Yasir Qadhi – Two Types of `Aql The Intelligence of the Mind and the Soul

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of "monster" in the title of the book "stedler's equivalent" to describe the same experience as the book "stedler's equivalent". They also discuss the "outcome of the soul" and the "has been met" meaning "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of "has been met" of
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Smith Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Ernie he also be a woman who Allah Hammerberg Shala very short reminder we see around us today, especially in our modern world, we see people have such great intelligence, they can do amazing things, their accomplishments are clear for all of us to see they can go to the moon and back. Yet for some reason that intelligence doesn't seem to benefit them when it comes to human when it comes to spirituality. In fact, one of the arguments that a lot of atheists used against religious folks is that the majority of the scientific community, the majority of those, you know, the top level thinkers are actually not believers in

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religion and God anymore. And perhaps this is true in the Western world. It's not true in the overall world. But perhaps in the Western world, surveys have shown that a large percentage of those that are at the top in terms of their intellectual genius and acumen, perhaps spiritually they are not upon any faith. So they use this as a hedge as an evidence. What are we to make of this dichotomy of this difference between the clearly intelligent minds that so many people have, and yet the bankruptcy at the same time of the soul? The response to this actually is very profound it is in the Quran.

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We learned from the Quran, that there are two types of actin. There's two types of intelligence. By the way, footnote here before I move on with the two types, the Quranic terms for intelligence, the Arabic terms for intelligence are very profound and deep. Aachen is the main term that is used after and after that is actually linguistically it is the halter that you put on a camel or on an animal. So that halter that strap, you know, you hold something in an animal that is actually called actin. That's what it comes from, right? And the reason why your intelligence is called alcohol is that your alcohol should stop you from acting foolishly. This is why Apple is called Apple, like that

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harness on the animal keeps the animal in check, right? You hold that harness on the horse, and you make sure the horse is rightly guided that is called Aachen. So the Arabs pre Islam, they called intelligence from that, because the intelligent person knows to go straight and not to go here and there. And the word taboo is also used until the biryani from Deborah to go back and forth. So to the board, you take the same fact. And you look at it from many different angles. This is to the board, you don't just move on quickly. Superficially, you spend time you examine this is the dub board. And the term tack core is also used a Falletta karoun and Turda core is reflection that

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brings about a change in the soul. You it's in the English we say a spiritual epiphany, like a knowledge that causes an impact on you that is that occurred anyway, these are some terms that the Quran uses very profound terms. Now we said there's two types of defect quota to the board. There's two types of alcohol in the Quran. And the terms I will use because the Quran doesn't differentiate specifically their terms I will use we can call it the superficial intelligence and the spiritual intelligence, okay, the superficial intelligence. This is the intelligence of this world. This is the intelligence of understanding the creation around us. This is the intelligence of getting to the

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moon and back that's intelligence of this world here. That intelligence call it the intelligence of the mind if you like it is not directly proportional. And it is not even necessarily linked to the spiritual intelligence. The spiritual intelligence is the outcome of the job not the outcome of the mind. This is the key difference here because we believe the call by Alvear I mean soul I don't mean the pulsating, by the way, just like there's a physical element. There's a spiritual called Same thing here. There's a physical act that's up here. And then there is a spiritual outcome, which is in the soul, the spiritual outcome is function. And its methodology and its scope is totally

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different than the outcome of the body. Okay, doctor of the body. This is what we know up here, as I said, and this is the uncle that we study and examine and we go to new heights. When we go to college, we do our training, we learn our skills, that's doctor of the mind. And Allah has given the

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of the mind differently to different people. And these are talents that people have in the Koran the actual of the mind, the physical act of the superficial alcohol in and of itself. It is never praised. It is like any other thing like your wealth like your money, it can be good. It can be a fitna. It is like a blessing of this world, the physical act in and of itself. It is not bless it and holy just like wealth in and of itself. It is not bless it and holy, it can be a blessing and it can be a curse, just like physical strength. It can be a blessing, it can be a curse, just like health. So two intellectual accolades superficial actual physical outcome is the same in and of

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itself in the eyes of Allah. It is not praiseworthy, it is potentially praiseworthy, but it's not necessarily praiseworthy, what is the actual praiseworthy thing in the Quran, it is the spiritual akal it is the outcome of the world, it is the outcome of the soul, the account of the soul is very different than the color of the body, and you can have the color of the body and not have the appeal of the soul. You can have the color of this dunya and the color of the soul is dead. And this is what the Quran continuously affirms over and over again. Yeah, and the moon over here on mineral higher to dunya Herati homos if you don't, they know they have in of the outer mechanisms of this

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world. Allah has affirmed this is their AKA, they have an element of the VA here of this world. But when it comes to the ocular, they are completely hoffen their outcome of the mind did not impact the uncle of the soul that is disconnected. Likewise Allah says, That which I neither guru be him akin attend and yet a who who we have placed a covering on their hearts, so that their hearts do not understand notice their brains can understand this dunya the hearts cannot understand the spiritual realities. So placing the shower either placing the covering on the heart and yet a who who Allah says in the Quran, their hearts will not understand this is the outcome of the soul. This is the

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outcome of the insight and that's why it is very possible you have the outcome of the outer body and you don't have the outcome of the soul and it is very possible that you do not have a lot of outcome of the of the body but your output of the soul is mashallah diabolical, amazingly high. The two are not necessarily connected together. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, I'm the home Kulu Boon yaki Luna behalf don't they have hearts that they think by right in the Hala Tamil of sorrow while I can Tamil Kulu Bula Tito su it's not the eyes that are blind. It is the hearts in the heart that have become blind. This is what Allah subhana wa Tada is saying, the hearts have become blind. What does

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it mean here blind, it is the outcome of the of the heart of the inner being Now, question here. What is the relationship of the output of the body and the outcome of the mind response? It goes back to the purity of your own heart, the ideal relationship and this is the paradigm of the movement, like your wealth and your health. And every blessing you have. The more you have it, the more grateful you should be. And the more pious you should be. So the one who has a lot of wealth and he's giving sadaqa we are envious of him in a positive manner. We should be like him, the one who has health and he's always Kidman of other people. That's a positive thing. So to the one who

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has alcohol and his alcohol is in conformity with the shitty I leading him to the path of Allah that is a very positive thing. And that's why Allah subhana wa Tada wants us throughout the Quran, the main Kitab, or the main address to the article is to link the act of the body to the act of the soul of Allah to the Quran, don't you think? Don't you see? I will immune roofie Mallacoota sama? Don't you look at the creation around you. Mahalo hada elaborate. Allah didn't create this except with truth. So this is the act of the of the mind being led to the outcome of the soul, Allah saying, examine the creation, that examination which is the output of the mind, it should lead you ideally

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to the outcome of the cult. Therefore, if we are believers in a lodge all of us are here. Then the more accurate of the mind we have the more our Eman and Allah should go up. The more knowledge we have a science of physics of chemistry of astronomy of biology, the more we understand the mahalo heart of Allah. The more Eman we have in Allah subhana wa Tada because our Article of the mind has led to the outcome of the cold and that is the ideal the combination, but the actual of the mind and the column are not necessarily connected. And as Allah says, you can have a shower, you can have a seal, you can have a covering that blocks the action of the mind from affecting the color of the

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world. And therefore you can go to unprecedented heights with the color of the mind and your called has no color whatsoever. And this is what we see the reality around

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Thus, contrast to this, you might not have much of the mind there are people that are illiterate, uneducated peasants, they really don't understand much of this dunya they might be innocent in their valleys, jungles living like this. And yet their Eman is better than many of us, all of us in this room, their Eman and their emotional, spiritual intelligence, their understanding of the purpose of life is better than all of us combined. And that's why my hubby says that Allah does not care about the intelligence of the arrogant one. And Allah loves the intelligence of the people of those whom people think are foolish what he means by this, the intelligence of the arrogant one is like the

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scientists who reject God. Allah doesn't care about that. Okay, what what has your in benefited you? How has your income of this dunya benefited you on your journey to the akhira and the one who has no knowledge of this dunya doesn't know how to solve the most basic equation can't even read and write, but they have the Akal of the club. That is the alcohol that is praiseworthy, and that's why great philosophers of our tradition towards the end of their lives, they repented from this article of the mind. You know, Imam Al joined he famously remarked that, you know, I spent my whole life thinking about philosopher, and now I die. I die upon the religion of the old ladies of Nisha pool. That's

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the man I want the old lady's a mudra Dini idea is in Asia poor, the elderly ladies the Auntie's of Nisha food, that's the man I want. He was a philosopher, one of the greatest, you know, of our tradition. And he spent 60 years writing books, this and that, at the end of his life. He goes, You know what that path did not give me the certainty that these aunties of Nisha put up. That's the outcome. And that's the amount that I want. This is the interesting point here. So to conclude, and to summarize this point, the reason why so many people of our times seem to be so intelligent is because they are intelligent. But it is not the intelligence that is praised in the Quran. It is the

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intelligence of the mind, just like the physical body can be strong and spiritually, walk clockwise or morally bankrupt, right? How many people they go to the gym every day, their bodies are physically fit, but their luck, their kindness, their compassion, completely missing. This is the same analogy. There are those who are super smart of the mind. They know things that amaze all of us here, but they have not utilized that intelligence to tap in to the spiritual intelligence. So they are spiritually intelligently bankrupt. Of what use is that this is the reality we see. And Allah azza wa jal says these people, there is a barrier between that article and this article. That

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article will not benefit this article, the message of the Quran, we should take the outer ankle, the ankle of the mind, the anchor of the body, we should take that ankle and tap it in channel it to the anchor of the soul, as Allah says in the Quran as well that it effect Karuna for Hulk SMRT. What are the believers are those they think they have different core About the mclucas About the heavens and earth, then when they see the mahalo heart of Allah when they study science, immediately, Rob banner Mahabharata hada, Baltierra, from the occult of the mind, you are led to the act of the soul from the difficulty of the macro art, you get to spirituality, this connection is what Allah wants. And

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that is the praiseworthy article, the article that leads to the book that the font home that at the core of the heart, that is the anchor that we want. Therefore, don't be surprised brothers and sisters, don't be surprised when you see such massive intelligence. And yet people reject God or people worship mahalo odd, or they worship idols or they worship a cow. Don't be surprised, don't be surprised, that is the outcome of the mind. And they have made a barrier between the outcome of the mind and the culture. And as for us, we thank Allah Hamdulillah that we have Insha Allah, at least enough Aquila of the culture know Islam, but now we have to keep on improving and increasing and the

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ideal point each one helps the other. There's a combination. The more we study, the more we know, the more we should believe in Allah put our trust in Allah worship Allah may Allah subhana wa Tada, makers of the alkylene and we seek Allah's refuge from being of the Jai hidden as Allah says in the Quran, by the way, we'll call you lacunas Maru or Nakuru, Mokona feels herbicide. If we only had alcohol we wouldn't be in Jahannam which Apple is Allah talking about? About the appeal of agenda, the appeal of the call? These are super smart people. They end up in Jahannam and they say lacuna nesma Oh now pillow if we only had alcohol we wouldn't have ended up here. They had alcohol of the

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body. They did not have access to the soul. We see cold as refuge from being in that category. Zach moolah Fitz and Mr. Mohammed Sula, who bought a gadget

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