Yousef Bakeer – Dua to Overcome Negative Thoughts and Crippling Fear

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The coronavirus pandemic has caused negative emotions and criminalization of black people. The importance of fear and mindful decisions is also highlighted. The speaker discusses the differences between cowardice and cowardice, as well as the need to realize that Allah is the best planner. The speaker also touches on the importance of Jipsy elements in life and how they can lead to productive decisions.
AI: Transcript ©
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salat wa salam ala Rasulillah while early he or Safi or Selim to

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steam and cafiero, am I bad? You guys to remember that, that we've

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been discussing for the past couple of hotrods, who still

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remember, Allah who made me with a weaker mineral hem me will hazard

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Wamena Allah RGZ while cancer women Jugni while book, women are

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elevated Dany akahi, religion, we said that this dua Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam has taught it to one of the Sahaba, who was

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struggling with a lot of deaths that he needed to pay off, and

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also with a lot of overwhelming, you know, thoughts that he was

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struggling with. And the Prophet told him, Listen, I'm gonna give

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you a diagnosis. And if you were to follow that, do it and apply,

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then you will be able to pay off all of your loans, and you will be

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able to get rid of all of those ill thoughts that you have in

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mind. So he first told them, seek refuge in Allah from a

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sadness. And we said that sadness is derived from previous past

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incidents, that you're calling it to your present. And then the

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second one, he told him and him, and we say the hand, it means that

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the war is that you have for the future is derived from the

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challenges that you're anticipating or expecting from the

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And then, we spoke about the third diagnose that the Prophet sallahu

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Salam has given to this man, and that was a large is the

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incapacity. So you want to do certain thing, but you're not able

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to you don't have the code or the power for it. And then we said the

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fifth or the fourth, diagnose was what? I'll QSL laziness, you have

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the capacity, but you don't have the desire to do it, right. Today,

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we're gonna learn one more diagnose that the Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam has given to this man. And that was algebra.

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What a joke means. What do you think? need answers, not cheese,

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because it actually means cheese. But it means different, different

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meaning cowardice, right, cowardice, what coward? This

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means? What do you think? Anybody?

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What coward this means? What is the difference between cowardice

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and fear?

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A joke Newell, how there is difference. cowardice, right? Now,

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cowardice is the

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the fear that can actually paralyze you.

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A fear that takes over you. Because there is a fear that all

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of us have. This is a human characteristic, every single one.

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At some point, you will experience fear, I will experience fear. It's

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a fact. You cannot escape from fear. But juban is a different

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kind of fear is a fear that we call it

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crib crib, cribs.

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crippling fear that's that's crippling fear. What does that

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mean? It means that in your day, you have certain decisions that

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you need to make certain things that you need to take care of, and

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then fear, you know, penetrate your heart and make you somebody

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who's not able to make a decision. Fear took over you.

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Some people in a crucial time, in very dangerous time, they need to

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make certain decisions. And if they don't make these decisions,

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they will harm themselves, or they will harm people around them. And

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they're not able to do so out of what out of juban they don't have

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that ability to do it. The Prophet sallallahu sallam was talking to

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me and you about that. And he was telling us listen, you need to

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push all of these negative thoughts out of your mind and out

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of your heart. Because you will never be able to be productive. If

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that juban is taking over. He told him you need to pay off your

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debts, you will never be able to do so if you're not making the

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right decisions.

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If you're not making the right choices in life out of juban then

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don't expect that you will be able to pay off these debts. Very,

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very, very profound. Think about it. Things that we need to do.

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We're just afraid of making certain decisions crucial

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and that's pushing us back. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said,

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seek refuge from Allah subhanaw taala from juban. Second thing

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that has to do with juban.

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Or this fear that takes over you

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that you need to realize that Allah is the best planner.

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Allah is the best planner. Allah will take care of you, Allah

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subhanaw taala will make you if you truly believe that Allah is

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the best planner, you will put your trust in Him. And you will

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make that decision that you think deep inside the it's actually

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right for you and your family. But we're just afraid of this. What

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cool piece comes in place and makes it easier on me and you to

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make that decision.

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Listen to the last theme of Prophet Musa alayhis salam is

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life. It was actually very beautiful, to see that Musa

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alayhis salam, his followers have Joban Prophet Musa alayhis salam

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had health

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what happened when Musa alayhis salam and his followers looked

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behind them and see and you know, like the sea was in front of them

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and their back massive army, you know, chasing them. And they're

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few people. They're not very equipped. They don't have the same

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you know, arms just like that. The Pharaohs Arab army

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the people of Musa sent in Allah mudra Koon

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that's it the goddess now is this jokin or fear? That's Joban

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because fear took over them. The mean the that job and made them

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paralyzed. They don't see a way out. That's it. We can even you

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know, fight back. We cannot do any effort. I can get, you know, out

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of my bed, I can't do anything. I'm paralyzed at this point.

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That was juban, from the people of Prophet Musa alayhis salam,

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obviously Prophet Musa Salam at that moment, he was afraid, you

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know, the situation itself makes you afraid. And that's again, a

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human trait all of us who at some point will get afraid. But he

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wasn't Japan.

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He wasn't you know, that cowardice didn't take over. And that's why

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he said Kela that will never happen.

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In a Marriott visa Dean this tower Curtis came in place now and said

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Allah will take care of me. I Allah will show me a way out. I

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will put the effort I wouldn't let fear take over.

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Is it clear guys? Right, the difference between what l Joban.

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While health is very clear, right? When you feel that you are not

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able to make decisions know that this is coming out of cowardice.

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If you're worried it's a normal human trait, normally

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characterised human characteristic no problem. You need to work on

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that as Allah to give me the strength to make that decision.

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And Bismillah make that decision and put your trust in Allah

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subhana wa Tada. May Allah ask Allah subhanaw taala to give us

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this telecoil in our hearts herbal Allah mean and may Allah subhanaw

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taala protect us from juban Akram Allah comin desert Kamala harem

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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