Yousef Bakeer – The Importance of The Day of Ashura

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The upcoming day is important for achieving healthy and joyful experiences, as Prophet proof emphasizes fasting for the overall health and well-being of the planet. The Tosa meal is a special meal designed to be special for the upcoming day, and the importance of risk and working hard for success is discussed. The Tosa meal is designed to be a special meal for families, and the segment emphasizes the need to work hard to achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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While early he also here salam to Sleeman kathira.

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Today marks marks in the calendar than ninth day of Mahara. We call

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it yo Mutasa and tomorrow will mark Ashura. Ashura, it comes from

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the word Ashura like the number 10 in Arabic language. So tomorrow is

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gonna be a very special day.

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And in today's hotter insha, Allah Tala, you want to cover two

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things. Why are we fasting the day of Heart Chakra? Number two, what

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is the virtue or the reward or the benefit of fasting that day? So

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number one, why are we fasting this day? Just like we all know

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when Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam came to Medina. And then he

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found the Jewish community fasting this day. And when he asked, he

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told him that this is the day when Allah subhanaw taala has saved

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Prophet Musa alayhis salam. And then he said Nana, Huckabee Musa

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minim, we should honor you know, Prophet Musa alayhis salam, he is

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our Prophet, and we should honor him. Now, what exactly are we

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celebrating? We're celebrating the resilience of Prophet Musa Allison

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and we can summarize his life, his experience with these two words,

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resilience and your clean. Look at the life of Prophet Musa alayhis

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salam from a spoiled little child in the palace of Pharaoh in Egypt,

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to somebody who all of a sudden was exiled from Egypt, you know,

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accused by a crime, somebody who is going lost in the desert, find

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a place where he sit down under a tree, and he was homeless and

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hopeless. And then he asked Allah subhanaw taala to take care of

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him, his experience at some point he was scared, he was afraid. And

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then the experience itself Subhan Allah we all can relate to the

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experience of Prophet Musa alayhis salam, because Allah subhanaw

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taala has given has given him this, this idea of Sakina and

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tranquility and peace in his heart, you will find that an

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occurring theme in the story of Prophet Musa alayhis salam in the

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Quran, always Allah constantly reminds him latter half don't be

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scared. latter half. Allah subhanaw taala was talking to

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Prophet Musa and Harun before they go to speak to Pharaoh Lata ha ha

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ha talk of the theme when he was you know, getting the stick. Just

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take it and don't be scared. Allah subhanaw taala canister constantly

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instilling this idea of clean in his heart. So we can all relate to

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this, we'll all have at some point in our lives, go through

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difficulties and hardships. And sometimes it gives us this

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tranquility in our heart believing that Allahu subhanaw taala is up

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there and Allah subhanaw taala will take care of you and me.

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Prophet Musa alayhis salam went through this experience, the last

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scene of his life. He was right in front of the sea. And his you

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know, soldiers and Bani Israel told him

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we the goddess, the army of Pharaoh just right behind us and

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they see the Red Sea is right in front of us. There is no way out.

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And then Prophet Musa alayhis salam told them Kela that will

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never happen. Now I have this certainty and in Allah subhanaw

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taala I went through so much, and I learned that I can rely fully on

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Allah subhanaw taala he said Kela in Amaya bisa Deen. Allah is with

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me. Allah will guide me Allah who will show me a way out. So that

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was the the summary because that you know the life of Prophet Musa

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lesson I'm subject to so many lectures. This is just a summary

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of the life of Prophet Musa al Salaam. Now, what is the right

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word of fasting this beautiful day? And and what is the virtue of

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fasting? Obviously, as we are fasting tomorrow in sha Allah to

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Allah Yo Ma sha Allah. First we want to remind ourselves and

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remind our children, why are we fasting? What exactly what event

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took place in this day? Why are we celebrating the life of Prophet

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Musa alayhis salam? And then the other man, the scholar said, there

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are two rewards high rewards of fasting this day number one.

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The ultimate scholar said obviously Rasulullah sallallahu

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sallam said that whoever fast is this day, we all know that we're

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fastest this day. Allah subhanaw taala will wipe out will erase all

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of our sins from the previous year. So

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This is obviously a huge word. But the second one that sometimes we

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you know, we neglect or overlook is this idea of Tosa. Now what

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Kelsea means and other be language it's a beautiful word Telsa

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dosa means when you are in a very tight place and then all of a

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sudden you go to another place where it's very spacious and

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beautiful and big an expansion just like what we're doing

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expansion here in this facility insha Allah Tala to make a bigger

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and more beautiful, this is Tosa right. So Rasulullah sallallahu

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sallam said, Man was Salah and FC were and he whoever brings this

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joy and happiness and make this day a special day to himself or to

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his family members. Allah subhanho wa Taala will give him that they

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will sell the rest of the year Subhanallah the surface solid one

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of Salah said I've tried it 40 years he said I've tried it for

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years. And Allah never failed me in these years. And the year that

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I don't do Tosa, I see the result I see the consequences. So let's

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let's let's actually make this day tomorrow, a very special day.

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Bring that joy to your family members. Make that this this meal,

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you know the Iftar tomorrow a special meal for families into

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food and make it very special. If you you know you know that when

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you if you take them outside you go to a lake or make it very

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special seven or eight, right? It's a day when we really need to

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be happy. We need to feel this joy and happiness in this day in sha

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Allah Allah. So think about something that you do different

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for tomorrow. Then the last thing the idea of risk because the LMS

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connected tomorrow by fasting and give out for tomorrow give sadaqat

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make it a special, the ultimate connected to the idea of risk.

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Subhanallah I'll even have you thought about the Alon who said at

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risk now and the risk. Now I'm two types of risk. He said he said

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risk on top LuBu a risk that you strive for you seek what is con

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yak lawbook an arrest that seeks you looks for you. It will come to

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you. So he said I'm Mariscal Ledi takanobu As for the risk that you

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seek, if I say it felon Yeti like inlab beside it will never reach

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you unless you put the effort the pursuit. So you you you work hard

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you think of you know other ideas of investment. You make your

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income higher you put all of your your effort your pursuit your

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energy to see CRISC

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America Escuela de occlude and then he said the second type of

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frisk that seeks you first at La ko Allah, Allah Basik it will come

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to you, it will reach you. Even if you're very weak, even if you're

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in a remote area, there is no nothing out there. You can even

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work it will teach you it will he this risk will find you

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right and then he said well I will add lumen Allah the first risk

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that you seek is justice you put your effort you get your risk,

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with any fog moment Allah as for the second one is a favorite from

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Allah subhanaw taala. So the alumni connected this to the

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armoire showed up tomorrow. Because if you were to give out,

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you know, give sadaqa and make this day special for your family

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members and bring this joy, then you will get the second Frisk, the

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ally of Nabi Ptolemy spoke about

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a recap of this quarter a we're celebrating this day because we

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are, you know, celebrating the resilience and the cleaning of

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Prophet Musa alayhis salam.

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B we are celebrating this day and we're fasting this day because

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there is high the word from Allah subhanaw taala it raises your

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previous year. And then if you do Tosia in this day and we learned

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what that means, then Allah subhanaw taala will give you that

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the rest of the year, Allah subhanaw taala make me and you

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among those who fast tomorrow the best way that Allah subhanaw taala

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will be pleased with and may Allah subhanaw taala bless us all with

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acceptance Desikan la Hieron Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi

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