Yasir Qadhi – Will I Be Held Responsible For an Oath That I Wasn’t Able To Fulfill – Ask Shaykh YQ #153

Yasir Qadhi
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A man talks about his responsibility as a Islamist and how he has not been able to fulfill his Yemenia mean oath. He talks about breaking an oath and giving a co-fighter to help him, but he is not allowed to do so. The man also mentions the importance of breaking the oath and giving the co-fighter to help him.

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			My brother, always see, we see emails from South Africa martial arts about our goal and by the way,
I love to read where your emails are coming from. So when you email me, please email me a state or a
location. And it's something that it helps me to contextualize and perhaps even fine tune the answer
for you. So brother away see from South Africa, beautiful land that have been there many times and I
look forward to visiting soon again, a shout out to either he says that he made an oath In the name
of Allah subhana wa Tada. He made a person that if he did such and such a deed, he doesn't he didn't
tell me what it is in the oath that he would pay such and such amount of sadaharu charity. Then he
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			says that I have done this deed, but I'm unable to pay that quantity of charity. I have done the
deed, but I'm unable to pay that quantity of charity. So what should I do? One
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			out of seven, me poverty in Asia. No, he lay him first.
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			So the response is that this is something that is called a yameen. And you have not been able to
fulfill your Yemenia mean is an oath. Allah says in the Quran, law you are who do como la bella with
a monocle. Voila, can you ask her to come in via a man? Allah will not call you to task for your
frivolous oats. But a low will call you to task for that which you were solemn about. So a frivolous
oath, you understand by context? No, well, I'm not hungry. Now. No, I'm not gonna eat right now. You
just say it like this, you know, everybody understands that if food is put in front of you, you eat
from it, you're just saying like that. But when you say a solemn oath, and you say, will law he, I
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			swear by a law that such and such, you know, I'm not going to do that. And it's very clear from the
seriousness. And from the context, you making a custom by Allah subhana wa, tada, this is now an
oath, and you're obliged to fulfill it, unless, unless
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			you see something that is better for you. Or you're unable to like in this case, perhaps you put an
exorbitant sum of money, and then you're not able to do that, in which case, you must make a cafaro
you must make a explanation of your oath and a lot. And the Prophet system said, by the way, that
whoever gives an oath and a custom, and then he sees that there's something better than his oath,
then let him break the oath and give the photo for the oath. Allah has made a way out for us the
process and has made a way out for it's a beautiful thing. So for example, suppose you were very
angry at your friend, very angry at your friend, that whatever he did, and you got very angry, and
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			you said to him, I swear by a law I will never visit your house again. And I'm never going to step
foot in your house and I'm never going to have food with you again, spell that this is not a good
oath. It's not a good oath at all. You should not do it, you should not have done it, but you did
it. Now what are you gonna do? You're supposed to break the oath and give the co founder of the
oath, and then men do away with your brother again. How does one meant How does one do the kafala it
is in the Quran very clearly. Allah says in the Quran, that if you are going to break an oath for
cofounder to who are more I shall Altima Sakina mean Oh, salty metal dreamin, alikum hokey swear to
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			whom out the Hydra. Acaba familia de mujer for cm with alethia yam that he could have followed a
medic with the head of one wife although a mannequin feed 10 people feed 10 poor people the average
amount of food that you feed your own families to or give them clothing how you give your own you
know family or free a slave. And if you cannot do any of these three things, then you fast three
days. So Allah mentions four things the third of them is not possible not because there are no more
milkman anymore. So you either feed 10 people so whatever is your meal. So you have rice and meat as
your average meal okay? Or in America you have your burger and fries as your average meal or in Sir
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			Do you have a shorter man whatever as your average meal, you take that average meal and 10 people 10
poor people, you feed them and you make the Nia This is your co founder or you buy 10 outfits, so 10
average clothes, pants and shirt or silver show Archimedes and you distribute to the poor. Or if
you're not able to do these to not able to afford to do that, then you fast three days. If you
cannot afford you don't have the money to buy then you fast three days and then you may break your
oath and then do what needs to be done. So this is how one abstain or how one breaks the oath if
need to be and a lot of den says wife although a man can guard your or don't just break it for no
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			Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best