Yousef Bakeer – Do this in the first 10 days of Thulhijah

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a video featuring Allah azza wa jal reminding himself of his accomplishments and offering great blessings, including a 10-day period where he will be rewarded with rewards and a bounty on his chest. The video is described as a casual and casual mix of reality TV.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the month of the Hedgehog, there are 10 days, that they're

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very, very unique and highly rewarded by Allah azza wa jal, he

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said SallAllahu sallam said there are absolutely no better days than

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those 10 days. And Allah azza wa jal loves, for His servants to do

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good deeds in these days. And then he said, Therefore, increase your

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vicar and Allah subhanaw taala and these 10 days, increase your tech

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leave say Allahu Akbar, reminding yourself that Allah is greater

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than anything else. And then that means you say frequently, in these

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10 days, Alhamdulillah Allah, Allah Allah reminding yourself

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with the blessings of Allah azza wa jal that he has showered us

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with looking at dunya from the lens of abundance, all of the

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blessings that we're aware of and the blessings that we're not even

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aware of that Allah subhanaw taala has bestowed upon us.

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