Yasir Qadhi – What Happens When You ask Allah for Forgiveness

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The concept of Mo Farah is discussed, with Mo Farah being far from everyone and his actions designed to prevent harm from others. The use of certain names in the Bible for Mo Farah's concept is emphasized, including Yaga, Yaga's Yaga, and Aloni. The speaker emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and promises to continue living what she got, despite struggles with forgiveness such as the queen of all evil, king of all evil, and the king of all evil.
AI: Transcript ©
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Well then

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many Mina most Nene smell Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah who Allah Allah He was so heavy you want to Allahabad,

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recited? Surah no today and in it we learned that the prophet nor told his people for call to sell Fedora back home and now who cannot have a thorough Northside set to his people to repent to Allah and seek his forgiveness for Estelle Fedora back when Nora said to his people do is still fall to your Lord. He is indeed the One Who forgives and then know how to his salaam gave multiple blessings when you do still follow. What happens when you do is still thought you will silly sama la COVID Aurora Allah will send the skies with plenty of rain, you will see the same Alico Madura while you did Combi and one Allah will increase your money, what Bonnin and your children will come and how

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Allah will give you rivers where gyla come and Hera wedge Alcon

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Jonathan wedge alicona Wedge aliquam Janet Bucha hola como and Hara, I mixed it up with Allah congenita Allah will give you gardens where jonkman Hara and Allah will give you rivers. Now this ayah is used, as we all know, to indicate that is still far also has worldly blessings. As we're all aware, this is very clear, that is still far is not just something that we do to forgive our sins. It is also something that is done to procure blessings, and it is also something that is done to prevent harm from coming to us. So is still far. Today's short, hotter, some tangential benefits. First and foremost, what exactly is it is still foreign means to ask for Mo Farah is still foreign

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means to ask for month. And month Euro means referral means to cover up so that the item that you've covered up will not be harmed, and harm others allow for a means to cover such that the item that you cover, it's not going to be harmed, and it will not cause harm you are protecting. And that's why in Arabic, the helmet is called a mill farm because it's protecting your head. It's called the middle farm. That's the concept of Mo Farah. So when we want more Farah, what we are asking for is that our sins are protected so that they do not harm us. Our sins are covered up, our sins are locked if you like, okay, they're just put aside so that we are not harmed by the consequences of

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our own sins. So that's what is still for our means to ask Allah for that level of protection is still far is done, by all by it by any in any time of the day, and by any wording that indicates it, of the most important and simple wordings are still federal law. This is something that is well known, but also of the ways that Mo Farah is asked is by asking Allah through one of His Names linked with Mo Farah and there are at least five such names in the Quran that are linked with the concept of Allah's Mo Farah of these names are afar and Allah for and Rafi to them. And what's your URL Mo Farah and zu l Mo Farah. These are five at least five there's more than this. These are five

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names in the Quran. That if we want Mo Farah Allah has told us use these names Yaga foul il fiddley Yahoo fool ill fiddly ya see al Mo Farah? Yeah half Euro them. Yeah, then Mo Farah. All of these and also there's you can add six as well. highroller often in the best who also does mofetil. Allah mentions all of these names, so that we use those names when we ask for monk Pharaoh. And these names are in each way beautiful in their own ways. So far means the one who continuously covers up the sin no matter how many sins we have done. God far does not count the quantity of times he keeps on doing it. Love four does not look at how large the sin is he can still cover it up. So how far is

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for quantity the food is for quality of food is for size and Allah is both a far animal for raw food with them the one who forgives the sins. The will model Fira, the one who owns Mo Farah Okay, wha sir Amalthea the one who's mafia is vast, Hyrule Hafid in no one can

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Do molfetta Better than Allah. So these are all names that we should use. Also there are specific Diaz that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam taught us, and I'll just mention two of them time is always against working against us. The number one dua that we should all memorize. It is called say you don't steal far. It is called the queen of all dua VISTA far, and it is recorded in Bukhari and Muslim and it is a whole paragraph of dua, I've actually when we did sai Bahati, the class here at Epic, I went over it, you know, in the entire detail, that In summary, what it does is that it acknowledges, the servant acknowledges that Oh Allah, I come to you as a servant and a sinner. Oh

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Allah, I confess that you have given me plenty, every blessing I harvest from you. And I confess Oh Allah, that I have still sinned, Ebola Cubbon arithmetic were aborted with them be I'm not going to go forward, forward. It's too long, but you can go over the concept is, you express your servitude to Allah, you express, Oh Allah, You are my Lord, You created me, you are the one that is in charge of me. There is no god other than you. I admit to Allah, every blessing I harvest from you. And I confess that I have fallen short, and I have sinned. So Oh Allah, in light of my testimony that you are the rub. Oh Allah acknowledging you have given me everything. Oh, Allah admitting I have fallen

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short, I still turn to you. Because the DUA says none can forgive other than you so memorize that say don't is too far. And the second dua that is very beautiful and important report it in them was so that I covered Hakim and other books of Hadith as well, that a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said yeah rasool Allah I have done a sin I have been destroyed I've done something Hollis I'm gone. He didn't mention what it was. So the prophesy centum said repeat after me.

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And this is a beautiful drought that it was that Oh ALLAH in Nemo Farah Chaka Oh settlements the Ruby were in Naramata Ortigia in the min Amelie okay. That in Rama taka in the mouth Farah taka Oh Celmins. Ruby. Your forgiveness is larger than my sin. In no Mo Farah taka Oh salmons Ruby. Were in Nara, Metallica, Algeria in demon Amelie, and your mercy is more hopeful for me than all the deeds that I have done. You can memorize this in English it doesn't matter that languages are all the same when it comes to drop. Oh Allah, your mouth Hera is larger than my sins simple right? Oh Allah your mouth Farah is larger than my sins and your Rama inspires me more than my own actions. Simple right?

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That's the DUA in Arabic or translate in English. Oh Allah your mouth Hara is larger than my sins and Allah Allah your Rama is giving me more hope than anything that I can do. So forgive me. So the man said it. The president said Say it again. He said it. The Prophet said Say it again. He said it. Then the prophets of Allah wa salam said you may stand and leave ALLAH has forgiven you. Simple dua to the point. Oh Allah my deeds cannot compete. Your Mo Farah is needed for my sins and your Rama is needed for My Mercy my deeds are not going to give me that when you acknowledge that then you have perfected the is still far so we ask Allah subhana wa Tada for under the FAR and the doodle material

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and the worst ailment Farah and the Hyrule offering and the love for them to forgive our sins. We confess to Allah subhana wa Tada that every blessing we have is from him, and we admit we have fallen short in our service to Him and we have committed plenty of sins and we beg Allah azza wa jal for forgiveness because none forgives other than Allah. So we ask Allah to forgive us our sins and inshallah will continue in our next heart that was set on wanting to live what I got

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