Yousef Bakeer – How Will You Be Remembered When You Die

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is discussed, including the implementation of laws and negative language during schools. Impressive actions by some Islamists have led to struggles for their followers, including the need for time and money. A funeral service worker tells a family member that they need help carrying funeral services for their family members who have passed away 30 years ago and their favorite worker, Bicer taala. Bicer taala is well known in the sky, and his name is Bforce Abab, a very well-known worker.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim

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o salat wa salam ala Rasulillah. While early he was happy he was

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telling him to Sleeman Kathira

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Jacobina Alleycat or kalna Ye Lika Anabaena ye Lakin. Mercy Allahumma

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la Tagil fue Colombina hyndland Mila Dena Manu Robina in NACA

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Allah coalition and Kadir

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of Donna, Nana semana Munna d'un united in Eman and emmenagogue.

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Confirm and Robin are fulfilled Ana de nobuna okf renessa Yeah

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Tina, whatever cinema abroad Amin Amin Alba Alameen.

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One time Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was

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sitting with some of his companions,

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while a janazah passed by.

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And then the companions of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam started to speak ill about this brother,

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how bad character he had, how much he harmed people.

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And then, after a while,

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another Jenner has passed by.

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And then the Sahaba started to speak good about this brother.

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How much goodness he used to spread the to the people around

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He was very generous. He was taking care of the community.

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He was putting goodness everywhere.

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So Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, watch a

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bit, words a bit, watch a bit.

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He said watch a bit wider, but watch over to the first brother

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and to the second brother.

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So the Companions wanted to ask you know, Prophet Muhammad

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Sallallahu Sallam what words even means?

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So the Ask the Prophet, you said what Rasul Allah What was your bit

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means? What are we trying to say?

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So Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, you spoke

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very ill about the first brother. That Hellfire becomes obligatory

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upon him.

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And you spoke so good very highly about the other brother. So Jana

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becomes obligatory upon him.

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And subhanAllah it just gives us this different perspective about

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the acts of worship that we dedicate to Allah subhanaw taala

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because it's not just limited to those acts of worship.

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Also, our way of interacting with others matters in the eyes of

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Allah subhanaw taala because of his reputation, and because of his

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Soma, and because of the goodness that he used to spread Rasulullah

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sallallahu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Jana becomes

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obligatory upon him. Subhanallah this hadith

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reminds me by a brother

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who used to live in New Jersey, back home.

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And this brother, he is from Paxton.

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This brother came to United States

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at very old age, he was around maybe 50.

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And he lived in this community 30 years.

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And he was a very humble man.

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Very humble, humble man is not you know, doesn't have high status.

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He's not a share. He's not a speaker. He's not someone who is a

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leader in the community. Nothing like that. Very simple man. You

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might not even recognize his presence at the Salawat sometimes

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very quiet brother.

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But this brother

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wanted to help domestic since day one. He's coming as an as an

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immigrant and you know, like immigrants when they came when

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they come to the US, they have a lot to deal with. They need time

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to you know, adjust to the new, you know, country, new system, new

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language, financial burden. Sometimes you have Allah on your

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But this brother despite all of these challenges,

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he decided to go to the masjid and help based in his capacity, he

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asked the brother, how can I help them as yet they told him we

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different we actually have nothing for you to do. He said no, I want

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to help with any capacity. You told him actually you can work for

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For the funeral service at the masjid, we need a brother to help

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you know carrying the gnash and putting it on the you know under

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the dust and helping out with this process.

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Is a Bismillah

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I will do that

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30 years working for that masjid for the funeral service. And if

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you look at his name is Bucha RotM Allah subhanaw taala bless his

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When you look at Brother Bashara, its face is always smiling.

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He's always at the first row of the masjid and the right corner.

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Regardless which Salah you will find them you will find him there.

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The kids used to love him they run at him because he always have some

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candies in his pocket. He always have this he always leaves this

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good vibe around him good energy, you just love to go and to stay

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beside Subhanallah

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brother, Basharat. Last year

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in New Jersey in February, actually this year, hon Allah this

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February in New Jersey was was was very cold. We had a huge

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And that was the second week of February, the beginning of the

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We got a call that brother passed away, we went to bury him. And it

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was extremely cold. We couldn't even stay there for you know, five

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minutes we bury the brother we make quick to and we left.

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And then towards the you know, the end of this week, same week.

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We got a notification that brother Bashara passed away.

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And subhanAllah it was very last minute.

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I you know, of course I made it to his graveyard. and wallah he over

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there. I so a miracle Wallahi a miracle.

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Number one.

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It was a very last minute. But every single chef from that

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community made it to his graveyard. The scholars in North

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Jersey, made it to his graveyard Subhanallah he is not famous, and

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like the old Arab used to say Aruba, matura, and fill out the

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memoriam for sama or Obama more than much holding summit that

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someone might be not that famous in the earth. But he's well known

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in the heart in the heavens and the sky, and maybe someone who's

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very famous in the earth, but he's absolutely unknown in the sky. So

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we ask Allah to make rather Bashara very known in the heavens

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in the sky.

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That day, I saw a lot of scholars coming to his graveyard to make

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the art for him.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala has changed the weather completely.

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It was 65 degrees. It was nice and warm. We stayed on his graveyard

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Wallahi about an hour, remembering this brother, making dua for him,

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making reflections about death over his graveyard. He got the

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honor of all of these guys and all of these remembrance of his legacy

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SubhanAllah 30 years working for funeral service, and now it's his

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own funeral. And Allah subhanaw taala has given him this reward.

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May Allah subhanaw taala make us among those who leave a legacy in

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this earth. And may Allah subhanaw taala make some of those who will

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be remembered once we go to our grave. mean me noble Alameen Jessa

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Kamala Chiron was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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