Yousef Bakeer – A Powerful Dua that Brings Rizq and Barakah

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the various risks associated with pursuing a career, including the potential for conflict and uncertainty. They also touch on the importance of finding a strong person to support and secure a woman who was born with a fever and couldn't survive. The risk of being hated by Prophet pres carrier alay Relief is also discussed, worth taking.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah nama do who wants to you know who want to

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start Pharaoh when I would be like it? I mean surely and fusina will

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say it our melanin in our home and yesterday he left who Fela

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medulla. Woman * lil fella had yella, why shadow Allah ilaha

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illallah wa the WHO Lashley color wash had to ana Muhammadan rasul

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran Yeah, you have the

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Quran or it Kola how to call him termo tune, wala to move to lower

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and to mostly moon. He says all believers have taqwa and Allah

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subhanho wa Taala which means that we should be conscious of him, we

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should be aware of him, and we should protect ourselves from his

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punishment and his wrath. And we shouldn't allow ourselves to die,

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except in the state of la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I begin my foot by by asking Allah

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subhanaw taala first and foremost, to send blessings and prayers upon

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our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Wahhabi bynner Muhammad

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in wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman Kathira

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Ahmedabad My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, As Salam aleikum

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wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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There is a beautiful dye

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that brings risk and Baraka that we want to learn be Nilla heat

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island, this hotbar. But before I talk about this,

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I want to give you a little background about this concept of

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So we're gonna be talking about what is the definition of risk,

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what risk, you know, even means, and then what are the types of

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So risk is not limited to wealth or to money. In fact, risk is

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beyond this risk in campuses wealth, having healthy children is

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risk. Finding comfort in your house is risk.

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Being able to come to the masjid and pray with with your brothers

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and sisters is risk. Having your parents present with you is risk.

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Having a righteous spouse is risk.

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Having good relationship with Allah subhanaw taala is an amazing

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And the issue or the challenge is when we think very narrow and

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consider one of those types of risk as the whole risk, then we

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really look at our lives and think that Allah subhanaw taala did not

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shower us with the risk that he promised.

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And we get sad, and we get depressed. And we live the rest of

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our lives thinking that we did not accomplish that we didn't achieve

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that risk.

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That risk was aimed wasn't achieved.

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Rather we think about risk is beyond just one item.

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Now, knowing that provision is not limited to one of those items that

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I mentioned, and by the way, there's so many other items of

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items that we know and items that we don't even know and Allah spoke

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about this idea of risk in the Quran very clearly.

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But now, I guess how can we divide risk according to you know, the

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scholars and the machete of our throat they give beautiful

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explanation about the different types of risks. Imam Ali Baba

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Allahu Anhu he said a risk. Now I am

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risk on top global who worries cognac Lubuk for amoris Coletti

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the global who falen Yeti la que Illa beside What am Marinescu a

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levy of Bluebook society Eleiko Allah Allah Allah afek I will add

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lumen Allah while Airhart fog lumen Allah.

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He said there are two types of risks, the first type of risk, a

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risk that you actually put the effort and the pursuit for. So

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you're looking for a job, you make sure you make sure that you're

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actually ready to get that job. You get you you know the rhythm

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They don't you knew you you learn a new skill that you can actually

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qualify you for that job, you knock the doors, you put every

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every thing possible, all the efforts to actually get the

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desired goals. That's the side. That's the efforts.

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And I live now Vitaly was saying that this is the first types of

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risk. And this this type of risk is actually for every single one

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in that planet for muslims or muslims, for the sinners for every

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single one. And that's out of the justice of Allah I live in Abu

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Talib said it's simple, you put effort, you get results.

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But there is another risk that he spoke about. And I think is very

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crucial to understand because Allah He brings a lot of karma

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it brings a lot of karma. Nina, when we really process the second

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type of risk,

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risk, that can actually

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it will reach you

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whether you're expecting it, or you're not expecting it,

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a risk that can actually is actually looking for it for you

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risk that can actually searching for you.

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I believe that butala said, Yes, this risk exists.

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And if we think about this, I divide the second type of risk

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into two categories as well. Number one, that will feed

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throughout your process. You're looking for marriage, the side is

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to do what is to work on yourself, mentally, emotionally,

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financially, spiritually, and you have clear requirements about who

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you want to marry, that's yourself.

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But there is risk that will actually find you. And that is the

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Taufiq of this process. Meaning that Allah actually bring you

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someone who you actually would love and that you find, you know,

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comfort and tranquility with

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this is a risk that Allah subhanaw taala brings to you

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not because of your effort, but because of his father of his

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And then remember, the first one, you put your side you get results,

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the second one risk that actually will find you. And that second one

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is divided into two, the first one Tofik and the process. And the

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second one is risk that you're actually did not expect and you

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have nothing to do with that risk in terms of you know, your

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pursuit, your effort. Having healthy children, you did not put

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any effort for this. Allah has given you that risk. Allah has

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sailed you that risk, and this risk found you having a brilliant

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child, this is a risk that Allah subhanaw taala has sent it to you,

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even though you did not put the effort for

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I found the life of Prophet Musa alayhis salam is amazing to

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describe this risk very well. If you think about Prophet Musa

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alayhis salam is life, somebody who was you know, accused by

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murder. He was exiled from Egypt. And he was in a situation where he

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was very, very unsafe.

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Knowing that Pharaoh for our Pharaoh, as a tyrant, he is

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looking for him, his soldiers are looking for him. And if they

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actually find him, they will kill him.

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And then at the same time, Farah, you know, Prophet Musa says, as he

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leaving Miss Egypt at that time, he was jobless.

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And he was homeless.

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And he didn't know what to what to do.

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Yes, he put his effort by actually leaving that place because he did

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not want to put his life in a risk. So he left that place, and

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he left Egypt. So that's the first step into that effort. But he

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didn't know what is he going to be doing? until he reached my median.

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And imagine, he just, you know, he was taking a rest, it was

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extremely hot. He was just taking the rest under the sheet of the

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And finally he found that water that he was looking for.

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And then he was just processing this what exactly I should do now.

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I put everything possible that I can do.

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And now I'm not sure if I'm going to be you know, able to survive.

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No shelter.

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Extremely, extremely unsafe. Thinking about possibly somebody

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will will find him and kill him. No family, so no support system.

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No one is really giving him that comfort, no money.

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No shelter that can actually protect him from the heat.

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it's really hard to process

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and the Prophet Musa at this moment Subhanallah he was thinking

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about the risk of Allah subhanaw taala that will reach him. He was

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very firm. He was a firm believer, firm believer that Allah will take

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care of him.

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And then he found just two, these two ladies are a little bit, you

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know shying away from being around the men while they're getting the

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water. And the Prophet Musa alayhis salam, that's another

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pursuer another effort that he has put. And he didn't know if they're

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actually, you know, compensation for what he's doing or not. But

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even with, you know, navigating all of these hardships, he still

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did not forget about you know, giving height at that moment

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that's so hard by the way. Because it is so easy to give hive but in

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when you really facing you know, obstacles in your life ups and

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downs when you it's really down. It's so hard to give at that

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moment. But Prophet Musa alayhis salam made sure that he actually

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helped those two sisters to get the water.

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Now he has done his his son with this side, he did not forget about

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making dua to Allah for this risk to reach him.

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This is very important. He has made that dua to Allah subhanaw

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taala mentioned the social causes meeting Allah Tala. We're going to

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start very soon beetelite Allah somehow after about social causes

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Inshallah, after Isha beautiful surah he has made dua to Allah

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subhanaw taala, to bring him that risk as he's leaving Egypt.

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Now, what happens next is very beautiful, because the risk of

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Allah subhanaw taala had reached Prophet Musa alayhis salam. So

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first, they took they took Prophet Musa to their father,

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and the father of the two ladies, the first thing he said to Musa

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alayhis, salam, he told him lack a half Nigel terminal, call me

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volume in first. The first risk here is that is the emotional

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support. He told him, Listen, don't worry, don't be scared

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hulless you're away from this tyrant. You're here in a safe

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place. And it's so sweet to hear this from a man who's really

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feeling unsafe and escaping from that, you know, land of injustice.

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And all of a sudden finding this man giving him that comfort, don't

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don't worry, I got you, you're gonna be out my house, you're very

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That's the first risk that Prophet Musa alayhis salam received from

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the Father of those two ladies. And then the second risk that he

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got, he offered him a job. Now his his pursuits, remember, he helped

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them with the water. So the so that he's actually a man who's

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strong. And at the same time, he's a man with honor, who did not, you

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know, allow two women just to be isolated, and you know, and not to

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get the water. So he actually helped as a man. Right. So the so

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two qualities and Prophet Musa alayhis salam, the first quality,

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a man of honor, and the second quality, a man whose trunk, so the

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told their father, hire this man, get him, you know, give him a job.

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He's strong, and his honor, and he has proved.

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Now look at the site and look at the beautiful results. And the

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third thing, you actually got to marry as well.

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He got to marry, you got to establish a beautiful family.

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And he found in this family, again, some emotional support,

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after all of the, you know, incidents that took place that

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really made him feel unsafe and insecure.

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the risk that really you know, hate Prophet Musa alayhis salam,

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and Allah has brought it to Prophet Musa even though Prophet

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Musa didn't even think about it. And that's the beauty of the DUA.

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That's why we're learning today right?

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When Allah has made him a prophet,

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now you get a job because you are jobless good, you put effort for

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it. hamdulillah right. You put your pursuit, you got some

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results. You got married, have hamdulillah but now he is a

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prophet. And in addition to this, he was Kelly moolah, he got to

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speak to Allah subhanho wa Taala directly.

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I guess the lesson behind the story

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Prophet Musa alayhis, Salam a don't despair from the mercy of

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Allah subhanaw taala and know that the risk will reach you

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be did not shy away from putting all of your efforts because you

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never know

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what comes next. And Allah will give you up because he's the admin

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so he will give you, you know what you're aiming for according to

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your effort.

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See, there is a risk. That's right there that's looking for you and

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waiting for your dog. So let's learn that. Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, one time he was you know, after making wudu he was

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standing and Abu Hurayrah or the Allahu Anhu came to him and asked

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him, he said to Prophet ya rasool Allah, I heard you saying a DUA,

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and I'm not sure if you have said it, just the way I say it or not.

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He wanted to verify the words of the Hadith of the DA.

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So so Allah said to Abu Hurayrah, what is this dua? He said, I heard

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you saying, Allah Huma, if you leave them D, while we're Sara

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Lee, daddy, were bad. cliffie received three things that he

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asked them, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, Allah subhanaw taala three

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things, Allah Who Elfi Lee, then be what was Sara Lee? Daddy webedi

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cliffie Respect, beautiful da ya Allah forgive my sins, that's the

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best risk that you get in the ACA.

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And then he said, Yeah, Allah make my house. Spacious. Not only

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spacious in terms of size, but comfort, you know, give me comfort

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in my house, give me a tranquility, let me feel serene on

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my house. So you may be in a spacious house, but you're not

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feeling you know, tranquil in this house.

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So he had he asked Allah subhanaw taala to give him that comfort in

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his house. And then he said, and basically furiously all types of

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risks that we're talking about all the provision that Allah provides.

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Just bless it with brackets, just let me enjoy those risks. So I'll

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say that again, being the light Allah, Allahu elfy. Li them be.

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Where was Sara Lee daddy? Were bad. cliffy, risky Akula cola.

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That was tough Rolla Hollywood.

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Sulla Rahman Rahim o salat wa salam ala Rasulillah. While early

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he was happy he was sending to Sleeman kathira. We woke up today

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in the morning with devastating news. And that was the passing of

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somebody who left a huge impact huge legacy behind everybody who

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interacted with Dr. Salim Sulaiman, Hawk loved him.

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The youth loved him. Everybody loved him used to give even this

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healthy, you know, subhanAllah NASA to the people around he was a

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doctor. He was a heart doctor used to advise the youth stay in shape

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be healthy, just left a tremendous impact and heif to the communities

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in in Dallas and Subhanallah even across this country, brothers from

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New York brothers from New Jersey brothers from Boston here ici viic

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Everybody loves doctor so they might have want to

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to make up for Dr. Solomon hug for Allah subhanaw taala to accept him

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with the righteous and for Allah subhanaw taala to make his legacy

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that he left here very known in the heavens in the sky. Allah

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Masha Allah who are humble wifey he was one who was a creme Newsela

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who was

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just in the engine bay lawmen Ken Emerson and visit V center when

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kanimozhi and fidenza was unhireable al Amin la maxilla. We

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met your third your bullet on up to him as an OB will Hatha Yoga

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can I NACA thermal Obeah Domina Denis long mabille who died on

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high ramen daddy while and higher ramen le was Iran and Hiram

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Giovanni Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Habib Muhammad

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wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam to steamin cathedral welcome

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