Yousef Bakeer – The Famous Dua of Prophet Ibrahim

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The importance of honoring a prophet's name and his characteristics is discussed, along with the value of his actions and words. The transcript describes a video featuring Prophet praised by Jesus, Hanifa, and Hanifa. The segment also describes Prophet praised by the Kerbinipping and Han fe, along with actions and reward. The speaker discusses the reward of Prophet Meredith Alayhi Alayshi's actions and the reward of Prophet Meredith Alayhi's actions. Additionally, the segment mentions a gift card and a family member's birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday.
AI: Transcript ©
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While early he was up here selling to Sleeman Kathira

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la masala selling more and more Barry Callen Urbino Habibollah.

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Mohammed in Fila welline also Leo Salim one more barik ala Nabina

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Wahhabi Bina Muhammad infidel green or Sunday or selling one or

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more barik ala Nabina Wahhabi Bina Mohammed infil Mala in Allah. Li M

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Dean, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam As salam o Alaikum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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mashallah, that's energy is very mashallah let's keep it this way.

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And I love the fact that you get closer to to the chef because he

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knows that there is some prizes today so mashallah, he's excited.

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I love that Bismillah so you guys still remember that?

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That we spoke about last time? Who's to remember so far we

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learned to the eyes. The first one was

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AR Kal tal Hola.

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Hola. Hola. Hola. Quwata illa biLlah beautiful. And Prophet

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Muhammad Salah Salem promised whoever says this dua what's the

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word of this guy has to remember

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someone in the back Yes brother.

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Protect you he will be protected. You will be guided

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No, he will not die yet.

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And he will be defended muy bien. Very good. Masha Allah. So can

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anyone tell us in Arabi the three words yes right here Mashallah.

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Cool No, no, no, don't help him out.

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Kavita, wha hoo. dita? Wha

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wha will kita Masha Allah I'm so proud of you guys Masha Allah

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Tala. Okay. Second, we spoke about the die of Prophet

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Musa Ali Salam, that's right. And we said this is that I have what?

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When you are in desperate need of something. Right Prophet Prophet

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Musa alayhis salam was in desperate need of everything. He

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was homeless. He was jobless. He was afraid. And then he made dua

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to Allah subhanaw taala what was that?

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MashAllah Rabine Lima and delta Ilaria and Harlan Fakir marshal

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all of your answers are correct, but I'm not going to give you any

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prizes here. Okay, let's see today's da in Shallotte. At

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today's di is coming from a great man, great prophet.

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This prophet.

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To me, he's he's the most beloved prophet after prophet muhammad

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sallallahu Oleoresin. When I speak about this prophet, I have a lot

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of Haber and Turon a lot of respect towards that men.

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He is the father of all prophets. This prophet, Prophet Ibrahim

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alayhi salam,

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you know, his his story is very unique, but more importantly,

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Allah subhanaw taala has given him a special status in the Quran. So

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when it comes to all prophets, Allah subhanaw taala speaks more

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about their stories. So Prophet Yusuf alayhi salam and the

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hardships ultrafine Illa hear all of this, you know, incidents that

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occurred at his time, right, and his life, but when it comes to

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Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, Allah spoke more about his

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characteristics, his qualities, so he described him in the Quran with

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a very beautiful way, he said, In Ibrahima Kana. Amma

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Subhan Allah she has just spoke about this last last last hurrah

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mashallah can OMA you do you guys know what does that mean? There is

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a man yes use

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his lead ID

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leader. Absolutely. He is definitely a leader. Yes.

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He is the leader of the OMA That's right. Mashallah. Yes, brother in

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the back.

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He's an OMA by himself by mashallah, there is a man worth a

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value of a man

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and there is a man worth a value of an entire ummah.

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So just think about an impact if an entire OMA

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Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam can match that impact. He described

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him in the Quran this way,

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an influencer for an entire ummah.

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Prophet Ibrahim can actually match that a sacrifice of an entire

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Ummah, Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam can actually match that.

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So he said in the Oberoi McKenna omoton. And then he said, Ka

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Nitin, what kind it means guys. What do you guys think? carnitine

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it was repeated in the Quran twice. Allah has described him

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twice with the word carnitine. And in different occasions, Allah

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subhanaw taala has described him with the word aware what a word

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means, go through do.

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He makes tremendous dua he loves to us. And we're going to see

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towards the end of this quarter that he word that Allah subhanaw

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taala has given to Prophet Ibrahim just because he had that quality,

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making tremendous to add to Allah subhanaw taala so he said nobody

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McKenna mutton, carne, Tenley les Hanifa what Hanifa means here it

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comes the price, whoever whoever tells me the meaning of hanifin

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hanifin He will get a gift card to let me see you guys just to make

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sure that I have

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Panera Bread right here. You will go and get some donuts today

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Hanifa what Hanifa means Yes, brother.

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pure, pure Masha Allah wrong answer.

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Hanifa what Hanifa means? Who can tell us? Yes.

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Morehead No, not really not the deep meaning of Hanifa Khalifa has

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a very specific meaning Hanifa last time last answer.

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I wish I know all the Wallahi I will I will give you the gift

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focused very close. So Hanifa

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is Matt ylonen hot button. Lil Huck, not just focused on the

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truth or following the truth, but he's actually very far from

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falsehood. Again, Hanifa means that he is very far from

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falsehood, and leaning towards the truth. He is focused on the truth.

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His destination is the truth, his direction towards the truth.

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He will never lead towards falsehoods. Hanifa so again, Allah

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has described him with what enabled a McKenna OMA that's the

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first description. Con attended Allah and then Hanifa Willem Yaku,

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Milan, Masha key, that's a beautiful description of Allah

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subhanaw taala of Prophet Ibrahim, and he described in the crime

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multiple occasions, right? It's Jarrah who the Kerbin Salim he

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came to Allah subhanaw taala with a very pure heart. Also, he

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described him with being shackled, right? So many description

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mashallah so many characteristics that Allah subhanaw taala and

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titles that Allah subhanaw taala has given Prophet Ibrahim alayhi

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salam now

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what is the dua that we're going to learn from Prophet Ibrahim Ali

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salaam today?

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And this is what live very beautiful every time we come and

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pray to Allah subhanaw taala we have to remember Prophet Ibrahim

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because our Salah is that do I have Prophet Ibrahim Ali salah?

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Who knows this dua, guys, come on. I have to give you some gift

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cards. Yes.

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The shahada, that's right. But in the Quran, there is a specific dua

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that Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam made for us to actually establish

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the prayer

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al Fatiha Masha Allah wrong answer. Yes.

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Beautiful diet, but this is not the right answer.

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Allah, Allah, this is a beautiful dua. Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam

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said in the Quran, rugby journey, Mauna Kea must celerity woman

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May Allah make my offspring among those who will establish the

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prayer who will establish the prayer every time we come and

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pray. Remember Prophet, Ibrahim Ali Salam. So what was the reward

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that Allah subhanaw taala has given Prophet Ibrahim just because

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of all of these dials that he made to Allah subhanaw taala

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the reward was

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highly you run that's true, but there is even higher reward than

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this higher reward than this yes.

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leaving your profits? That's That's true but there's there's

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more reward than this

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but like what? Like

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that's true. That's true. This is very high reward. But there is

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another one yes.

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That's through the lineage of old prophets came from Prophet

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Ibrahim. That's your by the way, Prophet Ibrahim has two sons is my

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in where is Huck from his half came came who Yaqoob and from your

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comb Cape who use of that's a great lineage. But Prophet

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Mohammed Salah Salem is not coming from that lineage, it's coming

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from who prophet is mela is Salam. So this is definitely that's why

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we say that Ibrahim Al Islam is the patriarch of this ummah is the

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father of all prophets. But this is not the word that I'm talking

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about now, guys, yes.

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That's true. And she has just spoke about this last call, but

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that's true. Well let there's so many things about Prophet Ibrahim,

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but there is one thing that we say.

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And we do in a daily basis, five times a day. We remember Prophet

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Ibrahim Allah said and when we say what Yes.

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Come here. You will get it. Yes.

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Allahu Akbar.

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So Subhanallah he made the art for us to establish the prayer.

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And Allah has rewarded him with us making dua for him five times a

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day Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad, wa ala Ali Mohammed cameras are

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later Allah Ibrahim wala Ali Ibrahim in Dhaka Hamidah Majid

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Subhanallah by the way, Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem used to love

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Prophet Ibrahim because he actually even looks like him.

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And he said Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem the I came and that's the

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last question because I have one more gift card that I have to give

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today. Let me see Yeah, Mashallah. is right here. Guys, come on. You

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have to go to you know, get some doughnuts and some coffee today.

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Not not coffee, not for kids, but doughnuts for you guys. So focus.

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Prophet Muhammad said

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alayhi salatu salam.

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He said that I came as a dua of Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, that

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was a hadith.

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And then in the Quran, there is an ayah that speaks about this, that

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Prophet Muhammad was a die of Prophet Ibrahim, what a beautiful

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gift right? What a beautiful gift. So what is this idea that Allah

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subhanaw taala mentioned in the Quran, and adults can participate

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as well mentioned the Quran that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam came as a dua of Prophet right? Yes.

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I will Allahu Akbar Rabbana What are three him Rasul and min whom

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yet to Allah him? Yeah, Tina. Why you are lame. Whom? Al Kitab Well,

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a while hikma? MashAllah Yusuf come.

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Yeah, I mean you're going to use his

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dangerous, dangerous stuff.

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Masha Allah uses by the use of is a very good soccer player

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Mashallah. So may Allah subhanaw taala make us among those who

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follow the legacy of our beloved Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, may

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Allah subhanaw taala bless us all and bless our children with the

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teachings of Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam and Prophet Muhammad

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Sallallahu Sallam and old prophets Zackham Allah Hi Ron salaam

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aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Don't forget every

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saturday, we will have a dua from the Quran inshallah to Allah so

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please bring your children bring your families inshallah to

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participate is that Kamala Harris Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi

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