Yousef Bakeer – The Arrogance Trap How It Blinds You from Embracing the Truth

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The discussion delves into the issue of "verbal" and how it can affect one's perception. It touches on the definition of "verbal" and how it can affect one's perception. The speakers emphasize the importance of visiting one's intentions before giving out words and the need for pride in Islam. They also criticize others for their flaws and emphasize the importance of being humble and showing pride in oneself.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ah, it telco Allah hochkar to call the wallet and move to

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while atta moved to New Illa to Muslim.

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He says all believers have taqwa in Allah subhanho wa Taala and

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Taqwa means that we should be conscious of Allah subhanaw taala.

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We should be aware of ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. And we should

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protect ourselves from his punishment and his wrath.

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And we shouldn't allow ourselves to die, except in the state of la

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ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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I begin my whole life by asking Allah subhanho wa Taala first and

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foremost, to send blessings and prayers to our beloved prophet

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muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, la masala you're selling

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one mo barik ala Nabina. Habib ana Muhammadan wala Le he was asked me

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you are selling to Sleeman Kathira Well, hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen

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My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam As salam o alaikum

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warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

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In a hadith collected by Muslim and narrated by Abdullah nobis

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Laia told Jana man can

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feel called me he myth called with a rotten mean kibosh. He said

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those who have even a weight of an atom of arrogance will never enter

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pair this.

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And then in the Hadith Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam was asked, what is the definition of arrogance.

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And also allah sallallahu Sallam defined what arrogance is he said,

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It is Bottrill hockey, or bottle Hockey. Welcome. Welcome to NUS.

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He said arrogance is basically one of these two things. Number one,

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is to deny truth out of your arrogance.

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Our arrogance gets in the way and reject truth. So that's his first

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definition of work of arrogance. And then the second definition of

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arrogance, he said, gone to NASS meaning that your arrogance makes

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us people down.

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Makes us walk in and think that we are better than than anyone else.

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Thinking that we're better thinking that we're more valuable,

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that we have something special that we're so special.

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We're so special. That feeling that you really think the other

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people are not worth

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of value.

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And you got it all.

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That's the second definition of the Prophet about arrogance. So

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I'll say it again. One of these two things for sola sola sallam

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said, either your arrogance Rasul here is talking to all of us. Your

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arrogance gets in the way and you reject truth or you're being

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condescending and put people down. Just because you think that you're

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better than someone else.

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And I want to talk today in this short in this short hold by

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Inshallah, to Allah about the second part, which is

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completeness, thinking that you are better than someone else, and

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Subhanallah that actually started from the beginning of the creation

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of men from Adam Alayhis Salam since Adam Alayhis Salam.

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And we all know the story of bliss when he actually rejected to

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prostrate to Adam Alayhis Salam when he was asked, and it was a

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demand by Allah subhanaw taala and his justification, he said Anna,

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Cairo men who

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I am better than him. Hello, Tony Minnaar Hello Octoman teen

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Subhanallah just think about this. He was actually making an argument

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that he's better than Adam Alayhis Salam just because he was created

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from hellfire. And Adam was created from dirt.

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So he's just justify, you know, trying to justify why he should

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not prostrate to Allah subhanaw taala.

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I want to walk you through the history of humanity until our day

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and time and you will find Subhanallah This is a very

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dangerous disease. It started from the beginning of creation of men.

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Prophets came after Prophet Adam, and they were all rejected. And if

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you think why they were rejected

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The core problem was their arrogance.

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Prophet Muhammad Salem, I don't mean to laka what debacle or the

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Loon, you want us to believe in your message. And those idiots,

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those weak, those poor people are actually believing with you, and

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you want us to share that belief with them. We're not going to do

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So the arrogance made them even blind. They're not criticizing the

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content. They're not criticizing the message. Their arrogance got

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in the way. And they rejected the whole thing, just because there's

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some poor people actually believe in the same, the same message.

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Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam same thing,

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the elite of Quraysh, those who you know are more educated, more

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Maybe they're white.

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And they're there and they're listening to Allah subhanaw taala

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his words, the words are so beautiful and powerful. One time

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they actually heard certain natural towards the end of source

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energy, and the old prostrate to Allah subhanaw taala. Out of the

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beauty of the Quran.

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The words of Quran were not the issue for them, the message itself

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was not the issue. Even the Prophet was not the issue. They

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actually used to love the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to love

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him. used to call him a Saudi Amin, the most trustworthy, the

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most honest,

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the Prophet himself his personality, who he is, was not

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the problem.

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The problem was once again, one more time the problem was

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arrogance. You want us to believe in the same thing that these

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slaves believe?

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Are these poor people this week, people, we're not going to do

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this. And then we're going to be restricted to Allah and then we're

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going to be treated the same on the Day of Judgment. We're not

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going to do that we're actually better than them. We should have a

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special treatment.

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We have such a special possession.

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Right? Think about it. Think about it. And subhanAllah until now,

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until now, we find it in our community where Arabs were better.

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The Quran was revealed to us. The Quran came with our language.

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We're better than Pakistan, Indians and DCS.

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We got the prophet the prophet is Arab.

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And then block others just because this this, this, you this, this

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justification. And then

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this is Kim and say, you know, what are the large largest Muslim

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across the globe?

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Islam was spread widely in our lands. We understood the Prophet

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Muhammad Salah Salem has words better.

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We even speak Arabic sometimes. And we have scholars that even

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speak Arabic better than the Arabs

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and that and this is reviving what? Think about it. First it

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came from what arrogance, and reviving what Prophet Muhammad

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Sallallahu Sallam fought against Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam

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it could easily his messages easily be accepted if he said you

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know what guys, you are the leaders you're the most privileged

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people here the message is primarily is for you. You're going

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to have special treatment. His message his struggle was will will

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come to an end with this

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so again, as a community we have this issue as well. Arrogance even

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we have some arrogance towards the reverse.

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We think that they're less you know, religious than us. They just

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came to slant they just you know, just revert to Islam man. We got

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it all we were born Muslims. We know everything about this Deen.

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And sometimes we fail to understand that all of the Sahaba

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all of those who build this huge empire. All of those who built the

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OMA were actually reverts until now we mentioned their names Abu

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Bakr Omar Earth man I lay all of these habits are reverts. They

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weren't born Muslims.

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The converted to Islam the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam started his dA.

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So again, all of these comments coming from what?

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From arrogance, even the way you were given the see how to each

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other first,

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arrogance could be in the way you give Naziha or arrogance could be

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in the way you receive the nasiha

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goes both ways.

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The way you give them a car, you should check your intention before

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you give them a car.

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We all should have that should check your intentions. Why am I

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getting this car? From first of all from

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From from from the beginning.

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First of all, why am I giving dyslexia to this brother? Is it

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because I want to feel good about myself afterwards? Is that because

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I feel maybe insecure? And I will feel great afterwards, you know,

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humiliating someone?

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Is this all about? Why am I giving them a see? How do we even? Do I

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even know that that person, when you give us your heart to someone,

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they're basically they're actually rules have given us Yeah. If

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you're giving a personal Naziha, you cannot give it unless you

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really deeply know who this brother or who the sister is. And

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your relationship allow you to get out of your way and give nasiha.

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So why you're giving this nasiha? Ask yourself this question what my

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simple question before you give this? Not yet. Let's see, I just

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asked this question. Simple. Why am I giving this nausea?

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And then the way you receive the nausea? There are some people may

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Allah subhanaw taala protect us all. They see I mean,

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the way they receive the Naseeha

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their arrogance gets in the way.

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Why am I going to actually listen to this brother, even though he

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thinks something actually very valuable.

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He's talking about something that you really should work on.

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But my arrogance gets in the way, I'm just not going to accept any

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words from him, I'm good. And that actually takes us to the second

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reason, or the second symptom

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of arrogance, and which is covering up your flaws.

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And instead of bettering ourselves, we actually make the

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other worse.

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Just covering up our shame. By being arrogant.

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I see you doing doing good in your life, I will have to find a

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comment about it.

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You're getting a new job. Well, you don't know how this guy got

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the job, this job.

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You're actually passing your exams, and I'm failing. You know,

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just guy this head has said have some connections or whatever the

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case may be. I will have to cover up my flaws. To do what, instead

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of bettering myself working on myself developing myself. My

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arrogance gets in the way I don't want to see anybody better than

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me. I will actually actually go and criticize for the sake of

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criticism. Why? Because my arrogance does not allow me to

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actually accept that reality and work on myself. So I will cover

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this up by pointing fingers and criticizing others.

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Brothers and sisters.

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Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam emphasized this in his prophetic

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tradition, you will see Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam spoking

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Allah, about this concept of Kibera. And even in the Quran,

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Allah subhanaw taala described the Momineen the believers as those

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who walk with humbleness Alladhina M Shula, Allah or the Hello now.

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The walk with humbleness, and I don't want my message to be taken

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in the wrong way.

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Being humble does not mean that you're being weak.

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Islam wants you to have a desire to have pride. Just because Islam

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itself give you that pride.

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Islam itself give me give you that pride. Being humble does not mean

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that let people take advantage of you.

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So this is the balance that we should all find. And this is what

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Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam taught his companions. His

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companion would say, Allah who adds in Islam, Allah subhanaw

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taala dignified us with Islam. So you should be proud of who you

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are, of course. But if you have this feeling that you are better

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than someone else, just because you have extra money or because

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you have that SUV or because you have that education, then Allah He

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you should check yourself check your attention. Check your

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intention at this point. So Allah in Egypt and I will fight I will

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conclude my hobo this time in Egypt. I was in KFC and KFC in

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Egypt is a fancy restaurant, you know, this is for the people that

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they have money

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and you will find this you know, before people before they go to

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KFC, they have to dress up fancy and everything. You're going to

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Kentucky today, right?

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And you will find the family sitting there. They're all they're

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all dressed well.

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And then a mechanic or you know, a driver wherever the case may be

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someone coming probably saved a lot of money to go to Kentucky to

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eat that meal to share this meal with his family. So they're

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walking in and they were all excited. They were all excited.

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Finally were getting to share this meal and they're making noises and

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whatnot. And Wallah you will find in people people's faces

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impressions, how disgusted they are.

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They think they're not worth enough to come to that place. This

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is what? Arrogance. Arrogance. One more time. You think that you're

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better than someone else is different than being humble and

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have pride in your faith in your Eman brothers and sisters.

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Allah subhanaw taala has created us from dirt

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and we are going to return to dirt

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we're all a timeline 60 years 70 years 80 years Minnehaha

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connectome was Wolfie Henry mainhand regio Katara

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we're going will or going back to the same thing that we were

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created from.

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So there's absolutely no reason to think that you're higher than

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someone else. May Allah subhanaw taala protect the soul. May Allah

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subhanaw taala make us among those who were fighting against this

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arrogance. Lama fildena The new bene by Seraph and FE M Rena with

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a bit after them and also now common Kathleen Coolock already

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had our stuff Allah and you will.

00:16:55 --> 00:16:58

Bismillah R Rahman Rahim o salat wa salam ala Rasulillah Ali

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wasabia Selena Sleeman Kathira Allah Medina fumine Hadith wife in

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a female fate whatever Lana fie mentor late okay now also

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financial Rana Cadet la Muffuletta de nobuna Serafina Fe Emelina with

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a bit after them and so on. So now call me Kathleen. Aloha Marina

00:17:14 --> 00:17:18

haka Connors. zoeken. Atiba wearing a bowtie la Beltran was

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looking at NAB not been a hablan I mean, as well as you know,

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whatever yet in a Kurata Yun Zhang Tokina. Mmm, cool Cody Heather was

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Salford La Jolla. Welcome welcome salah.

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