takes over to the point that you start harming other
people as well. When that man came to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu
sallam, and I told him, give me an advice, give me an advice, one
advice. Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told
him letterbook, don't get angry.
And then the man asked Prophet again, just one, you know,
different advice. Prophet Hassan said, I'm told him the same answer
again, later. Just don't Don't get angry. This in itself is a
struggle is a challenge. This in itself is not going to, you know,
be solved overnight, it will take time. And that's why Prophet
Muhammad SAW Sam told him you know, you need to get out there
and work on your anger management. So Allah subhanaw taala. Here
again, is saying that Prophet Yunus Allah is Salam. He realized
that at some point he needs to, to put an end to that anger status.
And so Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem Subhanallah, there is heavy
emphasis, heavy emphasis in the prophetic tradition, about the
danger of anger and the importance of controlling their anger. And
prophets. Allah Salam defined it, he said, Lacell POJO Surah The
Strongest Man is not the one who's able to rustle out Kuwait you who
I am and Yetta Malika Are we at our Melaku NAFSA who are in the
lobby of the one the Kawaii, the strong man is the one who's able
to control his anger while he is in that status. So why because it
really takes a lot of mental work, to discipline yourself and to stop
yourself from getting angry.
And I'm not you know, putting those who are wrestling down I
know some of the some of our brothers here in this crowd, you
know, wrestling, but what I'm saying is that besides this
physical strength, there is something greater to control and
to work on. And which is your mind, strength, your mental
strength. And that's why the Salah, Salah Salem emphasized it
he said, The Strongest Man is not really the one who's who's able to
wrestle. It's not about this physical strength, it's more of
your mental strength. Because if you get yourself if you get
yourself into this discipline mode of stopping yourself from getting
angry Wallahi this is greater than anything else. And of course
scientists spoke about this give a lot of tips on how to control your
anger, but um, I'm discussing anger management through the lens
of the eye of Allah subhanaw taala when he addressed Prophet Yunus,
Ali Salam situation. So again, Fernanda Lumet, and La ilaha illa.
Anta Subhanak he said, Indeed, there is no God worthy of worship,
except you, oh Allah.
And here is another lesson that we really can glean from from from
Prophet Yunus Ali salaam, that sometimes when we get so angry,
our pride takes over.
We don't humble ourselves and accept the truth if we have made a
mistake. And here prophets unity starts off with saying, Yeah,
Hola, La ilaha illa Anta Subhanak you are perfect. And I am
imperfect. La ilaha illa Subhanak. And then he said, In the con two
minute volley mean, I have done wrong.
I acknowledge my mistakes. I acknowledge my flaws. And listen,
this is so hard for someone that has been preaching to his people
for so many years. And then his people rejected his Dawa and
humiliated him. And then when he got frustrated, or he got angry,
Allah subhanaw taala Of course, blame some of that and so heater
turned back to Allah and he did not mention anything that happened
with him in the past. He just said, I have done wrong. I
acknowledged my flaws.
And subhanAllah This is another quality, a prophetic quality. Some
of us were in this situations, you know, our, our pride gets in the
way to acknowledge our flaws. And we tend to point fingers while
we're in the status, status of If anger. We point fingers, we don't
turn the mirror towards ourselves, and our acknowledge our own
mistakes. It's so hard. It is so hard. But here is the perfect
version of human being Prophet Yunus, Ali salah. These These
stories are not for entertainment in the Quran. These stories are
for us to comprehend and to
reflect and try to actually, you know, follow the path of these
great men and women.
And so again,
Allah subhanaw taala described Prophet Yunus attitude afterwards,
obviously he was he was in a very, you know, hard situation in the
depths of the darkness, and inside the will.
And he kind of realized that I need to acknowledge my mistake. I
would turn back to Allah and say, Yeah, Allah who Allah forgive me.
But in Islam, there is actually a step further. Islam when it comes
to anger management, Islam does not want me and you or Allah does
not want me and you to call down when we're very angry. Allah says,
We're either ma volleyball whom we have grown, he says, when we are
in a state of anger, they forgive
Subhanallah so they're not just, you know, calm themselves down and
control their anger. Allah here is saying that we should take a step
further than this. And which is forgiving those who have wronged
us this is so hard. And the harder it gets, the greater reward is so
how Allah Subhan Allah Allah says what kind of remain alive while I
fina and Ines when you are in a state of anger. And sometimes you
have reasons why you're getting that angry.
And so, and sometimes even you're not you have not committed any
mistakes. Sometimes people have wronged you. And you have
absolutely all the excuses to get to that level of anger. But Allah
saying here there are very few people that they're actually able
to not just control the anger but they get out of their way and
forgive whatever Mr. Hollywood whom you're thrown I'll call the
Mina life they're able to control that that maliciousness that
anger, and then well i fina animus and then the forgive the humble
themselves and then the they're in a situation where they go out of
their way and initiate that conversations. Allah you me and
you we have people in our lives that we have wronged me and you we
have people we have people in our our lives that they have wronged
And and me and you, at some point we have the excuses we have the
reasons why we're getting there angry.
But here is different quality, prophetic quality brothers and
sisters, prophetic quality, right here. Allah speaking to us to me
and you
forgive, this is a quality that not too many people have.
And if we really want to pursue that path, the path of solid him
the pious, the path of the prophets and the messengers, then
we start with the hardest thing again, you can easily get
physically strong, but that the real hard work is your work on
your on your mental status. Les selkoe Surah wala Kindle Kawi
manyatta Malik and so and a lot of the strongest man is not the one
who wrestles The Strongest Man is the one who is able to control his
anger. Akula already had our stuff with Allah you will.
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim o salat wa salam ala Rasulillah while al
yourself Be yourself into Sleeman Kathira Lauren Murphy Lana lubaina
Where Seraph and FE M Rena with a bit of them and also now common
Catherine la marina la casa con Ozona Tibba were in El bathala
Beltran was organised in Abu Dhabi and a habal anamod as well Gina
with the Viet in our Kurata ion or Jan Tokina. Mmm welcome Salam.